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Posts posted by Travis

  1. Hi, I think it would be great if we could just pay to upgrade the Merchandise department by the tier like we do under the Production section. If you went that route instead of having "Current Level", "Upgrade Progress", and "Upgrade Options" you could have 4 different things to upgrade like under the Production screen's: "Production Values", "Live Event Experience", "Broadcast Quality", and "Music."

    Under Merchandise you could have "Supply Line" which would have tiers like "Out of House Small" "Out of House Medium" "Out of House Large" "In House Small" "In House Medium" "In House Large". These would control the amount of merch that can be sold and the profit margin. Out of House would give you very little profit per shirt sold but it won't cost you anything to get started on the base tier. You'd upgrade and pay a small monthly fee so they can prioritize you so you can move more merch. Going to In House will require a bit more up front capital to cover equipment and supplies and you'll have ongoing costs and labor.

    "Live Event Merchandising" could have tiers: "Online only" "Company Branded" "Major Stars/Stars" "Whole Roster Basic" "Whole Roster Deluxe". This controls the amount you make at shows on merch with Online Only not resulting in any merch sales from shows alone. It would have very low monthly fees($25/month for the website) and $0 per show fees. Company Branded would have a small per show fee as you're now staffing someone to sell merch at shows and a small monthly fee. Once you get to Company Branded you'll make money per person attending, like how it is already. Major Stars would act how it currently does in the game when you've upgraded to that point. You'll make money more money off of your stars as you upgrade your tiers, and it'll have higher per show and per month fees. Live Event Merchandising is basically how the whole merch department works as it is in the game. Everything else either adds or subtracts, multiplies or divides off those settings.

    "Merchandise Quality" could have tiers: "Bottom Of The Barrel", "Basic", "Deluxe", "Premium." This feeds directly into the Supply Line but acts as a percentage that's taken off of your Supply Line margins. Bottom Of The Barrel will be a -0% of your sales. Basic will be a -10% of your sales, and so on. The higher the quality of the merch the lower your profit margin. The only reason this matters is if you're in a regional or national battle this could weigh into how those battles are won or lost, and affect your momentum and prestige accordingly.

    "Artwork Quality" could have tiers: "Family Friend", "Freelance Cheap", "Freelance Expensive", "In House Cheap", "In House Expensive." Family Friend would be the free option, while the rest just get progressively more expensive per month. This doesn't need to cost anything per show as it doesn't affect quantity of sales. Going to In House would require an initial fee as office space and equipment have to be covered before work begins and any subsequent upgrades would need upfront fees to expand. This also affects your regional and national battle scores. 

    So if you're starting out as an insignificant company with "Out Of House Small", "Online Only", "Bottom Of The Barrel", and "Family Friend", you'd be paying $25 a month just to have your website or mail service, and could make around $4 per popularity point. At the default 10 popularity in your starting region and a few spillover points, you could make a tiny profit of $15 to $30. Upgrading your Supply Line increases your money per popularity point. Upgrading your Live Event Merchandising increases your merch sales per fan in attendance. Upgrading the quality lowers your profits slightly but can help you win regional and national battles. Upgrading the Artwork Quality costs more per month, and can help you in regional and national battles. The Merch quality and Artwork quality can really play a big part in public perception.

    For example, WWE's merchandise is a powerhouse. They'd be at the highest settings, or very close to. They have a history of making stuff in house and at a large scale, use fairly high quality materials, and invest in the quality of the artwork on their merch, but I've heard that they've outsourced to Fanatics recently and their quality has dropped. Then you have AEW, who would use "Out Of House Medium or Large" because they outsource to Pro Wrestling Tees and don't have a huge overhead that an In House department would. Their Live Event Merchandising would be "Major Stars/Stars" as they often have a limited quantity of merch at live shows and only for a limited amount of wrestlers. Their Merch Quality is just as high as WWE's so their profit margin would be slimmer than if they had lower quality. And I'd controversially put AEW's Artwork Quality at either Family Friend or a lower Freelance level, as it was one of the Young Bucks' wives that was doing all the design work and not a team of professionals.

    I think this would add a bit more depth and build on what's there. The primary reason I'd love to see an overhaul is because the current way is a nightmare if you're starting a new company that you want to be big right off the bat. You've got the money but you really don't have the time, and the lack of a properly grown merch department can sink you easily. You're in the same situation whether you're running an insignificant company or a medium or large company. You have to wait through nearly 2 years of upgrading at a rapid pace just to actually make decent money that reflects a company of that size. The current method really only works if you're starting out from insignificant.

