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The Swanton825

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Posts posted by The Swanton825

  1. Question for the Crusader Kings peeps around here. Picked up CK2 on Steam the better part of a year ago but only got around to diving in last night. Have only the base game at the moment because I figure I can get the DLC's down the road once I'm good and comfortable in the game. And besides, there's already so much in the game to get one's head around. I haven't even left the first day of the learning scenario yet despite having mucked around for three or four decent length game sessions. Kinda know I want to get Alfonso married, that I want to firm up the family bonds and who I want to mess with. I was just kind of curious what y'all's first actions were and how you got the ball rolling. I'm still trying to figure out the mechanics so pointers on the basics would be appreciated.


    Marry into a family that controls one of the major powers, start fabricating claims on my weakest neighbor, then start looking for other powerful families to marry my future kids into so I have half of Europe at my beck and call for every war I want to fight but not close enough to me that I need to put much effort into supporting their wars. Then I pray my realm doesn't get split by endless succession wars between my idiot kids.

  2. I guess it's a good thing that Jado, EVIL, SHO, KENTA, Chase Owens, and Bad Luck Fale weren't on the show then, and thus shouldn't really impact your enjoyment of it.


    Jay White is a top-tier level talent and is quite easily my favorite wrestler on the planet right now.


    It never fails to amuse me how much Chase Owens would talk up his friendship with The Young Bucks while training people and yet he got left behind in Japan, never to see an AEW card.

  3. So apparently my problem is that open world games are just to expansive for me to just hop into a game after not playing games for ages.


    I bought Skyrim and TMNT: Shredder's Revenge and TMNT has been a lot of fun. Playing an old school games with levels and bosses seems to be the answer to my problems for now. Eventually I'll dive back into open world games, but I have to work myself back up to it


    Shredder's Revenge is so good! The soundtrack is awesome too. They got Raekwon and Ghostface Killah from Wu-Tang to do Shredder's boss theme. Whoever composed this game deserves all TMNT soundtracks going forward just for finding the peanut butter and chocolate combo that is TMNT and Wu-Tang.

  4. I didn't mean to offend anyone that was meant totally tongue in cheek. If I really felt that way I would think every author was a spineless schmuck.


    I wasn't offended. I just rarely get the chance to dunk on a saying I dislike and make fun of myself at the same time. :D

  5. These wouldn't be the same dirt sheets that said Mable was the third man in the NWO, would it? Sorry I couldn't resist.


    I gave up on 83 weeks once conrad admitted that Dave Meltzer was his good friend. Every time he said Meltzer wrote bischoff would say it was total bs 99.9% of the time. As much as I enjoyed the stories I wasn't listening to someone shamefully promote someone I'd never heard of before listening to the podcast.


    Because of this I modified an old saying: those who can't teach and no guts to try write about it...


    Bischoff lies as easily as he breathes. He's like Cornette, everything good was his idea and everything that went wrong was completely out of his control or the smarks "just didn't get it". Meltzer may be a putz at times but he does have actual journalism skills when he wants to use them.


    And I've never cared for that old saying. I was completely talentless in the ring, dropped myself on the back of my neck, briefly KO'd myself on a DDT and even managed to botch a clothesline. By that logic, I should be running my own school based on just how much I "can't".

  6. If Joker is a main villain in another entry, I hope it's more like how Penguin was in The Batman, where's while important, is not the main baddie.


    As for villains I'd really like to see, I would have said Hush, but Riddler basically stole his entire gimmick in this movie.


    Others that could be fun:


    Professor Pyg is pure nightmare fuel and would fit the neo-noir aesthetic of Reeves Bat-verse.


    They hinted at Bane with Bruce using Venom in The Batman, but I'm still trying to get over how awful Tom Hardy was in DKR. That stupid voice haunts me and infuriates me :p


    A properly done Mr Freeze would be incredible, especially with his heartbreaking origin from Batman: TAS.


    Owlman would be a lot of fun, but I just love the character. Would probably be a bit too confusing to the more casual fans.


    Man-Bat and Clayface are two I would absolutely adore, but Reeves didn't really cover meta humans in his world yet, so who knows what the rules are.


