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Posts posted by Idolized

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Archer96" data-cite="Archer96" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51728" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How's this mod coming along? Any idea on when it will be released yet?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Truthfully, I’ve kind of fallen in love with the Thunderverse Mod and it has been distracting me and taking up a lot of my time. Fear not, I do plan to get back to work on it.</p>
  2. <p>Another free worker, possibly a Hardcore type guy</p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="Hardcore-Male-001.jpg" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/MPyXgRL/Hardcore-Male-001.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Hardcore-Male-002.jpg" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/88K5WWY/Hardcore-Male-002.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Hardcore-Male-003.jpg" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/6ssvfDw/Hardcore-Male-003.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    And with the eyes looking at the camera:</p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="Hardcore-Male-003.jpg" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/nczmt7Y/Hardcore-Male-003.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Hardcore-Male-002.jpg" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/dM6b8LD/Hardcore-Male-002.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Hardcore-Male-001.jpg" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/jZwBpYQ/Hardcore-Male-001.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

  3. <div style="padding: 35px; border: 7px solid #be1818; border-right: 7px solid #be1818; background: #ffffff; max-width: 65%;">


    NCW Championship Wrestling

    Monday, Week One, January 2021

    (TAPED earlier in the evening)

    Nashville, TN


    <div style="background: #f4f4f4; border: 2px solid #0b1940; padding: 20px;">A DESTINY TO BE FULFILLED... TONIGHT?


    Mace Manzone, James Gilmour and Clayton Bennett


    "Welcome wrestling fans, to the hottest hour of professional wrestling on television, this is NCW Championship Wrestling!" beamed Mace Manzone as the voice of National Championship Wrestling stood behind a podium stationed to the side of the entryway, emblazoned with the NCW Shield. Manzone's enthusiasm was not shared by his guests for the interview segment, as NCW Worlds Heavyweight Champion James Gilmour and "Vastly Superior" Clayton Bennett joined him after their introduction with smug looks on their faces. Getting down to business, Manzone looked to get Clayton Bennett's thoughts on his main event match tonight against Abraham Moore for the NCW Heritage Championship. Instead, he'd get the thoughts of the NCW Champion as Gilmour commandeered the microphone and proclaimed, "Tonight, a wrong that has been going on for five months now, will be made right! Tonight, Clayton Bennett proves why he is indeed "Vastly Superior" to every single wrestler he steps foot in the squared circle against! Tonight, Clayton Bennett regains the championship title he never should have lost, and he fulfills destiny! When the credits roll on this episode of Championship Wrestling, mark my words Mace, we will reign over this entire company as dual champions!"


    After regaining control of the microphone, Manzone focused his attention on the champion, informing viewers that he had received word that Miguel Guardado had not made it to the arena for tonight's show and had informed NCW management that he had issues with his rental car. "Considering the fact the Guardado has been a thorn in your side as of late, champ - you wouldn't know anything about that would you?"


    Feigning shock, the Englishman claimed he was offended that Manzone would even insinuate that he or Bennett had something to do with the fact that Guardado wasn't at the arena. "You know what else offends me, Mace?" asked the Worlds Champion. "The fact that you're even mentioning his name in my presence. It's clear as day that Miguel Guardado wants a shot at the twelve pounds of gold I proudly display over my shoulder. Well, what Guardado wants, and what Guardado is going to get are two completely different things!"


    The champion continued, running down the MMA Icon and former two time NCW Worlds Champion before adding "The business of professional wrestling runs on the principle of "What have you done lately?" That means that those who have earned opportunities to challenge for championships are the ones that receive them. What has Guardado done lately, Mace? Stick his nose where it doesn't belong? Play protector to his new mate Abraham Moore? That hardly qualifies him for a shot at the Worlds Heavyweight Title!"


    "But what about"... asked Manzone, before being cut off by Gilmour who held his palm up with a look of irritation on his face. "Miguel Guardado can get to the end of the line where he belongs! Understand? I think even a complete dolt like you can comprehend that!?" The annoyed champion fixed his title on his shoulder, then stepped back and allowed Clayton Bennett to take the stage.


    "Abraham Moore, I hope that you have enjoyed walking around here with my championship around your waist these past five months!" With a cocky smirk, Bennett finished off the segment. "Do yourself a favor. Spend the next thirty minutes polishing it up. Then take a long hard look, soak in all of its beauty... because it's the last time you're ever going to see it! Tonight, the Heritage Championship goes back around my "vastly superior" waist it where it belongs!"


    With that, Gilmour and Bennett walked off as Championship Wrestling aired its opening video package. (45) </div>



    Kenny Cash and Matt Calli vs. The Gibson Brothers


    After the opening package, Mace Manzone joined Chaperone at the commentary desk for duty as one of the only tag teams in NCW to hold both sets of tag team titles, The Gibson Brothers, took on local talents Kenny Cash and Matt Calli in tag team action. It should be noted however, that the action in this bout was all one sided as the powerhouse Gibsons made short work of the young up and comers in a display of their dominance as a tandem. On commentary, Manzone and Chaperone reminded fans that it was "Bowl Season" in NCW, a reference to the Briscoe Bowl Tournament that The Gibsons had to be a favorite to win. After just over four minutes, the brothers put Kenny Cash away with their double chokebomb known as The Gibson Bomb to pick up the three count.


