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Posts posted by jaythewizard1

  1. Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, the text is white because I copied/pasted from another application. It was originally showing as black and I wasn’t sure how to correct it (I’ve really only lurked here to this point) so I just went back and changed the text in the app to white so that it would show up better here.

  2. This is a collection of ideas that have been floating around in my head for a bit. While I personally play these games for the fantasy booking elements, I have seen before that there’s at least a small contingent of players that like the business sim elements. I’ve only played as an Owner l occasionally because it feels more like “Sandbox Mode” and I kinda like having to keep an owner happy, but if the 2 modes were a bit more diverse I’d definitely be encouraged to play it more, so here’s some suggestions

    Auto-Booker Tweaks

    So it all starts here, the whole point of this expansion would be so that you no longer have to book your shows BUT I don’t think the game should ever hit that point where it’s just “Hit button for gud.” You should have to pay attention to what is being booked and have to deal with consequences if your booker is pissing talent off with their decisions. So, the way this would work, if you appoint a head booker (More on that later) they will occasionally generate storyline ideas for you (This would likely require the return of the old pre-constructed storylines feature however) decide face/heel turns as well as gimmick changes, and begin negotiating with talent. Depending on how hands on you want to be, you are allowed to both require they request your permission before they implement these choices or go through and outright cancel them at the risk of annoying your booker. If they generate a bad gimmick you’d still get a complaint beforehand.

    Whenever you go into a show, you would be greeted with an auto-generated show the hypothetical quality of which is influenced by the booking skill of your head booker. Unlike the current auto-booker which just books a rather barebones show with no winners or losers chosen, the auto booker will decide winners, losers, finishes, etc, so you should want to double check your whole show to ensure that you are also satisfied with these choices. If you make changes you might annoy your booker so it’s up to you to decide how much leeway you’re willing to give them. When you hit run show you will also automatically be notified/reminded of any workers unhappy with the show just so that way if you are trying to be hands off you at least have a chance to correct those decisions. This should also extend to promos; As the auto booker is now it’s actually a way to not have to deal with workers who normally would hate being scripted complaining about it as long as you don’t enter the segment in the booking screen. Booking reputation would determine how likely a booker is to book stuff that just annoys the workers.

    In the workers screen, there’d be a new setting: Desired Perception. This would tell the AI how much to prioritize talents that you want to push or depush. These orders would initially be kept secret but could start to become locker room gossip so if you decide to depush someone with allies in the locker room or push someone with enemies, it might piss off some guys. Bookers themselves may also pick favorites and try to push them hard unless told otherwise; Even them, if it’s a favorite they are more likely to go against a desired perception wish.

    One other note: You are still allowed to simply appoint yourself head booker and not have to deal with these additional headaches as well as not be forced to hire a subpar booker if the talent pool for the role is thin. However, if you do this auto-booking IS NOT AVAILABLE to you unless you use a…

    Creative Teams

    One other addition I’d like to see is an option to have a Creative Team underneath the head booker. This option would allow you to delegate shows to a creative team to make the show if you are the head booker, with the show being determined by an average score of the team’s booking skill and reputation. You can have a small team or a big team but one thing to keep in mind is these guys may also pick favorites and what not so the more hands you have in the pie the more cluttered a vision might get. Road agents are eligible to be on the team as well as…


    A new role to better replicate feds like WWE and their writing teams and this would include a new attribute: Writing (Duh.) Every match and segment can now have a Writer and Road Agent attatched, with their importance being determined by the goal of the match and the happenings of an angle. For example: A very talky heavy angle would rely more on a high writing skill than the Road Agent’s psychology. A high writing skill may also save a usually poor performer from utter embarrassment. Likewise, a match that’s a Technical Masterclass would rely much more on a road agent’s skills. A general rule of thumb is a Road Agent would be better at the wrestling stuff, a Writer would be better at the entertainment stuff, and workers who have both roles are pretty well rounded and can adapt to just about any product. Writers would also using the writing attribute instead of booking skill for auto-book generation. Writers would also play a part in some of my ideas for…

    Outside Ventures

    This could also double as an expansion on Investments, but I sorta see Investments as more so money going towards the wrestling stuff and this as going towards stuff that’ll help expand brand awareness amongst other things. Some ideas for things that’ll fall under this are:

    - Social Media: Determine how much money you are putting into your social media presence. This includes paying for a social media team, producing social media exclusive content, and potentially buying bots… You can also determine whether your workers are allowed to have their own social media channels, if they must stay in kayfabe on social media (Which can help gimmicks progress randomly), and if social media is used to help push or even progress storylines.

    - Film Studios: Create your own WWE studios! This can be used to produce documentaries, TV shows, and “real” movies that can then be released to home video, theaters, social media itself, or your own network. Writers may pitch their own projects to you if you have them on staff, otherwise when you create a project you choose or hire a writer to oversee it. Your own production value and the main casted worker’s performance skills would be the big factors in how successful a non-documentary project is. Shows and movies can be risky both because a bad project can hurt a star’s image and because a great one could cause Hollywood to come knocking.

    - Video Games: Either license it out to a publisher or create your own studio. If it’s your own studio you can determine the size of the development team which increases the likelihood of the game being good. Regardless you can also determine if you want a yearly release, bi-yearly, or if you’re willing to wait until games are done to release new ones. Maybe you could get real whacky like this, like different franchises and genres and stuff but this is kind of a basic version.

    Those are just the biggest ones to me. You  could do books, toys, restaurants, maybe even truly outlandish stuff like amusement parks, maybe things like arranging press appearances and autograph signings for superstars. I think how much of this you can access should be size-specific too.

    Other Investments 

    A lot of this would be moving stuff like hotels and travel out of backstage rules and expanding on them. Things like deciding what kind of hotels you put your talent in if at all, getting company planes and tour buses that might make their money back by cutting down on other fees, stuff like that.


    I think if we put a lot of emphasis into owner mode this is another thing that would need expansion. In particular, I think negotiating with international talent would be the main overhaul. I lowkey kinda hate the “Passport” system but I can see why it’s there, I just don’t believe if, to use a real world example, if WWE wanted to give Tanahashi all the money, Tanahashi wouldn’t even answer his phone. The more basic version of this though is that you can put restrictions on what your booker can offer guys during negotiations much like the AI can for you. You can set a baseline version of these in Contracts and then alter it on a negotiation by negotiation basis if you wish.

    Some further additional ideas for perks (Largely inspired by Hulk Hogan’s WCW contract):

    - An amount of events a year where the wrestler is expected to main event the show.

    - A cut of ticket sales of shows that they are featured on.

    - A licensing fee for things like video games and toys.

    - This one is a bit “gamey,” but maybe bonuses based off performance, like an additional bonus if they’re in segments or matches that meet a quality threshold. 

    And then this is more for international negotiations, but options to pay for assisting in a worker’s relocation if you are bringing in talent from other game areas. This would include options for paying for airfare, temporary housing, maybe even food and further accommodations, and how long the company will offer these for.  This would obviously be a huge factor in luring in international talent that otherwise wouldn’t really consider working for companies in your area. There should also be options for smaller accommodations like just paying for hotels and such if you aren’t looking to make them exclusive but want to try and get them to work dates for you. I do also think for moreso RP purposes you can require, say, talent on the west coast to relocate to the east coast to be closer to the offices (I know WWE commonly has their staff do this, or at least they used to) but the international stuff is a bigger deal to me.


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