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Posts posted by Wade

  1. <p>I'm in love with this. Having the most fun I've had with the game in a while booking TNA. Love the way you've rated their roster -- you can see Roode, Storm, Hernandez and Monty Brown have something in them to develop but aren't ready yet, Daniels seems to be the best worker on the roster, AJ isn't some wrestling god already (though I did think his SQ was a little high, it gives me the option to use him as a legitimate figurehead moving forward so that's cool.)</p><p> </p><p>

    I thought Konnan's entertainment skills were a little overrated. I've always thought the guy was underrated, but he's one of the best in the mod it looks like.</p><p> </p><p>

    I'm not a huge lucha guy outside of the last (maybe) 3 years, so maybe it's deserving, but Rey Bucanero seems really good.</p><p> </p><p>

    Skayde always seems to be rated like a monster in historical mods. I'm not familiar with him, but he significantly dwarfs ROH-champ Danielson in technical and performance skills. Seems odd, but admittedly could be right on point, I'm not sure I've ever seen a Skayde match.</p><p> </p><p>

    BG & Kip have no tag experience.</p><p> </p><p>

    (disregard if contract lengths are random) </p><p>

    If guys like Booker T and Kurt Angle are gonna have expiring contracts so early, maybe boost TNA up to a minimum-cult level? Or extend those contracts 9-12 months apiece to let the user book up to that level, they turned into big pieces of TNA in the years to come, but there's no shot to sign them playing as booker for a regional company.</p><p> </p><p>

    Thanks again for all your work. If I come across anything else I'll chime in again.</p>

  2. Just a quick update: progress has been a little slower than I would have liked as it's the Christmas period, but workers are up to 1,032 so I've done fourteen in five days which I guess isn't that bad. I have 62 people left on my list so even if I stick to this pace (which like I say is a little slow) I should be done by the end of January. :)


    This. Is. FANTASTIC.


    As a fan of the glory days of hookers and shooters, I've always been a little disappointed in the historical mods, but simply couldn't fathom putting the work into creating one myself. This doesn't quite go back to the hookers and shooters, but anything that gets us further and further back is A+ in my book.


    If there's anything at all you need or could use, I'm more than eager to help. Even the tedious stuff (relationships, title histories, whatever), this mod has me legitimately excited about playing for the first time in a long time. Thank you for that.

  3. He was good, but relatively quiet. We were all givin him a ton of ****, he's far and away the most famous guy in the room but he's playin at the $1/$2 tables with us. He was cool about it though, laughin with us about it saying, "Hey- we're in a reccession!" He was nice enough to stop and take pictures with a couple of people before he joined our table, too. Looked like he just wanted to hang out with some regular people, he didn't even really have an entourage, which is quite different from the MMA fighters you'll run into there.
  4. The onscreen storyline is that Hogan (and by proxy Bischoff) are now Dixies Partners and outrank JJ and Foley, thus having control over thier fates.


    As for a real world example, say your store manager of a department store that gets bought into, the power is restructered and the store is partnered with another store, that the new owners already own. Someone new is appointed regional manager for both stores (this would be Bischoffs' role), that new guy now has control over you and your store...thus he could fire you.


    It's a lose off the top of my head comparision, but you can see what I'm saying.


    I get what you're saying, but I was under the impression that Mick Foley was a (kayfabe) minority owner in TNA. Unless his stake was bought out, would he not still be a minority owner?


    And yeah.. I know that it's weird that's the big thing bothering me in TNA, and not the Nasty Boyz winning or Scott Hall getting air-time over Samoa Joe. But, I don't mind if they're trying to push certain guys, just don't treat me like an idiot in the process.

  5. Earlier in this thread I made a post saying that I was really hoping Hogan changing everything was a giant work (which by the way, would be the greatest work in wrestling history) and that Jarrett would establish himself as the face and fight back for the TNA originals and the 6-sided ring. They opened iMPACT! with the fans chanting, "We want six sides!" That makes me even more optimistic that this just may be the case. Let's not forget that when Bischoff had control of WCW, he did a couple of stories and angles that were out-of-this-world good. I'm going to keep crossing my fingers on this one, I think he just might be delivering again.
  6. What a bad show.


    Hated the way Kendrick debuted. You're going to bring in a guy that was main eventing on Smackdown! as recently as a year and a half ago, just to have him lose in your opening match for a mid-card title? He should be a bigger deal than that.


    Daniels losing to Morley is ridiculous. I think we've all touched on that one enough.


    I don't care about women's wrestling, so I can't comment on ODB/Tara.


    Invasion dropping the belts to Morgan/Hernandez doesn't make any sense to me. Seems to me that World Elite has completely disbanded, and I haven't seen any mention of it whatsoever. They could have done it and I just missed it, but the only thing I've seen of Eric Young was him smiling ear to ear at the site of Flair 1/4. As for BI losing the belts, I could have been okay with it. If it were to a team that made sense. Maybe MCMG if they hadn't lost to Generation ME. Now you've got two guys on the verge of breaking out, stuck in the midcard feuding with who? The Invasion, who they just beat cleanly to take the belts? Meh.


    Wolfe/Dinero was one of the few things they did right on this show. Legitimate finish with Wolfe having worked on the knee all match. I wish Doug Williams and Wolfe would trade finishers, though. That lariat just doesn't do it for me, not at the upper-midcard level.


    Beer Money going over old guys was okay. To be honest, I was hoping to see James Storm get pinned, and Roode show some frustration, leading to an eventual Roode heel turn with Flair as his manager. I feel if Roode went back to his gimmick before he formed Beer Money, and had Flair as his manager, he would go through the roof. (I know, tag teams are awesome. And I hate breaking them up, too. But Roode is a main event talent, and we all know the split is going to happen sooner or later. Split them now, and bring back Chris Harris for an AMW reunion.)


    Abyss is such a joke now. Ever since he lost James Mitchell, his character is been sliding downhill. Anderson getting the win was good, but we all know the way he went about it was lame.


    The main event really wasn't that good. Their match on iMPACT! was a lot better. And I didn't like the ending. Like I stated previously, I was really hoping for a Beer Money split, Roode heel turn, Flair as his manager and they target AJ and the strap. I was wishing that's where they were going with Flair watching AJ so closely. I didn't like AJ as a heel back in the weekly PPV's, I didn't like him as a heel with Kurt/Tomko, and I doubt I'll like him as a heel now. He's just not very good at it.

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