    Hugo Strange would fit the aesthetic as well, but I almost feel it would be better to introduce him when Batman is more established.


    A Court of Owls movie would be fantastic.


    In Bat-movie related stuff, I am very excited to see how Brendan Fraser does as Firefly in the upcoming Batgirl movie. I love that Brendan is getting a career rejuvenation.


    I'd be on board for any of those, particularly Man-Bat. If for no other reason than to show the idiots responsible for Morbius how you do a tragic monster kind villain.


    What I'd really love is an adaptation of Batman: Gothic, but it's so overtly supernatural by the end that there's no way we'd ever see it done on film. Not to mention Mr. Whisper isn't exactly the kind of villain who you could easily sell toys of.

  7. I don't know, I found his portrayal to be more inline with the Joker than the Riddler. I never really thought of the Riddler as being a lunatic in the vain of the Joker. I always felt like the Riddler should more like a Bond villain, in that while yes there could be some sort of mental health issues. He is more intelligent and cunning. I felt like this version of the Riddler was a whiny mentally ill person.


    Also, I did like the film but I felt like it was rather simple, for lack of a better word, and the plot for it was not very deep. Especially seeing how it lasted nearly three hours.


    I feel like in most cases (at least where I'm familiar with him) Riddler is a whiny lunatic. He's a narcissist driven by a need for attention and a massive superiority complex, hence his obsessive compulsion to leave riddles behind to "prove" his intellect. I can't remember if it was an B:TAS episode or from one of the tie-in comics, but there's this great Riddler story where he purposely tries to commit a crime spree without leaving any riddles or clues behind but eventually Batman catches him because of a riddle he left behind without even thinking about it. It culminates in this great moment where Riddler realizes he might actually need help and goes to Arkham without a fight.


    The Hatchet series is one of my favorites! Such an underrated gem of a franchise. Victor Crowley rules. Have you seen Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon? It's an amazing homage to slashers while also being a genuinely fantastic movie. Plus, the literally always amazing Scott Wilson is in it!


    As for the Batman, I cannot say enough good things about it. My only real complaint was that we knew Paul Dano was the Riddler so that diner scene was sort of anti-climatic.


    The deleted Joker scene is super dope too. I love how Matt made the movie without any sequels in mind, but still set it up to be a franchise. Barry Keoghan is super charismatic and was the best part of the Eternals movie. Which I know isn't saying much considering Eternals was subpar, but I think Barry could end up being a fantastic Joker.


    Unrelated to all of the above, but I randomly stumbled on the movie Old Henry the other night and holy moly, what a fun ride! I've said it in the past, but I LOVE westerns, and this is one of the best ones in recent memory IMO. Plus, Tim Blake Nelson continues to show that he's one of Hollywood's unsung heroes.


    I still hold out hope that Nelson will return as the Leader in the MCU.


    Haven't seen Behind the Mask but it's on my comically long watchlist so I do plan to get around to it at some point.


    The reveal still worked for me in that it fit perfectly with this Riddler's whole vibe as a David Fincher-esque villain. He's a dorky-looking nobody who would never be seen as a threat. No scars, no disfigurement, just some random guy.


    I'm only familiar with Keoghan from his part in Chernobyl but I agree he did a good job. Though I do hope Reeves sticks to his guns in not wanting Joker front and center in any sequels so other villains can get some time in the sun for once.


    Also haven't seen Old Henry, or any westerns at all in the past few years come to think of it. Last one I watched was Bone Tomahawk which was honestly more of a slasher movie masquerading as a western. I've got a lot of catching up to do with movies.

  8. Recently watched:


    X(2022)- This is gnarly. It's a total love letter to the classic slasher movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and even a little creature feature thrown in for good measure. Also, it was awesome to randomly see Kid Cudi in a movie. I had no idea he was in it and boom!


    I'm interested in anything that does a slasher throwback correctly. Hatchet is one of my all time favorite horror movies for that exact reason. Definitely going to be keeping an eye for this one on streaming!


