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Posts posted by Idolized

  1. Is it? I always thought it was technically Great Lakes?


    I'm Canadian (obviously) so obviously can get regions wrong in other countries so I tend to use some "TEW maps" to clarify stuff for me. I always went by this for the US:




    EDIT: Turns out you can check in-game now, and you're right. Time to modify some popularity and stuff! Thanks for pointing it out.


    Check out the TEW Maps pinned post. Kentucky was Great Lakes in previous TEW versions (or at least we assumed it was) but in 2020 it’s Mid Atlantic



  2. Excited to see you actively nodding again! I too have been obsessed with the time period of the WCW buyout since seeing McMahon open up Nitro live to pure shock that infamous night. Definitely will be following this. I agree that tackling every portion of the mod for balancing is the only way to go, it’s a long process but worth it to get rid of all those conversion errors and unnoticed mistakes.
  3. Where are the joshi promotions? AJW was alive, JWP lasted until 2017, GAEA had another year, Oz Academy is still around today, etc...


    As Jaysin said, I’m not at all familiar or a fan of the Japanese scene, so my knowledge is extremely limited. The promotions I’m planning to include in Japan I only know of purely on research and help I got in past versions of the mod.

  4. I love everything that I'm seeing so far. One thing that I would look at is stamina levels for guys like Chris Hero and Bryan Danielson. Both of those guys by this point had reputations for being able to go at least 60 minutes, if not 90 minutes, regularly. Also, the NWA titles are in a weird situation. While TNA was in partnership with the NWA they controlled the booking of the titles, similar to Jim Crockett Promotions in the 1980s. I know the situation isn't really replicable in the game, I personally would assign the NWA titles to TNA. Overall loving this mod man, and I can't wait for the update to dive into a super long game.


    The problem is, the titles were defended in other NWA promotions regularly. It makes more sense to leave them as Alliance titles, especially since the company can leave the NWA like they did IRL and make the TNA World Titles. Plus if TNA were to leave the alliance in game it would be better for the NWA belts to be with the alliance and carry on.

  5. Never knew about Brock negotiating with TNA as I started watching around 08/09 but have seen a lot of the classic stuff, now knowing that, Jericho & Lesnar are probably passable but should demand absurd contracts if possible, The Rock for sure shouldn't be available and Goldberg should maybe be set to out of the business at this point?


    If he’s out of the business, there is no bringing him back. He could have easily returned at any time with enough money thrown at him.

  6. I don't know if you guys watch weekly, but the whole thing about Jim Ross botching constantly is way over blown. He may mess up a name of a move on occasion, but Cole does it more.


    Jim Ross is still an effective story teller and Cole is one of the worst in the world. He sounds like a robot and every time he fakes excitement it's just embarrassing.


    Jim Ross is better than he was for New Japan and the end of his WWE career.


    I'm far from Ross's biggest fan, but this whole IWC mentality of him being awful is insane to me. He shows passion and an ability to tell a story. Two things Michael Cole hadn't done in 15 years.


    Not saying Ross deserves 90+ or anything close to his peak, but anything below 65-69 is just insulting to the man in my opinion. Cole belongs in the 40s through and through


    Did you watch Cole’s work in the UK title tournament? When he is given free reign to not be a constant hype guy and corporate shill, he’s more than competent.

  7. Totally agree they can be a nightmare..slim j is another one..a lot of them popped in and out depending on where the shows were as from what I remember pretty much all of them worked a lot around the smaller new Jersey promotions.


    Probs the best course of action would be have the basics in roh then the other members as free agents so if people wanted to bring them in they are there.


    I think that’s the course to take as well. All of the members are currently in game, and will eventually be balanced to the rest of the game world so the option for the player is there.

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="forlan" data-cite="forlan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51728" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Looking great.. can't wait to play as roh it is a great jumping in point for them just post feinstein issues etc<p> </p><p> Seems a couple members of special k are missing from memory I think in 04 cloudy, dana dameson (jailbait), lacey ( although maybe slightly later than this), slugga ( bodyguard) and mellow ( sal rinauro) were all in or around the group at this stage ..lit elax and yeyo possibly but pretty sure they were gone .. these were not always wrestling but in backstage segments and entourage etc</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, tracking Special K is a bit of a nightmare. From what I can gather, Deranged just appeared with the group in January but doesn’t make an appearance again for months. I believe Cloudy joins a bit later in the year, and from what I’ve watched of the JAPW/ROH Show, both Reborn events and Generation Next, Dana, Lacey, Slugga, Rinuaro, Elax, Yeyo and Hijinx don’t make any appearances with them. They’re doing some sort of “where is Special k” story with Becky looking for special k</p>
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Vinsmoker" data-cite="Vinsmoker" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51728" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>People like the Briscoes definitely should be "Permanent Units". Otherwise the AI will rarely hire them together, which is unrealistic imo</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Good catch</p>
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