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Posts posted by Bull

  1. Well that’s now completely changed in TEW2020, because in 2016 that affected momentum whether or not the worker was in a storyline.


    This is interesting, I’m going to have to think about how I book my guys not in storylines now, as I often give them the post-match beatdown to get their heat back.


    EDIT: actually the more I think about it, the more confused I am, as “success in storylines” is now purely cosmetic, and has been now for a few games at least. I genuinely don’t understand the point of successes and defeats now in angles if this is the case.


    Would love some clarification on this.


    I've tested this in a game with strict storylines off which may play a factor but I'm 100% certain at least in those circumstances that using storyline success in angles affects momentum whether a worker is in a storyline or not. . as I've gotten the vast majority of my roster to positive momentum using it. . I have zero active storylines, Just making everyone successful when booked in angles and I only have 3 people on my roster with negative momentum. .





    That's ever active wrestler on my roster currently, Sammy Bach hasn't debuted yet which is the only reason he's at neutral lol. . Whether its meant to work that way I don't know but it almost certainly does from what I can tell. .

  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Matt_Black" data-cite="Matt_Black" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47579" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>CWA doesn't gain in pop even when the Canadian Economy and Wrestling Industry are super high.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> that's why I change their match focus from Three ring to Regular. . It doesn't make it so they get ridiculous show grades regularly even with their talent, but it does allow them some consistency and ability to maintain their popularity for the most part. . I haven't gotten to test it in any long saves but it certainly helps them at the start. .</p>
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MrJeeps" data-cite="MrJeeps" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47579" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Fair enough but how come this hasn't happened to any other companies?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Their Achilles heel is the enormous roster. . They start with 57 active wrestlers. I'm pretty sure only USPW starts with more but they have a galaxy sized wallet compared to CWA. I mean their payroll costs more than their starting finances lol. . Then they fall into the issue where they don't seem to adapt to any changes and it's a recipe for disaster. . </p><p> </p><p> The closet comparable companies to them would be 21CW, BHOTWG, TCW and EILL who all start with bigger PPV deal so they all wind up with a better shot at making money off of them and bigger bank accounts so they are much more apt to survive longer whether they bleed money or not. . Not to say they wouldn't eventually fail just that CWA will fail much quicker considering the variables. . </p><p> </p><p> Now with all that said, PGHW is the only company I can see that starts off worse financially and with smaller PPV coverage, but their big advantage is having the vast majority of their roster(which is again much smaller) on Handshake deals so they have greatly reduced costs comparatively..</p><p> </p><p> Basically CWA is in a very precarious position right from get go compared to everyone else around them so they are much more likely to fail by comparison. Again with the adjustments to PPV revenue they are put in a better position to turn a profit but it's certainly not going to benefit them in games where they are already sinking in debt. .</p>
  4. This is what dominant gimmicks do. I guess it’s technically random if you get the perk, but there’s a high chance it generates on dominant gimmicks.


    That bonus can apply for Bad Ass and Legitimate and maybe realistic gimmicks as well, although I'm not certain on that last one. But I would guess it's easier to get on dominant gimmicks.. Either way at least from the information at hand menace has no bearing on whether or not you get that specific bonus with gimmicks. . I guess I'm just thinking that there could be better utilization of the stat beyond angles and AI Hiring. .

  5. I went ahead and did this but it looks like too little too late. They are ripping off great shows in the high 70s mid 80s, selling out and getting buyrates at around half a point but are atill around -7 million bucks after 2 years and were just warned. Weird that this wasn't noticed/corrected when Adam was imulating long games. They are said to be "doing well" in their description, but this is crazy.


    I don't imagine it was an issue with the initial build of the game because ppv revenue was so ridiculously high they were never in a situation to fail. Once it was decided that revenue needed to be toned down they suffered as a result because it was such a drastic reduction. . now that it has been level back up some it's not as big of an issue, at least in new games or games that haven't advanced to a point where they are beyond a salvageable point.