    Finally watched The Batman and I'll admit I was skeptical of Matt Reeves being to make an almost three hour Batman movie not outstay its welcome but he did it and then some! I loved everyone's performance in this movie, Pattinson is already among the ranks of the best to play Batman IMO (I thought his was a little wooden when out of the batsuit but that can be chalked up to this being before he really develops his billionaire playboy philanthropist image), Jeffrey Wright was a perfect choice for Gordon, Paul Dano's spin on Riddler worked great despite how silly that mask was, Zoe Kravitz's Catwoman felt like she came straight out of the Arkham or Telltale games, Colin Farrell channeling the spirit of James Gandolfini with Penguin, John Turturro reminding everyone that he can be an awesome actor when he wants as Falcone, the list goes on. I could rave about this movie for hours if I wanted to, but I'll just close on this note: if DC and WB can find a director who loves Superman as much as Matt Reeves loves Batman, they could legitimately have a shot at overtaking Marvel.

  9. You are correct. Idk why I was thinking Yukes instead of AKI.


    It's an easy mistake since Yuke's are the ones everyone is always talking about and if Day of Reckoning is any indication, they can make a really good AKI-style game when they feel like it.

  10. I bought WWE 2k20 on PC through Steam. Huge waste of money. Luckily, I bought it on sale. I was able to play it, but only to simulate. If I actually tried to play a match, the FPS would drop so bad that everything was in slow motion. This even happened in just one-on-one matches. Every graphic option turned down or off. I was playing with No Mercy N64 graphics in an empty stadium. Still slow motion. Tried everything I found on the internet to fix it, and nothing helped. (If anyone has any tips, please share!!). I will probably never buy another WWE game again. I'm glad Yukes is making AEW's game as they are the ones responsible for me and my friends losing mass amounts of hours of our lives playing WCW vs. NWO multiplayer on N64.


    Actually Aki were the ones who made WCW vs NWO. Yuke's are the ones who made Smackdown and almost all the other WWE games in the 21st Century. IIRC Omega was pushing hard for Aki (they're called syn Sophia now, but it's still the same Aki) but Yuke's has more experience with modern consoles so they won out.

  11. I try to catch Big City Greens on Disney channel. Yes, I'm an old man that likes cartoons. LOL. But, I won't watch Encanto because of the constant spamming of the movie with a commercial with the most annoying song introducing the characters for it.


    Thank God it isn't just me who can't stand that ad! The song doesn't even sound good! It reminds me of when they used to try and dub the songs in anime and force the English lyrics no matter how hard it was for the VAs to sound remotely natural.

  12. Did you play WWE2K20 (once it was playable)? The story mode there was so hilariously juvenile that I laughed out loud many times.


    BTW a character might make a cameo in this year's storyline. :cool:


    Anyhow, once you tweak the sliders and difficulty a bit, the game is really fun. It's just the collision issues but I figure that's just unavoidable.


    And even that story has nothing on NBA 2K16's. It still holds a special place in my heart for its hilariously awful and pretentious storyline. Paper-thin characters appear and disappear from the story at random, "shocking" reveals come out of nowhere and make you feel nothing, that constant sense of "The writing wants to convince you it has depth without actually being deep", it has it all!

  13. I finished Kena: Bridge of Spirits this past week and either I missed the hype train on this game or nobody talked about it. It's a shame because this game is like a Pixar movie in video game form. If I had any major criticism it would be that the combat was trying too hard to mimic the God of War reboot and it just winds up leaving you with frustrating boss battles. Outside of that though, this is one of those games that doesn't really innovate on anything but does what it sets out to do well enough and with plenty of charm that it's still super enjoyable.


    Also, if you don't find the misleadingly-named Rot to be absolutely adorable, you have no soul.


  14. The Batman was such a phenomenal experience all around. It felt like a gritty neo noir Batman graphic novel from the 80s.


    I'm not going to say any spoilers, but there is so much foreshadowing for potential sequels without making any promises.


    If you enjoy story arcs like Long Halloween, Hush, or Year One, you're going to have a good time. The action and fight scenes are top notch, but this one is more psychological than previous Batman big screen appearances and there's a mystery that unravels throughout.


    Highly recommend.


    I am so pumped for this to come out on HBO Max next month! I'm really tempted to go to the theater and see it, but the cheapskate side of my brain keeps winning out.

