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Bad Collin

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Everything posted by Bad Collin

  1. I think unless Adam rewards more rounded wrestlers with better match grades then minmaxing the 750 points is always going to be the way to go. 750 has always been the number and has provided a good challenge in previous years, until people get into the endgame we don't know whether this is still the case or not. Woohoo! 1k posts.
  2. @Goliathus nailed it. The minmax way of 75 points to key skills is still the best way of completing RTG. Quick gen gives more points overall but the game doesn't care about that if a worker have 50 brawling, 50 tech and 50 aerial they will perform worse than a worker with 75 in one of those stats. Quick gen is more of a flavour thing and an added challenge.
  3. Dearheart promo; Darkhearts will return next month! Rating: 27 Rachel Dearheart came to the ring to cut a promo, she announced that Dwayne Dark and The Darkhearts are returning next month! Rachel said that she has been tasked with creating a fearless, fearsome Darkhearts team for the Three Lions Tournament. From her mannerisms it doesn’t seem like it is going very well. Konrad Makinen defeated Red Dragon Rating: 31 After dispatching Rhys Vali last month, The Swedish Showstealer moved onto the second half of the Vali Dragons. Red Dragon has really slowed down now and it was sad to see him perform his formerly crisp move set so gingerly. Makinen didn’t mind though, he was always one step ahead and worked away at Dragon’s worn down knees until he slapped on the Swedish Grapevine for another win. Jasper Squires and Thea Davis defeated Glen Ward and Grant Taypen Rating: 46 There was a murmur of surprise around the audience when Squires and Davis came out together, this is not a tag team we had really seen before. They worked well together and seem to have a few spots worked out in training. Ward and Taypen are good grapplers and experienced hands and they held their own against Thea but neither had an answer for the size and power of Squires. The finish was beautiful; Davis hit her Flying Elbow Drop to Taypen on the outside of the ring and Squires nailed Ward with the Price Drop before pinning him. A very impressive win for this new team! Squires and Davis stayed in the ring, they obviously had something to say.... The World Wrestling Forum is born! Rating: 38 Things went from bad to worse for Ward and Taypen as the 6’10” 340lbs monster that is Travis Donovan ran down to the ring and started beating them up. Ward and Taypen managed to flee and Donovan stood in the ring with Squires and Davis. Squires said that he told his former mentor Leo Price last month that he was going to do things his way from now on. Squires is a man of the world and he doesn’t think that 3LW is seeing the big picture. Leo Price refuses to reach out and embrace the opportunities that the globalised world provides. That’s ok, said Squires, because we are going to do it for him. We are The World Wrestling Forum and we will bring the best of world wrestling here to 3LW! Jon Michael Sharp defeated Stefan Raynor Rating: 53 As the buzz around Squire’s announcement died down, Sharp and Raynor made their entrances for the main event. Between them, these two 3LW greats had six Grand Slam titles and both were confident of adding to that next month at the Three Lions Tournament. They had an excellent, close match with Raynor trying to hurt Sharp on the inside with big punching combinations and Sharp being elusive and abusive; using his superior speed to hurt Raynor with hit and run attacks. Eventually this was too much for Raynor and Sharp landed a picture perfect Flying Cross Body to pick up the three count. Price and Sharp posed to end the show, The Pride were big favourites to retain their Three Lions Tournament crown.
