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Everything posted by Crychon

  1. I like the idea of the participants here. I'd take Neville over any of your alternate options. Del Rio and Owens are current champs, I'd keep them that way. Ziggler's feuding with Breeze and coming out of one of the worst storylines in recent history, I'd keep him away from the title picture for now. Ryback is the worst... That's about all I have to say about him and why he should stay away from the title picture.
  2. One thing I found strange about that match (I'm just watching this now)... Did they even say her opponent's name? She was far more impressive than Eva, but they didn't give the usual nameplate, and she's listed as "Local Competitor" on WWE.com lol As for Cameron, I think that it just shows how good Asuka is that she made that match as good as it was. Maybe Cameron has improved, it's too early to say, but what I saw was mostly Asuka being awesome.
  3. I'd love to see Ambrose with the belt for a bit. I wouldn't mind if Reigns chased him for a bit either. I'd be ok with this.
  4. That sucks, now they're almost definitely going to put the belt on Roman.
  5. I think if Gable and Jordan keep on going the way they have been, they could be one of the best WWE tag teams in years.
  6. Gable & Jordan vs. Gargano & Ciampa on NXT this week was a really solid tag match, especially for a non-event match.
  7. I've played the actual card game, didn't even know there was a digital version, might have to check this out!
  8. Rollins has lost cleanly so many times in the past month that it's ridiculous. To Cena multiple times, to Kane. I don't think the current booking team understands that the World Champ is supposed to be a, if not the, top dog, and booked as such. The booking team has been horrible for the past month in general, though.
  9. Lawler really doesn't help the women get over when he only drools over their appearances the whole time, either. The dude's terrible now anyway (and mostly just makes terrible dad jokes), but he's especially bad for the womens division.
  10. New Day is pretty much the saving grace of WWE TV for me right now, they're awesome. The Kane/Rollins feud is probably the 2nd most interesting thing going right now, but that's not saying very much. I like the storyline, but I think I can already tell that it's going to be the exact same thing for the next few weeks until the PPV. The divas revolution is already really stale for me. The reason why it was exciting to me at first was I was hoping that with the NXT divas being brought up, the other divas would be forced to work up to their level. Unfortunately, all it has done is made it so the NXT divas are working down to their level, which hasn't been very exciting. Though I've always hated the term, it has also made me realize how much I hate the term "Diva" for referring to female wrestlers as well. I'm so sick of that term. I know it's not going anywhere because of that stupid reality show, but yeah, not a fan of that.
  11. Raw and Smackdown have had more lazily thrown together tag/six man tag matches in the past month than I ever remember. I seriously feel like that's all there is every show now.
  12. Ugh... Cena vs. Rollins for that MSG show on Saturday. They REALLY need to stop having Seth job to Cena, it's killing the world title.
  13. I loved the "I started a revolution" promo by Nikki... She was one of the reasons they needed a revolution (even though it hasn't been going great on the main roster so far).
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The Lana/Rusev/Ziggler/Summer angle is pure trash. Rusev and Summer are so damn good they are making it mildly entertaining but the longer it goes on the harder it will be to rebuild Rusev as a threatening heel. Ziggler won't suffer because he's been given nothing but scraps since Survivor Series last year.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Agreed. This is one of the worst wrestling storylines I've ever seen. That's saying something.</p>
  15. That dude has the goofiest face, it's pretty tough to find him very intimidating. He looks like a cross between Sam and Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds.
  16. I think that the problem with the storyline is all of the WWE Divas. The Bellas can kind of work, but the fact that they're kind of weak workers is exposed tenfold against the NXT Divas. As for team BAD... I'll just say that with the definite exception of Sasha, that's a very fitting name for the team.
  17. I haven't watched this week's episode yet, but for the most part when I'm watching it, I find myself not really being interested by what's going on and playing on my phone. I really enjoyed Season 1. Season 2 just hasn't been able to keep my interest.
  18. I'm more disappointed that Ryback ended up winning. That guy is the worst. Also, I'm excited that Owens won, and that match was amazing, but man, this card has gone downhill hard since that match.
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Raw Notes:</strong><p> </p><p> - They need to disband the Authority soon. Their segments are getting as boring as Wyatt's. Cena's pre-US Open Challenge promos are also too long-winded and repetitive.</p><p> - I like the Ambrose/Rollins and Rusev/Lana storylines but the weak PG scripts are letting them down.</p><p> - Barrett losing to an injured Ryback was stupid. What was the point of his KOTR push if he still loses to everyone?</p><p> - Stephen Amell > Entourage guys.</p><p> - Sheamus vs Ziggler delivered another good match.</p><p> - Powerbomb Owens Powerbomb!</p><p> - Since when do heels get put in handicap matches? Does that make Kane a babyface?</p><p> - LOL at WWE sneakily promoting Ambrose's cop movie.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I swear that whenever there's something specific on Raw that I want to see, that's one of the things Hulu cuts out. Could've done with so much less of that Entourage BS, I wanted to see Amell/Stardust's confrontation. :/</p><p> </p><p> Yeah, I can look this stuff up on Youtube, but it's so annoying that this always seems to be the case.</p>
  20. I thought the 2nd half of the card (starting with Cena/Rusev) was kind of weak until the main event, which was a lot better than expected. Overall, most of the show exceeded my expectations, with the exception of Cena/Rusev, the Divas and Neville/Barrett.
  21. Some shows have the entire seasons available if you have Plus. Flash and Gotham aren't among those shows though. As someone who has watched both, I love Flash. It's light superhero fun that has been consistently entertaining. Gotham, on the other hand is just painful for me to watch. I don't understand why that's as well received as it is... Also, I concur that Orphan Black is awesome. It sucks that I probably won't be able to watch the current season until it hits Prime, though.
  22. Does that make Paige the only active face diva in the division now? Emma had kind of a tweener turn on NXT, so I'm not sure if I'd count her. I'm not sure where she stands on the main roster. I'm pretty sure everyone else is a heel.
  23. I think it's kind of a shame. He filled his role well, and even though you knew he was always going to lose, his matches were generally fairly solid.
  24. Hulu Raw is the worst. :/ I keep reading about the Lucha Dragons and Neville on Raw, and that's basically what they cut out of it.
  25. Ah, cool. I didn't remember those cases. Thanks! I might have to look all of those up at some point.
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