  15. Wow, this wins my approval for actually having Jersey mentioned.


    Lots of character to this expansion!


    I still consider Slappy DeMatt my magnum opus, but I'm really happy with how The Circumstance's bio turned out. I love giving workers origins from places that don't get as much attention. Also the second I saw the render, I knew I had to make him a Jersey Shore reference somehow. :D

  16. Finally watched the new Candyman and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The original is one of my favorite horror movies and after being tormented by the first two godawful sequels, it's great to finally get a good one. My biggest critique would be that it feels like it should've been 20-30 minutes longer because the climax tries to throw in too much too fast for my liking.


    It blows my mind that this is Nia DaCosta's first horror film. Some of the shots this movie has with this budget is what you'd expect to see from someone who spent a decade grinding it out working for Roger Corman or John Carpenter, not a director relatively fresh out of film school with only one previous feature film under her belt.

  17. Watched Encanto recently and as usual, Lin-Manuel Miranda's songs are brilliant and catchy as hell. "We Don't Talk About Bruno" is the breakout song and replaced that Frozen song as the most successful Disney song, but man, "Surface Pressure" is so relatable and wonderful. The animation and voice cast are stellar.


    I have been looking for sci fi and horror cult classics I've never seen and stumbled on the 1985 movie Lifeforce directed by Tobe Hooper and written by Dan O'Bannon. The premise was very intriguing, but man, the execution was real bad. It did make me want to read the book it's based on though. Hopefully that's better.


    I'm really excited to check out Nightmare Alley as del Toro rarely disappoints.


    I actually enjoyed Lifeforce. Not as a genuinely good film, mind you, but as a fun late night B-movie that just runs with the fact that it's about a naked space vampire.

  18. Yeah, those videos are cringey as hell. He's claiming on Twitter that those aren't his real beliefs and has issued an apology. Who knows what's true now in regards to it. I only met him once and he seemed like a very cool dude, but that was just a 20 minute conversation.


    If it was something stupid he'd tweeted out once as a failed joke or troll and was embarrassed about, I might give him the benefit of the doubt. But he said this heinous crap in an interview that was going to be sold for money. There's no way he didn't believe in it when he said it. If he's changed since then, I only have one question: why didn't he ever come out and disavow it? "I said some very ignorant and hurtful things in an old shoot interview and would like to take this time to apologize for what I've said." See? Not that hard.


    Here, I'll even take it a step further just to demonstrate how to act when you actually regret something: I've personally been a terrible, confrontational jerk for a good chunk of my life and I've posted plenty of stupid crap I'm ashamed of, some on this very forum. A lengthy string of failures coupled with the pandemic forced me to come to terms with how I've acted in the past. I completely disavow any of the stupid and confrontational things I've said on here and I am sorry.


    Didn't take me being called out on something to do this. And I'm a nobody! There's no excuse for celebrities in any industry to wait to apologize until they're caught.

  19. In case anyone missed it, they added all three of the newest Hitman games to Game Pass as an all-in-one release with the missions from the first two retouched to take advantage of Hitman 3's features. All three are a must for anyone who enjoys stealth games and with the botched, price gouging Steam release of 3, it's the best and cheapest way to play it.
  20. I'm also weird. I prefer soloing and story based stuff. Only reason I chose SWTOR was because I am dying for a Star Wars story I haven't played and Fallen Order is too resource heavy for my laptop. I'm considering buying a PS4 with my tax return, so might pick up Fallen Order then, but I'm really craving a Switch. I've been itching for some Pokemon.


    You've talked me out of WoW.


    According to the spec requirements, I should be able to play ESO. How does gameplay compare to Skyrim? I know a lot of people bag on Skyrim, but I have put more hours into Skyrim and almost any other game except Chrono Trigger and TEW.


    Also, if anyone knows of any good 8 bit or 16 bit looking games for PC, throw out the names please!

    A Switch is way more worth the money anyways IMO.