  4. Director Duckworth Three Lions Tournament Announcement Rating: 40 At the start of the show we were graced by the presence of the 6’6” 299lbs man mountain that is Lewis Duckworth. Duckworth was now Tournament Director Duckworth and he was dressed in a very expensive looking suit. Duckworth had an announcement about the Three Lions Tournament. Duckworth announced that all TLT matches will take place in one show on 30th November 2024 and the deadline for team entries is 28th November. Konrad Makinen defeated Rhys Vali Rating: 36 The New Assassins were expected to have a strong showing in the Three Lions Tournament and Makinen looked in fine fettle here. The Swede dominated Vali and defeated him by submission with the Swedish Grapevine after 10 minutes. Squires refuses to rejoin The Pride! Rating: 50 Leo Price came to the ring with a big grin on his face. Price said that he was delighted to announce that Jasper Squires had behaved exceptionally during his suspension from the Pride and he was here to offer Squires his place in the team back! Jasper came to the ring proudly clutching the King of the Jungle Trophy. Price congratulated Squires on his Grand Slam win and told him that he could have his place in The Pride back, subject to signing a damages waiver and agreeing to attend a violence awareness workshop. Price put out his hand but Squires refused to shake it. Squires got angry and told Price that he wasn’t going to agree to those conditions or any other conditions. Squires pointed at the King of the Jungle trophy and told Price that this success, achieved on his own, means that he will play by his own rules now. Squires walked off leaving Leo Price quietly fuming in the ring. Thea Davis defeated Strife Rating: 30 We hadn't seen much of Thea since her expulsion from The Darkhearts last year but she was back in full effect now. Her great all round wrestling style was too much for Strife and she finished him with her stunning Flying Elbow Drop. Jasper Squires defeated Martin Heath Rating: 52 No one is quite sure why Heath made this challenge but it was clear early on that it was a mistake. Squires towered over his former teammate and outweighed him by about 100 lbs. Heath was brutalised for 20 minutes by Squires as Price watched anxiously at ringside. Heath kicked out of a few pinfall attempts after huge slams and wriggled out of the Price Drop several times as he mounted a comeback. Squires looked briefly shaken but then it was business as usual as he turned Heath inside out with a huge lariat and took back control of the match. Now Heath looked like a broken man and following three huge powerslams in a row Leo Price threw in the towel! Heath protested at first but Price led him away, presumably trying to protect him ahead of the Three Lions Tournament.
  5. Don't worry this is going to be a stat heavy diary. As for new workers coming in to compete for the Grand Slams...i'm trying to save up for when 21CW implodes.
  6. Holly interviewed Jon Michael Sharp Rating: 40 Holly Leves came to the ring to start the show. She interviewed Jon Michael Sharp before his Semi Final match. She wanted to know what Sharp thought about the situation with Jasper Squires and The Pride. Sharp said that he didn’t know what was happening with Squires or why he went so over the top with Dwayne Dark but he isn’t focused on that. He is two wins away from his record breaking fifth Grand Slam title and that is all that matters to him right now. King of the Jungle - Semi Final Jon Michael Sharp defeated Cannonball Logan Rating: 45 Jon Michael Sharp’s tactic of out wrestling high fliers is proving very successful and it worked again here. Sharp grounded Logan with leg locks and knee bars and Logan could never build any momentum. The one time that Logan got some offence going he whipped Sharp into the corner ready for the Logan’s Run but Sharp caught his leg and countered with a dragon screw. With Logan writhing in agony Sharp Grapevined the leg and turned Logan over into a Boston Crab position, a move he calls The Sharpshooter. Logan tapped very quickly and Sharp was through to the final of the only Grand Slam he had never won. King of the Jungle - Semi Final Jasper Squires defeated Stefan Raynor Rating: 47 Stefan Raynor had been saying on social media that this was the true test of young Jasper Squires. Raynor was the first ever King of the Jungle and had also won the Godiva Tag Classic alongside Zofia Jankovic. Raynor was as tough as nails and if he hit his Single Arm DDT the match was always over. Jasper Squires didn’t seem to care about any of that, he stood six inches taller than Raynor and outweighed him by 50lbs. Squires blew through Raynor’s defence, landing heavy punches and chops to leave his opponent gasping. After 12 minutes he powered out of an attempted Single Arm DDT and countered with an uppercut, setting up the Price Drop and a pinfall victory. A stunning win for Squires who had really come of age in 2024. Price warning for Squires Rating: 46 Leo Price came to the ring to talk to Jasper Squires, he reminded his protegee that his conduct was under review and he needed to fight fair against Sharp if he wanted to be readmitted to The Pride. Leo remained at ringside to watch the big fight. King of the Jungle - Final Jasper Squires defeated Jon Michael Sharp Rating: 48 The tension built as the former teammates stood toe to toe in the ring. Squires was once again the bigger man but he found Sharp to be quicker than Raynor and a lot harder to hit with his heavy handed punches and chops. Sharp also struggled with his usual tactics; Squires was not a mat wrestler but he was strong enough and big enough to prevent Sharp locking on any serious holds. In the end it came down to a mistake from Sharp. Sharp countered a lariat with a bicycle kick and grabbed Squires getting him in position for the Price Drop! Squires was furious at this disrespect and powered out before laying into Sharp with punches and kicks. Squires went up to try and hit Sharp’s Flying Cross Body, he nailed it! A huge move from the 285 pounder! Squires then hit the Price Drop and covered Sharp for the three count. Squires had won his first solo Grand Slam and he had done it fighting fairly.
