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Tha Black Phenom

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Posts posted by Tha Black Phenom

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27610" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>TBP: I think you are going to get that kind of reaction whenever you deal with something that people feel passionate about. For me I really like old rap from when I was a kid to when I was in my early teens (Slick Rick, RUN DMC, Public Enemy, Wu Tang, NWA.). That does not mean I will sit here and crap on the new stuff because good music is good music no matter what decade it comes from. However, people tend to look at the past with rose colored glasses. I often find myself guilty of this as well.<p> </p><p> I am not a fan of Lil Wayne at all so I can understand people might turn against anyone that wants to work with him.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Seriously though it is like you said it is a little ridiculous to crap on something before it even comes out. I actually find myself doing that with movies a lot of the time. I will go in thinking the movie is going to suck just because an actor is it that I do not like. Upon watching the movie I usually end up liking it.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am passionate indeed(that or it's just my flavor of the month lol), it's just a mindset that's generally rubbed me lately. And maybe also because some of my real life friends reflect those sentiments.. in part. But hell, I'd say I myself even have similar opinions to theirs. I'll co-sign a lot of underground artists & I don't like Lil Wayne either but I won't blow a gasket if someone I like gets him on a song, or if he's making business moves like signing.. whoever to his label. There's just being passionate and there's being what I call an Internet drama queen, is all I'm getting to.</p><p> </p><p> Like I said, it must be a grating factor in lots of subjects in general, probably every music genre has that share of issues since there's always that one crowd that cares too damn much. I don't wanna get too much into it here, but in this case I think the hip-hop world is actually suffering from it. With mixtapes dropping all over the Internet these days, and Twitter being a hell of a factor(and then some...) artists and DJs take some degree of online input into consideration slightly more than the norm, subsequently you got some of them stating how finicky fans are... for some reason that makes me chuckle.</p>
  2. <p>The Internet hip-hop fanbase. Well.. not in its entirety, I'm sure a fair amount out there must be alright. You know how when it comes to wrestling, there's the casual fans and the smarks. Well the hip-hop "smarks" are just.. terrible. I'm guessing this is the case with every (or most) music genres but I wouldn't be any wiser about any of them, and looking from my perspective about this genre here.. yeah.</p><p> </p><p>

    Lot of them are a bunch of buttmad nostalgic clonks who will shoot up 2pac or Biggie's name in every article featuring a certain rapper, to stress and remind everyone else that they or "today's hip-hop scene" is nothing compared to the lore of the 90s. They're even worse about that stuff than an IWCer is with the Attitude era. Don't get me wrong, those two are timeless impactful legends and it's true that the scene of today sure has a lot of.. stuff.. that one would skip over, but some of the comments/posts I read sometimes are some bonafide drama queen material. Oh, and they love beefs. In every Nas article, you'll find a Jay-Z mention every three posts. Vice versa, in every Jay-Z article, there will be mentions about Nas. (or the illuminati, lmao) Seriously? That beef ended over 10 years ago! lol how do people not move on?</p><p> </p><p>

    Some fans out there are now downright offended, upset or disturbed if a rapper features another unlikeable rapper(from their POV) in a song. ONE song can cause the most ridiculous of riffraffs. Example: Joe Budden announced a future collaboration with Lil Wayne. Bricks were shat. Everything under the book was thrown at him, the sell-out comments, disappointment, hypocrite concerns, blah blah blah. The song hasn't even bloody leaked yet.</p><p> </p><p>