  6. I don't know all the ins and outs. But it does work with everyone. Doesn't being a monster who has a high menace score give them that advantage over any average joe who comes in with equally terrible skills. So say you have a guys with 0 everything (i'm using that as an example, but know it wouldn't happen) but your monster has a menace of 80 then that is what is setting them apart.


    I think the system is slightly better as just being huge and scary could get people to the top in 16 quite easily. Least this new system there needs to be a bit more meat on their bones so to speak in order to become a true great.


    As far as I'm aware, and at least with how the handbook describes it, currently, menace doesn't matter unless it's in an angle specifically rated on menace.. An argument could be made that it should be something considered when booking workers to look dominant. Maybe not have an exclusive requirement for it but certainly give a bonus to menacing workers who are booked dominantly. .

  7. I think you're a little to concerned with getting a high grade when in reality as long as it's decently higher than their popularity they are gonna benefit from it regardless. If an unknown monster pulls a 25 in a menace angle that's still gonna increase his popularity. . sure the angle is bad in the grand scheme of things but it's still good for the worker considering they have no popularity. .


    secondarily if you follow the standard practice of having a manager putting them over then the potential for higher grades are still there as long as the manager is rated on something active in longer angles. . Sure the overall grade of the angle might take a hit but it's still effective in the ultimate goal which is to get the less popular workers over. . the gains as far as I know aren't super equivalent to the grade you get as long as the grade is higher than the worker's popularity. . that could be wrong but in my experience it's a negligible difference in gains. .


    Plus squash matches are still pretty effective. and if you are truly trying to get someone over it's not the worst thing in the world to tick off some more over guys by feeding them to the big monster guy. . Not to go on a tangent as it's not totally related to this but I don't see why people are adamant to keep everyone happy but feel like it takes to long to get people over when you can use the previous method lol .. Let em be mad for a while I say I got my big monster over regardless :D:D

  8. Thanks alot! I dug up the original Dev Journal post about momentum which actually states that the short-term momentum is hidden.


    Ah ok, I got it backwards then. . So the one displayed would be the long term


    Not entirely sure here, but I'm playing a small fed that has plenty of grapplers on non-exclusive deals. These grapplers often work on other shows, or at "big time independent" events which don't show up as an employer. I think this might change momentum. Sometimes my workers are suddenly at warm momentum, and I haven't used them for a few shows.


    I could certainly be wrong but the momentum you see should only be affected by your booking as it's specifically how they are booked in your company. . With that said there are definitely some instances where momentum doesn't seem to update consistently as I've had many examples where a worker will still have good or bad momentum after a show and for the week until I get to my next show where they will all the sudden change to from negative to positive or vice versa once I'm in the PM stage. .

  9. Is there an "official" description of the momentum system in the Player's Handbook somewhere? I haven't found anything. (Really missing a search function in there...)


    Alternatively, has an overview of the possible momentum stages been posted somewhere with the correct ordering from cold to hot?


    The only thing I've seen is under the contracts section which is just a baseline description of what it is and how it works. . It just their kayfabe success, so booking people well in matches and angles raises it booking them poorly lowers it and people with poor momentum will find it difficult to gain popularity until their momentum swings back upward. . bare in mind that is only for recent momentum there is a hidden long term momentum that I haven't seen anything about beyond it exists. .


    the stages are as follows


    Ice Cold

    Very Cold






    Very Warm


    Very Hot

    Red Hot

    White Hot

  10. The thing is is that it wasn’t expiring. It’s only been 2 and a half months. I think they dropped me. Not sure how I would have avoided that anyway.


    The only way you wouldn't be able to negotiate with anyone else is if the did in fact drop you. the SWF/CANN deal has like an 82 minimum grade you have to achieve to keep from getting dropped. . the only thing you could've done other than meet that requirement is change your timeslot so that the minimum grade is lower. .

