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Posts posted by Undertaker666

  1. 16 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

    Honestly I look back at Nexus and wonder what could of been.  Barrett, Bryan & Black were all so good They could have had 3 perennial Main Eventers had they not botched that PPV match by having Cena go over.  One of the beauties of TEW is that you can shape the world however you wish.  

    The Nexus is kind of the inspiration for my stable, but moreso The New Nexus with an established leader. WWE went with Punk, i've gone with Regal. While it would've been a better idea to have a top star as a leader (game-wise) to give them the rub, it's just not the way I wanted to go with it.

    There were a few in Nexus who were never going to be a big star (Otunga, Tarver) but WWE really screwed the pooch with Barrett - twice! Should've had him get the win over Cena, which they didn't, and then when he got over again as Bad News Barrett they clipped his wings again! Mind-boggling. 🙄
    Daniel Bryan was only in it for a few days before being released due to strangling Justin Roberts, but as we all know he turned out OK! (and in the long run it probably helped his career)
    Are you sure Black was in Nexus? I don't remember him being part of it? 🤔

    • Like 1
  2. 18 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

    Not going to lie that stable would have been awesome

    Also has the added bonus of when the inevitable split happens that you can either:
    1. Break a few of them off to go against the leader and those loyal to him, or
    2. Split them into two factions entirely (ignoring the leading) to face off against each other, or
    3. Split a few off into tag-teams, or
    4. Ignore all that and let them go their seperate ways to work their way further up the card.

    Lots of options! 😎

    • Like 1
  3. Depends on who i'm trying to push, what year it is and what product i've got. Examples:

    Smoky Mountain Wrestling in 1993
    I've been pushing Glenn Jacobs (as Unabomb) by having him squash local workers and/or old timers who can "Pass the Torch". Basically it's a very similar push that The Undertaker had in 1990 WWF.

    WWF in 2001
    Put some up and coming stars in a Stable with a leader who's already established.
    I've got William Regal as the leader (and Intercontinental Champ) along with AJ Styles, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar (used as Muscle).

    • Like 3
  4. 3 minutes ago, TCP1 said:

    Hello there my friend. :)

    How strange. I'm using the database at the moment. I'll prep some new files and update those in the shared drive.

    I've just checked and it only happens if you remove the "Unused User Characters". (and now I realise you did mention that in the original post - just ignore me, it's been a long day! lol)

    • Like 1
  5. 40 minutes ago, Callum07 said:

    It was announced that he game would be the same price as TEW 2020 - $35 which is around £27. TEW 2020 is £25 but TEW IX shows as £35? £35 seems very steep?

    Upon release, yes, it is the same as TEW 2020 was $34.95 when released. TEW 2020 is now four years old which is why it's currently lower in price.

    34 minutes ago, Mman55555 said:

    The UK has been treated badly in pricing conversions across the board for a long time so it's a shame to see this continuing once again.

    That's due to tax reasons.

    26 minutes ago, AT-67 said:

    It is disappointing to see the difference in US/UK prices. Clearly Adam puts a lot of work into the game, but personally I'll probably wait for the price to drop before buying as £35 is a lot of money.

    £35 may be a lot of money to some people, but consider how many hours entertainment TEW would give you/has given you. £35 is half of what you might spend on another game as £60/£70 isn't becoming uncommon these days

    • Like 1
  6. Back in 2006 I was off work sick for a while and I was bored. I typed in "PC Wrestling Games" into Google and was taken to a site which listed a number games and in the bottom right corner of one page I saw an advert link for TEW 2005. I'd never heard of it, or Adam Ryland before, so I clicked on it, bought the game, and the rest is history.

    • Like 1
  7. There's a bunch of:
    - Randoms
    - Masked/face painted wrestlers.
    - Emo/Goth wrestlers.
    - "Retro" wrestlers from the 50's to 80's.
    - Women
    - A few Becky Lynch, Brock Lesnar, Kane, Rey Mysterio and Undertaker.

    Some of the masks are a bit wacky but why only have Tiger or Panda masks?! So there are Hippos, Panthers, Jackals, Giraffes, Rhinos, Beetles, Wasps, Zebras and probably more i'm forgetting.
    I do particularly like the British Bulldog masked ones though which i'll be using for a faction/tag-team.

    Attached is a small sample to show what they generally look like as there's over a thousand: https://www.mediafire.com/file/90k0s5912jsnvop/AI.zip/file

    If anyone wants a larger picture of a particular one, let me know the filename and i'll post it. (some have bodies but most are only head shots)


    • Like 2
  8. On 4/26/2023 at 1:27 PM, ChadMiniMendes said:

    Think I’ll give this a go. The renders look fantastic. 

    Would you recommend starting in 2002 or using the 2005 file? 

    Also, what would you recommend in terms of training progression? I usually use very slow or slow but I’m just wondering if I should use normal depending on how low you set the stats of the new characters who are intended to become big stars & title contenders. 

    thanks, looking forward to starting this. Think I might finally use GAMMA, I’ve somehow never used them. 

    Up to you really, you could always try both to see what suits you? I only provided the 2005 save so that some of the new characters would've already debuted and possibly had some fights under their belt.

    You've probably already tried it by now, but I left the training progression as default. Some characters are terrible, some average, some great. There's a mix of good to bad fighters over the years, young and old too.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Bigpapa42 said:

    I just realized I'm at 778% capacity for PMs on here. Started trying to prune but its not really slick at all. The list of PMs on the left side reloads each time I delete one and I can't quite figure out how to sort them effectively. Plus deleting a thousand PMs one by one is... not appealing. Beyond just cleaning out the inbox entirely, any option?

    You can "tick" multiple messages and then delete them all in one go. When the forum changed over it took me a loooong time to remove the majority of them as I had PM's going back all the way to 2006!

  10. 21 hours ago, kemicode said:

    Already started and loving the new characters! I appreciate that you still put in their own biographies.

    I tried to give them all a detailed bio but after so many I did run out of ideas, especially for lesser characters, so some of them are a bit generic.

    Glad you're liking the new characters though. 👍

  11. 7 hours ago, kemicode said:

    Hey! Will give your database a try as I replay this wonderful game again. Would you recommend generating fighters or not?

    Entirely up to you to be honest. Obviously you'd get more generated fighters over time, but there "should" be at least one new fighter every month until some time in 2010. (some months will have more than one fighter debuting and I might've missed a month here or there)

    Hope you enjoy the new characters either way. 👍

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