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Everything posted by LoganRodzen

  1. Pretty hard. There were three paragraphs in what she quoted and only the last sentence was what she was referencing. Most people bold or quote (only) what they're replying to. Sorry for being confused, Peter. I won't let it happen again!
  2. Anything in particular you find "untrue"? I love being told what I say is false without any type of explanation.
  3. I'd say LenDale had some pressure on his shoulders. CJ comes into the Titans his rookie year and they split the carries down the middle - thunder and lightning worked pretty well. We made the playoffs and had a pimpin' record (13-3). So 2009 starts and CJ gets 99.9% of the carries. CJ had a hell of a year and now he wants a new contract. The Titans shot themselves in the foot by putting all the weight on CJ and basically (by not using him throughout '09) telling LenDale he isn't good enough. The guy had FIFTEEN rushing TDs in '08... sure, they almost all came from inside the red zone, but who cares? Last year he looked like he was in amazing shape (on the sidelines). He lost a ton of pounds and was in better shape than he had been at USC... and we use him for SIXTY-FOUR carries. Yes, 64-carries for a guy who came into the league and had a 300+ carry, 1,000 yard rushing season in his 2nd year. We made the playoffs TWICE with LenDale White carrying the football - '07 with Chris Brown and '08 with CJ. It's awesome that CJ rushed for 2,006 yards this past season... but we DIDN'T make the playoffs. I've read stories of the guy being lazy during practice and that he always has trouble in the off-season, but shouldn't the Titans help the guy out instead of trading him? Seahawks knew about the suspension when they traded for him, so the suspension truly has nothing to do with him being released from what I read. Looks like a statement from Pete Carroll - "I'm not messin' around here. I don't care if you played for me in HS, college, or pee-wees. Anybody can get cut or released." I just hope LenDale doesn't get a bad reputation because of the suspension - he still has some yards in him.
  4. They don't force us to join their crappy site, no. But they do reference it to the point where if you were channel surfing I bet you could hear it if you stayed on RAW or SD for 2-3 minutes. Maybe it isn't forced down YOUR throat and I'm glad you don't feel that way. But MY throat is sore as **** from all their BS over the years.
  5. It does feel forced to me. The commentators say it constantly and when wrestlers say it you can tell they were told to. Even when Jerry Lawler says it it feels forced. It's just one of those little things that bug me. If Undertaker ever references the "WWE Universe" - we know things have truly hit the fan. These past few years that Taker has referenced the undefeated streak has actually disappointed me. Years and years ago we never heard anyone outside of his opponent and the commentators speak of the streak. Hearing him talk about it during his segments with HBK the past two WMs made me think of it differently. Everybody knows its scripted, so where does he get off being able to brag about the streak? The streak (to me) should be this unspoken thing and Taker should never reference it himself.
  6. When I hear one of the wrestlers or commentators say it I'm glad that I don't watch every week and that I'm not apart of the "WWE Universe". It actually makes me feel like an idiot because it's beyond cheesy.
  7. On part III of that match and you're right... I've already seen him do stuff that I've never seen him do in the US. I wonder how many people were at that show because it looks packed. EDIT: I love that when Muta kicks out of the leg drop you can hear a loud "gasp" go throughout the arena and then applause. Just shows you how many people didn't kick out of the leg drop throughout all the years Hogan was dominating.
  8. I actually read Hogan's book that came out in October - "My Life Outside The Ring". He said a lot of great things about working over in Japan. He said he absolutely loved it there.
  9. You do if they're already retired from the wrestling business and you want to sign them. My knowledge of wrestling truly starts in the 90's. My older brother whose 29 started going to live shows in the 90's and I used to bug the crap out of him: "what happened?", "was it cool?", "who was there?", "did you see anybody you knew?", etc. It got to the point where I was really disappointed when he would go because I knew I was never going to be invited. I didn't understand why he didn't want me going at the time, but years later I realized - who wants their little brother (whose 8 years younger) tagging along with them to "grown up" shows? I remember Dec. 8, 1997 like it was yesterday because my brother brought me to see the only RAW that ever happened in Maine with a bunch of his high school buddies. It was the first wrestling show I'd ever been to and I was 8 years old. I remember seeing Kane's entrance and almost crapping my pants. He was really scary back when he first debuted... at least to a little kid.
  10. I didn't know any of this to be honest. I really don't have any knowledge of wrestling back in those days besides what I've looked up myself. I was only three years old in 1992.
  11. Yes, but all of these guys "retired" at some point or another. They're doing these "bonus" matches after they've supposedly called it quits. You can do that in TEW with the handy-dandy editor. In TEW08 I had Marcus McKing set as occasional wrestler at 60 years old and had him do a feud with my top guy at the time (can't remember who). The matches weren't very good by any means, but you can still do it.
