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  1. I don't remember if I suggested these here or in the 2020 topic, so I'll state my case again: More attributes for non-wrestlers. There are so many that don't do anything for them, so Announcers & Agents end up with Voice/Agent of X, a base personality, and little else. REFS Amazing Heel Ref - gives a boost to matches with Screwy/Sport Entertainment/otherwise non-clean finishes. Amazing Face Ref - lessens the backlash of controversial finishes (in products that penalize Screwy/DQ/Count Out) Invisible Ref - ref is so good at not being noticed that their performance, good or bad, never contributes to a match rating BROADCASTERS Radio Host - current or former radio host who is great at talking and being entertaining, but doesn't necessarily know a lot about wrestling; more likely to sign with entertainment-based products, gets a boost in them, might get penalized in 'realistic wrestling' products Sports Journalist - this person lends credibility to realistic/traditional products due to their background in a 'real sport', is more likely to sign with such products, and gets a boost when calling Technical Masterclass (which has no Voice of)
  2. I'll probably add schools to the other Free Agent/Future Worker by Region files. Not sure if I can be really assed to make several schools for the larger regions where I have more free agents and debuts, and split the graduations up between Aerial School, Technical School, Brawling School (because that would be a bit annoying and tedious). More likely: I draw a name from a hat of 5 oldest workers in a region, and the winner gets a school with all styles enabled. (The schools for Hawaii & Puerto Rico are 'inherited from older relative' to account for the current owner being the first graduate.) It might get a bit excessive if I put several schools in hotbed regions like Mid South, or go 'BUT MUH REALISM!!!1'-wild in Europe and make country-based schools. Ultimately, I don't want the schools to overwhelm the world, burn through the free pictures within months and spam all regions with 0 pop workers.
  3. Guerreros de Bayamón School & 61 Free Agents & Future Workers for Puerto Rico Region This file contains 61 Free Agents based in Puerto Rico. For simplicity, I gave one of the older workers a wrestling school and everyone in this file graduated/will graduate from that, so the workers are more rooted in the game world. DEMOGRAPHICS 23 Women, 38 Men - 49 active workers, 12 yet to debut in or after 2022 - 3 Tag Teams - 7 Relationships LD-FreeAgents-PuertoRico Data.zip LD-FreeAgents-PuertoRico GFX.zip
  4. Not to be a tease, but the working title for the LD expansion is 'Island Hopping' to populate the regions that usually have few workers and no spillover. Puerto Rico, something that uses the geo tagging on the Iberian and Greek tourist islands, New Zealand/Australia (if I count it as one big island instead of a continent), maybe Ireland, maybe Iceland and Greenland, maybe some liberties with geo tagging (adding Cuba and Caribbean islands to Mexico). It wouldn't really work as a standalone because it would be a bunch of tiny micro companies scattered across several game regions and nothing else.
  5. 57 UNCATEGORIZED FREE PICTURES MAORI M & F I looked through my pictures and realized I don't have as many Maori as I thought. I might use some of them for an expansion later, but for now it's just uncategorized pictures (no database). LD-FP-Maori GFX.zip
  6. HARDWAY HONOLULU SCHOOL + 61 GRADUATES (FREE AGENTS & FUTURE WORKERS) This file contains 61 Free Agents based in Hawaii. For simplicity, I gave one of the older workers a wrestling school and everyone in this file graduated/will graduate from that, so the workers are more rooted in the game world. DEMOGRAPHICS 25 Women, 36 Men - 39 active workers, 22 yet to debut in or after 2022 - 1 Tag Team - 3 Relationships Since someone asked/suggested: There are some non-Samoan Pacific workers in this, including a New Zealander (also active in Oceania). LD-FreeAgents-Hawaii GFX.zip LD-FreeAgents-Hawaii Data.zip
  7. You discovered them! Maybe they were there all along like some uncontacted tribe! lol The nurses were a bit frustrating for me. I wanted 'Silent Hill nurse, but with a face' and even though I resorted to a less censored AI, it just wouldn't even get close. So I went with 'stereotypical sexy nurse, but evil' instead.
  8. Yes, DEBO too. I want the 'Amateur Wrestler' attribute for the Russians and Central Asians. I can't add it because it's not in the demo yet. That's why I'm waiting with those companies.