    Second example dates a few months ago actually, on Lupe Fiasco's page on Facebook was shown a picture of him, Pharrell and Tyler the Creator. Cue fans' outcry about the sole aspect of being in a picture with Tyler, by that I mean the whole nine, fans saying they'll delete Lupe off their page, sell-out comments, consternations about Lupe's acquaintances, talking about what Tyler represents, etc. While I know Tyler isn't exactly the most family-friendly of emcees, people make him out to be the spawn of the devil and it's pretty funny. Lupe hasn't done a song yet with Odd Future, nothing, just looked like some passer-by celebrity gathering picture at a studio, and it's prompting absurd reactions like that.</p><p> </p><p>

    tl;dr: I feel like open-mindedness is a lost art in this world. Either that or I'm looking at the places where I shouldn't. Or that the monster that the Internet has become has opened my eyes as to how the world really is. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> But in general, it's looking pretty bleak IMO. There was a skit on Saturday Night Live where Jason Sudeikis dressed up as Satan and impersonated him on the "news report" and he started bragging about how he invented the Internet, the climbing gas rate and <em>article's comments section</em>. So true.</p>

  3. <p>I'll tell you why, because they are generally men of action. Either you have Undertaker doing his supernatural ish(the videos were a nice touch I thought) or you have Triple H.. he's heavy on the vocal side but has always been seen ready to throw it down as well. And the last few weeks have had the intensity stall, with them just getting into the ring and.. talking. Milking HBK for all his worth isn't enough, maybe if they didn't hype every week like "HBK and Taker in the ring at the same time!" it would've come across better. Since HHH muttered the words "Hell in a Cell" there's nothing that's jumped at you from them in a "wow" manner, they're trying to tell a hell of a story through their promos but the momentum's going downhill. No kicks, no beatdowns, just mic work and staring. I'm sure the editing team are in candyland when it comes to their eventual video package though.</p><p> </p><p>

    Rock/Cena almost got to that point but they've switched it up a bit and kept things entertaining(IMO), but of course some people will still be bored because of several factors, for one the usual hipster syndrome, not wanting to care about the match everyone talks about. Or the length, or... well they haven't been spectacular on the momentum aspect either.</p><p> </p><p>

    That's why through all that, I'm still hoping for Sheamus to do something worthwhile. Something to complement Bryan's awesomeness or just show him up in some way, more than a brogue kick.</p>

  4. <p>hasn't Rocky bottomed Cena like the past three times? eh, I'm fine with that.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cappyboy" data-cite="cappyboy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Funny. Because to me it's the other big non-title match that I'm not fussed about. Cena vs Rock = YAWN. The Rock was fine in his time. But I'm sorry. His act is old and tired and I'm over it. The boots to asses and the Fruity Pebbles junk and all his "clever" history lessons. Spare me. Dude's trying WAY too hard to be funny. I honestly fast forward or shut the show off before his appearances now. Rock should just stay Dwayne and stay in Hollywood now. His usefulness, at least in Cappy Land, is done.<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Them's the issues of booking a year-long feud.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Raw was packed. matches = short as hell, but I didn't expect otherwise on mania's eve.</p><p> </p><p> Side note... this was the one Raw since he returned that he or by connection, him and Cena, haven't really been the focal point of the show. Had one segment, showed up, Rock Bottomed Henry and left. They didn't replay his promo or hype him all night, which was a nice break from the past eps putting attention on other feuds.</p><p> </p><p> Thinking a movie star could be able to pull that for like five minutes' attention, to me, is crazy. These guys tour worldwide, yknow? It just made me think when Rock said "The Rock's gonna get in his car and roll down over to Belfast Arena" Just a funny tidbit to realize due to all the bad rep he gets.</p><p> </p><p> Plenty of reasons to dislike him, his old act or his crazy stupid tattoos(I like the style though, no lie) but yeah.</p><p> </p><p> Btw, when is Sheamus going to do anything interesting? Take notes from Miz and make somethin' happen, son.</p><p> </p><p> Punk/Jericho is indeed golden, favorite feud of them all. I don't know what Punk said at the end, but either way it came across solid.</p>
  5. Thought I might as well resurrect this. Just pretty stoked to see the Bulls take it to the Heat without the MVP. I didn't even know Rose was gonna sit out, so when I found out I didn't watch the game knowing in my mind the Heat would win. When you have LeBron being moved in the rotation to guard a bench player, that's when you know you're dealing with a scary team. And the funniest thing is... apparently the Heat released John Lucas III in the past. That's karmic payback if I've ever seen it.