  7. Zofia promo. Rating: 38 Zofia opened the show with a promo. She said that she doesn't want to win the Lightweight Title by pinfall, by submission or even by Knockout…she wants to make Martin Heath bleed. Zofia said that she wants to see the pride gushing out of Heath and then take his title. Tonight's main event was going to be a first blood match! King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Cannonball Logan defeated Grant Taypen Rating: 34 Logan’s quest for a Grand Slam win continued with a routine win over Taypen following a Logan’s Run. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Stefan Raynor defeated Glen Ward Rating: 36 Is the Angel Faced Killer slowing down? Or, maybe the quality of opposition is improving. Either way, Raynor made tough work of getting past Judo expert Glen Ward. Ward had Raynor trapped in his Judo Sleeper Choke on quite a few occasions and Raynor had to scramble to the ropes or find the inner resolve to power out. Eventually Raynor got some momentum and hit the Single Arm DDT for the win. Dearheart has a warning for Jasper Squires Rating: 44 Squires and Dearheart confronted each other in the ring. Squires said that following his revenge on Dwayne Dark they are now even. Dearheart replied that she can’t talk for Dark on this matter she doubts that he sees it that way, Squires will find out soon enough. 3LW Lightweight Title - First Blood Match Zofia Jankovic defeated Martin Heath Rating: 54 Heath seemed a bit lost in this match at first. The champion ran through his usual sequences of hip tosses and aerial moves but stopped before going for a pin and seemed at a loss about how to fight this match. After five minutes Zofia landed a heavy chairshot and the tone of the match changed. Now Heath got it and he used a chair himself, he put Zofia through a table and bashed her head off the ring post. Zofia hit Heath with a series of brutal kicks to the head and she probably could have pinned him if this was a normal match. This was not a normal match but Zofia was ready to go further, as Heath remained spread out on the mat she peeled layers of tape off her boot revealing a blade! Zofia gave the signal for her KO Head Kick finisher and as Heath stood she hammered the champion with it sending him to the canvas and busting him wide open! The referee noticed the blood and signalled for the bell, Zofa Jankovic was 3LW Lightweight Champion once again!
  8. Rachel Dearheart promo; Dark is out of King of the Jungle! Rating: 30 Rachel Dearheart comes to the ring and bursts into tears. Through sobs she explains that Jasper Squire’s brutal attack on Dwayne Dark last month has left him concussed and he has not been cleared to wrestle in the King of the Jungle Tournament. Dearheart is too upset to continue her promo and she leaves the ring as the crowd digest this huge news. Aurelian Bradley defeated AJ Barry Rating: 31 AJ Barry is a phenomenon, there is no other way to describe someone with such incredible aerial skills and such a good grasp of professional wrestling psychology after only a few matches. Barry may be a future Grand Slam winner but for now he is still a naive rookie and on this night Bradley rolled him up after countering a moonsault to win a very entertaining match. Price suspends Squires from The Pride! Rating: 50 Leo Price came to the ring and called out Jasper Squires. Price looked very serious as Squires made his way to the ring and immediately Price started berating his protegee. Price said was very disappointed at Squire’s attack on Dark. Squires said that it was revenge for the attack in 2022 but Price cut him off and said that this is not how The Pride operate. Price said he was suspending Squires from the Pride for three months when the suspension will be re-considered based on Squire’s conduct. Squires looked furious at this but said nothing and walked off. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Jon Michael Sharp defeated Jermaine Granger Rating: 46 The third Grand Slam of the year kicked off with this fast paced, high flying match. Granger is an excellent, agile prospect but quite limited and he couldn't match Sharp on the mat. Sharp worked Granger’s legs and ankles and since high flying is Granger's only weapon he was a sitting duck for the High Cross Body and the three count. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Jasper Squires defeated Konrad Makinen Rating: 55 This was a straight up ruckus and the crowd loved it. Makinen's antics have been a bit subdued since joining The New Assassins but the bite of his strikes has not lessened. Squires felt that bite in this match and gave Makinen the same treatment back. In the end though Squires was more confident and a bit more resilient and he landed the Price Drop to win and go through to the Semi Finals.