  11. Whether it's meant to work this way or not I don't know but I've found that just using the storyline change note in angles helps boost momentum regardless of whether people are in storylines or not. . Obviously booking them strongly also aids the process but I have very few people with poor momentum in my games by just making sure the those who's momentum I'm trying to improve are set to be successful in angles. .
  12. I think the biggest reason why CWA was failing was due to the patch that lowered PPV buyrates/Income as it was super harsh, especially for them, and made it impossible for them to turn a profit. Now that it's been increased again they aren't as prone to bleed money as they were during the previous patches


    One thing I did to help them though was change their match and angle focus to Regular and Tight so they are more consistent in Show grades as a big problem I noticed is they start losing popularity because their grades were pretty poor considering the talent they have. . and the more popularity they drop the less money they would make. .

  13. Is it really simulating what a ladder match would be like tho, if the risk is just average?


    It could probably be argued either direction, but as an example from WWE, I would say most ladder matches nowadays and even some from the truly early days aren't and weren't nearly as risky as ladder matches during the Attitude era and before the PG era. . It's really just comes down to a matter of perspective. . If you just want it for the gimmick then I don't see an issue in setting the content and injury risk low enough to suit your product as the goal is the gimmick not the content. . If your goal is to simulate the old Tag team TLC matches then you'd probably not be lowering those settings. .

  14. I created a topic for this, not realizing that this would fit better in the small questions thread.


    I ran into a situation when playing the Default database as SWF and I'm not sure what is the proper way to handle it: I got an email that one of the RIPW roster was having a contract renewal coming up. I went through and negotiated with him to ensure he got a renewal, but once it was finalized he had been moved to the SWF roster (and vacated the tag title he co-held for RIPW).


    Should I ignore these emails and the child company will renew the contract? I'm not sure if I handled this correctly.


    When you click on the decision to finalize the contract it should have a drop down box that let's you resign them to the main roster or keep them in Developmental. . and it defaults to the main roster so I'd guess you just didn't notice it and once you finalized it they were instantly brought back up to SWF. .

  15. Yet he's considered a major star by the fans...


    I'm just curious what the actual mechanic is that's preventing him from growing


    His momentum is the deciding factor in why he's considered a major star even though his popularity is capped. As for why it's capped it would pretty much have to be a bad destiny roll as with the way popularity caps are set now it's the only thing that would be limiting his growth. . At least that's the conclusion I gather from the handbook pop caps section. .

  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Remianen" data-cite="Remianen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50068" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This might make for a good suggestion. Have non-wrestlers (i.e. those directly affected by the slowed popularity gain from 1.02) momentum bottom out at Neutral. I'm almost positive it'll just be a visual thing because I'm not seeing any real benefit from my non-wrestlers having higher momentum.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yea from what I can tell there doesn't seem to be any negative or positive for non wrestlers having good or bad momentum. . and if there isn't any effect I'd rather non wrestlers, especially referee's and road agents just be locked to neutral momentum personally.. if only for the aesthetic but also to make it a little easier to identify the wrestlers with negative momentum on the analysis screen. .</p>
  17. CWA is 8M in debt and given warning. They'll be bankrupt before the end of the year.




    I really don't know what the real reason is tbh. Canada has doing well. I guess it's the Medium size and their roster with very expensive salaries. Yet TCW, SWF and USPW are doing awesome.


    I would guess that the decrease in ppv income from a few patches ago is probably playing a role in this. . They are bleeding money in my game as well. . It's kinda odd they don't cull some of the roster to drop their costs. . They definitely seem to drop their production values to combat it but it's inevitable that they lose money with what they are spending on talent.

  18. I see a lot of people talking about playing as booker rather than owner. Is there any reason for this? All the owner seems to do is hamstring me when I'm negotiating contracts, i can't really see why you would ever play as a booker unless you wanted to move around to other promotions. Is that the only reason or am I missing something?


    If I play smaller promotions I tend to just play as the booker just for that little extra challenge that comes with owner veto's, but If I'm playing a big company I play as the Owner 100% of the time. . I despise not being able to outbid the competition just because the cpu owner doesn't understand the value. . It seems especially prevalent in this game. As an example I got into a bidding war for Nicky Champion with USPW. Their initial offer to him was only 232,000 dollars for 2 years, so I made a 255,000 dollar offer for 4 to get him only interested in my offer.


    Next day USPW had countered with a 318,000 dollar offer. . .



