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Everything posted by Almaida

  1. I love this skin, it's been my go-to since you released it. Thanks for the update!
  2. Yeah I've been using Like Family in most cases too. But it is worth noting that Like Family is the strongest positive personal relationship; when you convert Best Friends relationships from 2020, they become Like Family in IX. So it works when you have in-laws who are close like that (e.g. Bret and Bulldog), but it's not a great option if they don't have a good relationship (e.g. Chavo and Vickie Guerrero). I haven't yet figured out how to accurately represent in-laws with negative relationships.
  3. Yeah, there was a month-long developer's journal in July:
  4. I did a WWE Women's Television title by request a little while ago, plus a white Intercontinental title that could be used as a women's title:
  5. Please keep me in mind if you do. I've been doing lots of ground work on a 2019 for personal use; would very much be open to collab for a public release with the right people.
  6. Worth pointing out: In TEW terms, Insecure means the worker is insecure about their position; they're a mildly positive influence when perceived as a Major Star or Star with at least neutral morale, otherwise they're a mildly negative influence and negative morale effects are amplified. That fits HHH based on decades of history. Even now, he still presents himself as a star, and keeps coming out to soak in the adulation and keep his name on everyone's mind.
  7. Someone posted this guide for importing into a database (sorry, I don't remember who it was!). Obviously only some of these things can be imported into a save (Options > Import Data), but the order would be the same.
  8. Just in case anyone else finds this helpful, I put together a cheat sheet for workers' Skills and Popularity values, based on descriptions from the in-game Creative tab. Basically, I looked through the Creative in companies of every size, to get a sense of how the 0-100 scale is calibrated internally and described to the player. I find it to be a helpful framework, so that I'm not just winging it with numbers. This is what I found: Skills: 90s = exceptional 80s = extremely impressive 70s = impressive 60s = very good 50s = good 40s = pretty good 30s = decent Popularity: 95+ = insanely popular 90s = enormously popular 85-9 = massively over 80s = wildly popular 70s = extremely popular 60s = very popular 50s = popular 40s = relatively popular 30s = barely known 20s = not very well known 10s = not exactly a household name <10 = almost completely unknown Specifically, I found it interesting that the thresholds for "good" and "popular" are both so low. Made me completely rethink how I see these stats.
  9. Is it possible that Gedo's Booking Reputation is too high for your child company? From the Handbook, 21.12: "N.B. Very high ratings can preclude him from working for very small companies." He might just be too big of a deal to book a child company. Not sure what's going on with Corgan though.
  10. I don't have an answer for you either but for whatever it's worth, I've also been trying to figure out how to do it, or if it's even feasible in TEW. I figured if it can be done through eras, then it should be pretty easy to just delete the era for anyone who doesn't want to go down that road. But maybe I'm underestimating the process... Either way, please keep us posted if you find any workable solutions.
  11. Customs aren't really my thing so I can't help you there, but I did run the logo through a background remover real quick: Hope that helps a bit. Here's the link for future reference: https://www.remove.bg/upload
  12. When searching Chemistry in the main editor, would it be possible to add a filter for the type of chemistry itself (i.e. Great, Good, Poor, etc.)? Some databases have a lot of Neutral chemistry records, which I prefer to delete to clear up some space and allow for more randomness. It would be great to be able to filter for those so they can be mass deleted.
  13. Same here; between my sensitive eyes and my messed up sleep schedule, I set everything to dark mode (plus night time filters) where possible. Custom skins help tremendously, but a dark mode would be amazing for the elements that the skins don't touch.
  14. Any chance we could get a dark mode for the in-game Notepad, the Player's Handbook and the Whiteboard in the main editor? All three are super handy resources to have, but staring at big white spaces is very hard on the eyes for some of us.
  15. If they're set to accept developmental workers, then you're in charge of managing the roster yourself. Child companies only manage their own rosters when there's no developmental deal in place.
  16. I always think of Shane McMahon as the quintessential Stuntman in TEW terms; typically willing to jump from high places, but there's always a big crash pad or other safety measures. Most of Jeff Hardy's ladder bumps would be crazy bumps to me (only tables and bodies to break his fall, at most), whereas the Swantons off the titantron or the production truck would be stunt bumps due to the relatively safe landings with crash pads and camera tricks. And yes, I think you're right about the order of attributes.
  17. Yup, go to Options > Your Preferences, and look for Enable Book Main Event First (near the bottom right). You can toggle it on/off there.
  18. Yes this would be great, especially the alter egos.
  19. You certainly picked a polarizing wrestler to do this with lol. Full disclosure: I'm a big Moxley fan and I think he's great, but I also prefer lower stats across the board because I like to make things more challenging (and give room to develop). So I won't really comment on individual stats but I will comment on popularity. It's hard to evaluate popularity in a vacuum; I'd need to at least see pop numbers for the major companies and some major stars to orient myself to your game world. But at a glance, Moxley's pop looks too high across the board. I like to think of worker pop as being downstream from company pop, so in this case it really matters how you've set up WWE's popularity. Mox of course was a huge name in WWE but rarely a proper main eventer and never close to a figurehead type, so his pop should be lower than WWE's pop in every region (if it's higher, then that would make him a major draw, which he wasn't for them). 85 USA seems a little high to me for WWE's pop even in 2024, let alone 2018 when they weren't nearly as hot as today. The same goes for Moxley's Japanese popularity, relative to NJPW. He was certainly a name in NJPW but it's not like he was a huge draw on day 1, which 78 Japan suggests he would be. On the flip side, he was immediately a top name and big draw for AEW when it started, so wherever his pop lands, it should be on the high end if not a little higher than AEW's starting popularity. Again, it's hard to give concrete suggestions without knowing the broader context of your game world, but I'd definitely recommend revising popularity to be more in line with where the relevant companies land. Hope that helps a bit.
  20. Agreed with The Inquisition, completely. I like to ask myself, "Which names do they own?" and "When given the choice, which name do/would they use?" Any name owned by a company should be limited to that company only, imo.
  21. Oh this is TREMENDOUS. I greatly appreciate this, as a fellow completionist. Thank you for sharing!
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