  9. August 2024 was a big month for Three Lions Wrestling. After our monthly show on the 11th we hit Tiny! Two and a half years seems like a long time to get there but progress is being made. Also, as of the end of the month, we have $187 in the bank account. The debt is finally cleared and we can start to build for the future.
  10. Regional Update: The British Isles is about to get very interesting! 21CW are dying, they are $2.5m in debt and losing half a million a month. They are still Big so nobody will be able to buy them out. They might survive for a few years because of how long they have been around but at some point they will implode and all of their stars will be free agents. Luckily for those soon to be unemployed stars there are plenty of places to work in the UK at the moment: Scottish Nation Promotions - Still small but moving steadily towards Medium. They signed Beast Bantom and Adam Matravers and are putting on very good shows. Championship Wrestling from Wigan - Curtis Jenkins is doing a fine job as champion and workrate wise they are the best promotion in the UK. Still at Tiny but growing slowly National Wrestling Federation - Started in August 2022 with $1m in the bank. Growth is very slow despite hosting stars like Ivan and Igor Ivanoff and Kelvin Badberry High Impact Wrestling - Opened in March 2024, still insignificant but putting on decent shows and of course... Three Lions Wrestling - Getting very close to hitting Tiny and the debt is coming down fast. The future is bright for Britwres!
  11. The Pride call out Squires. Rating: 45 The show opened with Leo Price, Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath calling out Jasper Squires. Leo asked Jasper what he was thinking by teaming with Dwayne Dark. Heath asked Jasper whether he is really going to team with Dark against himself and Sharp if both teams reach the final. Squires thought for a few moments then replied, with a slight flash of anger, that he would fight Heath and Sharp if it came to it. Squires said that he says he just wants to win Grand Slams and felt left out in the cold by the rest of the team. He reminded Leo and Martin that Sharp was quick to pin him in the Lion’s Share when the opportunity arose rather than trying to make it an all Pride final, a final he then went on to lose. His point made, Squires marched off to the back to prepare for the Semi Final. Godiva Tag Classic Semi Final Heath and Sharp defeated The New Assassins (Stefan Raynor and Konrad Makinen) Rating: 54 Many people thought that Raynor was making a big mistake by bringing a different partner to the Tag Classic after winning it with Zofia last year and so it seemed as The New Assassins crashed out of the tournament here. Makinen is skilled and entertaining but does not have the same level of dangerous offence as Zofia. As experienced tag team specialists, Heath and Sharp were able to avoid Makinen’s big shots and tire out Raynor. They finished the match with a burst of activity; Sharp landed a cross body on Raynor to send him flying to the concrete floor before getting up and hitting the Flying Splash part of the Disarmer to pin Makinen. Godiva Tag Classic Semi Final Dwayne Dark and Jasper Squires defeated Youth Bandits (Cannonball Logan and Ian Vincible) Rating: 51 This match was a foregone conclusion as soon as both Dark and Squires won slugfests with Logan and Vincible respectively. The Bandits used all of their experience to cling on as best as they could and there were a few comebacks in this 12 minute match but eventually Dark landed the Darkness Falls and the crowd went wild…the GTC final they all wanted was about to happen! Dark and Squires promo Rating: 43 Dark and Squires stayed in the ring to cut a promo before the final. They both talked about their desperation to win Grand Slams, starting right now by defeating Sharp and Heath. They were very intense, it was like they were competing over who wanted to win more. Rachel Dearheart looked a little uncomfortable standing between them. Godiva Tag Classic Final Sharp and Heath defeated Dwayne Dark and Jasper Squires Rating: 60 This was without a doubt the best 3LW match to date. Both teams showed excellent teamwork and intensity as they tried to fight their fight. Dark and Squires wanted a slugfest, they wanted to go to war with the lighter team. Heath and Sharp used their agility and speed to avoid the majority of the punches and slams being dished out by their bulkier opponents. Dark thought he had won it for his team when he landed the Darkness Falls on Sharp but Heath broke up the pin and gave Sharp enough recovery time to make the tag. After 22 minutes it was clear that Squires and Dark were getting frustrated. Dearheart had to intervene a few times to keep them on the same page and they were arguing in their corner when a double drop kick from Heath and Sharp sent Dwayne Dark into the ringside barriers. With Squires on his own temporarily, Heath and Sharp hit him with a double superkick then the Disarmer and pinned him for the three count. Heath and Sharp had won the Godiva Tag Classic for the second time and that was Sharp’s fourth Grand Slam title! Squires assaults Dark and busts him open with a chair Rating: 57 After the match instead of going straight to the back, Dwayne Dark came to check on Squires. It seemed to take Jasper a while to get his bearings but once he did he started to pummel Dark with fists and elbows! Dark was stunned and Dearheart was like a rabbit in headlights as Squires got a chair and smashed it over the head of his tag team partner. Dark fell to the canvas, he was busted open and Dearheart finally ran over and managed to stop Squires before he swung the chair again. Officials restrained Squires and took him to the back as Dark got medical attention.
