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Posts posted by PeterHilton

  1. It certainly was he tried to shop Cutler behind his back and then lied about it to the guys face. Trades are a part of the game but to lie about it when you're blatantly caught is just silly.


    *i* agree but i think the people who defend McDaniels would say "well football is a business, Cutler shouldn't have been so sensitive, etc" and i think there's a point there too.

  2. They have too much invested in Tebow to bail out so soon. Plus, he has value as a short yardage specialist. He absolutely needs a considerable amount of playing time though.


    I honestly think Tebow will never be a reliable NFL starter and if you traded three picks to get a 'short yardage specialist' you deserve to be fired.


    But beyond that - since i'm sure the Broncos still hope Tebow will pan out - there were other questionable personnel decisions. Peyton Hillis is the one people will point to, but both lines are still a mess and I'm still not sure that the Cutler thing wasn't mostly his fault.

  3. Broncos fire Josh McDaniels. My Broncos are just a complete mess right now. Curious as to what happens to Tim Tebow.


    I think this is awesome. A while back, this thread was stuffed full of Broncos fans defending McDaniels and the Tebow pick. And specifically that awful decision to trade three picks to get him. And now look...


    If the owner is smart he'll instruct the interim coach to spend the next 4 weeks playing Tebow as much as possible to see if there's any point to continue counting on Timmy for the future.


    I have a feeling there won't be and Denver will be starting from scatch again next season

  4. I think people are too used to the Sheamus, Randy Orton, Triple H heel world champions where they are dominant in the ring and out.


    You guys that are complaining about Miz looking bad against Lawler aren't thinking from the right point of view.


    You guys are saying Lawler is a sixty year old man The Miz shouldn't have nearly lost to a sixty year old man.


    From a FANS perspective its classic story telling. Hell didn't they do this with Bret last year in Minnesota? The Old Gun Slinger coming back for a shot at one last championship before he leaves. Did it make the other QB's look silly when 40 year old Bret was out playing them? Of course not because its sports and sometimes in sports we rise up above what we're capable of in order to win a championship.


    The WWE hyped up Lawler's legendary career, they had the backstage stuff with him, the fans already like him on commentary, he's been around forever and I bet he's been on more RAW's than anybody else.


    They didn't see it as Miz getting kicked around by an old man, they saw it as Miz screwing a fan favorite out of his life long dream.


    What about Ric Flair? Did anybody complain that he nearly beat Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania? Ric was nearly in his sixities at that time.


    Anyway I like The Miz because its a different champion. How long has it been since we had a by hook or by crook champion? I'm sick of the dominant, champions.


    On a side note Alex Riley is getting really good on the mic pretty quick. He's clearly comfortable in his role.


    Totally agree with this


    Still, I see Lawler as a guy who really did deserve a World Championship run of his own back in his prime.


    Just saw this and all i can say is : Why?


    Lawler was a junk wrestler. He booked his own territory and -SURPRISE - stuck himself at the top for year and years and YEARS past the time anyone cared and basically killed off his own territory. And then he stuck his son at the top of the card, even when it was obvious he wasn't over with the fans.


    He insulted the 'new generation of stars' repeatedly and specifically ECW despite the fact Memphis was generally garbage wrestling and crappy joke gimmicks (seriously, wrestlecrap.com is absolutely loaded with entries from Memphis). He called out guys like Taz for being too small when Lawler himself was *maybe* 5'8" -5'9"


    If you take out the Andy Kaufman stuff, Jerry Lawler didn't do one significant thing in his entire wrestling career outside of the territory he ran. The only reason he's famous now is for acting like a perverted 16 year old and fomr having the good sense to kiss Vince's a** for a job when Verne Gagne and Jerry Jarrett refused.


    Take him out of Memphis and he's the most overrated "star" of the modern wrestling era.

  5. It was the guy's birthday. They gave the old man one last moment in the main event. O and they kept saying "he never had a world title match". That is actuly not true. When heart won his first title jerry had a few title matches against him. I believe the same with disel when he was champion the first time. I am pretty sure that he had several title shots just not in the last 13 years.


    Let's not forget he also held the AWA world title and competed against Ric Flair a couple times during that period.

  6. On the topic of MVP, I think it is a shame that he has gone personally. There was a lot of missed potential there.



    Yeah..not to beat this to death..but again I'm watching Lebron going back to Cleveland and I can't help but think the WWE missed the boat with MVP


    His gimmick was 'the modern athlete' and he played it well. Well 'the modern athlete' works effectively as a heel as well as a face and this past Summer Lebron's leaving Cleveland and his Decision special was one of THE hottest topics of conversation ...not in sports but in all the news.