    There's no way I could've come close to that if I hadn't been the owner, and I actually wound up paying him 435,000 just to keep everyone else away lol

  19. Does anyone know who the CW equivalent of Ric Flair is in terms of the performer who's held the highest number of major world titles? Would like to have Jay Chord break their record


    Sam Keith I would say personally. . He's held a "World" Title 10 Times. . Although his 2 CGC title runs might not classify as major considering when they occurred. .


    Dick The Devastator Held the AAFW Title 18 Times but I'm not entirely sure if that would be considered a Major title as it's stated as occurring in the territory days. .


    I did make a quick scan, but I didn't see anyone else that had more than Sam.. someone else might have more accurate information.

  20. <p>Always a fan of your work JT.</p><p> </p><p>

    Went ahead and dropped these on the blue background.</p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="9QQ0XTr.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/9QQ0XTr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="NcTFZfh.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/NcTFZfh.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ozzPIBK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ozzPIBK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Also decided I wanted to use the original of LA Star #2 as Masked Patriot so I did a quick color change and flip so they are a little less similar.. probably goes in the alt thread but here it is either way lol.</p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="gqzN8ZW.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gqzN8ZW.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RatedRKO16" data-cite="RatedRKO16" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I love the '16 search feature. For me, that being expanded would have been nice. And/Or buttons would be sweet, but I always would have liked to select a range.<p> </p><p> For example, when you chose "average brawling" you would get average, good, great and excellent brawlers in your list. An "average to good brawling" range would be beneficial. The reason being if you've done the search for great and excellent brawlers and wanted to see the good brawlers, you'd have to look through all those workers you just looked through as well. It's not a HUGE deal, but it is one of those things that would make life a little easier.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Maybe something like a quick range setting drop down menu could be added to the search tab. . So select your skill row in one drop down like</p><p> </p><p> <strong>-Primary-</strong></p><p> Brawling</p><p> Puro</p><p> Hardcore</p><p> Technical</p><p> Aerial</p><p> Flashiness</p><p> </p><p> <strong>-Mental-</strong></p><p> Psychology</p><p> Experience</p><p> Respect</p><p> Reputation</p><p> </p><p> so on so forth, then select your range for those skills</p><p> </p><p> 91-100 World Class</p><p> 81-90 Excellent </p><p> 71-80 Very Good</p><p> 61-70 Above Average</p><p> 51-60 Average</p><p> 41-50 Below Average</p><p> 00-40 Needs Work </p><p> </p><p> Or whatever names you'd wanna put in. . and all it would really do is once you select your range, throw a button in there that would just auto populated the boxes with that range, so you pick Brawling with a range of Average it'll auto set the range to 51 minimum and 60 maximum</p>
  22. I am sure I am overlooking it somewhere, but how do schedule the COTT Champion to put the belt up on one of your shows? I have brought him in via both loan and talent trade but the belt does not appear as an option when booking the match.


    when you are on the booking screen there is a button in the bottom right corner near the local workers button. to bring in the title which will automatically bring in the champion as well.

  23. perhaps a simple solution(maybe maybe not, I'm no coder) would be to change the picture requirement setting in the options back to new worker frequency like it was in 16 and just just change the settings for it to be...


    Yes, which would spawn new workers no matter what.


    No, which would totally disable it.


    Only with Picture, which would work exactly as when Picture Requirement is enabled..

  24. Because 90% of mods have free pictures. Because God knows if you put enough announcers, referees, and other folks in the game. I have seen mods with 100's announcers available, but for some reason the game will create a regen because there is not enough announcers in a part of the game world.


    So if you do your quick fix for Schools and Dojos your stopping the game trying to balance out the world.


    It's all it what kind of game you wanna play I guess. It's not an overly extensive process to clear out the free picture section of the database. . So if you don't want a bunch of rando's being made you can you can use that method. You'll still have the random pictures in the folder itself you can use as you please, they just won't be utilized in the database itself for worker generation. . Alternatively if you still want non wrestlers to generate just remove all the active wrestler pictures and leave in the ones only meant for non wrestlers.

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