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Everything posted by LoganRodzen

  1. I thought the backstage segment between Jericho and Miz was awesome. They both bring a different type of charisma but are identical in terms of character - they're just arrogant SOBs.
  2. Wow. I don't even know what to say... but you're probably right. Six months for Hogan to get in the best shape of his old as **** life? Edit: The look on Taz and Tenay's faces when they panned to them during the Orlando segment... when they didn't really know it yet = priceless. Double Edit: Why is TNA wasting TV time on this guy?
  3. Ahh. I didn't realize he had a title shot coming up. I don't follow as much as I wish I did but that makes more sense. Having him look good (which he has) is really awesome. Batista is selling the submission moves a lot and making him look good. Yeah. I was looking at it in 'TEW terms' as I like to say.
  4. Batista is leaving shortly. I could see Daniel Bryan getting a win here and shocking the world... I wish.
  5. Is it just me or does Hardy look like he's gained a few lbs? Munchies aren't always a good thing.
  6. Mr Anderson as an altar boy is how they're keeping viewers from turning to RAW? Dunno about this.
  7. It's not even going to be live? Wow. I guess I won't be watching TNA anymore. I only watched the live Impact shows anyway.
  8. Using him in a GM role would be perfectly fine. With all of those guys brawling the only thing that came to mind was, "how in the world are things going to get under control?" Having someone like Hogan come out and JUST talk on the mic to set something up would be cool, but they push the limit every single time. Nobody wants to see Hogan blocking punches and taking guys down. He's been doing it since the late 70's and it's ridiculous.
  9. It was really cool until Hogan came out... his knees and legs are just too ****ing horrible for him to be doing physical stuff anymore.
  10. Well, like I've said before your belt renders are A* all around and can't wait to see some more. You're invaluable to this community, ReapeR. I truly hope you know this.
  11. I read the thing from Matt and Trey on SouthParkStudios.com - I wouldn't be surprised if Comedy Central just did it to save their asses. I guess Muhammad was the only thing that was supposed to be bleeped out but instead they did practically everything. I'll watch the full version sometime but the beeps were just disappointing and I couldn't get over them, ha.
  12. A few requests: Could you take this one you've already made http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%202010/GenericKingofNY.jpg and change "New York" to "The Mountain"? Possibly adding a WCW logo to the side plates - similar to the traditional titles you've made. WCW Cruiserweight WCW Television - could you just change "World Television" to "Traditional"? In the MAW game that I reference constantly on here I've finally made it to International. We jumped directly over National from Cult. It was a major shocker to me because I wasn't even sure what the requirements were. Anyways... I've decided since we're International and almost Global, it was time to change our name: World Championship Wrestling. Not very original but since it's a CVerse game it doesn't bother me because WCW has never existed. I've been using your old school WCW titles for this game (literally just switched the name and details) and was disappointed you hadn't made the TV or Cruiserweight title, so I figured I'd ask for 'em. Appreciate it lots and lots. Not only will it make my game much cooler, but seeing how you make the TV title will be awesome. That belt was always so cool to me when I was younger watching WCW.
  13. This was overly hilarious. Did anyone catch the latest South Park episode that Comedy Central literally bleeped to shreds? I didn't even finish more than three minutes of it because the bleeps were everything and anything. It was beyond ridiculous.
  14. Yeah, 'cause an 'atrocious' QB could do this: 99-yard drive comeback against Arizona for the win last season in 2:37. I give the guy loads of credit. The state of TN crapped all over him during the 'suicide problem' and everyone considered him a bust. He's turned the team around mid-season twice in his career. Once as a rookie and this past season as well. It disappoints me when people use Russell, Vick, and other scrambling QBs as an example as to why they're no good. Vince Young has won football games - plain and simple. He hasn't been put in the best situations every time and he overcomes them. He'll overcome all of the critics this coming season as well. Our offensive line is one of the best, we have an amazing RB and a slew of young receivers. Our defense is slowly dying due to age, but we have good defensive coaches to balance that out with other young talent. Comparing Russell to Young is complete BS. Russell has been rookie of the year? Russell has gone to the pro bowl? Russell has constructed ANYTHING that resembles a 4th quarter comeback? A winning season? Stats that resemble an NFL QB? I'd prefer if you NEVER make that comparison again. Sure, he has a cannon, but absolutely no direction at all. I'd take Flacco's arm over his any day of the week... which is underrated. At one of the drills before the draft two years ago, threw the ball over and passed the 'longest possible distance'. I remember it like it was yesterday: Colt Brennan's arm was the worst and Flacco made my mouth drop.
  15. Titans fan here. Titans have such an awesome offense live, along with a 2,000 year back (), and the past few first round picks have been good. CJ and Kenny Britt the past two years. I think Vince will do better with the starting role this time around. He literally turned the team around last year when Kerry Collins and our defense couldn't figure out how to play football for the first six games. I dislike the Patriots with a passion (odd with me being from Maine) and that 59-0 beating was a day I'll never forget. For anyone who doubts his skills, check out the amazing 99-yard drive against Arizona for the win last season in 2:37.
  16. Really good fit for the Broncos. McDaniels is an offensive mind and will have something for Tebow come week one. They knew if they really wanted him they had to pull the trigger or else some other team would.
  17. Ahh. You must be somewhat upset right now.
  18. To be honest... I'd love to see Orton do horrible this season. Horrible as in 10 picks to 4 TDs in the first couple of games or something. Brady Quinn has been given a chance before, but I'd love to see it again. Watching him during his ND days makes it really disappointing to see what he is now.
  19. I'm waiting to see who takes a chance on CJ Spiller. I'm a big ACC football fan and I saw a lot of Clemson games. The guy was banged up a lot. Most teams are going to want him for that one punch knockout run and not an every down back, but his injuries in the past worry me. His pros compared to the cons make him a first rounder just on the fact that nobody wants to pass up the chance in fear of someone else taking him.
  20. Doing round 1 in one night is really convenient. First three picks aren't surprises. Lets see what happens now.
  21. I laughed really hard when they started that chant. It was that exactly. You could tell that was a bunch of guys who had been watching since the Attitude Era. It was awesome.
  22. Wasn't aware that he'd be participating in house shows. If that's true then great for them. I didn't say Styles was more established than RVD - I simply said having RVD beat TNA's established talent the way it went down was mediocre at best. Six and a half months (almost seven) is a nice reign indeed.
  23. I agree with you 110 percent. The entire thing felt forced. I don't follow closely enough besides reading a few news sites, so I was aware Hardy vs RVD was happening, but because the Bruins in the playoffs is more important than wrestling I missed all of the supposed "build up" to the World title match. I caught the ending of Impact and honestly... words cannot explain what I thought. AJ Styles - the guy you were building up to be "THE MAN". The top draw, the guy who goes to all of the house shows, and doesn't miss an appearance. The face of the company. What does TNA do? They have a guy who doesn't want the heady schedule and barely just showed up beat the 'established' World champion. The ending was cheesy as hell. You hit the nail on the head. These type of endings are for people like Tommy Dreamer who if he had won the ECW title deserved this type of reaction from his peers. The only people who should have congratulated him (in my opinion) were Hardy and Team 3D. Dixie and Hogan? What the ****? I'm sure everyone loves it. Surprises are awesome in wrestling - it's the best. First thing that came to mind for me when watching this? Goldberg vs Hogan in '98. That match could have sold out a 70k+ arena and pulled in a huge buyrate. This Styles vs RVD match is a DREAM MATCH for most people. I'm not even going to pretend like what they did last night was a good move. In the long run this is going to bite them in the ass.
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