    Any thoughts on trade deadline day? It's been pretty dry on that aspect, nothing but rumors, rumors, rumors and the daily Dwight Howard article who can't seem to make his mind up.

  6. I've heard good reviews on the Vita, don't know how it is personally though. Might go for a PSP instead since they might be cheaper now.


    Has anyone heard about the issue Capcom has pulled lately? Racks on racks of criticism they're getting for the initiative they're done via their newly released game, Street Fighter x Tekken. Long story short, they're gonna release a dozen characters through DLC when the Vita version comes out... except those characters, and all their moves, endings, etc are ON the disc already. I had a feeling DLC would get this fierce, but now this is literally a case of paying more for less content. I know business is business, but damn.


    Luckily I wasn't hugely anticipating this game, only two reasons this concerns me is the fear of this crap becoming the norm, and also because two of my favorite Tekken characters(Bryan and Jack-X) are among the DLC crew.

  7. I never personally implied it was through lack of talent. More [slightly] lack of judgment than anything. I don't wanna take anything away from Cena, he's been doing a good job through this feud, and he is talented, and his tone did fit with the promo in itself.. just how much of it are we gonna be seeing? We saw the same thing around Survivor Series build-up.. not to mention after Rock gave him a Rock Bottom at the PPV, the next Raw he jostled off to the ring laughing it off. It's.. I mean, I get that it just shows how "John Cena" is( if so well figures /shrug), but I was just hoping then, at last, after that promo two weeks ago he would finally up the ante a bit in tension level. But then again, I also thought "embracing the hate" through his feud with Kane would mean another thing. So much for me and all those raised hopes, right?
  8. Bingo. I've never quite been able to grasp why people think Cena's a bad actor or he's not showing emotion because he acts a certain way...like, you've never seen somebody act that way in that situation in real life? I know I have. It's not like he's out there trying to act serious and completely failing. He's conveying the emotions he's trying to, and doing it well.


    It's not that, neither of those things. People act like that yes, it's just that Cena is making the tone of the feud a tad hollow. He comes off a scathing no-nonsense promo bashing The Rock shoot-style, people all over the world and on Twitter eat it up, and the next week he pulls.. those things. There's times when he pulls it well, then there's other times where he should just put certain quirks aside for a sec. People want him to be edgy, he might as well bring it out if he's been feuding with a guy for an effin year /shrug

  9. I'm pretty sure they use the term 'amateur' loosely, especially if directed at Cena.


    Raw was okay. While I liked Rock's history lessons, the amount of time taken for this feud is challenging my interest in it - and yet absolutely nothing intriguing with this year's Royal Rumble winner. The hottest rising babyface on the roster, and the upper-midcard babyface pool isn't all that to begin with, at least try to set Sheamus apart with something interesting other than a new finisher.

  10. The crowds in the UK still pop at WWE shows in a big way.


    I think the American audience is more jaded through over-saturation.


    Aye, the Canadian crowds are still raging hot as well. I remember being part of a "shut the **** up" chant during the PG era at an 08 PPV, during a Dolph Ziggler promo no less. It was pretty special.


    Umm no. Undertaker spent the last year healing up from last year's WM. He didn't leave the business.


    And HHH has been on Raw on a semi-consistant basis. First as COO, and now as Taker's WM opponent.


    How in the slightest does this relate to The Rock leaving the business all-together for 7 years, telling the fans he is back and will NEVER leave, and then leaving again? Sure he has done a few satalite promos. And he has and will do a couple more promos on Raw until WM. But after WM is over, he will leave the business again. Maybe until next year's WM. Maybe for good.


    It's no secret The Rock has another life now, that doesn't revolve around wrestling. That said, what's the problem with giving back?