    The Gibson Brothers def. Kenny Cash and Matt Calli in 4:10 (28)


    <div style="background: #f4f4f4; border: 2px solid #0b1940; padding: 20px;">HOLLYWOOD IS MONEY, BABY!


    "The Entourage" - Johnny Hollywood, Killer McKree and The Gibson Brothers


    After a commercial break, Championship Wrestling returned with the rest of The Entourage having joined The Gibson Brothers in the ring. Their leader Johnny Hollywood stood front and center with a microphone while the imposing Killer McKree flanked him with his arms crossed over his massive chest. Hollywood congratulated The Gibsons, reminding fans that he had surrounded himself with winners. That's why, in Hollywood's words, he was sick and tired of spending all of his time here in NCW with a loser like Theo Barkley. "Theo, you've done nothin' but waste my time, man! You couldn't cut it in the NBA, and you can't cut it here! I've got bigger fish to fry!"

    As Hollywood nearly went into a tirade over how much he wanted the NCW Worlds Heavyweight Title back, he was interrupted by none other than Theo Barkley himself.



    Theo Barkley


    The former collegiate basketball all-star reminded the brash Californian that when it came to one on one competition, it was Barkley who held the edge over Hollywood. Furthermore, Barkley claimed that in regards to the NCW Worlds Heavyweight Championship, there was no man that wanted that title back more than he did.


    Johnny Hollywood arrogantly invited Barkley into the ring to settle things, but Theo had a better idea: a six man tag team match next week on Championship Wrestling. The Entourage found that extremely humorous, as Hollywood laughed and instantly accepted the challenge before telling Barkley good luck in finding two men "stupid enough" to team with him. However, Barkley appeared to already have a team all covered as NCW legend Smokin' Stevie Gunn lead out the tandem of Double Shot, Curtis Windham and Danny Azaria who shook Theo Barkley's hand.



    Smokin' Stevie Gunn and "Double Shot" - Curtis Windham and Danny Azaria


    With Championship Wrestling headed to commercial break, Mace Manzone and Chaperone hyped the big showdown set for next week! (46)</div>



    "The 'Net's Big Thing" Brit Riley w/ Audrey Abelson vs. The Kat


    It was straight back to in-ring action when Championship Wrestling returned as Brit Riley grappled with former NCW Women's World Champion and fan favorite The Kat. Kat's "unique" demeanor and cat like ways kept the social media influencer off her game throughout the opening portion of the bout, with the former champion gaining a number of near falls over the second generation worker. After being tripped up by Abelson on the outside, Kat was caught with a huge short-arm clothesline that would mark Riley's comeback. A sunset flip nearly secured the victory for Brit, but The Kat shouldered out and attempted to come back with both stars exchanging hard right hands (with the fans shouting "boo!" every time Riley landed a shot and "Hiss!" every time Kat landed a punch). The comeback was ill-fated however as Riley countered Kat's suplex attempt and nearly took her head off with the reverse neckbreaker affectionately known as "Unfollowed."


    Brit Riley def. The Kat in 6:55 (30)


    <div style="background: #f4f4f4; border: 2px solid #0b1940; padding: 20px;">NOW TRENDING WORLDWIDE


    Chaperone, Brit Riley and Audrey Abelson


    After a quick post-production cut, Chaperone was now behind the interview podium and attempted to get a word from the victorious Brit Riley with Audrey Abelson standing next to her. The commentator congratulated the so-called "'Net's Big Thing" on her victory before trying to get the scoop on the new alliance between the two women, "What is this new allegiance here all about? What is going on with the two of you?" he pried.


    "What you are lookin' at right here is The In-Crowd of the Women's Division." Riley explained, "Audrey is a former Women's Champion and I am the NEXT Women's Champion here in NCW! Did you see what I just did to The Kat out there? She's probably still counting the lights! We are the future of women's wrestling here in NCW, Chap. Name anyone better to lead this division!"


    "Well," Chaperone began, "many fans would argue the Megan Ferrell, the NCW Women's World Champion would fit that bill."

    Sarcastically laughing, Riley continued "Megan Ferrell - - are you serious? Do you know how many followers I have on Social Media? Do you know how many five star hotels comp my stay just because of the rub they get from my online reach? Who is Megan Ferrell!? Let me make something clear Chappy, we (Riley pointed arrogantly at herself and Audrey) don't need the NCW Women's Division. The NCW Women's Division needs us! The social media metrics don't lie. Megan Ferrell is a failed Champion! Yeah, I said it!"


    Chaperone attempted to get another word in, but was quickly cut off by Brit, who demanded "Don't @ me!" from the viewers at home, before walking off and bringing an end to the interview. (39)</div>


    <div style="background: #f4f4f4; border: 2px solid #0b1940; padding: 20px;">BOWL SEASON HEATS UP


    Hannah Gold and "The Veterans" Trevor Lange and Will McLeod


    After another word from the sponsors, Hannah Gold conducted an interview with NCW Southern Tag Team Champions The Veterans, Trevor Lange and Will McLeod. Gold asked the champions their thoughts on the upcoming Briscoe Bowl tournament, and the champions were more than happy to share the plans: win it all and prove that they are the very best tag team that NCW has to offer! "Crzy Will" reminded everyone that for the past ten months they've "fought in the trenches" and each time they'd come out on top with the Southern Tag Team titles still in their grasp. "The Briscoe Bowl tournament promises to be an all-out war," pondered Lange, "well as far as I'm concerned, there ain't two guys more prepared to go to war than The Veterans!"



