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Posts posted by fullMETAL

  1. No prob, thanks for the credit :)

    Here's a couple behind-the-scenes notes on that design:

    1 - As you might be able to tell from first or second glance, I actually based it a bit off the WCW 1991 design.

    2 - Dan wasn't the first person I submitted that design to (the humps on top and bottom are an esoteric design choice I made geared more toward the first guy I submitted it to), but he was the person who ended up using it -- he's even made it for 2 collectors!



  2. Why, hello there!

    It's been a while!


    Back in TEW2016, I provided some free-use leather straps for you aspiring belt-makers to put your plates onto, and boy did you make use of them!

    (Want them again? Check here for the original thread: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=536330 )



    WELP, I'm BACK and I've got some good news: I'll be providing MORE free-use leather straps!


    Starting here, with PNG cuts of the Create-a-Belt straps from WWE 2k19, some in multiple colors/textures, if you're wondering why many look similar to each other: https://imgur.com/a/VHQdtg9


    This thread will be updated once I've made some more straps in my own inimitable style you've come to know and love, including multi-colored versions of some of those 2k straps (again, in my style), and the straps for many of my recently done belt-works.


    Please look forward to it! :)


    - FullMETAL

    • Like 1
  3. I thoroughly enjoyed the finale to DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths, and if they're gonna go forward with "Lex Luthor occasionally helps the good guys to further his own nefarious plans" like they implied at the beginning of the Legends episode, I am 100% on board with that. :D
  4. Has defending it only on TV ever actually been a thing? You can go all the way back to Dusty Rhodes winning the TV title at The Great American Bash 85. I mean, technically it was on closed-circuit TV but that was just an early form of PPV.


    WCW in the 90's was quite prolific with having the TV Title being defended on TV, most notably during the title runs of Eddy Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Fit Finlay, and (believe it or not) even Disco Inferno at his most white-hot.


    As a related thing, Championship Wrestling from Hollywood (NWA's go-to TV affiliate thing) has done a remarkable job making sure the UWN Television Title actually gets defended ON their CWfH TV show.

    Not as remarkable a job in having it defended very often (if at all) on their Arizona show though.

  5. That's probably the correct assessment.

    They need to show us more "wrestler's background" packages for us to familiarize ourselves, but that would probably involve having to get the rights to the footage from a ton of different feds.



    Like, in July '18, Matt Taven defended the CMLL Welter belt against Ultimo Guerrero (who totally looks like comedian Joey Medina, btw), and we were supposed to already know who Ultimo Guerrero was (I mean, I DO know who he is, and the Hammerstein crowd probably had an alright idea in general, but you get what I mean).

    Commentary for the home viewers gave us enough info to get "oh, Ultimo's a legend in Mexico" but also wound up giving us "that's cool and all, but why hasn't he wrestled in the US way more often for us to immediately recognize him?" vibes.

  6. Finally watched Night 1 last night, probably gonna try to catch Night 2 tonight and Dash tomorrow.


    My thoughts on Night 1:

    - Kojima looked GREAT, both physically and in-ring. Dude's absolutely still got it and could probably hold his own in short "make the main-eventers look good" feuds over the next TEN years if he keeps himself in this condition.

    Tenzan and Nagata looked fine and held their own, and Nakanishi was really slowed down, but Kojima was very clearly the star of that tag match, especially with what felt like the WHOLE crowd chanting along with him for his big spot.


    - The Young Lions looked great in their match. I boldly predict that at least one of those 5 guys will eventually main-event WK, probably even this decade.


    - I played "Ikari no Jushin" over Liger's dubbed theme during his entrance and actually started tearing up. Glad Taguchi was the one who got the win on that.


    - After watching the Suzuki-gun/LIJ match, a long-term Sabre versus Sanada feud is something I didn't know I needed in my life until now. This match itself looked kinda messy to me though, even for a 4-on-4. EVIL is low-key one of NJPW's best overall assets.


    - You know that thing where rainfall and erosion naturally wears a giant craggy boulder down to a smooth almost spherical shape?

    That's what Ishii's head looked like that night, and it made me chuckle.

    Also, I will never not want to see Pieter on my screen, she is literally one of my #goals.

    Additionally, Yujiro looked surprisingly excellent in this match and even though he's been BC4Life since a year into the group's run, it really feels like only this past year where he's really come into his own, elevating his ring-work to the level of his character work; plus, he and Chase Owens actually work pretty well together as a team, more of that, please!


    - I understand why NJPW referred to Juice and Finlay as FinJuice, but I would've preferred them being called Lifeblood even though Juice left ROH.

    Everybody looked great in the Tag Title match and worked rather well together -- FinJuice and GoD should face each other more.