  9. TRIPLE X WRESTLING (XXX) Look, do you want time traveling nazis as tag team champions, a ladyboy feuding with a dominatrix, gimmicks like Domestic Abuser, Lot Lizard and Sexy Step-Sister, and a face of the company called Hardy Woodcock? If no, XXX might not be for you. If yes, you're in luck. Intergender, Wrestling Burlesque, Insignificant, Mid West, 26 Workers Event: Floor Show (Weekly) TV Show: After Dark Geo Tags: Columbus, Ohio, MidWest - Home Venue: none 3 Tag Teams, 4 Titles (as if that matters around here), heavy use of 'Willing to Flaunt', 'Good Comedic Timing/Funny Bones' and 'Adult Entertainment'. Since the last patch, Wrestling Burlesque is one of the products where the AI will hire more adult entertaimment workers, and I think men don't get penalized for doing Eye Candy matches anymore. So this mess should work exactly as I envision it now (for better or worse, lol). LD-TripleX Data.zip LD-TripleX GFX.zip
  10. I'll just hijack this topic to add that I'd also like Venue attributes that add factors like: Low Ceiling - unable to do Ladder/X-Wire/Scaffold matches, can't use High Spots aim Music Hot Spot - boost to production due to in-house sound gear No Locker Room (i.e. sports bars, night clubs) - lowers Backstage Morale because nobody likes to change in a random tent Sports Venue (i.e. school gyms, sports arenas) - increases Backstage Morale because it has a dedicated backstage/locker room area Highly Moral Owner - can't be rented by risque, edgy, hardcore products Outdoors - closed during winter (temporary soft close that occurs every year) Having such things would make Venues more realistic because these things are important in real life. Plus, it would be more interesting than just auto-selecting whatever the button picks as 'best'. I might have to pick the lesser evil between 'venue I'll probably sell out, but can't do my High Spots title match in' vs. 'venue that costs more, won't be a sellout, but I can do the planned match' and such. Venues & Locations feel very generic as they are and there's often no real reason to pick one over the other because it's mainly attendance max based.
  11. I thought I did, but that may have been in the 2020 suggestions thread.
  12. 166 GEO TAGGED LOCATIONS IN SOUTHERN EUROPE REGION A boring, picture-less update. This database includes only 166 Locations (not Venues) in Southern Europe to create 'countries' within the region. The geo tags are the framework I'll use for all European regions and - potentially, if I can bear the incredible fun it is to geo tag any longer - add Venues within the 'countries'. Each Location has Country & Language as default tags, the rest is used for things like the lingua franca, notable minority languages, geographical placement, city/region within the country. Descriptions are pretty much just brief wikipedia entries - where, borders what, population, size; deciding factors for who might run shows where. ALBANIA - 24 Locations - Albania, Albanian, Greek, Macedonian, City/Region BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - 22 Locations - Bosnia-Herzegovina, Balkan, Region/City, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian ROMANIA - 19 Locations - Romania, Romanian, Region/City, (Hungarian) KOSOVO - 8 Locations - Kosovo, Albanian, Serbian, Balkan, Region NORTH-MACEDONIA - 14 Locations - North-Macedonia, Macedonian, Albanian, Region/City MONTENEGRO - 6 Locations - Montenegro, Montenegrin, Serbian, Balkan BULGARIA - 15 Locations - Bulgaria, Bulgarian, Balkan, Turkish/Romani, Region SLOVENIA - 17 Locations - Slovenia, Slovene, Italian, Hungarian, City/Region CROATIA - 18 Locations - Croatia, Croatian, City/Region SERBIA - 22 Locations - Serbia, Serbian, Balkan, City/Region Gotta love 5 tags max in multi-lingual countries. 😑 I tried to not get political, but I guess I recognize Kosovo's autonomy because that made tagging easier. Sorry, Serbia. LD-Geo-SouthernEurope.zip
  13. There are a few Free Pictures with Maori tattoos in the Generic pack (and some that were generated with the phrasing 'Australian aboriginal', 'Pacific Islander', 'Hawaiian Pacific').
  14. Oh, yeah, that would be very useful. I guess that's the structure I'm trying to make here - just save some clicks if you want a Venue in Berlin, and not having to type/search the relevant tags. Venues are still very disappointing. I was hoping there'd be more details for them - High Ceilings (can't do ladder matches/high spot aim), Music Hot Spot (slightly boosts production with in-house sound system), Highly Moral Owner (doesn't rent to risque/hardcore companies), Outdoors/No Locker Room (decreases Backstage Morale because nobody likes to change in a random tent on a beach). Stuff like that plays a huge role in picking venues irl and it's not represented at all in the game. So I stick to what I know (languages & geography) because the other thing I know (factors that influence Venue choices) isn't possible to do anyway.
  15. Well, the Piledrivers from Perth Male Wrestling Revue is definitely on my list, and I also have some ideas for Outback Outlaws (which is DEFINITELY NOT a Deathmatch Downunder knockoff, much like Vorkuta is DEFINITELY NOT inspired by Slavonic Violence). And then, there's this... umm, counter culture to the Piledriver boys that should probably be in the same country - the High Flying Nuns, a female only Morality Lucha Libre company with nuns that wear masks of saints and recruit students from an attached convent-wrestling school. I guess what I'm saying is... Australia be whacky, yo. lol
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