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Posts posted by Acidburned

  1. I played a lot of TEW 16 but hardly any of 20 but now I have time and fancy a save. I'll be starting as a death match backyard fed but as I get bigger I want to evolve the product. I've noticed that product works differently in 20 than 16, sorry if this question is a bit silly! Can I evolve my product from death match into a fed that will have a death match division and a "proper" wrestling division. Eventually the death matches will be turned into more of a division like the old WCW and WWF hardcore wrestling.


    Will there be too many penalties for switching, any advice on what products to roll through as I change things up? Can I change to slightly less death match products as I go? There's so many to pick from it's a bit overwhelming, any advice is greatly appreciated :)

  2. Has anyone ever played Hydro Thunder. Got it off the arcade a few weeks a go pretty much a simple boat racing game. For some reason it is highly addictive mainly because every time you race it displays someones gamer tag who has a quicker time than you, at each check point you see how faster or slower you are than them. I am not a fan of racing games in general but found this one a right laugh, it's an old n64 game I think.
  3. You're thinking of my good buddy Tom 'Kong' Watson. He's training at Jackson's now with GSP and co. and fighting in MFC, where he won his last fight with a sick head-kick KO. His next fight is back in the UK though against psudo-celeb Alex Reid, A.K.A. Jordan's boyfriend.


    Thanks for the answer dude, I thought nobody knew, cared or had missed my post all together. I am praying that he beats Alex Reid he hasn't fought for years according to Wiki and lost his last 6 or 7. I saw the Kong name and thought it might be him but wasn't sure. I saw Reid's fight being advertised on Bravo and thought they might just be putting him against some one that he could beat easily, doesn't look like that now thought lol.

  4. Just wondering if anyone can help me out. A year or maybe 2, there was an English fighter at a Cage Rage event I think it was that came to the ring dressed like a gorilla I think he was in a cage and his corner men were dressed like giant bananas. I know it sounds like I am tripping or something lol, it's not just me that can remember as a few of my mates were here watching the event. Any idea's? I tried to google it but have had no luck so far.
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