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The Swanton825

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Posts posted by The Swanton825

  1. 43 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

    I want a live action Guyver series. I watched the live action movie from the 90s recently and it was stupid fun, but I'd prefer something that followed the manga. 

    Big O would be an incredible visual treat though if done properly. 

    OH MY GOD SOMEBODY BESIDES ME REMEMBERS THE BIG O!!! That and Batman Beyond made the best one-two punch of action shows on Cartoon Network when I was a kid!

    • Like 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

    One Piece creator Oda was heavily involved with the production of the live action. They actually utilized the creator instead of trying to do it on their own! It's a miracle! Hopefully, going forward more live action adaptations are as respectful of their source material. 

    I can't wait for them to balance this out with the likely awful Avatar: The Last Airbender show they're doing. Paul Sun-Hyung Lee is a perfect choice for Iroh, I'll give them that.

    Now someone get me a live action Code Geass that fixes the terrible second season!

  3. Finished the Netflix One Piece and I have to say I'm stunned by how committed the production team was to keeping the look of the series as intact as possible. I'm not used to anime adaptations being unashamed of their source material! Where's the awkward rewrites to add more grim darkness, or characters who look nothing like who they're supposed to be? You're telling me this is possible with live action adaptations of anime made outside of Japan?

    • Like 1
  4. 40 minutes ago, PaperMachete said:

    I've watched two episodes so far. It's alright but I feel like Netflix is hamming up the drama for the show when in reality there probably isn't that much drama.

    If OVW's locker room is anything like the low-tier, just-a-couple-steps-removed-from-backyard-wrestling shows I worked on, you don't have to do much to drag the drama out. Lets be honest, wrestling doesn't exactly attract the most emotionally or mentally stable people, myself included.

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  5. 17 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    On the Star Fox topic, has anyone played Star Link? Was wondering if it's worth picking up and it gives me Star Fox 64 vibes. 

    Sorry about the double-post. I can't figure out how to edit quotes into previous posts. I haven't played Star Link myself, but I've heard a lot of good about it from people who are usually cynical about everything Ubisoft puts out.

  6. 21 hours ago, FellaLibby said:

    My fellow Star Fox fan, I highly recommend you seek out Star Fox Event Horizon. It's a mod for Freespace 2 and just released it's fully voiced demo, with voices from Star Fox 64 and more. You'll find it on ModDB

    My God... When Nintendo fails us, the fans deliver!

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, FellaLibby said:

    I need to vent. I'm a massive F-Zero fanboy (if my avatar pic wasn't clear enough) and Nintendo finally heard my cry. They are finally giving me a new F-Zero game. It's... A bloody Battle Royal with the SNES F-Zero style and graphics. F-Zero 99 they call it.

    Words alone cannot describe my disappointment and anger, but imma try. I don't consider this "game" a new game. I see it as a mod. I have seen people do similar things, with the original Mario Kart. This is a literal slap in my face. How difficult is it for Nintendo, to just make a futuristic race game, with 30 different racers, who all have their own race machines and use skill and destruction to race?

    Worse to me, is that they could've used all this time to maybe re-release F-Zero GX, what I consider the last F-Zero game. I mean, they are re-releasing Paper Mario A Thousand Year Door, why not GX? I get Miyamoto doesn't understand why people like me want F-Zero, when Mario Kart is more popular, but his demand that everything new must have a new gimmick, and that be it's main selling point. In F-Zero, you just race and kick all ass. Human or alien ass. Doesn't need to be more fancy than that, and he doesn't see the appeal, when you do that, and use items, in Mario Kart.

    I likely won't be buying F-Zero 99, and I'll be still waiting for a brand new F-Zero.

    I feel ya. I'm a Star Fox fan and it's been just as long since we got a real Star Fox game with no stupid gimmick to it. Miyamoto deserves credit where it's due, but he's reached a point where his constant meddling is strangling the life out of every franchise not named Mario or Zelda. And even with Zelda, it seems like they had to strap him down to keep him from messing with Monolith's work on Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Self said:

    With all of the hype around Starfield, I got into the RPG mood and bought WrestleQuest. It's a JRPG mixed with wrestling mixed in a toy box, and it's alright. It's clearly made by a smaller team, a little bit buggy, and a little too on-the-rails for my liking (as of the 5 hour mark) but I'm having a decent time. I've complained before how I hate games where you're treated like most special boy in the universe. Where everyone loves you and thinks you're great and would follow you to the ends of the earth. That isn't WrestleQuest (so far anyhow). Most of the other characters think I'm an idiot and regularly tell me so. I love that. Gives me something to prove. Spite is a hell of a motivator. 

    I was planning on grabbing that around my birthday last month, but then I stupidly assumed that the initial low user score on Steam was legit and not because of review bombing. I'll probably grab it the next time I've got money.

  9. 9 hours ago, ElChorizo said:

    I've actually moved to playing FM23 more than TEW, but for most of the last couple of years, this forum was a daily check just to see what new companies you were coming up with, Will, even when other games had my attention. 

    Seconded. I think my TEW playtime this year has been in the single digits, but it's still fun to check back and see all this.

  10. So after finally giving it a go last night, Starfield is pretty much what I expected. Nothing mind-blowing, but compelling enough that I kept playing. It's still got that Bethesda jank to it though. Facial animations during conversation are lifted directly from Oblivion, complete with that same uncanny valley feeling I got playing Oblivion, gunplay is still not quite right, and the UI is terrible on PC. Positives: the inspiration of 60s-70s sci-fi is on full display and I don't get that aesthetic very often in games, I enjoy the not-quite-space-sim starship combat that reminds me of games like Star Wars Galaxies, and the progression system thus far feels like a happy medium between Skyrim and Fallout's systems.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Big Roguey said:

    They were doing an upgrade, paid £30 to play it five days earlier - counted if the Game Pass version was downloaded too.