    I'd also like to see free tiers in the Production section under "Production Values" and "Broadcast Quality." These could be just 1 step under what's currently there. Instead of "Limited" being at level 1, you could have Volunteers or Family Friend. For Broadcast Quality you could have another Volunteer or Family Friend where they film the show with either a phone or very outdated equipment. It's worse than Amateur. I have seen and experienced this in real life, lol. 
    This would really help in doing zero to hero games as I've found it completely unattainable in this game because of the current base production costs. You could keep the defaults where they're at, but just give the option to downgrade to the free tiers if possible.

    Thanks for reading my Ted talk, lol

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  2. Indy Charity

    I don’t have a good name suggestion, but it’s basically morality wrestling and no-style style combined. You get the tax benefits and you’d face the same penalties if there’s any scandals or drama, but you aren’t constrained by needing strict heels and babyfaces, storylines, short matches, etc. There should be a low cap on risky matches and angles though. 

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  3. If I'm playing a historical mod, I'll pick a free agent as a user character that you could see running their own company. Someone that's a road agent or commentator.
    If I'm playing a modern real world mod I'll play as myself but at most as a Road Agent, if anything.
    If I'm playing a Cornellverse game I'm usually doing an organic database with few workers in the world to start with and have the game start in 1900. I'll have my guy be the the grandfather of wrestling in that situation like a George Hackenschmidt and he'll have 1 decent quality rival. I'll be the wrestler and road agent and start the first wrestling school in the game world. Once there's a decent generation of talent being developed I'll leave my company and do long simulations to see how things turn out 100 years in the future.

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  4. I just go an M1 MacBook Pro. Before I take the Parallels plunge, is it still the best route? And, if so, is the standard version sufficient?


    I got it working decently with CrossOver. The Trick is to save often. There's a glitch on the first day in a new game that causes the game to crash. After I startup again it doesn't happen right away. I can usually book 3 shows at a time before it gets glitchy again where screens don't show up. Then I exit out again and reload it. I've played nearly a year and a half on a save game currently.


    The game plays faster in my experiences on my M1 Macbook Air than my Ryzen 7 1700x with 32gb ram ever did. It can simulate a month of skipping ahead a lot faster.


    The only thing that's stopping me from using Parallels is allocating part of my ram to run windows in the background and lowering my overall performance for the whole system when I'm not using windows.

  5. That's a fair assessment. I'll need to do a bit of research as I know Britain only had a couple of television stations at this point but my knowledge of the rest of Europe in terms of television stations is non-existent. I'll see what I can do in future updates.


    I'll put some basic details below from a bit of research I'm doing right now for Europe. I'll chuck 'em into my game at some point just to fill things out some more. I don't want to go too far down a rabbit hole and make an exhaustive list of every tv network in every country, lol. There's a lot of subsequent numbered sister channels in European television.


    Western Europe:

    TF1 - Commercial Terrestrial - Starts in April 1935

    France 2 - Commercial Terrestrial - Starts in April 1964

    France 3 - Free to Air Terrestrial - Starts in December 1972

    Nederland 1 - Commercial Terrestrial - Starts in October 1951



    TVE-1 - Commercial Terrestrial - October 1956

    TVE-2 - Free to Air Terrestrial - November 1966


    Central Europe:

    ARD - Commercial Terrestrial - June 1950

    ORF - Free To Air Terrestrial - August 1955



    Radiotjänst(or SVT1 today) - Free to Air Terrestrial - September 1956


    Eastern Europe:

    UA:Pershyi - Commercial Terrestrial - February 1939

    Belarus-1 - Commercial Terrestrial - January 1956



    Channel One - Commercial Terrestrial - April 1938


    Southern Europe:

    TVR-1 - Commercial Terrestrial - December 1956


    Southern Mediterranean:

    RAI - Free to Air - January 1954

  6. I've done several in game years so far with the mod and its been great. At first I was wishing there was some broadcasters for India....until I googled TV in India and they didn't have national television until 1982, lol. They were way behind getting television and even radio. Bombay(Mumbai) didn't have TV service until 1972.