    "Q&A" - The ?Question? and The !Answer!


    That boast apparently drew the ire of the reigning NCW Northern Tag Team Champions Q&A, The ?Question? and The !Answer! who interrupted the interview segment. The champions shook their masked heads in disgust.


    The ?Question?: "Question! Who is the best tag team in NCW!?"


    The !Answer!: "Answer! We are!"


    The ?Question?: "Question! Who is going to win The Briscoe Bowl!?"


    The !Answer!: "Answer! We are!"


    As the fans let the NCW Northern Tag Team Champions know that they certainly didn't agree, Hannah Gold tried to regain control of her interview, but was interrupted once again - this time by the disheveled Commissioner Butch Hackett who was dressed in an awfully ill-fitted (and outdated) suit. His wild long locks and bushy beard truly "complimented" the professional look he was attempting to go for.



    Commissioner Butch Hackett


    Fashion sense aside, the Commissioner stated that he was glad to have both The Veterans and Q&A in front of him, because he had a major announcement regarding The Briscoe Bowl, one that they had both better listen to. "For the past four years, this company has recognized two sets of tag team champions, and truth be told it has given a lot of opportunity to great teams to prove their worth. But in my mind, only one team can be the very best!"


    Hackett paused as the live crowd applauded, seemingly agreeing with his point.


    "Each year we have this Briscoe Bowl Tournament, and we say that it will decide the best tag team in all of NCW and we mean it. It's a grueling eight team tournament, and the winner gets braggin' rights... but this year the winner is goin' tuh get a bit more than braggin' rights. Ya see, this year's Briscoe Bowl will be the biggest ever! 'Cuz not only will both of you teams be competin', you'll also be defendin' yer titles!"


    Q&A looked angered at that announcement, flailing their arms wildly while The Veterans seemed to like the ante being raised by the commissioner.


    "Those titles will be defended throughout the tournament ya see, all the way until the finals where the winnin' team will not only be the Briscoe Bowl winners, but the first ever NCW Unified National Tag Team Champions! Ya see boys, this town ain't big enough for the both of ya, and at The Briscoe Bowl we'll find out who is indeed the very best here in NCW!"


    With that, the commissioner walked off as the teams reacted to the announcement in their own ways.


    "Woah!" shouted Mace Manzone as the graphic for the tournament bracket filled the screen. "Unified National Tag Team Championship! This truly promises to be the biggest Briscoe Bowl ever!" (34)





    <div style="background: #f4f4f4; border: 2px solid #0b1940; padding: 20px;">BRISCOE BOWL IS ABOUT TO BE BALLIN'!


    "The Ballers" - Josh Rockwell, Julio James and Rufus Wright


    Before the commercial break, a pre-taped promo aired with Rufus Wright hyping up his clients The Ballers, Josh Rocksworth and Julio James as they get set to face the veteran tandem of Tradition Inc., Big Bubba and FJK in round one of The Briscoe Bowl Tournament. Wright reminded everyone that The Ballers had been to the top of the mountain in NCW before (the pair being former NCW Northern Tag Team Champions), and it was about time they reclaimed the top spot. "It's playoff time gentleman!" barked Wright as he tried to pump up his clients. "It's go big or go home, and I guarantee we ain't goin' home! You wanna know who is gonna win The Briscoe Bowl and become the FIRST EVER NCW Unified National Tag Team Champions? You're lookin' at 'em, playa! Briscoe Bowl is 'bout to be BALLIN' BABY!" (30)</div>



    NCW Heritage Championship:

    "Vastly Superior" Clayton Bennett vs. Abraham Moore ©


    The night's highly anticipated main event got underway to a raucous start as the challenger Bennett attacked the champion from behind prior to the bell and before Moore could even get the belt unstrapped from his waist. Getting an up close and personal view of the action was James Gilmour who joined Mace Manzone and Chaperone as an unscheduled addition to the commentary team. Gilmour seemed to relish in Bennett's unsportsmanlike action, blaming Moore for "turning his back to the competition." Despite this opening exchange, Abraham Moore controlled the early part of the match, catching Clayton off guard with a spinebuster and a series of aggressive elbow drops. The crowd rallied behind the reigning Heritage Champion, cheering him and booing Bennett as each man exchanged skin-peeling knife edge chops. Moore won the exchange and knocked Bennett to the outside with a clothesline.


    After brawling around the outside of the ring, Bennett regained control of the match, cutting off Moore as he slid into the ring with an elbow drop and a series of wear down holds. Moore rallied back, but a missed running knee strike saw him taken down to the mat where Bennett quickly locked on the V.S.S.H. (Vastly Superior Submission Hold), his version of the Crossface. Sensing that their so-called "destiny" of reigning over NCW as dual champions was about to be fulfilled, James Gilmour drowned out commentary with his pleas for Moore to tap out and submit. That wouldn't happen as the relentless champion managed to get a foot on the ropes and break the hold.