    From the playthrough I've had so far, it's not really Skyrim-ish but, without trying to give spoilers to anyone reading it, the stuff I've been doing is corporate espionage based. There is definitely a lot of scope for role playing from what I've played so far.

    Ah, okay. I thought Game Pass was just messing with me again. Those early days of the PC beta... *shudders*

    Wow, roleplaying opportunities in a Bethesda game? At this time of year, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your Xbox/PC? I was already planning on having this be my chillout, turn my brain off, kind of game like Fallout 4 was, but now I'm actively curious to see what it has to offer.

  12. 20 minutes ago, Fleisch said:

    Seriously, this makes Fallout 76 look like a marvel in gaming. The space combat is the absolute drizzling... well you know. NMS space combat is 1000 times better. The "space flight" is literally no more than clicking somewhere and your ship landing. A glorified loading screen. The ground combat is EXACTLY THE SAME as Fallout 4! Even bullet sponge enemies are back with a vengeance. Legendary items are pathetic. I found a legendary space suit that is worse than the crappy miners suit you start with! What is the point? I have a legendary gun that does less damage than the common gun I found 4 hours before! 10 hours now put into it to try and find something, anything, to justify putting in the hours but I'm deleting it instead. My advice is do not be fooled by the BS fed to you by Bethesda or Microsoft. This is a bang average 2010 game parading as a 2023 Triple A. Its awful.

    So, hyperbole aside, it's Skyrim in space, then? Sounds about what I expected. Then again, I really don't know why people allow themselves to get hyped about these games. If dev time equaled quality, then Duke Nukem Forever and Cyberpunk 2077 would have launched as two of the most polished, sublime experiences humanity has to offer. The fact that they're still using the same Gamebryo engine that they've iterated on since MORROWIND should have been a dead giveaway that this wasn't going to be an 11/10 experience. Though I would argue that overhyped mediocrity IS AAA gaming at its core.

    Also, gotta ask how you guys are playing it already? I thought you had to get $100 version to play early? Game Pass sure won't let me give it a shot.

  13. On 8/31/2023 at 9:15 PM, Fleisch said:

    EDIT: So Starfield sucks! My God this game is boring and just pure garbage. Thankfully I got it on Gamepass but I actually can't describe how absolutely crap this game is given the years put into it. There is nothing groundbreaking here. Spaceflight? No Man Sky does it better. Space dog fights? No Man Sky does it better. Ground combat? Mass Effect does it better. There is nothing in this game that Bethesda have added that is genre defining or even just good. The only thing this has going for it is the voice acting but that's like putting lipstick on a hagfish.

    I really don't understand how Bethesda still has this kind of mystique with people. When was the last time Bethesda did anything groundbreaking? The settlement stuff in Fallout 4 was a mod for Fallout 3, complete with the exact same mechanics! I'm pretty sure Bethesda never even credited the original modder for the concept. Skyrim's "radiant quests" are just a renaming of the procedurally generated quests in Arena and Daggerfall. Oblivion managed to make persuasion into the most mind-numbing tedium in the history of gaming! In fact, they gutted nearly everything that made The Elder Scrolls unique so that Oblivion would "have wider appeal". Cyrodil was supposed to be a jungle and Imperials a mix of Mesoamerican and Roman cultures. I will never get over that opportunity being squandered in favor of yet more medieval fantasy England.

    Bethesda stopped making good games after Morrowind. Now they make games that have the potential to be good... once the modders fix everything Todd Howard's careless mismanagement overlooked. For example, there was once an issue with Oblivion where the game ran the risk of crashing every time you opened a door. Despite this being a known issue, lo and behold, two years later Fallout 3 has the same bug! Both times it got fixed by fan patches. "All of this just works!", needs an amendment to "All of this just works... after the fans fix it".

  14. 4 hours ago, PaperMachete said:

    Who is in the right or wrong we'll probably never know, but this is the second big AEW event where "no one" talks about the actual events and "everyone" talks about some backstage drama.

    To quote Bowling for Soup, high school never ends. It's some weird flaw of our psychology or something that even when we know better, drama gossip is like catnip. We're more interested to hear about how the quarterback got into it with the head cheerleader than if our team won.

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  15. As a certified CM Punk Hater (TM pending), I have to agree that Jungle Boy was being childish and stupid for wanting to use real glass. I have no doubt that Punk's attitude exacerbated the problem after rejecting JB's planned spot, because it's Punk and all, but that doesn't excuse Luke Perry's kid deciding to act out on the pre show as a stupid form of payback.

    Also, for God's sake, if you're going to pick a fight with a fragile old man who couldn't hack it in genuine fights, make sure you actually win.

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  16. 43 minutes ago, Mootinie said:

    Chuck Taylor was so happy about winning a match with his best pals in front of 80,000 fans. 

    I'm glad they gave him a feel good moment. Chuckie T never gets enough love. I still regret not getting a pic with him and Trent back at the Global Force show they did in Knoxville.

  17. 2 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    It's Jaime in the movie and it was awesome. Without going into spoilers, Ted is still a very important part of the plot. Also, Gunn confirmed a few months back that a Booster Gold series was in the works. 


    I adore Booster Gold so much. Between that and it being confirmed that All-Star Superman is a big influence on the next Superman movie, I'm finally hopefully for DC stuff that doesn't involve Batman!

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