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  1. You can make a backup save, and then test run a month with very cheap ticket price and see the result. See your profit/loss to determine if you want to do it. I don't even say pop cuz very cheap is super helpful on pop gain, it's just a matter of financial whether you want to use it or not. Pop-gain wise it's the best option.
  2. Thanks for the answers. She's the Gunther of my fed push-wise so she will be fine. I only recently let her drop the secondary single belt and I can easily put her into the world title picture when time comes.
  3. First time getting the strong connection with certain demographic message. Anyone know how that works and what's the effect of it?
  4. Some games I book the way you find "dumbfounded" and some games I plan long term. I consider myself a versatile booker.
  5. You need to use different content types within (all the promos in) a show. That's why I said it is abusable cuz you can always just use different content type regardless of what the angles truly belong to. I can have 4 single character promo that is just generic, but I use different types and the game will give me the bonus. I am cool with no-creative finish 100 to win the challenge.
  6. Yeah the promo bonus is easy to get (and even abusable if you want). I micro very hard on all the details and so I get it many times if I run a multi-promo show.
  7. Does it look at "just the technical stat" if the match aim is "technical masterclass"? And vice versa for "wild brawl" and "high spot"?
  8. Not implying you are policing at all, just sharing my opinion on the subject. As the creator of this version of the challenge though, you are in the position to make rules change if you think they are needed. Like starting booking skill and what not is worth a change if needed. Much harder to put control to the "path to glory"(how players make progress) though so I am fine with less rules on this aspect. Cuz IMO whenever someone try to control this, more and more limitation would be made and it all came down to a strict style of gameplay. I think ultimately, it's more or less the AI's fault for not being good enough to do a lot of stuff, like aggressively putting more shows when they can. Or take advantage of their money when they have a chance to do so. Either this or the game is designed as a sandbox first so Adam doesn't put a lot of penalties on gamey stuff. I feel like most Adam's games are sandbox-y by default anyway. Plenty of cheeses can be done in WMMA and Wrestling Spirit too, it's really just the player's decision to do it or not.
  9. Unrealistic is why I am enforcing my own house rules to only do shows akin to the AI schedule. I accept that I will play a much longer game with this rules of mine. Unrealistic shows frequency has always been a part of the game since the previous iterations anyway, so I think players should just play the way they want on this. Like, we are allowed to be gamey on this challenge anyway. Players can choose to min-max their initial character with a lot of 75 and 0. Players can do 1 hour show with limited talent and still earn pop as the same speed as a much longer shows that need more creative points. And many other power gaming stuffs. So, I think we should just let players play how they want and it's more about the journey than the result. It's not like we have a "speed run hall of fame" on this challenge where it's about finishing it in the shortest time possible.
  10. I am slow in progress and just finished my second year. Some tidbits: I said I plan to cut Fuyuko Higa if she continues to be a pest this year. I am not sure if 5SSW gave her an Attitude Adjustment or what, but she has been pleasant to work with this year. She gives 80 in-ring performance on occasion. She did ask for a pay raise from $50 (which is why I hired her at the beginning) to $110 and I just said yes as I am confident I should be able to pay back the debts. She's also woman trainer of my fed now. I was planning to stop my merch upgrade at 97.5% of level 3 so I can hit level 4 at any week when I think I am ready for it. I somehow forget about that as I click through the days so I hit level 4 early. The running cost and my merch sales are about equal. If I keep it at level 3, it would be a small positive, but no big deal. My fed is still down 10K at the end of year 2 but I am extremely confident in my chance to get into positive by end of year. I plan to run a special event every 3 months as like a seasonal special show and they will have normal ticket price. The regular shows I plan to keep it as free until I hit 17 popularity. Then I would consider normal or very cheap to see which one gives me the best chance to get me off the debt by year's end while still keeping a solid pop gain per month. Rolled 42 for the end-of-year roll so now my worker can work both dominant (previous year's roll) and comedy super well. Such versatility!
  11. If you aren't doing the challenge of said thread, maybe ask in "Give Me Rules For A Game" to get someone to give you some startup rules.
  12. The rolls aren't limited to 1 time, right? Theoretically, I can hit no.14 5 times in a row and become Will Ospreay?
  13. 1 free show is fine, but yes to your other points for min-max result. I see no difference for pop gain. Not sure if booking longer show means faster booking skill progression though, maybe someone with free time can test this. I am not sure if this is intended or abuse, but you can technically do 1 hour show, but change it on the show booking screen to whatever hours you want. This saves you booking point because your pre-show meeting would be for an 1 hour show and it would take away 20 BP only. I don't do this but if you are all about super min-maxing you can do this (unless Bad Collins say this is not allowed for the challenge).
  14. I think Higa's archetype is that "she's great but her attitude's her downfall".
  15. Pretty sure it's random on whether it lands on "anyone can use this" or "specific character only".
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