    Yeah he's gonna leave again, and I would think people would accept it by now. Let's say Taker plans to wrestle for WM29, he leaves for a year again to recuperate. Would there be that much of a difference between him and Rock then? One's healing up, the other's touring around the world, living HIS life, on a more approachable schedule and has the ability to watch his daughters grow up.


    I recall a pivotal motive for The Rock sticking to movies being that he could be part of his family too. The wrestling lifestyle isn't all fun and games and we all know it... how can we go off on some guy for not sticking to it? By comparing him to a guy who admits himself that his movie should've maybe lasted 3 rounds instead of 12... Sure he didn't help matters when he said he was "never leaving again" but I can't be the only one who saw from the start he would never appear on a consistent basis.

  11. I'd bet a beer you wouldn't have given a crap either way ;) Rock explained about him leaving again, if you seriously expected a movie star to show up every week, on every Raw & SD, then it's your loss. Even movie stars penciled in for guest host spots end up canceling/rescheduling.


    The whole Cena "No Selling" words is lame in my opinion... Not only did I take it completely different (in a way that seems obvious to me), but it's not like The Rock took anything serious Cena had to say, up till he messed him up with "I don't need my promo notes on my wrist, Nice tattoo by the way."


    I agree, it wasn't the best term to use. He did acknowledge Rock's jokes and all, I just went into that tangent to make my point.


    Just.. throw some emotion into it, y'know? Like I said, it still feels like a mild war of words so far, and because of that I'm getting far more invested into Jericho/Punk, their promo was golden on all counts. If Cena came down the ramp like a man on a mission, especially after last week's promo, I would've anticipated this matchup equally, and given my props to Cena over Rock.

  12. As for Cena "no selling" Rock's promo, I'm not entirely sure what he was supposed to sell. Rock's promo was heavy on crowd interaction, crowd chants, twitter trends, and all that fun stuff, but it was pretty light on Cena insults. He was in the ring for 15 minutes and all he did was call him a kung pow bitch and make fun of his camo shorts, which was a great line, but it's still only one line.


    Well then what is it gonna take? Is The Rock gonna have to deliver a Hannibal Lecture about his life? (which he would probably no-sell as well) Is The Rock gonna have to head over to Cena's place and slap the taste off his dad like Edge did?


    We're getting close to the big event, and clearly last week Cena looked like something lit in his eye. Last week is the only reason I'm making a case about this. He gave a scathing promo and the fans were left wanting for more. On Internet boards and all over Twitter, people were saying "if Cena could be like this every week..." "this is the Cena I want" and so on. Many would assume the feudin' has at least turned up a notch. Then we get to this... all I saw IMO was a pre-Survivor Series flashback. Cena acted the exact same as when he came out to confront Rock and Awesome Truth. I'm not saying he should've necessarily been throwing his shirt off in anger, but give us something in your demeanor to make us wish for more for next week, like last week did. Superstars in the WWE trade fists for less than that ballsless quip from Rocky, and Cena has more than enough charisma on the mic to sell a knock knock joke.


    The rest was fine, with the "nice tat" and the trending line. Still though everything seems like they're just trading words so far; hopefully he's holding out for more.

  13. If the Rock was acting, he should be putting Marlon Brando to shame with every movie. Oddly, he doesn't


    He doesn't have to, this is the WWE. Standards are lowered :p


    I think the issue with their promo is that Rock dragged a lot in his allotted time(who on Earth thought of giving him 15+ min of mic time, even if he is The Rock), while Cena appeared for two minutes and delivered his own material. If Rock was there for five minutes, and hadn't relied on that Twitter/crowd pandering ish, he'd have come off much better too.

  14. That's the Cena you wanna see? Jostling down the ring with a cheerful smile for the umpteenth time? I'm with DJ on this one, I don't just wanna see the tension when they're face to face, I wants it to be fierce you can cut it with a knife. But again Cena does that thing where he acts like the insults don't phase him and he can laugh it off... we've seen it all before, should be crunch time by now. The rest was good, it's just, ergh. It doesn't hurt to react, John.
  15. Cena annoys me when he's doing his cutesy, usually not funny, comedy. There are also times where he tries too hard to be serious, and it just feels phoney. But then, there are times where he's serious without being over-the-top with it, and it works really well. Perfect example: the promo on Rock last Monday. I thought that was really good. If we got that Cena on a regular basis, I'd be thrilled.