  12. Dark reveals his Godiva Tag Classic Partner! Rating: 41 Dearheart and Dark came to the ring for the big reveal of Dwayne’s tag team partner. Dearheart built this up as a big deal; they had a smoke machine and everything! Out of the smoke appeared…. Jasper Squires! This really was a shock. Has Squires forgiven Dark for leaving him bloody in late 2022? What will The Pride make of this? Squires and Dark posed together as Dearheart beamed. Zofia Jankovic defeated Cain Carlile Rating: 48 Carlile’s recent success has come from being able to absorb any punishment and then hit the Mark of Cain from nowhere. In this bout however he could not absorb the sustained barrage of kicks that Zofia unleashed. Jankovic can also grapple better than Cain so everytime Captain Crash tried that method he had to scramble to the ropes to break the Belarussian’s hold. The finish came when Zofia rolled out of the way of the Mark of Cain and countered with a kick to the back of the head. With Carlile stunned she followed up with a KO Headkick and covered for the pinfall victory. Holly Leves interviewed Cannonball Logan who got the crowd hyped up and firmly behind his Grand Slam bid Rating: 28 Godiva Tag Classic Quarter Final Youth Bandits (Cannonball Logan and Ian Vincible) over Grant Taypan and Colin Picalo Rating: 32 The participants of this match had over 60 years of experience between them but the age of the wrestlers was evident from how slow the action was. Logan was the star of the bout and pinned Colin Picalo after landing the Logan’s Run knee in the corner. Godiva Tag Classic Quarter Final Dwayne Dark and Jasper Squires defeated The Funke Bunch (Finn and Flash Funke) Rating: 48 The crowd were on the edge of their seats to see Dark and Squires tag together. Would they turn on each other? Could they co-exist? The answer surprisingly was that they had excellent chemistry as a team and worked very well together. Finn and Flash tried their best to disrupt the action with their dancing antics and the match was badly affected by Finn dislocating his shoulder but Dark and Squires worked patiently towards the win which came after 18 minutes via a Darkness Falls/Price Drop combination.
  13. Darkhearts promo; Rachel Dearheart and Dwayne Dark came to the ring to start the show. Rachel said that Dark is once again 3LW's dominant force. They have a surprise for everyone next week. Rating: 40 Zofia Jankovic defeated Strife Rating: 45 Zofia continued her good form with a routine win over Strife. Strife had no answer to Zofia’s kicks and fell to a KO Headkick after a painful looking ten minutes. New Assassins Promo Rating: 30 Zofia's teammates in the New Assassins, Stefan Raynor and Konrad Makinen, came to the ring for a promo. Stefan congratulated Zofia on her win and predicted that she would dethrone Martin Heath and become Lightweight Champion very soon. While he was making predictions, Raynor continued to say that he and Makinen would retain the Godiva Tag Classic for the New Assassins. Godiva Tag Classic Quarter Final The New Assassins (Konrad Makinen & Stefan Raynor) defeated Vali Dragons (Red Dragon and Rhys Vali) Rating: 35 Raynor enjoyed a good start to fulfilling his second prediction as he and Makinen secured a comfortable victory over the Vali Dragons after Makinen made Rhys Vali tap out to the Swedish Grapevine. Godiva Tag Classic Quarter Final Sharp & Heath defeated Cain Carlile and Glen Ward Rating: 47 Carlile and Ward were a strange sort of team, clearly they came together in hope of shocking the preeminent tag team in 3LW but they lacked the teamwork to put together sustained offence against the Pride members. After 18 minutes Heath and Sharp landed The Disarmer and that was enough for them to advance to the Semi Finals.