    I do think though that Europe needs more starting broadcasters. They weren't in the stone ages back then like India was, lol

  7. I wish TEW had a stat/feature for previous peak popularity. Nostalgia pops are very real in wrestling if an older wrestler who used to be super popular and hasn't been seen in a long time suddenly appears. If they were a regular part of the show again they wouldn't have the same affect on attendance like they used to, but the fans that are still there will love it. So at the very least, it could add to the overall rating of the show, or make a segment hotter, or something along those lines, but it shouldn't be used to launch a company into the stratosphere.
  8. That's the product I usually go with because its much more relaxed. You don't really get penalised for anything, but I also haven't tried doing deathmatches or anything too violent. The product screen will give you a list of everything you'll need to be aware of on the bottom right side.


    I'm not sure about Main Event focus or what the angle focuses do. I assume Main Event focus means the auto booker will try to give you the best main event possible between wrestlers with the hottest perception. I've noticed a lot of the wrestlers that I have with low momentum will often get passed over when I use autobooker with that focus enabled. But I haven't played around with the 3 ring circus or ensemble yet. I wish there was an info thing for that on the screen when those options were selected so you knew what they were there for.

  9. Well it depends on how you want to structure it. It can't be done all within 1 segment unfortunately. If you had a match already advertised, like a champion vs no. 1 contender, just end it however you want(clean pin fall, no contest following an interference, etc,...), and then make the new match. Thankfully with this game you can book on the fly, so before you go to the next segment, add in an angle that says the Challenger is cashing in their briefcase and add in the booking for the next match. But its best to do a match, then a quick angle, then a match.
  10. I'm really happy with a lot of the new features in the game. I wrote about a lot of them in the suggestions board over the last few years so its awesome that many of the ones I wanted are in.

    The major selling points for me are:

    1. New Financial Model

    2. Block Taping TV Shows

    3. Ticket Pricing

    4. Merchandising

    5. Contract Structure

    6. User Reputation affecting how you start up a company

    7. Tournaments

    8. Mass adding workers in the editor.

    9. Stars and how they affect attendance levels. In the brief amount of time I've played the demo for I was underwhelmed by this feature, but I probably wasn't using it right. I started an organic mod, and let the game create a variety of wrestlers. I had pretty much everyone on the card as unskilled nobodies because I wanted to see how much/little they would cost, but made my user character maxed out on everything. My company had a 15 popularity rating. I prebooked my 99 popularity user character vs one of the unskilled nobodies and only drew around 150 people. I figured maybe there needs to be at least 2 popular guys to make a difference so I generated another guy with a 90 popularity and booked them for the next show. The boost in attendance was barely noticeable. Maybe an extra 20 people, I don't remember exactly, but it was less than 200 total. Maybe the product I chose(I believe it was a puro based style) doesn't let me have those perks of attendance boosting when the fans predominantly care about in ring skill. I'll have another play around with it when the full game is released to see if it is actually working in the game or not. It just seems like if you got The Rock to come to a show at a company with a 15 popularity, you'd get more than 150 people there regardless of what The Rock was doing or who he was facing. If its still lacking in a boost when the full game comes out I'll mention it in the Tech Support section.

