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About fourbrothers366

  • Birthday 11/17/1991

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  1. So overall, I think the easiest way is to have Flashiness be a sub-stat for each primary stat base on what stat is being used for the match (Hardcore match using Hardcore, High spots using Aerial, ETC) (basically the way it works right now, except for all stats not just aerial) then, if there is ever any sequel to TEW IX, they can do more of a deep dive into the stat and maybe change the name and such. I will also state that Flashiness should be also an important stat for Steal the Show, Epic, and Once in a Lifetime road agent notes. Lastly, as someone else suggested, maybe a road agent note for "worker A does a feat of strength during the match" with the possibility of boosting the match rating with a greater chance of succeeding based on Power of the worker. Just trying to summarize the request while trying to make it easy to mod/patch/code it cause if we are trying to change a lot, its not going to happen until the next version (again, if there is one).
  2. Alliance members could also get a bonus POP for each game area that the alliance covers. So if the Alliance covers Canada, USA and Mexico, then maybe the company and workers get like +8% to 12% POP in outside game areas? Spillover? Just spitballing ideas.
  3. A quick follow-up. Just got to the end of October 2023 and hit Tiny Size. So I took a random roll and got +10 EXP. So hopefully I will hit that 20 exp around early next year. November my company has about 3 to 4 shows for Dia de Muertos, our season finally in Centro, and our monthly show, with one last show in December. We have so much Debt that I honestly doubt we will be able to pay it all off next year... I'm crossing my fingers. (around 65k, I hired too many workers.)
  4. This one comes from watching Maven's Youtube channel Always be training: This worker is trying to improve himself every day; More likely to get events where he is training different skills before every show. Impromptu Mentor: This worker shows up early to every event to practice and doesn't mind spending time practicing with others. Can sometimes train other wrestlers both old and young. (maybe another one for training with the younger wrestlers only)
  5. Indie Hero: Worker never wants to be tied down and enjoys the closest to the fans. Worker will never sign an exclusive contract. Plus worker will try to be in every indie show in his game area.
  6. Honestly, I can't believe that this idea hasn't been suggested yet from what I seen. I run a Punk Rock Lucha and half the matches has to be one of 4 types and there ALSO has to be either a hardcore or wild brawl match as well. You would believe how many times I get the warning about types of matches I get and have to check each one to see if I made a mistake on one and didn't know which or getting the penalty of "two crazy matches in a row".
  7. Just adding, that this is for people that start off with 0 booking skill that maybe, we the players, or the AI wants to push into a booker's role. Like it makes sense for a small indy promotion to hire just some random cheap guy, and for him to build up the lessons of being a booker by being throw to the wolfs. Or for a big promotion to see someone that loves the business, but doesn't know much about booking to train him/her up to keep them around even after they are done wrestling.
  8. Whether that is another "investment" option to send workers to business/booking school for an increase in Business or booking rep/skill. Another way is to be part of the booking team/Inner Circle should increase those skills slowly. attributes that slowly increase those skills or even random events that state "As so-and-so has been in the business for a while, in a recent interview they stated that they have been working in the background to learn more about the business and booking of shows." Just something that can also help keep the world more alive and fluid than having the same 3 to 4 people in each area getting hired anytime a new company shows up.
  9. Ya, I could see that. after 2 years, most people will get about 3 to 6 extra Rep. Maybe add 6 more so there is an even 60 rolls. Another option is to power up some of the lesser rolls. The +10 experience or Basics is great in the beginning however, I think once you hit 20 and 40 they don't do anything anymore. I could be wrong about that.
  10. Like a few others have said, I like the idea of picking which one you'll rather have. Either +5 Rep and Skill or a Roll. I also like the idea of maybe a 2nd set of Rolls that deal with booking Rep and/or Skills or kinda like a "Business Rolls" "Your owner paid for you to take a few online courses about the business. +1 Booking Rep and +10 Booking skill" "Once on your way to your show, you befriended a veteran, free agent booker who gave you tips on the business. +3 Booking skills and become friends with a free agent in your game area who has booking skills." Lastly, I think creative finishes are fine cause like someone said, there is no guarantee that you'll get one for your UC and it has a chance to fail anyway.
  11. Right now, most of the AI hiring rules read like "either they are or not this one thing" and "hire them only" or "Don't hire them ever" I would love an option that states more like a preferred. Like "Prioritize hiring free agents" / "Don't prioritize comedy" that way they might still hire a comedy style, but only if there is no other option. Likewise, they try and employ free agents, but might fill out a roster with those that work in different companies. Hopefully it can work with other things like skills, personality, or ages.
  12. Student of the Game: This worker understands he is always "learning" in this job. Has a higher chance of befriending Veterans and being a Protege during his younger years. Teacher's Pet: Worker understands that to get what he wants, he needs to spend time with those who can make the choices. Has a higher chance of befriending those in the Inner Circle and/or Booking Team.
  13. Either Power Play or World's Strongest Man: This worker has learned how to use his impressive strength in matches. In non-technical or high spot matches, gain a small boost in match rating based on Power.
  14. Also "I would hire you if you also took _________ Role" to maybe help entice them to take other roles (like manager, road agent, play-by-play)
  15. Maybe there can be some options to add like "I would hire you if you were a bit closer" for free agents in other game areas so they know a job is on the table. If they agree, you go into the negotiation tab and they move very shortly. "I would hire you if you worked on ____________" it could be a few options like Safety, Mic Skills, Working out/built (from average to toned), or others, and if they agree you go into the negotiation tab and over time, they are working on that skill or thing. I know you can do similar things, however, it just sounds like you're just some random guy saying "Hey you, want to move for some random reason?" or "Hey you, you should stop smoking" without some reason for them to do something like that.
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