  12. I looked at it like this: WWF to TNA to WWE - so "multiple" was the wrong word to use even though it seemed like he had jumped more than that.
  13. At first I didn't really agree with your "age is never an issue" statement because I feel Batista is just one of the few examples of a 30+ year old guy making it in the wrestling business. But then I had to look at it in TEW "terms"... I just signed Rocky Golden away from CGC in 2020 and he's 37 years old. Obviously past his prime and who knows how many "good" years left. I understood what you meant after looking it like that. TEW makes everything so clear sometimes.
  14. I didn't say you had a "thing", just a "voice person". It's like someone calling me a "computer person" because I've spent 10+ years doing everything and anything with computers. On a related note to your Cena example - I absolutely hate Sheamus, but I found out a few months ago that before he became a full-time wrestler he worked as an IT technician. I thought that was cool.
  15. I didn't say he was a rapper or that's what I want. But it sure as hell is what WWE wants - simple and effective. You guys already discussed why Killings shouldn't be the black star they push to the moon (the consensus was Kofi) because he's 35+ years old. Someone said MVP is a midcarder for life, but I think Truth is a midcarder for life as well. As long as he keeps getting fans to pop and jump out of their seats he's doing the job they're paying him to do.
  16. I just read through the past few pages and a few things that stuck out to me: Linsolv is a voice person and the lack of responses after his (revealing) post made me laugh. But seriously, I'm an Orton fan as well. I thought he was the absolute coolest person when he was doing his RNN Reports when he hurt his shoulder in 2002. The Legend Killer gimmick was by far the coolest gimmick WWE had done in the past 10 years.On the discussion of Killings changing up music, attire, or anything... why the heck should or would he? He's getting an incredible (cheap) reaction from every city WWE goes to. The "what's up?" is so easy that a two year old can catch on. He just picked up a championship and WWE is proving that they don't hold anything against workers who have jumped between WWE and TNA multiple times (like Killings has). Whether or not it's a stereotype is irrelevant. Butts are in the seats at their events and when Truth's music hits... those butts are out of their seats chanting, "WHAT'S UP?!" He's the very definition of a popular midcarder. I wouldn't change a thing about the guy.
  17. I agree completely. Aside from his big build and overall look he didn't have the complete in-ring skills or the entertainment skills. But I also think that with his age if he had stuck with it and gave it 100% he could have been a huge star. It's disappointing we'll never know because his look just grabbed your attention and made you think, "whoa... whose that guy?"
  18. Bobby Lashley was going to be the guy for years to come in WWE. He had to turn into a Brock Lesnar and think he was better than wrestling though. He was getting such a big push back in the day. Anytime you get an opportunity to feud with McMahon like Austin did, you should cherish and make the best of it. Lashley has no idea how big he could have been. I wanted him to win MITB back at WM22 when RVD won it... I was marking out hard for him back then.
  19. I could go all day. Rey Mysterio is a Mexican-American. Why do you think Jack Swagger is an American-American?
  20. The way I saw it with Kofi is he's from Africa but where does he work and live for the majority of the year? I'd consider him an American. My logic is odd though.
  21. Are you talking about the stories of WWE wanting to have a major African-American star?
  22. It can end in one play in OT if you're the first team. They can scoop up a fumble and run it for a TD. They can get an INT and run it back for a TD. That's why it's important to win the coin toss in both college and the NFL. Being able to select offense/defense in college OT can be the deciding factor, much like the receiving team has the edge in the NFL. The point I was trying to make out of all of this was that college OT will never leave you hanging (tie) and a team will never feel screwed because the opportunities are equal. Why do I say it's equal even though the team who plays defense first has the 'advantage'? Because ultimately it comes down to home field advantage vs away team getting the chance to win the coin toss. Some parts of the OT aren't fair but when you look at it as a whole it is. My injury while playing football was relevant to the discussion because you asked me, "do you know what 'one play' means?" It was my example showing you that I do know what it means. Oh, you think because I said "American football" that I don't know what sports are popular around the world? I'm just the average dumb American who thinks our sports rule everything? I guess the fact there's a World Cup wouldn't give it away or the fact my best friend played soccer throughout high school and I picked up more about it than I ever wanted to. Yes, I know it's the most played sport in every part of the world. But do you know why? Because soccer balls are extremely inexpensive and you don't even need equipment OR shoes to play it. I remember watching a segment on ESPN and these people were sending soccer balls to third-world countries for all the people, but mostly the children. They don't have any money but they can play soccer. Hooray! Overall - you come across as extremely arrogant in your responses and consider our discussion over.
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