  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="hyretic" data-cite="hyretic" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1091907/000109190713000015/exhibit1017bookingagreement.htm" rel="external nofollow">A copy of Stephanie McMahon's contract</a><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I love how they'll use the term Wrestler in their legally binding contracts but will never call them Wrestlers on TV...</p>
  12. I remember there being 2013 > 2016 database transfer mods being up within the first week, but they weren't being advertised as being finished or completed mods. You could probably expect someone putting out a rough real world database that might only have a focus on completing WWE and AEW. It'll be interesting to see how the new data fields will be generated for the newer features when converting databases over.
  13. Just something I’ve been wondering about. Let’s say you’re a small company and want to do your biggest show ever and you have a spare million bucks to help put it together. Would you even be able to entertain an offer to a big broadcaster that would otherwise not even talk to you in TEW16 if you put down on the negotiations that you’d pay them an absurd amount to air your show? I think the journal just says it’d help you get the better time slot, but it’d be interesting if the money would just get you in if you don’t meet popularity/production requirements.
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TeemuFoundation" data-cite="TeemuFoundation" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I actually have a question about block tapings. If I block tape 4 episodes of Superstars, do I still have a taping scheduled for the following week, or is the show on a break for the following four weeks until all the episodes have aired?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've also wondered about that. But also let's say you have a show that airs on Saturday, but you tape on Monday. You can block tape 4 episodes on Monday, but after you finish that taping, can you go back into the schedule screen and change the next taping day to Tuesday(same day) or even to Wednesday, and block tape another 4 episodes, and then again on Friday, to have 12 shows total in the bank before the Saturday show even airs? Will the game know that it has 12 shows finished and draw from that bank of shows the same way it knows it has 4 shows taped and ready to air on the next 4 Saturdays?</p><p> </p><p> I used to do something similar but only 1 show at a time in TEW16, but mostly if I just wanted to finish up a TV contract. You could just go in and reschedule your taping day if you weren't airing live and do another show. I don't remember if it would just air that episode the following week though.</p><p> </p><p> But I'm excited for that feature. I'll use it heavily for a smaller company. I used to love doing 30 minute episodes built around 1 match, but when you have a roster of 12 or so guys you'd get complaints that someone wasn't getting used enough. So I'm curious if you'd still get complaints even when you're block taping shows and everyone appears throughout the tapings at least once, but when the air date of the episodes can be a month apart would you still get complaints from people that they aren't on TV enough?</p>
  15. With cinematic matches now happening, is there any chance the 3 segment penalty could be lifted? TNA had that whole 1 hour episode for the Ultimate Deletion match some years back that could be interesting to re book. I'd also like to run a company that runs 30 minute TV shows with 1 match taking up the whole block of time, and block tape 4 of them in a night. Usually I'd just do a 28 minute match and 1 minute video hype promos on each of the wrestlers involved just to get around the 3 segment penalty, but I'd rather go straight to the action because I'm lazy, lol
  16. I'll probably start an organic game starting in January of 1900 and just play through until a real world mod comes out. That'll give me a good idea of how much differently the game is ran, how workers progress over time, if workers starting from scratch with no training can help make wrestling better when they retire and train the next generation and so on. Or I'll probably spend the entire trial week updating a real world mod. Only being able to play through 2 months makes that week pretty much pointless for me. I already know I'm gonna love the game if I've loved every single one in the past through the EWR days.
  17. Remember when TEW 2016 was released and there was a rare incident where there would be a plane crash that takes out a lot of the roster from a top company? I think it'd be an interesting feature in the game if a rare global pandemic surfaced that forced all companies to either not run shows, or run shows but have no audience, no crowd reactions/heat(which will hurt match ratings), no merchandise revenue from live shows, and the economy tanks temporarily which greatly hinders the ability for smaller companies to make money/survive. And there could possibly be a negative effect for companies who decide to run shows for a 2 month period.
  18. I think a good way around the TV Ad Revenue is to assign it based on popularity points. I'm sure it is to a degree, but assuming mod creators will make a WWE level company about 70 across the US, and AEW would be around 50, the revenue can kinda be scaled. I believe WWE is getting 200 million a year for Raw and Smackdown(make it 100 million per show per year), and AEW is getting 40 million. It'd be about $3 million per popularity point over an average overall of 50 through the US per A-level TV Show.


    In my opinion, a company shouldn't make 1 million in Ad revenue until they've at least reached a medium level, or 40 across the country. But I also think WWE's Ad Revenue is super inflated in real life and that its a bubble that will eventually burst and be split in half because their ratings have nearly split in half. I think AEW's Ad Revenue is pretty realistic however for this time period. Its amazing to think that 20 years ago when RAW and Nitro were getting 4 million viewers that hardly any Ad revenue was being generated, and WWE even paid to have Smackdown on UPN/MyTV for years.


    I'm also curious as to how the Sponsorship aspect will come into play, because sponsors could also be heavily apart of the ads that are played during a show, possibly making it redundant for bigger companies. If a company has Ad revenue coming in that could possibly be scrapped.


    One of the local companies here has sold sponsorships in the past ranging from $75 to $150 per show with 3 sponsors featured on their flyers, and they routinely do about 300 people per show, 800 for the big one of the year, and their tickets are usually $20. They'd probably be considered a tiny company, but not insignificant in game standards. They don't have TV, about 90% of the roster is local to the city, never any international guys, and they have a training school that is generating them a decent amount(costs $3k to become a wrestler for a 6 month class). Maybe the game will be able to use training schools for income at some point because I think its expenditure only if I recall correctly.

  19. Well, I can't go into detail right now as I just came to take a look, but I will try to answer to this later if I don't forget. But Alliances are very contrived and with a lot of cosmetic flavor only. Some changes should have been made. I don't know why they weren't severely updated, but I suppose it wasn't doable for this version.