    How easy would it have been to do a parody where MVP turns heel by announcing his DECISION to go to RAW in a sit down interview with Josh Matthews or something?


    He had one of the few modern, relevant-to-pop-culture gimmicks in the company.If you can't figure out to write for him, I seriously question your talent as a writer.

  7. For those who didn't see the actual tweet, MVP said he's "it's time to go international." Sounds like Japan. I know blaming creative is the easy(aka lazy and not completely accurate) thing to do, but when the creative's hands are tied because a guy is mouthing off backstage and refusing to do what he's told to improve in the ring, you should probably look at the guy who's getting released.


    Four years ago I would've guessed MVP and Kennedy would be main eventing Wrestlemania against each other...and now they're both gone. Crazy.


    I do agree with all of this; his attitude was poor.

  8. Cena? It's not that I dislike him. It's just that, no matter what anyone says to me, no one has shown me enough evidence that he is, in fact, a good worker. Can he get a reaction out of a certain kind of fan? Yes. Can he get a good reaction ouf of a certain kind of a fan? Yes. Does that means he's a good worker? No.



    Yes, it does.


    Because that 'certain type of fan' makes up the vast majority of the audience that watches the programming, buys PPVs, and pays for merchandise. Who gives a crap if internet nerds like him? Why does anyone need to provide 'evidence?'


    Being a 'good worker' means you get people to pay to watch you. I've read interviews with everyone from Bill Watts to Bobby Heenan to Jim Cornette and they all say the same thing: if people pay to watch you, you're a good worker. Period. And I'd stand buy their opinion 1000 times over before I care what a bunch of smarks on a message board say.


    So knock yourself out talking about he's a bad worker. Because it's just YOU. That's all. YOU are entitled to YOUR opinion but that's all it is. Cena has generated millions of dollars in revenue for the biggest promotion on the planet...that means A LOT more than whether or not he pleases the IWC

  9. RE Sheamus: Considering the reactions he got from the crowd I think the more fair way of putting it is that he's just not your personal cup of tea. YOU don't like him but it appears as though most of the crowd bought into him from a charisma standpoint


    RE Cena: :rolleyes:


    Fine ...whatever..if your evaluation of a worker involves snarky internet ideas like 'work rate' and 'move set' then Cena is a TERRIBLE worker. Awful. But so are guys like Hogan, Sting, The Rock, Kevin Nash, and Austin (post neck injury)


    But if you get over yourself and realize wrestling is about entertainment and the purpose is to get fans emotionally invested in what's happening in the ring then you'd see that all of those guys - including Cena - are far better than they're given credit for. Which is why they're among the most successful in the industry.


    Cena has made guys like Bobby Lashley, Umaga, and yes even Khali look interesting in the ring. The crowd was into it. And his matches with HBK and Angle were even rated highly by internet columnists like Meltzer.


    YOU don't like him. I get that. But if the 90% of the viewing public is willing to pay hard money to watch him - either to root for or against - then he's doing something right and he is (by the only definition of wrestling that matters, his ability to draw)a good worker.

  10. Good lord, ampulator, it's like we're not even watching the same show/promotion. No wonder we never agree.


    On this page alone you've said The Miz is a better and more exciting worker than Cena (even though Cena has years of matches to go through and just his matches with HBK and Angle alone would prove you wrong, not to mention the fact he made Umaga look good and even Khali look acceptable) and called Sheamus 'dull as wood' when just a few months back Sheamus has the crowd eating up his act as the top heel in his feuds with HHH and Orton.


    I know it's all opinions but...wow..just wow

  11. Hey, am I the only smark on the internet that actually likes Abyss? :p


    No offense but you thought John Cena was really retiring I don't think you could call yourself a "smark".


    You're understand wrestling is fake but that doesn't make you a smark.

    I lol'd and I'd agreewith Stennick's assessment


    I wouldn't say a dap is a black thing. I've known of it for awhile and I am white. It's basically giving someone props.


    Saying "it's a black thing" doesn't ever mean ONLY black people know about it. It's just that it's something that started within the black community, like most urban trends. (ironically enough, exactly like the phrase "giving props")

  12. When I read that the stipulation was either A) Cena is freed from Nexus, keeps his job and the guy he's feuding with has the WWE title or B) Cena is "fired" from WWE programming, option A seemed far more likely to me. What went down on the actual shows to spark the number of people saying that this way was the predictable outcome?