    Back and forth, the battle would wage until at nearly twenty minutes of action, Bennett downed Moore with a DDT and signaled to the crowd that he was going to put him away for good. Bennett ripped Moore to his feet and tucked his head between the challenger's legs. From there, he held his arms out to the side and with a smirk on his face, called for the V.S.F.M (Vastly Superior Finishing Move), his version of the Styles Clash. However, as he attempted to put Moore away, the champion fought out and Bennett soon found himself on the wrong end of Patriot Power, Moore's powerbomb into a facebuster! The crowd came unglued as Moore hooked the leg!






    Ding! Ding! Ding!?!?


    . . .


    The referee called for the bell as Worlds Heavyweight Champion James Gilmour attacked Moore and broke up the count. The match was ruled a disqualification in favor of the champion, but that hardly mattered as Gilmour and Bennett had only the intention of causing pain to the champion on their minds!


    Abraham Moore def. Clayton Bennett via disqualification in 20:02 to retain the NCW Heritage Championship (52)


    <div style="background: #f4f4f4; border: 2px solid #0b1940; padding: 20px;">HERE COMES THE CAVALRY...


    Miguel Guardado


    The night would prove to be one that undid the best made plans for Gilmour and Bennett however, as not only were their aspirations of becoming dual champions squashed, their beatdown of Abraham Moore was cut short as the sounds of a hard rock rift hit the P.A. System and Miguel Guardado raced to the ring!


    "Car problems be damned! Miguel Gaurdado is here!" shouted Mace Manzone as the MMA Bad Ass hit the ring and went right for the reigning NCW Worlds Champion - - who quickly dropped down and rolled out of the ring! Clayton Bennett followed suit, wanting nothing to do with the ticked off fighter. Guardado called the duo on, and checked on his friend Abraham Moore as Gilmour and Bennett seethed in anger, Gilmour visibly mouthing "You're not supposed to be here!" as the credits rolled on this edition of NCW Championship Wrestling. (50)</div>


    Show Rating: 50


    Quick Results:


    • This Gibson Brothers def. Kenny Cash and Matt Calli
    • Brit Riley def. The Kat
    • Abraham Moore def. Clayton Bennett via disqualification to retain the NCW Heritage Championship


    On The Card For Next Week:


    • NCW World Women's Champion "Country Strong" Megan Ferrell will be in action!
    • Johnny Hollywood and The Gibson Brothers take on "Primetime" Theo Barkley and Double Shot w/ Smokin' Stevie Gunn!


  4. NCW-Banner.jpg



    Nashville, TN - Formerly known as Championship Wrestling from Tennessee, National Championship Wrestling is a promotion once again on the rise. Currently owned by former MMA promoter Saul Keaton, CWT was opened by Austin McCall in 1974. An entertaining but minor territory for much of the next thirty years, it wasn't until the company was taken over by well-known sports broadcaster JD Briscoe in 2002 that the company really began to shine.


    However, by 2014 cashflow problems had hit the company again, and as attendances slipped with the success of PWI and the AWF, CWT were forced to release many of its biggest stars to balance the books. After Saul Keaton's 2016 takeover the company have undergone a notable upswing, recently signing a national TV deal for the first time in eight years. Many expected Keaton to transform the promotion, but his success has come by emphasizing the company's heritage, appealing to many a lapsed fan with the old school graphics and in-ring product.





    Abraham Moore, 34 years old, 14 years pro, Babyface Throwback: A journeyman jobber for most of his career, Moore got his big break in a rival promotion due to unexpected fan support thanks to what TEW says was "a perfect combination of his fiery brawling, desire and never say die attitude." His new found success caught the attention of our owner Saul Keaton who signed him to a written deal in 2020. He is the current NCW Heritage Champion, and has held the company's secondary title for 140 days and 6 successful title defenses.




    Alan Doering, 28 years old, 4 years pro, Heel, Traditionalist: A dependable brawler who apparently grew up watching VHS tapes of southern style wrestling, Doering is a throwback to the no-nonsense tough guys of the 70s and 80s. He's getting his first shot at the national stage with NCW after spending his first four years on the indy scene.




    American Lightning, 22 years old, 3 years pro, Babyface, Masked Patriot: A skilled young high flyer, American Lightning has no trouble connecting with fans due to his patriotic gimmick and high flying style. However, it's apparently "very unlikely" to industry insiders (according to TEW) that he will become a top star in the promotion unless something major changes as it is apparently not likely for a high flyer to headline the company.




    Aubrey Abelson, 27 years old, 4 years pro, Heel, Entitled Starlet: TEW says (in nicer words) that she's an unapologetic arrogant bitch that is a model turned wrestler by way of the ThunderVerse's version of the WWE Diva Search (AWF Search for a Starlet) - making it to the finals before being eliminated. After failing to win the contest she turned back to modeling until NCW came calling for the launch of the Women's Division in 2018. Her gimmick is "Entitled Starlet," so she's apparently playing the age old "herself with the volume turned up to 11" schtick.