    Alliances are a pretty useful feature in the game, at least how I play with them. TEW2020 has no cap on the amount of Alliance loans that you can have and they’re much cheaper now. I think Adam said they’ll be what the fair PPA rate would be. Before, you were limited to using 5 or 6 wrestlers from 1 company before you couldn’t use them for an extended period of time. I would use that feature a lot for doing super shows between multiple major companies. It worked perfectly for those Mid 90’s mods, where you could have working agreements with WWF, WCW, AAA, AJPW, and NJPW and do some pretty major shows. With the added and improved features in the game this year, it’ll be a lot easier to do more of those super shows. I believe working agreements have the same freedom for loaning workers as alliances but I have to go back and check.


    I definitely plan on doing a major alliance utilising 1 company per region in a organic setting. So there will be roughly 60 companies all doing trades and putting on super shows. Each company will have a core group of 5 wrestlers signed exclusively to them while filling out the rest of their roster with free agents that’ll probably work for more than 1 territory, at least at the start of the game. It can also work well in a parent/child company situation where the parent company puts on the big shows, while the child companies are all in an alliance with each other. There’s a lot of ways to use Alliances, and it’ll definitely be better in 2020.

  20. I like the idea for the new gimmick feature. Most wrestlers today don't have much of a character like the Undertakers, Stings, Ric Flairs, Hulk Hogans, Road Warriors of yesteryear. So if that can make it easier and all mod makers would need to do is tick a few boxes to give a worker a general, overall character, while lesser known workers would be fine with just a default setting, it would be a perfect feature. There's only a few outlandish wrestlers these days that would really need something tailored just to them. Everyone else could easily be defined by a few traits.
  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="awesomenessofme1" data-cite="awesomenessofme1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>"$400,000 <em>or more</em>" (emphasis added) is what the journal says, not up to $400,000. He didn't give a maximum anywhere as far as I can tell.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It could also be a per appearance figure too, so $400,000 per appearance contracted exclusively for 20 appearances is $8,000,000. I don't know if that will work for per appearance deals or not though.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> I do think one of the things that will have to be re-balanced in correlation with finances is sponsorship money. If you run a pretty generic traditional/mainstream company low in danger/intensity you can get $20,000-30,000 a month pretty easily even being a small company. No one is getting that much money in sponsorship deals.</p><p> </p><p> Building a venue is also something that would need to be a lot more expensive, or having it split into categories where you lease a building like Impact had done with the Impact Zone sound stage, so you pay a monthly rate for the building, but you could in theory run as many shows as you want there for "free". Those would have to be counterbalanced because real estate is super expensive. In the game a 2,500 capacity venue costs $65,000 to create. In reality, a building able to fit 2,500 people would cost at least a million, if not several more to build based on what kind of amenities it supports. A 10,000 seat building is $280,000, when in reality, an arena holding that many people would be at least 50 million. If the game would shift the focus of creating a venue to leasing an existing building I think it would work better in that category.</p><p> </p><p> Operating costs could also be greatly re done. For the local level company(running a traditional puroresu style), my estimated sponsorship income is $3,043, the marketing expenditure is $250, admin expenditure is $250, Legal expenditure is $150, and the production expenditure is $250.</p><p> Most of those, with having hardly any popularity, should be at $0. When you're starting a brand new local level company, your biggest expenses running a show are going to be the ring rental if you don't already own one, and the venue hire. The guys are already getting paid peanuts.</p><p> </p><p> Money spent on production could also be greatly re done. Companies lower than regional level only running 1 show every month or 2, shouldn't have a monthly fee for anything. It should be a per show fee for production values. When it comes to editing video, its not uncommon for the person running the company to be the editor, and its pretty common that the person(s) recording the video to be volunteers. A company like CZW is being run out of DJ Hyde's house and he does pretty much everything. If you've seen that documentary about him running the Tournament of Death, He brought in $25,000 for the show, and made about $1,000 in profit. The guys probably weren't making big money by any stretch, but it would've been more than the typical CZW show.</p>
  22. <p>So happy about the updated finances aspect. I've always been the one guy pestering on about finances and micro managing stuff. Now if only a hotdog was a suitable "bonus" for the guys making $10 a show, lol, or does that fall under catering?</p><p> </p><p>

    But this should make for interesting scenarios for people starting from $0/0 popularity and just doing organic mods in general(which I usually do before the first real world mods come out).</p><p> </p><p>

    I hope EWR style sponsors make a return as well. There was something a little more immersive about seeing a real life company(or more) sponsoring your show rather than it being a generated line item at the end of the month. Keep up the great work Adam, I might buy multiple copies when the game comes out just out of appreciation!</p>

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