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Posts posted by Idolized

  1. 2 hours ago, Mammoth said:

    I'm sorry, I thought I'd already replied to this but it appears I read it and never got 'round to replying.

    I don't use "WWWF's Heavyweight Wrestling from Washington" because there's conflicting information on when its run ended. Some say early-70s and some say late-60s, so I erred on the side of caution. If anybody has any definitive evidence that they were still running (like in an old TV guide or something) then I'm more than willing to add them a second show. By the way, "Studio Wrestling" was a real show - it's not a place holder. They just didn't have much imagination for names in the 1970s.ย ๐Ÿ˜…

    Yes. There isn't an "in-law" option and by all accounts, Jerry and Eddie basically had a parental relationship so it's the relationship that made most sense rather than, say, a "Distant Relationship" with a "Strong Friendship" thrown in there as well.

    Iโ€™d personally go with โ€œlike familyโ€ since they arenโ€™t blood relation, but I understand your reasoning.

    • Like 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, Bigpapa42 said:


    And this is fundamentally the problem when I look at the whole of the Monday Night Wars era... almost any point has some interesting things going on that would be fun and interesting to rebook. Whether its because it was fumbled badly or just to try do things a bit differently. It makes it hard to narrow things down. Ideally, creating base mod that has the balance I like and then having a version or two at other starting points would be amazing... but overly ambitious

    Iโ€™ve thought about it with my 2004 mod as well. Get April out and then fast forward it to Survivor Series time, then even further and release one in January of 2005. Iโ€™m hoping that releasing the data as freeware, and the external editing would get people on board with starting mods for different time periods with it.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Bigpapa42 said:

    Looking good, Idolized.

    Looking for ideas, thoughts, suggestions, etc, for making a point in time as playable as possible but still relatively realistic.ย 

    Iโ€™ve started to work on converting The Yes Mod over for TEWIX, which has got the mod-making juices flowing a bit more than expected. I have a January 1984 mod (Brave New World) that I had done some work on and am starting over, but thatโ€™s a from-scratch mod so its not going to see the light of day for a long time. That wonโ€™t be a huge mod in terms of worker numbers, but with a lot of territories still open (but dying), Work Histories are a wee bit cumbersome. One idea Iโ€™ve toyed around with for a long time is a mod in the Monday Night Wars era. Basically anything between 1995 and 2001. I love the 2001 transition point and the idea of WCW surviving, which I started to work on for TEW20 at one point, but I feel like Mr. Canada has that covered. As I work on the other mods, I find myself mulling how I would set up a Monday Night Wars era mod and thought intrigues me.

    Of the 1995-2001 period, Iโ€™ve kinda zeroed in on the 1997 or 1998 period. It feels like a high points (not necessarily an absolute peak) where WCW, WWF, and ECW are all fairly strong. NJPW and AJPW are doing well (although the Japanese economy started to tank in mid 97), as is CMLL in Mexico, where AAA has just got rolling too. There isnโ€™t a particularly strong indy scene, which is both a positive (it can make for a more streamlined mod) and an obvious drawback. The womenโ€™s scene as a whole is weak, but joshi has an amazing amount of talent. Iโ€™m leaning towards a January 1997 starting point.

    Between the 1997 and 1998 start date options, I feel like WCW is in a really strong position at both points, whereas the WWF goes from really building momentum at the start of 1997 to hitting a stride by the start of 1998. ECW is past its peak in some ways but still hasnโ€™t really hit the point of being in trouble. I would ideally want to create a mod that offers balanced gameplay โ€“ not overly easy, not impossibly challenging, and where the big companies are all bookable. Which brings me to my main point of hesitation. When I think back on the myriad of mods weโ€™ve had for this period going back through the last 3 or 4 versions of TEW, my perception is that a lot of them had dynamics at one extreme or the other. One or both of WCW and WWF would be set up to be unassailably strong and beyond the point of failure (particularly when run by the AI), or set up to be impossibly challenging to run (particularly when run by the user). Sometimes both at the same time lol. Again, my remembrance isnโ€™t necessarily accurate, but I feel like WCW in the 1995-1999 period would be like USPW in the last two Cverses, whereas the WWF in the 1995-1996 period and WCW in the later 1999 and on beyond would be a mess. The combination of negative personalities, negative relationships, bad habits, bad decisions, and huge rosters without enough top level talent can be overwhelming. Its not unrealistic and especially on the older TEWs, I feel like it was somewhat how the game applied those challenges rather than issues with the mods.

    So that ends up being a massive hesitation on any such project for me. No one wants to dump hundreds of hours of modding into a project, then get to the point where they can test and determine that one of the main companies is utterly non-functional for a human booker. For both companies, but especially for WCW, some high level negative personalities with some negative relationships is probably going to go a long way. I am hopeful that putting some of those negative personalities into positions of authority in the Inner Circle will have a big impact as well. Using Attributes that will have an impact. Negative habits as well. BUT... not going to extremes with any of those, even if its in the pursuit of absolutely accuracy because I don't want to tip the balance from challenging to impossible. And using some contract values to make money not quite as easy to make.ย 

    That said, Iโ€™m still looking for any ideas / suggestions on options to set up WCW and the WWF and even ECW in ways that will keep the companies challenging but not overly impossible to run, either for a human or AI booker.

