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Posts posted by WrestleManiac

  1. I am currently playing through a long-term game. Two years in-game time. Two things I've noticed is that after a few years the top companies are getting constantly top scores, and the top stars are getting popularity in the high 90s.

    In my head-cannon, this level of popularity is crossing over to mainstream popularity (Hulk Hogan, The Rock).

    It got me thinkng. Hulkamania and the Monday Night Wars were two peaks in wrestling the likes of which we've only seen twice in the history of televised wrestling. How to replicate that flash in the pan rare occurance in game?

    An Audience Saturation mechanic that limits the overall popularity of the wrestling industry in a particular region. As wrestling gets more popular, promotions put more shows on TV. The more wrestling shows that are on TV, the higher the audience saturation stat gets.

    Let's use Monday Night Wars as an example: it starts off with Nitro and Raw on 1 hour shows. Popularity is rising.

    WCW starts putting on monthly PPVs. WWF follows suit.

    Nitro goes to 2 hours. Raw follows suit. Nitro goes to 3 hours. WCW introduces Thunder. WWF introduces Smackdown.

    At some point the casual, mainstream viewer is overwhelmed by content, and begins to lose interest. By implementing an Audience Saturation mechanic into TEW this scenario could be replicated, and the in-game universe wouldn't have constantly growing numbers.

    Add to this a risk that your most over and most charasmatic wrestlers might get so over with the mainstream that they might give up wrestling for greener pastures (until they can be tempted back into the busineness with a hefty pay day.) I think this could replicate the rare occasions when wrestlers cross over to the mainstream.

    This could also replace the random rising and falling of the wrestling industy/popularity stats the game currently has for something more dynamic and with a sense of causality.

  2. With unhappy wrestlers, I usually through them a bonus to keep them happy if I want to keep them around. I want them to take a loss, they don't, I sweeten the deal after the show.


    Shawn Michaels said he was unhappy to lose to HHH. It wasn't furious, just mildly unhappy at the result.


    After the show he's angry. This is out of the blue. He wasn't furious. So, I pay my usual $100,000 bonus. He's still angry. Two more times, he's angry. Frustrated, I throw him an extra $2 mil. He's still angry.


    Is this a bug, or has the AI learned that I'm a pushover? lol

  3. I love the taped schedule feature, but one thing that would be great would be to be able to add what week the show is held on in the database.


    Example: WWF Superstars recorded once a month on a Tuesday. In the editor, you could make the first show run on week 2.


    I suggest this because there is a mod out there where there has a monthly recording on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday all on week one. I would like the ability to add in the editor, that one is one week 1; another is on week 2, and the last is on week 3, for example.


    ALSO, could we have live shows called live shows instead of tape 1 show at a time - but also maintain tape 1 show at a time for shows that are taped. There should be a distinction between live and recorded - live shows would add a minor bonus because of how much more exciting they are to a recorded show - and an extra penalty when the show flops.

  4. I can certainly look at doing this if there is enough interest moving forward. Also toying with the idea of a WCW Nitro Skin.


    I started one a few years ago for TEW 2010 that i really liked but never got the chance to finish.


    I would love a Nitro skin... and a Raw is War skin... and a DX skin... and a bWo skin... and a JOB squad skin.


    But, I'll take whatever I can get.


    Good job, dude.

  5. So, in my save I've started a company from 0 pop. I'm now tiny. Got a local TV deal. On a couple of shows I've got the message "This show didn't result in any popularity changes". Even though the show rating are a good 20 points higher than my popularity rating. OK, I assume it's to do with the new system that's tied to the audience of the tiny TV slot. Fair enough.


    I run a monthly live show which is not being broadcast, and I'm getting the same message. My pop is around 30 and I'm putting on 60 rated shows. But no pop gain. Can some one explain this?

  6. <p>I don't mind the default skin. The one thing that bugs me is the internet page. When I'm playing a RW mod set in the mid-late 90s, it has a banner with CVerse characters on it. </p><p> </p><p>

    Could someone do a graphic for a skin where JUST the banner is replaced with RW faces?</p><p> </p><p>

    So, you have 3 on the left and 3 on the right.</p><p> </p><p>

    Dean Malenko, Mitsuharu Misawa, Steve Austin, DDP, Lex Luger & The Undertaker</p><p> </p><p>

    I hope someone gets what I'm trying to get across.</p>

  7. So, I've forwarded a year and turned that save into a database, so I could start Jan 1992 and play as ECW. I'm using the real roster from that time and was thinking people like Jimmy Snuka, Ivan Koloff, and Don Muroco should have the "Easy To Do Business With" attribute so that they would be more willing to lose to the ECW wrestlers without rage quitting because they lost to JT Smith.


    I actually think a lot of the old guys should have this as it was considered good for the business to put the next generation over.


    What do you think?


    Love the mod, by the way.

  8. Is it possible there was a narrative to change these in game?


    I don't think there's an appropriate narrative in the mod.


    Default DB has some for Japan in 2016. What mod and what year?


    1991: Peaking Tides.


    Another odd thing in this mod is that PNW spent $10mil in one month (misc.) and are losing money, but not going bankrupt. Other companies are going bankrupt and they're only $1000s in debt.

  9. Sounds like with the economy in free fall people turned to wrestling. Then an economic boom led to people working, having less time to watch wrestling and spending money on other interests.


    So it's normal?


    I've never paid much attention to these stats before, but now I'm playing with a 0 pop promotion and I'm really feeling the fluctuation.

  10. In my save the economy has been steadily falling since the start date. It got as low as 6 at the end of June. Three weeks later it's booming at 76.


    Likewise, the wrestling industry was at the high 70s score, now its dropped to mid 20s in the same amount of time.


    Are these values supposed to take such massive jumps? I always assumed they were more gradual than that.

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