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Everything posted by justtxyank

  1. The Rock is also billed as Dewayne the Rock Johnson for the Toothfairy.
  2. I was taught that non-competes had to protect legitamete business interests.
  3. The "what" chants are the stupidest thing in wrestling and make me hate Steve Austin with a burning fire. I loved Vince calling out the crowd the week before for the idiotic "What" chants.
  4. I'd love to see this challenged in court. I'd like to see the WWE argue that they need non-competes to protect a legitimate business interest.
  5. That's a very limited right to work. You can either go to another country or change careers.
  6. I agree in theory, but I'd like to see somebody do it just because it's outrageous to me. Right to work all the way. As for the idea that it's Brock or Rock, both of those suggestions are absolutely ridiculous.
  7. Well to be fair, has anyone ever challenge the E on that 90 day non compete? And what state's laws would have jurisdiction? Is it Conneticut? I know in Texas the non-compete laws are not as strong as they are elsewhere.
  8. Kennedy has no drawing power so if TNA uses him as a big surprise they are stupid. He was a forced midcarder in WWE that people only cared about because of his stupid little microphone entrance.
  9. By all accounts, Bret has contemplated returning to the E now at least one other time that would have involved him wrestling. And while Vince has said he's done wrestling, I just don't buy it. It's obviously not guaranteed that the match will happen, but I see no reason to think it won't. And why would it take away from his legacy? People say this all the time about legendary figures in wrestling or sports, but the truth is it never does. Roddy Piper's legacy is in tact. Flair's legacy is in tact. Michael Jordan's legacy? In tact. Hogan's legacy? In tact. The only way he could really hurt his legacy is if he came back and continually embarrassed himself for a long period of time.
  10. Well we all wish Bret could come back and give us a farewell match that was epic, or hell, even HBK vs Flair. The problem is Bret is probably very limited in what he can do in the ring. I may be in the minority here, but Roddy Piper's legacy is not tainted for me because of the terrible matches he's had over the past decade or so. No matter what happens between Bret and Vince, I won't remember Bret as an old man who beat up Vince, I'll remember him as a guy who tore down the house nightly with his great technical masterpieces.
  11. Sheamus vs Edge? Meh. My early guess for WM is: HBK vs Undertaker (World Title) Triple H vs Sheamus (World Title) Jericho vs Edge (if Edge can't return, Big Show will take this spot) Bret vs Vince Cena vs The Rock (if they can't get The Rock to come back, I expect Cena to be involved in the Raw main event picture. Maybe even a four way with Orton/Trips/Cena/Sheamus)
  12. I trust Bret Hart to know whether he will embarrass himself. While I don't like Vince wrestling either, I think certain matches with him work. I think he had to fight Austin. I thought he and Hogan had to fight. I never understood why he and HBK fought personally and thought that was a dumb match to make. Bret vs Vince is a match that makes total sense, and it will be one of the few matches that actually makes sense for Vince as well. He was obviously no real threat to Austin, but it was silly to book him as a threat to Hogan who was still an active wrestler at the time. Bret? Bret isn't an active wrestler and hasn't been in a decade. Vince can be booked as a real threat. That can be a match that is competitive. Will it be good? Probably not. I trust Hart enough not to do it if it would be a trainwreck though.
  13. Yeah I don't see how Taker fits into that story. I think you guys are also writing off a Bret vs Vince match when it is pretty clear that is going to happen. If Steamboat could come back after his layoff and put on a good show, I'm not sure why Bret can't do a 10 minute street fight. I think HBK is going to win the rumble in order to "make it happen himself" with regards to his match with The Undertaker. Probably by eliminating HHH or something to start a heel turn.
  14. It's worked on me too. I will watch next week's Impact based on the Spoilers. Spoilers in white. And I think I am going to buy the TNA ppv to see Beer Money vs The Outsiders. I'm hoping to see The Nasty Boys vs Team 3D as well. Maybe that makes me a loser in the IWC, but guess what, TNA has another viewer they can try to hold on to. Maybe while I'm watching for these guys I'll become enamored enough with Beer Money that I'll want to watch a show for them the way I used to want to watch for the Outsiders. Hopefully they get that rub. TNA may totally botch this up, but they haven't yet. Also, the IWC was moaning for years about Sean Morley deserving a real push as he was such a good wrestler blah blah. When he returned to WWE people voted for him to get a world title shot lol. Now that TNA has had him on for like 5 minutes it's "OH HE'S A HASBEEN NEVER WAS WWE REJECT TNA SUXORS!" Let's give them a chance to run with what they are trying to do and see where it goes.
  15. To the people who are complaining about the old guys being on TNA's television show. Guess what, all the young guys who are great workers are not drawing people in. The goal is to get people to tune in to watch the Outsiders and Hogan and Flair and see what they are doing. When they see Hogan Flair putting AJ Styles over like the greatest thing ever, maybe he will gain some name value with the mainstream fans. Maybe if Beer Money can go over The Outsiders they will be more than a tag team on a niche show and will actually gain some drawing power in the industry. TNA was not growing with their homegrown talent. They need to get viewers to tune in out of curiosity or nostalgia and then hook them. It's way too early to say whether they have done a good job.
  16. While I think TNA messed up their Monday night show, I think people are overreacting big time. We have no idea where things are going, so how can we judge whether it will be good? They put AJ Styles over big on that show. Everyone was talking him up. I also don't get why the spoilers for next week are bad. I'm not good at imaging a show based on spoilers, but from I read it sounds interesting. I think TNA has potential to go places with what they are doing, but I think it will require them to do a great job at booking, something I'm not overly confident they can do. Raw has been dead to me for years. They can string a few good shows together every now and then, but on the whole they suck at creating characters now.
  17. Jeff Hardy has been indicted on his drug charges and the case will go to Superior Court. They decided to skip the January 27th hearing and just went straight to the Grand Jury to get their indictment. Bad news for Jeff.
  18. Sure it sets them apart, but they could make all their wrestlers bark like dogs instead of talk and that would be different too. The six sided ring has always looked amateur and has been mocked routinely. I can't wait for it to be gone. I also can't wait for them to improve the setups they use as cages and ultimate x bars. It all looks cheap.
  19. Wait...lol...people actually like the six sided ring? Seriously? I think that's one of the worst parts of TNA lol.
  20. In general, the sound system TNA uses sucks. They need to amplify their music pretty badly. They also really need to work on the production crew. Their camera work was pretty spotty.
  21. I am not a TNA mark and I definitely think WWE was trying to do something a little special last night. Not because they are afraid of TNA, because they have no reason to be. At the same time though, Raw is vulnerable in the key demographics and they know it. They don't want to lose any viewers to TNA. It's not that they are afraid of TNA reaching or surpassing them, but they are definitely afraid of TNA siphoning off viewers from the key demographic that gives Raw (WWE) so much clout with USA.
  22. He spoke for about 30 seconds before Jeremy Borash interrupted him to cut to Mick Foley.
  23. So they've kind of left the Nash/Hall/Waltman thing hanging and they haven't revealed who was in the limo with Hogan... Time is running out lol
  24. Fair enough. Still, epic mistake to give the Nasty Boys more screen time than Jeff Hardy.
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