    I have always wanted to book WCW 2000 at the start of the Russo/Bischoff New Blood angle

    • Like 1
  4. It All Begins... Again (April 2004)

    I've been quietly working on converting my 2004 mod over to TEW IX, and figured I'd share some screenshots of the progress.ย 

    Work completed so far:

    - Real World Heights and Weights (with min and max weights) set
    - Birthdays and debut dates (to the first day fo the month they debuted IRL) set
    - Converted nearly 5,000 title lineage entries from TEW 2020 format (Wk, Month, Year) to real world calendar date format
    - Changed Injury history dates to real world calendar date format
    - Added historic World Heavyweight Wrestling (Original) championship to flesh out HOI entries like Gotch, Hackenschmidt and Thesz.
    - Added immersive narratives to set the scene for the time period
    - Various other edits and graphic additions











    • Like 10
  5. 1 hour ago, bladee said:

    There's currently only one arena in Japan, just the Tokyo Dome. Is this intentional?

    First postโ€ฆ

    Venues -
    ย I deleted all venuesย and started re-adding from scratch, its very bare bones right now, its what I've been working on mostly in recent days. I decided to release the database since I'm sure many people dont really care about venues and can just use theย "generic" option for now. I figured I might as well just releaseย the data as I work on venues.

    • Like 4
  6. 11 minutes ago, Bigpapa42 said:

    Okay, if its an awful idea, I'll scrap it. Might as well scrap the 1984 I've been working on as well. Thanks for the feedback, guys.ย 

    I donโ€™t see what you would scrap the mod if you have already put a bunch of work into it.

    i personally would not be much into a comic book style AI type pack either. But AI can help with the picture pack. The AmP pack that Asaemon has been working on would probably be perfect for that. Heโ€™s used AI to upscale a ton of retro images.


    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, EdJames said:


    . . . . .ย 

    Transparent GIFs in the current style
    Possibly! Convince me...but if I do I'll want to put them all on a consistent background (that isn't the blue, since that already exists). I've been playing around with the below, but make no promises that this will happen.ย 

    Version3e.png.122e7feb5b7c12f38792df77b3c5874e.pngย Version3b.png.5bf20b5f84a98d2dfef11bde5b44f641.pngย Version3d.png.2a2261b30fc0e2689c40537c3f1dce4c.png

    not sure what the passive aggressiveness is about? Iโ€™m literally doing what you asked for in your first post.


    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  8. 22 minutes ago, EdJames said:

    Just for clarity, it's a complete replacement of the original database, so matching it isn't necessary per se.ย 

    understood, just prefer the style used by the skin and the SAMPP/RWC mods

    • Confused 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Anderz said:

    Ah I'm already in the Alt database, it's the Default version that has .gifs.

    Nevermind, looks like it's not possible to mass edit in the in-game editor anyway.


    Top work anyway!!

    You can externally in excel with find and replace

    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, VBigB said:

    So for my own purposes I replaced that blank.jpg with a crudely made banner which I think looks ok. At some point I may do a better job of that banner as it was just a quick mock up to see how it would look.


    Very nice. Thereโ€™s an option on the game to use full loading screens as well without the worker profiles and stats

  11. On 7/28/2024 at 8:29 AM, beatingstuff88 said:

    So to just come out and say it: The most important things to know when hiring a worker is

    1. what is the worker good at

    2. how well known is he?

    3. what is their personality?


    Currently i dont get any of that when opening or looking at a workers profile. now i can only see what they are, the fact that they do/dont work, are/arent unemployed and dont have titles or positions of power. Add to that the massive amount of buttons on the right and all you end up with on the first page is a huge amount of dead space (screenshot courtesy of ericmassac)



    The spaces that have been highlighted in your example isn't blank space. Since the layout isn't responsive, it has to account for the full list (see Alex Shelley below). A lot of complaints seem to be around the fact that the Negotiate and Shortlist buttons aren't available on every screen. Perhaps putting those buttons in the bar with the tabs so that they are clickable no matter which tab you're in would be helpful.

    Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 10.47.30 PM.jpg

    • Like 6
  12. 3 hours ago, The Inquisition said:

    Okay so with the default screen Idol supplied I've found a solution that works for me: Fade


    I've updated the Loading Screens file above to get these new ones.


    Also @Idolizedย while we have you here, is there a zip of all the default skin files so that its easier to create custom skins?

    Not yet. I plan to supply a png set like I did for 2020 when I get some time though.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 18 hours ago, VBigB said:

    Yeah there is nothing that can be done about that. You don't see that blue bar with the default loading screen because they have done a clever trick and matched the background of that button bar with the loading screen. TEW2020 has the same issue if you go back and take a look.



    Here is the blank background. You could build loading screens on this if you want the seamless look.

    • Thanks 2
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