    Belle Star, 27 years old, 7 years pro, Heel Party Animal: A Canadian valet known for her hard partying in real life, she is apparently another case of "herself with the volume turned up" in NCW. She manages her real life fiance Tyler Moon. TEW notes that she has a famously high pitched voice, so I'm going to assume she does a Vickie Guerrero-esque annoying schtick on the mic.




    Big Bubba, 32 years old, 11 years pro, Babyface, No-Nonsense Bad Ass: A two time former NCW World Champion and 10 year veteran of the company, Big Bubba plays a Bad Ass prison warden. However, despite that success, his days in the company seem numbered as his second reign as champion exposed his in ring weaknesses and he was pushed down the card in 2015. An argument with the new owner of NCW, Saul Keaton right before he took over the promotion apparently hasn't done him any favors either.


    This guy is totally based on Big Boss Man, right?




    Brady Taylor, 31 years old, 11 years pro, Heel, Old School Heel: A consistent, if not truly talented worker who apparently idolized a dude named Ricky Santana growing up (I'm just going to assume he'd T-Verse's Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat"), Taylor has found his way on our roster by apparently impressing his idol enough for Santana get him a gig as one of the promotion's enhancement talents.




    Brit Riley, 25 years old, 4 years pro, Heel, The 'Net's Big Thing: A second generation wrestler, Riley's joining of the NCW Women's Division apparently came as a surprise to some industry insiders as her surname comes with a bit of infamy due to her father having been caught embezzling funds from a promotion. It's apparently a case of natural talent overcoming the burden of family name. However, TEW says she has a bully personality type, so maybe the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree...




    Cedric Blake, 35 years old, 16 years pro, Heel, Big League Star: TEW says that despite the fact that Blake is a decent technical wrestler with solid performance skills, he's spent his career as a nomad. Why? Because he's a bit of an asshole. He also has a scumbag personality type. Oh, he'd going to be fun to manage...




    Chaperone, 51 years old, 31 years pro, Heel, Scumbag: I apparently bumped this dude out of a job as head booker with my foray into the ThunderVerse... oops! That's ok though, as not only does TEW tell me that he plays a scumbag on TV, he also has the scumbag personality type! He's a member of the ThunderVerse's Hall of Immortals, so he's had a storied career in the game world. He's apparently responsible for the turn around of the company and the signing of much of the roster. He's also a master politician backstage. I don't think I'll be keeping him around.




    "Vastly Superior" Clayton Bennett, 33 years old, 16 years pro, Heel, Vastly Superior: A charismatic heel that made his pro debut at the age of 17, Bennett overcame a serious car accident that shattered his knee and went on to work for a number of US promotions and tour Japan. He's married into a supposed famous wrestling family as his wife is the sister of Nick and Jesse Bell. He's also the brother in law of NCW Champion James Gillmour.




    Commissioner Butch Hackett, 61 years old, 37 years pro, Babyface, Commissioner: A fan favorite veteran and former professional football player whose heyday was in the 80's, Hackett looks like "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, and the idea of Hacksaw trying to dress in a nice shirt and slacks while playing commissioner amuses me, so that's that...




    Curtis Windham, 25 years old, 7 years pro, Babyface, Second Generation Star: He's basically the T-Verse's version of Bo Dallas (Taylor Windham), who has spent much of his career tagging with his brother Teddy Windham (who looks an awful lot like Bo's brother Husky Harris/Bray Wyatt). His father's name is Owen Money (Get it? Owing Money) and is the T-Verse's version of IRS. Curtis and Teddy's tag team name? The IRS.


    TEW says he's talented and charismatic, but likely lacks the "It Factor" to be a huge star. Perhaps all he has to do is... BOlieve?




    Danny Azaria, 28 years old, 8 years pro, Babyface, Puerto Rican Proud: A sound all-rounder, Azaria had a hell of a career in his native Puerto Rico as one of its top stars before making the jump to National championship wrestling in 2020 in search of national stardom.




    Diabla, 30 years old, 7 years pro, Heel, Devil's Daughter: The sister of a popular Mexican luchador named Luzbel, Diabla was trained by her brother in 2013. After moving to the US and using a tweaked version of her sibling's gimmick, she became a standout in the women's scene before joining the roster in 2020.




    Donald McCarver, 32 years old, 6 years pro, Babyface, Former Baseball Catcher: Yes, you read that right. This guy's entire gimmick is that he'd a former baseball catcher. You would think that if you were going to base your entire gimmick on being a former catcher, you would have at least made it to the big leagues. Well, not McCarver. After being signed out of high school, he floated around AAA until a nasty collision at home plate ended his chances of making it to "The Show."


    His failure at making it to the big leagues in baseball put a chip on his shoulder led him to numerous bar fights and finally the idea that beating people up for a living might be fun, thus, he became a pro wrestler. In NCW, he teams with an actual former pro baseball player by the name of Tex Gruber as The Battery, and yes he is very touchy about the fact that his tag partner actually made it to the majors in America's so-called favorite past time.




    Ezra Santana, 33 years old, 14 years pro, Babyface, Father's Son: The eldest son of jobber Brady Taylor's favorite wrestling legend Ricky Santana, Ezra shares many similarities to his father including passion and spirit for the business. He first gained national exposure in another US promotion where he feuded with his father's arch nemesis Guy Lothario's son Eric, igniting the Lothario/Santana feud his father took part in over the 80s and 90s and making it a family affair. After a short spell in Puerto Rico he returned to the US, and eventually found his way here last year.




