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Everything posted by LoganRodzen

  1. Hahahahahaha. That was too funny. So he wrestled a couple of matches on the ECW brand before nothing?
  2. Serves me right for not following along closer. I didn't even know he had gone to WWE. I just thought TNA let him go and that's what I thought was strange. I'm guessing around the time he left I wasn't really watching any wrestling at the time. I go through periods of time where I watch absolutely nothing on TV and then I decide to again. Keeps everything fresh for me. I'd need to see Storm in more singles matches to think that. I don't get the babyface feel from Storm, but I could see him playing the tweener role very well like Austin. I was just thinking about AMW/Beer Money together because they had the freakin' Band together for a while. I'd rather have seen Storm, Harris, and Roode together then Hall, Nash, and Waltman. Makes sense why it didn't happen though. I can't believe I didn't know he went to WWE for a while. I'm guessing he isn't with WWE anymore?
  3. I never understood why Beer Money had to just be Roode and Storm. Why couldn't they have kept Harris around and had all three of them together? A mixture of Beer Money and AMW would have been really sick in my opinion. I wasn't on-board when they turned Beer Money heel because they were getting some really nice pops as faces. Harris always came across as a pure babyface to me. Maybe he wouldn't work out so well as a heel in Beer Money, but I think they should have at least tried having all three of them together. When I went to a live TNA show in December - Beer Money was still face and they got a bigger pop then AJ (who was face and champ) AND Angle (who was the biggest star there). I thought that spoke volumes... but at the same time it's Maine and who in Maine is going to dislike a duo whose music starts, "BEER... MONEY!" Yeah, nobody in Maine would or could dislike that.
  4. I couldn't agree more. I want to see more Anderson though. I'm curious if they haven't given him a lot of time lately because he doesn't have as secure a contract as guys like RVD? In my opinion they could build EVERYTHING around Mr Anderson. The guy could take the position AJ is in right now, dump Flair, and really make it PHENOMENAL with Beer Money. I honestly feel bad for AJ because I wanted to see him work out well as a heel but he's been a joke. They killed him by having him put on those knock-off Flair robes. They looked cheap and tacky. He's one of those guys that TNA needs to figure out what works and run with it instead of changing stuff up so often. I'm still upset about the live Impact when RVD won the title. It would have been a different story if Impact had been doing 2.3+ ratings and the shocking Word title changing hands LIVE made it jump up to a 2.7 or something. That would have made WWE crap themselves. But instead they stuck to their 0.8 - 1.0 and still did the title change when they knew the BEST they could probably get is a 0.3 jump? It was one of those things where you want it to be shocking and a surprise... but it isn't all that great if NOBODY saw it.
  5. If I have it my way Douglas will lose the X-Division belt to Kendrick at Victory Road and The British Invasion will reunite somehow. Works for me.
  6. In my opinion TNA needs to take NYC by storm. There's a reason the Tri State area has 100% importance in TEW. Been watching Impact on Spike.com today because I had a lady friend over on Thursday night. It's been a pretty good show in my opinion. Good amount of wrestling and I like the fact that everyone has an opportunity on the microphone. TNA is really outdoing WWE right now in terms of OVERALL show quality every week.
  7. The GTA games are a masterpiece in terms of how far gaming has come. I have 'The Ballad of Gay Tony' and 'The Lost and The Damned' expansions on my PC - both of those are really bad ass. Rockstar knows what they're doing, a lot of the stuff they've produced is top notch.
  8. I play my PS2 quite a bit these days now too. I had to sell my 360 and PS3 (had them at separate times) because bills were more important.
  9. Sweet! Looks like American Patriot just got himself a new World title.
  10. I apologize to the GDS-verse for my shameful comments.
  11. I haven't seen SD in years. I went to a few tapings before in Boston but I had never actually been a viewer. Only back in late '99 when it first debuted and it was more or less a continuation of RAW. Non-live TV wrestling doesn't really interest me these days unless it's TNA which I've ignored all spoilers (not that I read them before, I was completely uninterested) and watched the show on Thursday's. I've enjoyed the past few Impact's for the majority of what they were. SD could probably hook me too but I feel like watching Impact and RAW is enough wrestling for me in a week.