    As for his matches, he'll never be one of my favorite guys to watch, but I don't think he's half as bad as some people make him out to be. He's had too many really good matches for me to consider him a bad in-ring performer.


    I agree word for word. And that's part of the problem. We all left Raw on a high saying we wish Cena would be more like that. But we all know the answer.. he won't be. Soon as Mania ends, win or lose he'll be right back to his happy-go-lucky Captain America demeanor. That's why I never liked Cena, but I've respected him for years now and always will. It's just always the "status quo is God" issue with him/creative team. Summer 2006 was the period I was most enthused with him, only for everything to go back to normal after.

  16. A loss for either guy won't matter. If Cena loses to the Rock then he lost to a guy who came in 100% and was one of the most over wrestlers of all time. If Rock loses to Cena it's because he was rusty. Both guys have a cop out and can demand a rematch basically.


    A win for either won't elevate them and a loss for either won't bring them down either. It's a wash. This match is about making money and I think they will make more than on any other Wrestlemania.


    Personally I want Rock to win. I think he might win too. I could see it going either way really.




    Unrelated, but I hope Punk compares Jericho to Chris Brown this monday.:p

  17. I have been a wrestling fan, since I was 4 in 1985, and for different reasons I respect ALL wrestlers.

    But, The Rock is the only one that left wrestling for Hollywood, and I'm happy for him. At the same time, I think that Dwayne Johnson is a sell-out due to him turning his back on his Wrestling fans. So I have to agree with everything that John Cena is saying about The Rock. I haven't liked Cena's gimmick for a while, but they are fixing parts of Cena, and I'm def. liking where its going. And for the people who chant "Cena Sucks", it reminds me when Rocky Maivia first started.

    Rocky Maivia used to be a babyface wearing his little feathery attire, smiling at the crowd, and after a while, everyone started hating him. It's the same thing thats going on with John Cena. At least the crowd only chants "Cena Sucks", lol the crowd used to chant "Die Rocky Die" and carry in signs of the same type. So at least Cena hasen't been hated as much as the Rock was.

    Vince McMahon gave The Rock the microphone and let him speak his mind, and the crowd warmed back up to him. That is what they need to do to Cena. Quit having Cena doing PG, and reading scripts, and let him work his own promos.


    Umm.. they have been letting Cena work his own promos. For years. When Orton stepped up and talked against The Rock, he said just that. Cena has been ad-libbing for years, most of what you see is from him. And I find the "Cena Sucks" comparison with Rocky Maivia to be a bit trite - the latter was only a matter of weeks/months, and on a much smaller scale. The Cena Sucks thing has been going on for years, and there's next to nothing that's changed it. They've had Cena go up against guys like Kevin Federline and unlikeable heels like Khali to get the fans to cheer him again, which they do.. once that's over with it's right back to the booing. Only now could there possibly be a shift in balance, but it's been more or less heavy on Cena's side. Though to note overall, I see what you mean when you make the comparison.


    I can't see any benefit with Rocky jobbing to Cena.


    The crowd will hate it (and I can't think of anything worse for the 'E than the crowd furiously booing the result of the main event of your biggest event of the year), it won't win over anyone that already hates Cena, and by giving Cena the win right out of the gate, you put a big dent in any benefits to bringing the Rock back later on if the rumours of him being booked for more matches in the future are true.


    If I'm booking it, Rock wins clean in Miami, Cena suffers a huge crisis of confidence as a result - you can then spend the next year building him back up, perhaps with a feud against a heel who's good at the psychological side of things and can work that angle via promos (Jericho, perhaps?), culminating in a return match at the next 'Mania, where Cena avenges the loss. After that, I'd probably leave it at 1-1 - I can't see any advantage to dragging the feud out any longer. If Rocky's booked for another match after that, give him a 'loser retires' match against HHH.