    The selling in general on Pulp Friction really needs to be worked on, though -- not enough people doing the proper face-first bump like for the Unprettier.


    - Mox/Archer was sick.

    Lost in the chaos of the Death Rider through the tables was the fact that Archer's knees went right into the frame; if he managed to even walk the next day as a result, I consider that a miracle.


    - I consider Hiromu/Ospreay as the Match Of The Night, no matter what anybody else says about Naito/Jay and Kota/Okada.

    That Time Bomb II at the end was sick.

    Their attires and entrance gear (Hiromu in Asuka's robes? Nice.), especially Ospreay's popped me big time, and Ospreay played the sentai villain perfectly in this match.


    - Naito/Jay was my runner-up for Match Of The Night, and the Gedo interference enhanced the drama for sure.

    If I didn't already look up the results, I would've probably been even more invested in whether Naito would overcome or not, but that didn't lessen my enjoyment of the match as a whole.

    I do wish Naito would permanently debut an "end the match for realsies" version of the Destino at some point though (my vote is for a spinning version after the backflip sets him up), because even doing a 4th regular one to end it kinda looks less than devastating and only gave me a sense of "oh, this is still a regular one, there might be a kick-out even though it's the 4th one".


    - How is Kota Ibushi even ALIVE right now?


    You know that part in his pre-match promoing where he went all "Even *I* don't know what I'll do in the match"?

    He literally transformed into THAT guy after those first 2 head drops (I absolutely think Kota accidentally slipped away on that first Tombstone because the relative chasm of space between his body and Okada's -- leave room for JEE-ZUS -- as his head just spiked onto the mat didn't look worked at all).

    Auto-pilot and adrenaline, and I couldn't watch the rest of the match without wincing and cringing the whole time.

    It didn't even feel like that was even Kota Ibushi anymore in that match and it took 2 more why-the-eff-is-he-still-taking-these head drops to transform him BACK to Kota Ibushi.

    But big props to Okada for learning from his past year and change of character development, because he went through the first 75% of this match as all-business, dismantling Kota with clinical detachment to simply get the win as soon as he could to keep himself fresh for Night 2, THEN the frustration and emotion came through near the end and the "come on, STAY DOWN" look on his face for that final Tombstone-and-Rainmaker pretty much said it all on Okada's end.


    I wish I could've seen the Stardom match though. :/

  7. To be fair, Bateman usually gets announced by his full name of Tyler Bateman, but my completely-out-of-nowhere guess is that, like his contemporaries Watts in CWFHollywood and Watson in CWFArizona, his name is truncated in a "he stands out more as a single name" manner? Literally just a guess though.


    As for comparisons to Marseglia, Bateman's gimmick has always been a more controlled-chaos "do bad things to win" type while I feel Marseglia's is more of a less-controlled "do bad things for fun" type.

    But in the broad-strokes world of pro wrestling, the distinction between those two MO's doesn't often come across unless a person makes their own effort to pay closer attention.

    Inevitably, they're both using each other, Bateman using Vinnie for utilitarian purposes, and Vinnie using Bateman because I'm guessing he doesn't in-character see the distinction between their goals/philosophies/methodologies, and their eventual breakup will likely be for this reason.

    ("I thought we believed in the same thing!" "Nah brah, you do it for fun, I do it for wins and titles, but also for fun.")


    I'm basing this entirely on my previous viewings of Bateman in CWFHollywood, where that was exactly his operating philosophy.


    I'll even quote this when (not if) that happens, and grudgingly take the L if it's not how it goes down.

  8. If WCW was anything to go by, my guesstimate is that TV Title matches will have hard-coded time limits of either 15 or 20 minutes, with any changes to that number being for "special" title matches.


    Additionally, I think the TV Title should ONLY be limited to being defended on Powerrr, on the TV shows of the NWA affiliates (maybe not even that, maybe only Powerrr), and on the annual Anniversary show, and never be defended on any other PPVs or special events throughout the calendar, to give people a championship reason to invest in Powerrr long-term.

    It's called the Television Championship for a reason (not the PPV Championship or the TV & PPV Championship).


    That's just my own opinion though.

  9. At the very least, Okada is cemented to no longer be the unconquerable mountain he was nearly 2 years ago, which is actually really good in the long term, and probably a better storytelling tool for his opponents to use in a standalone feud than for, say, Tanahashi's whole thing.

    (But to be fair, "Beat Tanahashi in a major match = you have the potential to make it" leading INTO "Beat Okada in a major match = yup, you've made it" is still a good progression to strive for in the NJPW main event scene)


    I think I've previously added my own two cents the whole "always the bridesmaid, never the bride" problem with Hirooki Goto, but at this point, while they focus on like 5 or 6 not-Goto dudes for the big belt, I'll settle for him holding ANY singles belt.

