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Everything posted by justtxyank

  1. What a disaster that's going to become. Now his punks are going to start antagonizing TNA. Brilliant move guys.
  2. Yeah he was a mistake to be sure. TNA was silly to get in bed with him. The problem with guys like him or any other shock jock, is any positives you get from their audience quickly turns into a burning case of genital herpes as soon as you do something to make them unhappy.
  3. Well, they SHOULDN'T have hired him in the first place. That said, I don't think they expected him to say F Haiti in the middle of one of the world's worst humanitarian disasters in the modern era. It would really reflect poorly on them if he we were to continue his association with TNA.
  4. Freedom of speech is the most misunderstood concept in America. The Constitution does not guarantee you the right to say whatever you want without repercussions. When you say things that can damage your employer's reputation, you better believe you can get fired.
  5. I didn't think they used him gimmick really from 03-09 very often. I didn't watch much E during this time period though. Anyway, I agree that gimmick is stupid and shouldn't be on tv.
  6. Val Venis was never a jobber comedy gimmick in his prime. LOL? He was the IC champ and a ton of tv time was devoted to his feud with guys like Shamrock and Goldust.
  7. I agree with you Hilton. For the first time in a long time I actually enjoyed a wrestling ppv pretty much all the way through. On Morley: What's interesting to me is that he has been a smark favorite for years. Anti-WWEites have pointed to him as proof that the E was stoopid. Here was this great worker not being pushed to the moon! The E ran a poll on their website a few years back to see who should get a world title shot, and Val Venis either won it or came close, entirely on smark votes. He goes to TNA and before he ever works a match, those same voices are deriding it as "WCW ALL OVER AGAIN OMG!!!" Give it a chance, dang! Now I will say that I hate that he is using his Val Venis gimmick still. I hate that gimmick and always have. If they would get rid of that crap I think he'd be taken a lot more seriously.
  8. Absolutely it was stupid when the Bulldogs brought an actual dog to the ring. And yes, Koko B. Ware's bird was stupid as well, but at least he was the "Birdman" and the bird and his vibrant colors matched what they were trying to do. Jake was different because the snake was really big and terrifying and it could legit hurt someone. The tarantula? It's dumb because it can't hurt anyone and when she puts it on someone's stomach it's like "ooooh gross!" I mean, it's just stupid. She needs to drop all the spider stuff. When she does the tarantula on the ropes it looks stupid as well. I get that his voice and personality draws him a lot of fans, I just don't care about it. His work in the ring is very generic. He's not flashy at all and he doesn't excel at any particular thing in the ring. I think it is going to lead to him being fired or something like that, it also played up the difference between Nash and those two. I think they are trying to get Sean Morley over with the TNA fanbase personally. I've never been a big fan of Daniels, so I have no problem with him losing to Morley, but I get why other people don't like it. To each his own I guess. Hogan was on for a total of what, 15 minutes maybe? Bischoff about the same? Considering the major storyline right now is Easy E and Hogan taking over, I thought they were necessary to be on the show. Maybe you just aren't a fan of either guy? I completely agree with this. The multiple finishers thing is so stupid. Especially the Angle Slam off of the top rope not ending the match. If you want to sell that, you need to do it the way DDP/Goldberg did it years ago where DDP was so worn out by the time he hit his move that it took him forever to make the cover. Angle hitting his moves and then making an instant cover for a 2 count is dumb. I couldn't help but "lol" last night when all that happened, including Angle hitting AJ with a Styles Clash. Hahaha.
  9. Scott Hall decided he was too fat to wrestle so he pulled out of the match backstage. To cover for it, TNA did a storyline where Easy E told Hall and Pac that neither had a contract with TNA and they had to earn it. Pac and Hall played rock paper scissors to determine who got to tag with Nash in the main event. Pac won so Hall wouldn't have to wrestle since he was embarrassed about how he looked in tights.
  10. Very strong ppv. The AJ/Angle match wasn't as good as the one on Impact, but still good. The heel turn was smart imo, and Flair working as his heel manager will be great I think. Rest of the show was all good. Weakest parts were Anderson/Abyss which was just boring and the knockouts match. ODB just isn't special and I hope they keep her out of the title picture now. The rest of that roster is so much more talented imo. Aside from Angle/AJ, the guys that stood out to me were Kendrick and Pope. Those two guys have a lot they do in the ring that I'm a fan of. I know Wolfe is the bigger guy right now, but I think Pope could easily be TNA's Booker T long term. I hope Kendrick sticks around long term as I really really liked what I saw out of him.
  11. Jeff hardy hasn't had anything to do with TNA since the January 4th episode right? I wouldn't bet money on him doing anything with them going forward.
  12. Good for TNA if people watch because of Anderson, but I really thought he sucked. He's just so generic and I've always felt that way about him. All he has is a good voice.
  13. That Shock Treatment move is pretty cool. The crowd is really dead for this match.
  14. I'm not sure he got the response Hogan thought he would.
  15. Never cared for Christian either. LOL the crowd is chanting overrated.
  16. He's probably fine, but I just don't see how he got this much hype coming in. He hasn't ever been much of anything.
  17. Wow. Abyss is the most neutered character I've ever seen. LOL. He's worse than Kane. Kennedy is here. BOOOOOOOOOOO
  18. Beer Money with the win, and Hall beats up a fan which can be used to fire him, and Nash doesn't like either of them.
  19. Love the crowd's treatment of Pac. They went after him hard when he did the Bronco Buster.
  20. I know Nash isn't well liked by the IWC, but he is one of the best selling big men in history imo. He takes moves very well.
  21. ROFL XPac heat alive and well. Crowd chants "Waltman sucks" and when they get tired of it they just go dead silent. LOL
  22. Quirky maybe what you mean? I'm glad he has fans, but he's always been a major turnoff for me. Most of the time I've watched Impact I've turned the channel off when he was on.
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