    There's a few things to be re-checked here. First, the crowd will hate it? Do you remember where the show is being held? It's Rock's hometown. I think the rest goes without saying.


    Two, you're giving way too much importance to the result. I think a lot of people do, and it leads them astray. There's not gonna be any "big dent" in anything. And I don't think it thoroughly matters who gets or doesn't get won over. If Cena wins.. Cena wins. Rock isn't gonna look any worse than he does. He can still return mere months later and look like King S**t. Because it's Cena we're talking about, not Kofi Kingston. If Rock wins, a lot of people are gonna go home happy, that's it. In fact, it might really be 50/50 depending on what Rock's stance will be during this culminating angle.

  18. The way they've used Sheamus as of late has indeed made him look massively underwhelming, you would think if he's the Rumble winner AND going for the B-show's major title, they'd at least try to spice it up a bit. Instead they expect us to still care about the Big Show, well... suit themselves, I say.


    I sort of kept thinking Taker should've faced someone else 'till now, but honestly.. HIAC, it sells itself. I never thought they'd jump that hurdle but.. heck. On a rare occasion, I went on twitter the other day while HIAC was trending and from the way it looks, it's gonna get a lot of viewers, casual or defunct, sucked in. It's not even about the streak or Taker's opponent anymore to them, it's all about that structure and the fact both of them are pioneers of that match type.

  19. How is Undertaker "keeping it fresh"?


    He's been doing the same thing for years. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve respect. I'm saying that respect shouldn't make him impervious to negativity.


    I respect Undertaker a lot. That heel run he had when he was basically commanding respect? That's one of my favorite storylines period. The last "new thing" he's done was add Hell's Gate to his move set and that was years ago.


    Also, Shawn Michaels is a horrible example of someone who should be respected Phenom. You mentioned how Triple H's career is marred by the politics, but who was there to teach him all the political ways? HBK. They both held a lot of people down and put themselves and their friends over everyone else.


    I love Shawn Michaels. I'm glad that he's become a better person, but if you're going to cite Triple H's past, then Michaels shouldn't be exempt.


    Well, maybe I assumed too much and reside from that crowd of people who let such things go. I mean hell, most of us Canadians got over the HBK/Bret stuff, even long before Bret made amends with them. Coulda fooled me. /shrug



    I wasn't exactly looking for a veteran off the top of my head with a clean career, HHH's case is more continuous and somewhat proportionally more controversial, but at least it's shaping up the point I wanted to make about Taker.

  20. The anti-Cena stuff started off with a VERY small minority. So that's a load of crap.


    But when it started, Cena didn't deserve half the accolades he deserves today. He was just a WWE champion climbing the ranks who had to prove himself. On the other vein, someone like Triple H... a certified Hall of Famer, would he get some crap flung at him, no one would probably say a word. Because his career has been riddled with polarized opinions. Someone like Taker has that special something, and it's largely known that he generates unprecedented respect from behind the curtains just like within the WWE fanbase.


    Say, if HBK was still wrestling, and he was out there cutting a promo, I'd bet a bottom dollar all the detractors in the crowd calling him out would get told to shut up too. It may sound trite but it is what it is; at some point, if your status within your profession speaks for itself things like that are gonna happen.

  21. Two sides of that story. To me it looked like Miz was all set up and Truth missed the target.


    Well either way, it supposedly got a verbal lashing backstage from the H-man. Unless that was further reported as not legit.


    To be fair Sheamus also wasn't on RAW this week.


    is it issues or are they just not booking their Royal Rumble winner? :confused: unreal if that's the case



    EDIT: So apparently mania 29 will be in NJ. I knew they weren't gonna go with Toronto. so much for holding my breath /shrug

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