  14. Hi, welcome to RTG and the forum! I don't see an issue with lightly modding the C-Verse. It's up to you how you take the challenge, I don't like to make any changes that make things easier but I don't think what you are suggesting would do that. I have been thinking about using the new eras system to add an optional 'chaos mode' but we are all still testing out the base challenge in the new game at the moment.
  15. Lion’s Share - Round Four Jon Michael Sharp defeated Dwayne Dark and Jasper Squires Rating: 53 The show opened with Round Four of the Lion’s Share tournament. All of the talk before the show was about whether Squires and Sharp could eliminate Dark and make it an all Pride final. Sharp and Squires did indeed work together but Dark was resilient and the teammates could not put him away. With more than 10 minutes gone and fatigue setting in, Sharp had a decision to make. Dark countered a Squires lariat with the Darkness Falls but took enough of the lariat to be sent out of the ring. Squires was staggered in the ring and instinct took over; Sharp hammered Squires with the Flying Cross Body and pinned him for the win. Squires was out and Sharp and Dark would contest the final. Sharp and Dark both had three Grand Slam wins each, who would be the first to four? Squires tells Holly that Sharp beating him was fair competition. Rating: 36 Jon Michael Sharp helped Squires to his feet and Holly Leves came to the ring, mic in hand. Holly asked if Squires was angry at Sharp taking advantage of him in the last match. Jasper said no, it was fair competition and he hopes that Sharp wins in the final. Cannonball Logan Promo; Logan said that he is proud of his extensive tag team career. He has always relied on others for success in the past but he is confident of securing singles gold tonight Rating: 31 3LW Lightweight Title Martin Heath defeated Cannonball Logan to retain the 3LW Lightweight title Rating: 44 The cordiality continued between Heath and Logan as they shook hands before the match and wrestled an energetic and fair contest. Logan was looking for the high knee in the corner he calls the Logan’s Run but Heath was too quick for the challenger. Heath eventually countered one Logan’s Run attempt with a slick tornado DDT and as Logan got to his feet Heath hammered him with the Flying Fist Drop. Heath covered and got the pinfall victory to make his third successful defence of the title. Logan’s wait for gold continued. Lion’s Share - Final Dwayne Dark defeated Jon Michael Sharp to win the 3LW Lion's Share Rating: 56 This was the third one on one meeting between these 3LW titans. Dark won the first during King of the Jungle 2022 by using brass knucks and Sharp made a point of making the referee check Dark and Dearheart for weapons before this match started. The second match was the last Lion’s Share final where Sharp made Dark tap out to the Flying Octopus hold after working on his arms and shoulders all match. The reigning champion tried the same approach this time but did not achieve the same level of success. Dark saw the holds coming this time and stamped on Sharp’s fingers, used an extensive array of shoulder breakers and generally did whatever he could to damage Sharp’s arms and weaken his grip. The bout turned into a slugfest and there was only going to be one winner. The match went 22 minutes before Sharp, exhausted and bloodied, stumbled into a flush Darkness Falls KO Punch and was pinned. Dwayne Dark had done it! He was now the first person to win the same 3LW Grand Slam event twice. On top of this he was the first to two event wins, three wins and now four wins. Even without Bret Heartbreak and Thea Davis, Dwayne Dark was the dominant force in 3LW.