    FJK, 40 years old, 21 years pro, Babyface, Pure Wrestler: FJK stands for "Finch James Kendall." He's the company's resident gatekeeper, known for being reliable for a good performance each and every time he steps in the ring. He sometimes teams up with Big Bubba, with the duo calling themselves "Tradition Inc."




    Hannah Gold, 30 years old, 5 years pro, Babyface, Backstage Interviewer: A massive wrestling fan, Gold's fantastic looks and excellent charisma made her stand out on the indy scene as an on screen interviewer and occasional manager. She joined NCW in 2018 as an on air interviewer.




    James Gilmour, 38 years old, 19 years pro, Heel, English Pitbull: The reigning and defending NCW Worlds Heavyweight Champion, Gilmour rose to prominence when he married into wrestling's famous Bell family. He formed a strong bond with brother-in-law Nick Bell and alongside his friend Scott Nichols, the trio made names for themselves in America. After his marriage ended in divorce, he traveled to Japan where he found singles success. From there he became a marquee signing for NCW and in October of 2020, he captured his first NCW Worlds Heavyweight Title.


    Good looking English World's Heavyweight Champion leading a modern throwback promotion? That sounds familiar. With a little tweaking...




    Ah, there we go. I think I've found our "National Treasure."




    Johnny Hollywood, 39 years old, 11 years pro, Heel, Hollywood Movie Star: Added to the NCW roster after the buyout of a competing promotion, Johnny Hollywood instantly slotted right in with his new surroundings. The former NCW Worlds Heavyweight Champion leads The Entourage, a stable of hired guns consisting of Killer McKree and The Gibson Brothers who always make sure that the numbers are in Hollywood's favor.




    "Absolute Alpha" Josh Rocksworth, 24 years old, 3 years pro, Heel, Varsity Jock: An All-American amateur wrestler and college football player, Rocksworth entered the business through one of the larger promotion's wrestling schools and alongside, Jordan (Julio) James as The Ballers, became two of the fastest rising stars until they were sacked in a cost-cutting exercise just six months into their run. They eventually made their way here to NCW where they remain one of the top tag teams, and former Northern Tag Team Champions.




    Julio James, 25 years old, 4 years pro, Heel, Baller: The other half of The Ballers, James is a second generation worker and the son of a professional basketball player. After being scouted for multiple professional sports teams, he chose to give wrestling a go, following in the footsteps of his mother. TEW says he has potential to be a big star in the future. We shall see..




    Kabuki Doll, 41 years old, 21 years pro, Babyface, Oriental Mystery: TEW describes her as a decorated Joshi mainstay who journeyed outside of Japan for new challenges in 2017. After three years of struggling to translate her success in Japan to the western pro wrestling landscape, she thought about returning to Japan but was thrown a lifeline and became a part of the roster in 2020.




    "The Canadian Viking" Karl Brodie, 29 years old, 4 years pro, Heel, Modern Viking: A bulky heavyweight brawler from Canada, Brodie has found himself a spot on the roster due to his impressive size and power.




    Killer McKree, 31 years old, 7 years pro, Heel, Merciless Brute: A former strong man competitor and big heavyweight brawler from Texas, McKree started out as yet another monster running through a gauntlet of jobbers. It wasn't until he joined Jesse Mills' Life Without Fear stable that his career really took off with him serving as the muscle for the group. It's a position he has come to shine in, as he was recruited by Johnny Hollywood to serve the same role in The Entourage faction.




    "Big Fun" Luther Charles, 35 years old, 14 years pro, Babyface, Big Fun Time: The fun loving fan favorite Charles began his career in Puerto Rico before heading to NCW (Then Championship Wrestling From Tennessee) where he became a fixture in the television title scene, winning the belt multiple times. All of his years of hard work paid off in 2017 when he defeated MMA Bad Ass Miguel Guardado for the NCW World's Heavyweight Championship.




    Mace Manzone, 37 years old, 5 years pro, Babyface, Sportscaster: A former radio show host, Manzone was known nationally for his "Man Zone with Mace Manzone" talk show where he talked sports and let it be known to callers and listeners that he was a huge wrestling fan. He recently joined the company to be the voice of the nationally broadcast Championship Wrestling television show.




    Matt Gibson, 33 years old, 10 years pro, Heel, Pure Bad Ass: The older of The Gibson Brothers, both Matt and his brother Mike were excellent football players in school, but found professional wrestling a more desirable career choice. Fairly similar in style, neither Gibson is particularly charismatic but their brute force and no-nonsense approach have made them one of the most decorated tandems in National Championship Wrestling, having won both the Northern and Southern Tag Team Titles. That success made them top choices for Johnny Hollywood's Entourage.




    Megan Ferrell, 32 years old, 8 years pro, Babyface, Country Style: The reigning NCW Women's Champion, Ferrell is a reality TV star turned professional wrestler. She starred in the reality TV show "HOLLER!" which followed a group of twenty-somethings from Alabama as they partied and found their way in life. Having expressed throughout the show her fandom of professional wrestling, she was contacted for the Become A Starlet competition. A firm fan favorite, it came as a surprise to many when she was named the runner up in the competition. Thought to have been finished with the wrestling business, she returned to television before surprising everyone when she made her way to National Championship Wrestling after being hand-picked to head the Women's Division.




