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Everything posted by LoganRodzen

  1. I agree. The way you re-worked the words and made it clearer looks excellent. Green is my favorite color and it just works great with $$$. I'm overly anxious to debut the title at the Rip Chord Invitational XIV, but it's still September so I have a few months to go. I think I'm planning to have the winner of the tournament be crowned the Million Dollar Champion. The winner is usually someone I'm currently pushing to the moon or an already established worker. If I go with the 'push to the moon' route it'll have to give it to a charismatic heel who can let the crowd know he has this title because he's worth that damn much.
  2. PHENOMENAL! I freakin' love the way this looks. You're just too much of a people pleaseR, ReapeR.
  3. Ahhhh. Your awesomeness and the glare of these title belts are blinding me! I love how you got the middle three $$$ signs to have the same looking texture as the real one. That modern version is amazing. The only thing I would change on the modern title is changing the blue to green. Not sure how it would look with a money-green That's just me being a nitpicker though. I can already see myself using this in my MAW game... Jay Chord (10x MAW Champ) loses his belt and goes berserk. He decides to debut a Million Dollar championship to show everyone in MAW and around the world that not only is he title worthy, but he's made MAW into a multi-million dollar company. Jay "Easy Money" Chord - new character to debut soon?
  4. Definitely would like to see you make that one sometime. Your belts are beyond epic and that title belt (in my opinion) is one of the coolest looking ones ever made.
  5. I'm curious if ReapeR or anyone has ever made a Million Dollar belt render based off the real one? I'm not even playing a RW mod or anything, just wondering if its been done.
  6. Just had to throw this out there to see what people were thinking of it... AM RAW getting a 0.7 rating over the 0.6 Impact got on Monday is (may I say it?) extremely embarrassing. I don't care that HBK retired and that's "why the rating is so low". If it was me and I was playing TEW and got beat by a 'C-Show' that AM RAW pretty much is... I would be changing to an unopposed time slot. Why didn't they think a live Thursday show would benefit them better than head-to-head on Mondays?
  7. Nice. I like that you copy/pasted onto the default CVerse belt background. I'm using this in my MAW game.
  8. I could seriously watch The Beautiful People all night I think. Seems like the biggest complaint from everyone is the Knockout tag match. I'm just weak when it comes to three blondies I guess. I've only watched TNA during the live shows they've put on... basically to bring me back to that warm and fuzzy Monday night wrestling feeling, but I know enough that women's tag team titles shouldn't exist in a 'mainstream' company. I noticed that the camera angles seemed way better than the Jan. 4th show. Like I said, I'm not a regular viewer so maybe that's been changed up for a while, but that was always my biggest pet-peeve about TNA. Their production (not talking pyro or other cosmetics) always seems to lack. It didn't as much last night.
  9. You're the man! These are going to make my 2014 MAW game 1000x better.
  10. Ahhh. I'm getting antsy for MAW logos. I'm sure they're going to be awesome.
  11. You guys are right. I just don't follow as much as I used to. I think they're going to find out fast enough their taped shows won't be getting as great reviews as the live ones.
  12. I think the every-other-week could be good for them. Gives them time to build up their live show like its a Saturday Night Main Event type thing. It also saves their asses next week when Austin is host of RAW. I wouldn't want to see the ratings if they went head-to-head next week.
  13. The debut did what it needed to. It put RVD over with a win and kept Sting strong as well. I would definitely like to see RVD vs Sting for a full match though.
  14. The splash on the screen was necessary to get Sting to look up at the ramp for so long. I thought overall that segment was awesome. Sting is a solid heel and you could tell the crowd wasn't into it at first, but by the end of that segment Hogan and RVD had put him over as a full-fledged heel. I've enjoyed the first hour. The camera angles on The Beautiful People were amazing!
  15. Not to be a pain, but I am horrible at graphics so I must ask for my MAW game. When do you think those (MAW) event logos may be done? I'm just really pumped to add them to my game because the ones you've done thus far are amazing in my opinion. Keep 'em coming!
  16. Your event logos are awesome! I'm excited for the MAW ones.
  17. I'm curious where McIntyre is? I've grown way too frustrated with the IC belt being kept of WrestleMania. It was on it last year for the first time in a long time... but it was a joke match anyway. I'm getting out of this thread before my WWE frustrations explode!
  18. Curious what you guys think of this: To my knowledge, he never wrestled in the WWWF, WWF, or WWE and it seems Vinnie Mac is stepping over hid boundaries when it comes to the WWE HoF these days. I understand putting this guy in there because he's a legend of the sport. It's there HoF and they can do anything they want with it, but shouldn't they release some type of criteria for entrants? Perhaps I'm just upset that Savage still hasn't been inducted.
  19. That sounds like something WWE would do. Push a 37-year old guy you could have pushed 10 years ago. He has what... maybe two OK years left? He'll probably be released by the end of 2011.
  20. I'm really glad this game is getting underway. Football is by far my favorite sport (besides ice hockey, maybe GDS can get one in the works? ). I have played every GDS game someway shape or form. I loved BBCF and the way it played out. I had played quite a few seasons. I was a fan of NFL Head Coach on the PC because you could do practices, create plays, and do everything a coach does - I love how in-depth it was and how it was realistic. Hopefully BBPF can give to me that same type of feeling.
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