  16. Price promo; he is proud of Heath, Sharp and Squires and he appoints Lewis Duckworth as Tournament Director! Rating: 44 Leo Price came to the ring to open the show. Price said that he was so proud of Heath, Sharp and Squires. Many teams would have used their Three Lion’s Tournament perk for revenge but they used theirs to make improvements to the company. Leo said he is delighted to accept the role as full time manager of The Pride and introduces the new Tournament Director….Lewis Duckworth! Price said that this may seem like a strange choice but, Lewis is more intelligent than he looks and, let's be honest, who is going to mess with this 300lb beast of a man?! Duckworth took over the mic and spoke brilliantly, introducing the Lion’s Share competitors and listing their accomplishments. Lion's Share - Round One - Dwayne Dark defeated Jon Michael Sharp, Stefan Raynor, Jasper Squires, Red Dragon and Glen Ward Rating: 43 The annual chaos of the Lion’s Share first round commenced with a roar from the crowd. As always the brawling spread across the arena and winning a fall took a moment of opportunism to get in the ring with your opponent in trouble. Jasper Squires was the man who managed that on this occasion, hitting Red Dragon with the Price Drop and pinning him to advance past Round One for the first time. Red Dragon was eliminated and the wrestlers took a short break before Round Two began. Cannonball Logan challenges Heath Rating: 32 Cannonball Logan was interviewed by Holly Leves. Logan said he was proud of his long career and wrestling all over the world but he regrets having never won a title. He made a challenge to Martin Heath for the Lightweight Title and Heath came out to accept. Logan and Heath shook hands, it was all very amicable. Lion's Share - Round Two - Jon Michael Sharp defeated Dwayne Dark, Stefan Raynor, Jasper Squires and Glen Ward Rating: 51 Five men remained in the Lion’s Share tournament and in round two Sharp and Squires worked well together. The Pride teammates protected each other and as Dark was brawling with Raynor through the crowd Sharp landed the Flying Cross Body on Glen Ward before pinning him and sending him out of the tournament. Four men remained and there was another short break before Round Three in the main event. Darkhearts promo; With barely disguised glee Rachel Dearheart announced that Bret Heartbreak and Thea Davis are gone. Dearheart says that she and Dwayne will rebuild the Darkhearts Rating: 33 Lion's Share - Round Three - Dwayne Dark defeated Jon Michael Sharp, Jasper Squires and Stefan Raynor Rating: 55 Stefan Raynor once again stood with Dwayne Dark against Sharp and Squires but this time for mutual self preservation rather than for financial gain. Dark and Raynor worked well together and got the advantage over the Pride teammates. However, Stefan is not the smartest man in 3LW and, as the match reached the twenty minute mark, he turned his back to Dark to taunt Squires and Sharp as they were sprawled on the concrete outside the ring. Stefan turned around straight into a Darkness Falls KO punch! Dark covered and the original King of the Jungle was out of the Lion’s Share!
  17. I just made a copy of my save to test out a weekly show and I got 70% of my monthly fans in, which is not too bad. If I had a big enough pool of really cheap workers it might be worth doing. This is with my cheapest of cheap workers: Overall, not worth it yet
  18. This is how I am gaming my way out of debt, I even gave my referee the night off for this one
  19. RTG Year 2 Update No in ring achievements this year so just the one roll. Grounded in Reality gives 'Tag Team Specialist' which is a very nice attribute to have. Still making steady improvements. Since I minmaxed my character, experience is the key thing to improve anyway. I started running monthly shows with my cheapest talent to try and get out of debt quicker so that will give him more in ring time. I still have a long way to go to get back in the black. I have stopped using a few of my international talents. I'm hoping that the monthly show helps me get my sponsorship up enough to be debt free by Jul/Aug 2024.
  20. RTG Year 2 Update No in ring achievements this year so just the one roll. Grounded in Reality gives 'Tag Team Specialist' which is a very nice attribute to have. Still making steady improvements. Since I minmaxed my character, experience is the key thing to improve anyway. I started running monthly shows with my cheapest talent to try and get out of debt quicker so that will give him more in ring time. I still have a long way to go to get back in the black. I have stopped using a few of my international talents. I'm hoping that the monthly show helps me get my sponsorship up enough to be debt free by Jul/Aug 2024. Edging towards Tiny.
