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Everything posted by justtxyank

  1. Yes, RVD brings something the rest of their roster doesn't. He's very popular across the groups of fans. He's a talented in ring worker. He is exactly the type of veteran TNA needs. Popular, talented, believable workers who have cred as something other than a failed WWE project or a WWE reject. If they can't think of good things to do with RVD, they are stupid and deserve to go out of business. Edit: Daniels, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe are three very good workers who have no real mainstream appeal. RVD is more popular than any one of them. RVD is much more vaulable than a guy like Flair at this point, because unlike Flair or Booker T, or even Hogan, RVD isn't washed up or rejected by the E. He's insanely popular and has always had a cult following. He's a guy that common fans will be like "Oh he's in TNA? That's cool!" as opposed to "What? FLair is still wrestling? LOL!"
  2. I hope Heyman appears. I love Heyman and if he is joining TNA that is awesome. He's fantastic on screen and obviously very good behind it. I really don't care at all about Kennedy. I don't understand why he or Shannon Moore have any appeal to fans. Hall might make a good color commentator, but beyond that...why? Waltman? Whatever.
  3. RVD makes absolute sense for them. He's a beloved worker who is still very good and who works a style that meshes well with TNA. Hall serves no real purpose beyond a one night appearance. I hope he isn't wrestling at all to be honest. I've never cared at all about Kennedy and I hope the rumors about him are just that. He has no appeal imo.
  4. TNA can only hope that Hogan ruins TNA the way he ruined WCW. Reaching the largest promotion in the world, almost putting the WWF out of business, getting ratings that Dixie Carter can't even dream about... Yeah, if TNA got to that level it would be horrible!
  5. Blasphemy! Tajiri is a fantastic worker. Don't be fooled by WWETajiri. In fact, don't be fooled by WWEanyone.
  6. I've always been higher on Sid than most, so I'd love to see him back in a major promotion.
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