    Miguel Guardado, 44 years old, 18 years pro, Babyface, MMA Champ: Not the first MMA convert, Guardado was nevertheless the first to truly make an impact at the highest level in the United States when he captured a major championship in 2004. After a three year run at a high level, he returned to MMA in 2008 with Cage Titans MMA. Rumours abounded for years that Guardado would return to the squared circle, and in the end it was former Cage Titans MMA President Saul Keaton - at the time a stakeholder in Championship Wrestling from Tennessee that finally convinced him to lace up his boots. Making an immediate impact, Guardado has remained a key player in the success of the company, particularly since the rebranding to National Championship Wrestling.




    Mike Gibson, 30 years old, 10 years pro, Heel, Pure Bad Ass: The younger half of The Gibson Brothers and member of The Entourage.




    Mike Santorelli, 32 years old, 10 years pro, Babyface, Jersey Shore: An Italian-American from New Jersey, Santorelli is talented and charismatic, playing the "Jersey Shore" party boy gimmick.




    Richie Santana, 63 years old, 44 years pro, Babyface, Old School Face: Remember when I assumed he was the ThunderVerse version of Ricky Steamboat? Yeah, I was correct. He's a member of the in-game "Hall of Immortals," which means he's kind of a big deal. Here is his TEW bio:


    "Santana is widely regarded as one of the greatest of his generation. Captivating audiences in the late 1980s and early 1990s with a seemingly never-ending feud with Guy Lothario helping keep the Real American Wrestling Alliance a strong contender to WWW, Richie was ever the gentleman which contrasted with the more boisterous and flamboyant Lothario in and outside of the ring. Never really holding the ambition to become a top star, Santana's career was also held down by noticeable friction with wrestling legend Terry Thunder - this friction sparked by the fact Santana vs Lothario from WrestleAid '88 stealing the spotlight from Thunder's headline bout. Retiring in 2002, Santana swiftly moved to a career behind the curtain and as of 2021, he is working alongside his eldest son Ezra Santana in Tennessee with National Championship Wrestling."




    Rufus Wright, 49 years old, 28 years pro, Heel, Wrestling's Brain: A retired American wrestler, Wright spent much of his career up north in Calgary. In the mid 90s he used a "King of Wrestling" gimmick to great success, but by 2006 his push had stalled out so he chose to retire. From there, he moved to the announce desk where he was known for constantly telling stories about his own career that, the majority of which were clearly false and made up. After making the move to NCW, he's mostly worked as the manager The Ballers.




    Sabine, 30 years old, 12 years pro, Babyface, Fan's Own: A German worker that began her career in Europe, she initially found more work as a valet than as a wrestler and almost retired from the business until a new European promotion finally gave her a chance to ply her trade in the ring in 2013. Upon her success in Europe, the US came calling and she joined the NCW roster in 2018 to take part in the Women's Division. Despite being a favorite of the fans, she is yet to hold the Women's Title.




    Smokin' Stevie Gunn, 52 years old, 36 years pro, Babyface, Living Legend: The near 40 year veteran has played the "Tennessee Cowboy" character so well and for so long that even his friends can't tell where his wrestling gimmick ends and his real personality begins. During his active days, Gunn was one of the few veterans who would put over younger talent. These days he works as a manager, with current clients Curtis Windham and Danny Azaria.




    Tara Vice, 28 years old, 9 years pro, Heel, Rebel Punk: With her shock of purple hair, tattoos and numerous piercings, Vice may just be the most unique looking female wrestler in the company, if not the industry as a whole. A brawler by style, Vice isn't afraid to mix it up with some aerial attacks and even the odd spot of mat wrestling. Charismatic and with a look like no other, she has only just landed in NCW.




    Tex Gruber, 32 years old, 6 years pro, Babyface, Baseball Pitcher: Once a top prospect out of Texas, Gruber made it all the way to the big leagues of baseball and even held the closer role in New York. But a torn rotator cuff in the deciding game of a league divisional series turned out to be an abrupt end to his career. A lifetime fan of pro wrestling, Gruber soon began to train for a new career inside the squared circle. Hoping to take advantage of his popularity, he kept fans up to date with his progress by posting a blog on his personal website. Gruber can be a rough customer backstage, but he's been able to hold down steady work in wrestling due to his brawling and natural toughness. After a previous run in the company lasted for a cup of coffee, he has returned to NCW and developed a team with Donald McCarver.




    The !Answer!, 44 years old, 26 years pro, Heel, Masked Heel: Behind the white exclamation point mask is "The Bald One" Matt Cole, best known as a career enhancement talent. After more than two decades of doing the job (quite literally), he contemplated retirement before donning the mask and teaming up with fellow journeyman Kevin Kale to form the old school masked wrestler tandem known as Q&A.




    The ?Question?, 36 years old, 18 years pro, Heel, Old School Masked Heel: Well, this looks familiar. I wonder if he is a master of Mongrovian Karate? The ?Question? is the partner of The !Answer!. Under the mask is journeyman Kevin "K2" Kale who, despite showing promise early on in his career, spent the majority of the time on his back counting the lights and making everyone else look good. The change of gimmick has brought new life to his career, with the tag team catching on and holding gold in NCW.




