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  1. I'm just now getting back into the whole world of wrestling after something like a 12 year hiatus. (I've actually found a file on reddit that has every episode of WWE on Peacock and I'm now watching every episode since 2001 - I've made it to Late 2007 thus far). Setting that aside, I remember back in the day (circa 2011?) I used to have a lot of fun writing segments and helping run a federation on TheWrestlingGame, and this just brought me ALL the way back to that time in my life. Extremely well written and engaging - the presentation was both pleasing to look at and super well thought out! I certainly appreciate all of the work you put in, and can't wait to read the next one! This is absolutely FANTASTIC!
  2. Aaron Andrews vs Chris Flynn Doc Hammond & Flint Slater vs T-Bone Bright & Mighty Mo Elliot Thomas vs Ernest Youngman Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Quentin Queen Devine Fortune vs Big Boss Emperor, Goya & Kamimura Bradley Blaze vs Joshua Taylor Killer Shark vs Fearless Blue
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