  21. Cain and Table Rating: 43 Holly Leves came out to start the show and introduced Cain Carlile. Cain was excited, tonight was his big night. He had earned a Lightweight Title match of his choosing and he chose…..a tables match. The crowd were delighted with this, Cain was happy, this was going to be great. Squires over Red Dragon Rating: 33 There was some good chemistry between these two wrestlers but Red Dragon was extremely broken down after 25 years in the ring and as a result was fairly limited. Squires took advantage of this, his energy levels overcoming his inexperience and when he won a brawl with Dragon he followed up with a Price Drop and covered for the three count. Squires was riding high, he had just won his first Grand Slam and this was an excellent win over a wily veteran. Pride choose Price Rating: 45 The Pride came to the ring with their Three Lions Tournament trophies. Heath said that this win was the result of hard work and honesty but the journey is just beginning. Sharp continued to say that the three of them need more help to continue to win Grand Slams. Squires then announced that The Pride were using their perk to ask Leo to appoint a tournament director so he can manage them full time! Leo seemed taken aback at first but quickly agreed and The Pride proudly posed with their trophies. Sharp over Grant Taypen Rating: 43 Sharp and Taypen are both renowned as excellent technical wrestlers and they seemed to view this match as a showdown to determine whose holds were better. The crowd were behind Sharp as the more established star and he didn't let them down, he outmanoeuvred Taypen after 12 minutes and pinned him with a bridge. Tables Match for the 3LW Lightweight Title Martin Heath defeated Cain Carlile Rated: 48 Cain Carlile crashing through the tables at King of the Jungle had become a famous 3LW moment and tonight Cain hoped to create another famous moment by sending someone else hurtling through the hardware. Carlile had turned into a very good all round wrestler and at the start of this match he went hold for hold with the experienced Heath. The tables were set up as the match progressed and the crowd got more and more excited. Cain lay Heath on a table a few times but Heath was quick enough to get out of the way on every occasion. The end came when a tired Carlile hesitated on the top turnbuckle and got hammered by a Flying Fist from the champion. Cain fell out of the ring through a table on the outside; Heath remained 3LW Lightweight Champion!
  22. Heartbreak says he'll leave 3LW if he loses! Rating: 24 Bret Heartbreak came to the ring to open the show. Bret was in full diva mode; walking across the ring in an agitated manner spewing bile about Dearheart and Dwayne Dark. Bret said that Dwayne has never appreciated what he has done for him and he'll beat Dark tonight or leave 3LW! Cain Carlile defeated Thea Davis Rating: 39 Thea was the final hurdle on ‘Cain’s course’ and represented a tough challenge. Thea can throw a punch, her technical wrestling is great and if she lands her Flying Elbow Drop the match is over. Cain took everything Thea could dish out and in the end made his extra 30lbs count, using his strength advantage to bust out some power moves before hitting the Mark of Cain to gain a hard fought victory. New Assassins promo; they have swept aside The Darkhearts and The Pride are next in the crosshairs Rating: 35 Dark over Heartbreak Rating: 49 Dark came out first and stood in the ring, silently, waiting for Bret to finish his melodramatic entrance. Once the bell rang Dark wanted to brawl but Bret kept rolling out of the ring to avoid a fight. All the time Rachel Dearheart was screaming at Bret to fight and eventually she got under his skin and he stood toe to toe with the three time Grand Slam winner. Bret is an excellent brawler and once he committed to the fight he had a gripping back and forth battle with his former teammate. Eventually however, Bret got over confident and attempted a leaping clothesline. Dark was ready and punched Bret out of the air with the Darkness Falls! Bret slumped to the canvas and Dark covered, the three count was a formality and Bret regained consciousness to the sound of “na na na goodbye”. Three Lions Tournament - Final The Pride (Martin Heath, Jasper Squires, Jon Michael Sharp) defeated New Assassins (Stefan Raynor, Zofia Jankovic, Konrad Makinen) Rating: 52 Either Sharp or Raynor would end this match joining Dwayne Dark on three Grand Slams and both men seemed to lead their teams through this match. Zofia and Heath traded kicks and aerial moves (Zofia clearly still wants the Lightweight Title back), Squires and Makinen traded chops and slams but the match always seemed to come back to the personal battle between Sharp and Raynor. Sharp lost to Raynor in the King of the Jungle Tournament after an aerial move was countered and he was very careful here, making sure Raynor was not in a position to counter before taking to the air. Squires and Heath won their individual battles and with Zofia incapacitated on the outside and Squires brawling with Raynor around ringside, Heath and Sharp hit the Disarmer on Makinen and covered for the three count. The Pride had won the Three Lions Tournament for the first time!
  23. Love the concept, good luck with the restart. I have Red Dragon and Rhys Vali in my save. I like them because they have good chem as a team but dislike them because Red Dragon is really broken down and Vali has a lot of negative relationships.
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