    It's very similar to Skyrim's combat. Light attack, heavy attack, block, etc. The main differences are that you pick a class with three exclusive ability trees and you cast spells and use skills from a hotbar like other MMOs. The neat thing is that every skill tree besides the class ones are open to everyone so you can play a sorcerer in heavy armor with no real issue. The only thing I'm not fond of is that you have to commit to either improving magicka or stamina if you want to stay effective at later levels which means you either use a staff if you focus on magicka or any other weapon if you go stamina because that's what the damage scales with. They try to balance this by letting you "morph" certain spells into ones that scale with stamina but it is kind of a buzzkill that I can't play a sword and shield battlemage with a focus on magic spells without massively weakening my effectiveness.


    As for 8 and 16-bit games, I had a lot of fun with Flynn, Son of Crimson. It feels a lot like the kind of sidescrolling platformers I played all time on GBA when I was a kid. That might be a bit newer than what you're looking for but I just had to mention it.

  21. What F2P MMOs are worth checking out? I downloaded The Old Republic yesterday because I'm fiending for some Star Wars, but have yet to launch it since it has to do a lengthy update at launch and I'm too impatient :p


    I've been considering playing WoW again, but I'm afraid I'll get too obsessed like I did before.


    Have you heard about RAID: Shadow Legends? It's the hit mobile- Nope, can't do it.


    In all seriousness, SWTOR is the best if you prefer story in your RPGs and the only current gen Star Wars game better than it is Jedi: Fallen Order. Elder Scrolls Online has gotten really good in the past couple years and is now the best when it comes to combat and a sense of adventure IMO. I'm also weird and have a thing for playing solo, especially in dead or dying MMOs so I've got quite a few hours in games like Age of Conan, The Secret World (now only playable if you owned a copy of the original version, otherwise you have to play the awful Legends relaunch. Thanks, Funcom) and both EverQuests. Though I can't exactly recommend them to anyone but antisocial weirdos like me lol.


    If you've never played it and don't mind spending a bit during a sale, the original Guild Wars is still excellent. With all the instances, it's more an RPG with online features than a full-fledged MMO but you can still tell ArenaNet's founders were ex-WoW devs.


    Speaking of, WoW has basically been steadily destroyed from within by Blizzard in the past few years. Instead of adding new content, they've been cutting out older parts and replacing them with stuff for the expansions. I don't mind world-changing events, but I would much rather they happen when I reach a certain level or story point rather than replacing the noob areas (I restart a lot) and more so they "gel" with events of the expansion. ESO does this a bit too, but you can still access the starting areas and even the original tutorial zone with all the quests and stories intact. Hopefully Microsoft buying Activision will be a net positive, though after Microsoft did Asheron's Call dirty, I'm not holding my breath.

  22. Marvel's Midnight Suns looks incredible. Getting to customize my own hero is a huge plus.

    I totally forgot about that one! This is the closest we're going to get to a new Freedom Force (even if Midnight Suns is more XCOM-style turn-based) so I'm really hoping it turns out good. Firaxis rarely let me down.


    I did it before the world of virtual console and Wii came out. I know Ogre Battle, for one, is technically available now (on some Wii console) but I'm not buying a console just for that.


    I'd bet most of my money that you're right in the sense that it'll break everything, because it always did in CK2 - due to the complexity of the code after a couple of years - so I'm planning to wait (as usual) until the hardcore community greenlights it. I've never played with mods in CK3 as vanilla's enough fun but I've seen some fun youtubevids now that make me excited about it. Though I regret not having achievements enabled, they are all so specific that I'm not going to get them anyway. I've accepted that I will never ever reach 1453 in a CK game by now. :p That way I can also disable Ironman and the superfrustrating 'misclicks' that in the past have doomed my character with -50 opinion modifiers. :rolleyes:




    I hope to rely on this forum - amongst some others - to pass some indy gems or other notable games.


    I did plenty of emulating before the Wii too, it's just frustrating that companies won't give us easier access to these games. I'm dead sure all the console manufacturers would make a killing if they just sold official emulators for their old systems.


    Mods in Paradox games are a dangerous thing. Once you try them, you'll never be able to go back to vanilla. And IMO CK2 and 3 are nowhere near as fun if try to play them "legit" for the achievements.


    Once my annual F2P MMO obsession wears off, I'm sure I'll be digging through my backlog and recommending plenty of indy games.

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