    That feud with Suzuki last year really should've put him in the conversation for the Heavyweight belt.

    I wouldn't mind seeing him run with the US Title for a while in a short-but-sweet hard-hitting feud with Mox though -- it would get more eyes (especially here in the US) on how good Goto really is when he's not being overshadowed by Okada, and show NJPW that we really do care about seeing him make it to the top.


    The Naito/KENTA feud over the two belt(s) is going to absolutely RULE ASS this year, as WARHORSE would put it.

    Only an idiot would screw this sure thing up.

  10. <p>So...following Eddie Murphy's episode of SNL (and specifically his Gumby segment on Weekend Update), NWA's own Dave Marquez may have wound up stepping back onto the minefield that was the fallout from Jim Cornette's joke...</p><p> </p><p>


    </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedOther">

    <iframe data-embedid="5f5c88c1084e1051ae6fab5e17f1a1e4" allowfullscreen="" data-embed-src="<___base_url___>/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=embed&url=https://twitter.com/CWFHMarquez/status/1209014610533027841"></iframe>


  11. Kip Sabian's good at working with his manager, but a terrible tag team wrestler. Was Spears legal at any point in the match?


    He worked pretty well tagging with Iestyn Rees in WOS during the time they were together. Maybe we can just chalk this up to an unfortunate confluence of errors in the layout of this particular match?

  12. Redid Candy Floss because I thought she looked a little too old in that first one



    Bobbie Dylan



    Chitose Ariwara



    Sakurako Kagawa



    Claire Winters



    That Claire Winters render has a crap-ton of personality shining from it!

    Maybe you should do 3/4-turn renders for all your workers in addition to the face-forward ones from now on?

    It really adds a bit of extra oomph to them.

  13. FMP (as opposed to Fullmetal Alchemist) happens to be the source of my username "FullMETAL", so I'm probably a bit biased in favor of it.


    As for the sexualization of children in Japanese media (especially drawn/animated media), my ongoing theory/blame placement for things like this is centuries of isolationism-induced inbreeding coupled (more relatively recently) with the WW2 nuclear fallout radiation poisoning (being passed down by those who've gotten exposed to a small enough amount to still have survived it and procreated, that is) that's been negatively affecting the brains of Japanese people (but primarily Japanese men).

  14. I posted this elsewhere, but I can post it here too.

    My thoughts on the double-title-double-night thing:


    The World Championship narrative over those 2 days could go one of 3 ways:

    1) they continue to book Okada in his "now that I've been redeemed from losing the belt, I'm gonna hold it forever again" state

    2) the "Ibushi finally gets his due" story

    3) the "Naito finally gets his due" story

    (there's no way Jay White makes it out of the event holding the belts, because this whole storyline isn't about him)


    Personally, I think the Naito angle is the most compelling of the three, but I also think they might go with the Ibushi result because while Japan *idealizes* the hard work and "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" climbing to the top type, they *value* the "Naturally Skilled Genius" type a heck of a lot more.


    Ibushi beating Okada on Night 1 and losing to Naito on Night 2 is a good way to get the belt on both of them and say "look, we finally gave Ibushi the Heavyweight belt!", but Okada successfully defending against Ibushi only to lose to Naito the next night in the big rematch from last year is the more natural and textured story to be told.

    Okada having lost to Omega in their 3rd and 4th match was a great litmus test to see whether the structure of NJPW's "Okada is our god-a" philosophy could survive him losing the belt after a long reign.

    It showed that it was possible and even provided a fantastic "fallen hero" narrative for Okada, so this time, losing the belt to Naito wouldn't take any sheen off of the Rainmaker, AND him having experienced such a big title loss last year to Omega has (in an ideal scenario) prepared him to understand and accept another big title loss much better.


    That's not to say Naito's 2nd reign will be as well-protected as any of Okada's, but if we can at least get a longer reign than Jay White's with Naito actually main-eventing shows AS the IWGP Heavyweight Champion this time, I would call it a success.

    Also, that being said, I wouldn't mind if Ibushi was the one to end Naito's reign, either at Wrestle Kingdom in 2021 after winning the G1 again, or even a couple months before at King Of Pro-Wrestling or Power Struggle in late 2020.


    Addendum: If Okada retaining on both nights signals an actual heel turn informed by "now that I'm champion again, I'll do whatever it takes to STAY champion, including cheating" (in the vein of Neville and Asuka's they-were-about-to-turn-heel reigns in NXT), I think that would be the only long-term scenario where it'd be perfectly fine (disappointment in Ibushi and Naito not winning The Big One notwithstanding) for Okada to come out on top here.