    Maybe predictable is a bad choice of adjectives.


    It's more like "they took the easy way out"


    Cena is SUCH a goody two shoes and for him to help Barrett win, he would've had to do something out nof character, something that might have put a really interesting spin on who he is...the fact that he does get mixed response and the fact that he would've 'cheated' to screw Orton over in order to save himself...


    It finally would've added some shades of gray to a John Cena character that hes been far too black & white for a long while.


    It may have even started him down the road to a slow burn as a full on heel, and that might've been very entertaining.

  13. I know. I was just being snarky. You now understand my frustrations with the WWE. It's just that you realized it much later than I did. ;)


    No..let's be clear..I ALWAYS understood your frustrations. I'm not a huge fan of the product right now either.


    I just A) always understood their reasoning and didn't see how their current product put them on a path towards failure and B) dont believe for a second that the WWE power structure somehow tried to not make Cena TOO POPULAR for fear of him going to film movies (I thought that was a dumb notion then, still do now)


    For instance, even with this booking, juggalo has a point: if Cena ends up on SD it has some merit from a business standpoint. It wouldn't make ME personally want to watch, and if WM was headlined by Cena and Orton playing the exact same characters they've played the last few years, i wouldn't buy it.


    But, yes...i see your frustration. :)

  14. Where did i say i was talking to BP, the third person who posted about WC and was the only one trying to bring a bit of sanity to the discussion?


    This is what you quoted..


    That wasn't getting trolled or flamed. It was getting a sarcastic answer to a question that seemed... well... really naive.


    What exactly would make you think the Cena ending wasn't just an angle? What would make it seem like a legitimate good-bye, as opposed to Cena selling the "fired" angle?


    Consider it logically for a moment... If Cena was actually done with the WWE, rather than simply taking some time away (at most), would they have his big finish to a massively successful WWE career be a match where he isn't actually a competitor? Why would they have a some kind of retirement, loser-leaves-town match where he can be defeated and put someone over in a big way?


    Basically, you got a sarcastic answer to a question that didn't need to be asked. If you took a moment to consider it, the answer should have been really really obvious.


    This is how you replied..


    No, you two were kinda being dicks. Sarcasticly ripping someone and pretending there too stupid to know wrestlings fake is a troll, you were baiting him, fine, but don't act all innocent when he comes back on ya


    Anyway, I thought the undercard was really good, but the Kane-edge no contest and utterly predictable ending ruined it.


    In a way, I'm happy that they at Least didn't drag on he CDMA nexus stuff. It had a chance to be great, but they never committed to it..cena was just kinda hanging around with nexus every once in awhile, they were too worried putting him in a nexus shirt and having him have to beat down guys in the company would turn the kiddies off to much merch I guess...




    I apologize for any misunderstanding but when you said "You two etc" I thought you were directing your post at BP since he was one you directly replied to

  15. I'm pretty sure I remember the GM saying that Cena would be fired from the WWE, not just from Raw (ie: he wouldn't be going to Smackdown). The Nexus/Cena angle isn't over yet... and as much as everyone complains, I bet you all still watch Raw to find out what will happen with Cena.


    Honestly, it wouldn't have mattered what the ending at SS was, everyone still would've complained. Screwy referee job by Cena handing him the title... I'm sure everyone would think that was predictible as well?


    Yeah yeah..the new guy bashes internet wrestling fans without reading through the thread or knowing anyone enough to really know what their actual opinions are


    How predictable :rolleyes:

  16. No, you two were kinda being dicks. Sarcasticly ripping someone and pretending there too stupid to know wrestlings fake is a troll, you were baiting him, fine, but don't act all innocent when he comes back on ya


    Go back and read the thread. BP didn't say anything rude. A couple of other people made some sarcastic comments but this reply..


    Basically, you got a sarcastic answer to a question that didn't need to be asked. If you took a moment to consider it, the answer should have been really really obvious.


    ...isn't being a dick in any way.

  17. I honestly think it is predictable but it isn't a bad idea. Makes complete sense in all ways possible.


    No..the fact that is IS so very predictable makes it a terrible idea


    Nexus was the most original and captivating storyline the E has done in a long time. It started out gangbusters, sputtered, gained back some momentum by allowing Barrett to actually beat Cena and put him in a position where fans wondered "what's gonna happen?"


    If this is the way it ends and if Cena just showed up on SD it would be the weakest mos unoriginal thing possible for them to do.

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