  12. Barrett not being on RAW was explained - he was "meeting with WWE officials" concerning something. I really for the life of me can't remember what. I bet WWE expected McIntyre to be OK since he got married to that Tiffany chick from ECW. I think his situation will be worked out quicker then the rest. And hasn't Teddy Long been screwing McIntyre on SD? He can say he suspended him / fired him / whatever they want. EDIT: Yeah, Barrett was meeting WWE officials to talk about the McMahon attack from last week because he's the leader of Nexus. Not sure how I forgot that in less than 24 hours. My memory is shot apparently.
  13. I definitely can't say I liked any of what he was saying during that segment went it got all Cena-jokes, but he definitely sets a good examples for the kiddies. It felt way too forced to be honest and it didn't seem natural at all. I'm curious what writer thought it was gold? And it technically was no matter if you liked it or not. His jokes were as mainstream as you can get.
  14. I expected some heat from that. I had never invested a lot of time into a book series before and by the time I was done with this one I don't really know what it left for an impression on me. I haven't really thought of it very much since finishing it all up two years ago. I honestly can't tell you what it was about the series that had me read it for so long. I guess I was just curious if he was ever going to snap and kill her because when I read it originally the whole series hadn't been written out yet. Or maybe I'm a sucker for a love-story and romantic comedies are A-OK in my book (Yes, there were some laughing moments in this series... perhaps not intended but I thought so).
  15. I'm honestly upset that I know this... In the final book of the series Bella and Edward have a "hybrid" child - vampire and human mix - before Bella is turned into a vampire (or else she would have died). She ages rapidly fast and Jacob (werewolves in this series "imprint" on a specific person, somebody they'll care for nobody what) imprints on her. His feelings aren't in a sketchy rapist sort of way but he feels like a big brother. The reason I say it's moot is because in an earlier book one of the dudes in Jacob's pack had imprinted on a 3-year old kid and he treated her like his little sister. But the point of all of it was how they wouldn't age and how someday down the road maybe it could turn into something more. The whole thing was strange to me but it made sense. When all of that happened though Jacob basically stopped being infatuated with Bella. Sorry to ruin it for anyone remotely interested.
  16. Indeed. But by the time everyone has seen all the movies and understand the entire series they'll realize the teams were useless. I think it's just a cheap marketing technique.
  17. This is gold. Absolute genius booking right now. This is how you get crazy intense heat. (Nexus)
  18. I read the entire series before the movies came out. Haven't enjoyed the movies at all. The books were interesting and went very in-depth. And I've never even understood the Team Jacob vs Team Edward thing. If you've read all four books you know that it's a ridiculous discussion that shouldn't exist.
  19. You've gotta catch up on a few more episodes. There's been a few video packages with him acting the same way and I absolutely love it. WWE made him into a joke and TNA is really letting him run wild. I think his delivery on the mic, his facial expressions, and his overall presence during promos are great. That's one of those feuds I didn't really care for but now it's turning into one of my favorites just because of Kendrick. They need to have him go over Douglas and be the figurehead of the X-Division. Great ring work and better on the mic than anyone could expect is a very nice combination.
  20. Pretty disappointed by the ending (Abyss pointing at Hogan). It was the same exact thing as last week. I want to see Hogan get destroyed by Abyss or else this is pointless.
  21. I'm really high on Brian Kendrick right now. I really enjoyed him on the microphone tonight and his video packages the past couple of weeks have been cool.
  22. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="GatorBait19" data-cite="GatorBait19" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27836" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Funny you asked that, Tampa Tribune's rival company, the St. Pete Times, just did an article about it a couple of days ago<p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.tampabay.com/sports/lowest-scoring-game-7s-in-nba-history/1103280" rel="external nofollow">http://www.tampabay.com/sports/lowest-scoring-game-7s-in-nba-history/1103280</a></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That is a funny coincidence. Considering I didn't really pay close attention to that game was it really good defense or just bad shooting?</p>
  23. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Linsolv" data-cite="Linsolv" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Personally, I don't like Sheamus because I'm not very happy with his mic work. It's that simple.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Did you watch RAW last night? I've hated Sheamus because of the massive push he received but he's started go grow on me. His promo from last night with McMahon was awesome. Getting the crowd to think he was really going to give up the title because he wasn't happy with how he won it. He had them in the palm of his hands and I thought it was awesome. It was the first time I've enjoyed a Sheamus promo. <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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