    (Additionally, I'd love it if Liger's retirement match were against Jericho)

  15. I could be wrong but I believe that, that is intentional. I think that BL and Supergirl are not in the same time stream (alternative earth's for lack of a better term) as Arrow and The Flash. I am not sure where LOT and Batwoman fit in. I would assume that LOT probably take place in the same universe as Arrow and Flash due to the Sarah connection. I have never watched Batwoman so I have no idea if her earth is different.


    They're alternate Earths. Arrow, Flash and LOT all take place on Earth-1, while Supergirl is on Earth-38. Batwoman is either 1 or 38 (I'm not sure which). As for BL, nobody knows what Earth they're on yet.


    Batwoman (and by extension the missing Batman) is Earth-1, first established in her Elsewords appearance last year. Many of the other Earths have already been destroyed in the lead-up to Crisis.


    There's a possibility they all get merged during Crisis but I'd prefer Supergirl (and the future Superman show) and BL stay separate as it gives them more leeway with their world building.


    Elseworlds also showed us that there are Earth-1 versions of the Supergirl characters (minus Supergirl herself, and I think minus J'onn), and while I'd like to see the "National City without Supergirl" explored a bit more, I worry that it'll just be sacrificed to unify the official Superverse into the Arrowverse and outright overwrite the Earth-1 versions.


    With Batwoman (and by extension, at least 1 version of Batman--I'm hoping that's the Kevin Conroy version we're gonna see in Crisis) being in Earth-1, I'm hoping we'll get to see more Gotham/Central City cross-travel post-Crisis, especially with Arrow ending, though I'm legitimately hoping for more Batwoman/Supergirl crossovers in the future (kind of at least as a callback to all the Batman/Superman team-ups), though unless they regularly hop between the two dimensions or the aforementioned unification-via-Crisis, I'm a bit pessimistic about that actually managing to take place.


    I also wouldn't mind (in an upcoming Supergirl season) eventually seeing Lois (freaking Juliet from Grimm) and Lucy Lane (Jenna Dewan) actually interacting with each other, being sisters and all. It always annoys me when a thing is talked about rather than actually seen in a TV show.

    Like, it took a couple of seasons, but we finally got to see Superman on Supergirl.

    It took like 4 seasons, but we finally got to see Lois Lane and Lex Luthor, after seeing Lucy for a season first and introducing Lena on the show before Lex.


    If we get a TV version of actual Wonder Woman at ANY point in the CW-verse (and not just the wink-wink of having Lynda Carter on the show) after Legends introduced Themyscira at the end of their Helen Of Troy episode, I will legit lose my g-dang mind over it.



    Related, other than the narrative thing of "Laurel wants her Earth-2 back", I actually wouldn't lose too much sleep over it if it stayed gone, other than wanting at least Jay Garrick and his wife to survive/return at the end of Crisis, because we actually got a full season on Flash of connecting with Jay (such as it was with the whole "Zoom masquerading as Jay"), as opposed to 1 single episode of barely connecting with the E-2 Arrow characters who aren't Laurel, only to literally erase them at the end of it.



    I'm also gonna wildly speculate out my butt that the Future Arrows might end up calling their team "Young Justice" by the time Arrow finishes. XD XD

  16. While I dig that Black Lightning's gonna be part of the Crisis crossover next month, I'm a bit apprehensive about that because BL has such a separation from the other shows and feels fairly "insular" compared to them, which do semi-frequently operate outside the scope of their core cities (Batwoman being in the previous crossover is why I include her in the latter rather than the former).


    Like, just as a hypothetical, if Kasnia from Supergirl and Markovia from Black Lightning had just been merged to be the same country, that would've been an interesting thread to tie BL to at least Supergirl.

  17. getting a little better, anyone have any suggestions on resizing with better quality?


    Thicker lines and higher contrast on text and elements that you want to pop out, as well as applying the Sharpen filter once (or twice if necessary) on other elements you want to pop out.


    That way, when you resize the belt down to fit the 200x100 image, it'll still look something like the originally-sized version.


    I hope that helps. :)

  18. Excalibur has called the fall away slam a blockbuster on multiple shows and then says fall away slam later.


    Minor annoyance.


    That's because "Blockbuster Suplex" was actually the original name for the move (mostly in Japan if I'm not mistaken).

    My guess as for why he corrects himself to "Fall-Away Slam" is due to "Blockbuster" ALSO being the more-widely-known name for Buff Bagwell's Flipping Neck-Breaker finisher.


    Basically, Ex is flexin'.

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