    The Kat, 30 years old, 6 years pro, Babyface, Cat Person: Signed to the roster in 2020 to further build the women's ranks, The Kat spent most of her early years dialing up the gimmick as a literal wrestling cat, going as far as to cut promos doing nothing more than purring and even wearing removable claws and a tail during her entrance. Since joining the roster, she's turned down the weirdness a bit, but still remains perhaps the most "out there" worker in the company.




    "Primetime" Theo Barkley, 38 years old, 13 years pro, Babyface, Baller: A former college basketball standout, Barkley is a two time former NCW World's Heavyweight Champion who has been with the company since 2017. He's one of the company's biggest babyfaces and uses a "Baller" gimmick, which probably means he'll eventually have a few run in with The Ballers tag team.




    Trevor Lange, 35 years old, 8 years pro, Babyface, Army Veteran: A former US Army Captain, Lange put his professional wrestling dreams on hold and followed the family tradition of enlisting in the US military straight out of high school. After an honorable discharge, he finally followed his dreams and entered the business through the famed "Become a Star" competition using a hardened soldier gimmick and calling himself Major Damage. After joining NCW, he quickly formed a tag team with fellow military veteran Will MacLeod known as "The Veterans."




    Tyler Moon, 34 years old, 10 years pro, Heel, Filthy Animal: Aussie Tyler Moon is entertaining worker with a dirty form of charisma with a rather questionable gimmick as a troubled party animal. Managed by his fiance Belle Star, the couple has started to really catch on with the fans.




    "Crzy" Will MacLeod, 35 years old, 8 years pro, Babyface, Former Marine: A former US Marine, MacLeod earned the "Crzy" nickname on his tours overseas. After getting out of the armed forces, he tried his hand at professional MMA before moving onto pro wrestling after being urged that it was a more lucrative career choice. He is the other half of The Veterans alongside Trevor Lange, with the duo currently holding the NCW Southern Tag Team Titles.







    NCW Worlds Heavyweight Champion: James Gilmour (Since Wk 4, October 2020)


    Formerly known as the CWT World Heavyweight title, the NCW Worlds Heavyweight championship has been a fixture in Southern wrestling since the 1970s. The company is hoping its rebrand will allow the title to be truly considered national by fans.


    Former Champions on Active Roster: Johnny Hollywood (2x), Theo Barkley (2x), Miguel Guardado (2x), Luther Charles (1x), Big Bubba (1x) and Smokin' Steve Gunn (10x)






    NCW Heritage Champion: Abraham Moore (Since Wk 1, August 2020)


    Previously known as the CWT Television title and then the CWT Mid-Southern title, the NCW Heritage belt has had a lot of, well, heritage, but not a lot of consistency during its many years in operation.


    Former Champions on the Active Roster: Clayton Bennett, Luther Charles (4x), Curtis Windham, Big Bubba (2x), Killer McKree and Mike Santorelli






    NCW Women's World Champion: Megan Ferrell (Since Wk 2, October 2020)


    The NCW Women's World title was created by Saul Keaton in 2018. Although Keaton has previously made disparaging comments about women's wrestling, since joining the sport he seems to be booking the division strongly.


    Former Champions on Active Roster: Kabuki Doll, The Kat, Tara Vice (x2)






    NCW Southern Tag Team Champions: The Veterans - Will MacLeod and Trevor Lange (Since Wk 3, March 2020)


    Formerly known as the CWT United States Tag Team title, the NCW Southern Tag belts were rechristened upon the company's rebranding. Alongside the Northern Tag titles, it will be interesting to see if the company has enough teams to manage both belts.


    Former Championship Teams on the Active Roster: FJK and Big Bubba, The Battery (3x) and The Gibson Brothers






    NCW Northern Tag Team Champions: Q&A - The ?Question? and The !Answer! (Since Wk 3, November 2020)


    A new set of tag team titles created for National Championship Wrestling, the Northern Tag Team belts were added to the trophy cabinet to further emphasise the new "national" reach of the promotion.


    Former Championship Teams on the Active Roster: The Gibson Brothers (x3) and Killer McKree and Luther Charles



  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="raspymorten" data-cite="raspymorten" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53365" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Could I get a hair extension for Brady Taylor? Preferably a Tim Zbyszko-esqe receeding ponytail. <p> </p><p> I wanna push him as an up-and-coming bastard heel in NCW, who goes after Ezra Santana. And I thought he deserved a less generic look.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="PVm0qcU.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PVm0qcU.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ponytail Action</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="Brady-Taylor-alt1.jpg" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/tXW6vYq/Brady-Taylor-alt1.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Slightly more buffed and long hair with chin strap</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="Brady-Taylor-alt2.jpg" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/SPfjhsD/Brady-Taylor-alt2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jhd1" data-cite="jhd1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's deliberately an exclusive handshake deal - he's not at the level of the others on a written contract (with the exception of Ezra Santana who has more name value in-universe), but it's the start of a potential move from the company to tie up their workers.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Already on top of it in my game;)</p>
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