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Everything posted by Zeel1

  1. Yeah, saw the headline of that on NoDQ.com, but apparently they're getting a damn lot of traffic at the moment, 'cause when I clicked it, the site appeared to be down... interesting to see how this will play out.
  2. That may have been the most surreal promo I have ever seen... No way he's leaving. They wouldn't let him say all of that, and then just go. Not a chance.
  3. I know none of this is ever going to happen, but I just got a crazy idea for how they could tie the two current World Title stories together. Punk wins at MITB, and is subsequently forced to continue appearing on a minimum number of Raws - however, he only shows up every other week, and when he does, it's 'in protest'. The Anonymous Raw GM starts to get desperate to get a real World Champion for his/her show again, and so contacts Christian - sends a few messages to his IPad maybe, I dunno - to strike a deal: the Raw GM helps Christian win the World Heavyweight Championship, and in return, Christian leaves SmackDown! and signs over to Raw, bringing the title with him. (Would probably try Orton first, but he turns it down.) Christian, at this point utterly despising Teddy Long for his horrible decisions, is more than happy to accept this. So the Raw GM has Raw superstars invade SD! and interfere in Christian's matches, helping him to get one last title shot at SummerSlam. Don't really know where things would go from there, but it's just something that popped into my head. Would be pretty fun to watch, and it'd also build quite a bit of tension between the brands again, just in time for Bragging Rights, which I believe would just be two months away at the time of SummerSlam, so... oh no, wait, they removed that from the calender it seems. Ah well, Survivor Series then...
  4. The show will be starting in September, according to ROH's site. Apparently, it'll specifically be starting September 24th, but that's just what I've heard.
  5. Hm, I know I have MyNetworkTV, and the town I live in is very close to Birmingham, so hopefully I get this.
  6. ...Guy's got a good memory, doesn't he? I kinda doubt I'd remember a livejournal post I made six years ago... Certainly digging the allusions, I wonder if he'd get away with doing them on-screen.
  7. Very solid SmackDown! yesterday, I thought. I'm not sure if that false three count in the six-man tag was planned or not, leaning on it being an accident right now because they didn't really follow up on it. You'd figure DiBiase and Rhodes'd be complaining about it later in the show... wonder if they'll work it into a storyline if it was unintentional. Although now that I think about it, this was SD!, they could've just reshot it if the finish was screwed up... Gotta say, I was a bit surprised at the outcome of Sheamus/Xian. Before the World Heavyweight Title match was announced as being 1-on-1, I really thought it was leading to a triple threat match at Capitol Punishment. The storyline focus was on Orton/Christian, but it seemed like they were booking it to where Sheamus would have a very strong case for getting into the match, what with him earning the right to a title shot only to be screwed out of it, then getting a win over the champion the next week. Also, what with Orton's concussion, there's a chance he won't be able to wrestle Sunday, so I figured they'd make it a Triple Threat so that, in the event that that happens, they can easily justify a switch to Xian/Sheamus for the title. They wouldn't want a Heel/Heel World Heavyweight Title match, I know, but it'd be the only fix that'd make much sense... maybe they're confident that he'll make it. I thought it'd be a Triple Threat at Capitol Punishment, Orton would retain by pinning Sheamus, leaving Christian to argue that he shouldn't be losing his shot just because Sheamus gets himself pinned, as well as arguing that it should never have been a Triple Threat in the first place. Christian gets one last one-on-one shot at Money In The Bank, maybe wins that and then Orton cashes in his rematch clause at SummerSlam for the big feud-ender. 'Sppose they could just as easily end it at Capitol Punishment and it'd work out, just thought it'd be cool if they could extend it to end at one of the bigger PPVs.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't really try to, just seems like a "This match was legendary before, SO LET'S DO IT AGAIN~!" kind of thing. "Dream Rematch" isn't that rare of a way to build up a match, it can work.
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="djthefunkchris" data-cite="djthefunkchris" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What can he do with it? As I said, bassically anyone he likes he can transfer heat to, and anyone he doesn't he can transfer cheers to. Anyone that takes a stand against him is going to be cheered, as long as they don't overdue it.... Meaning, if someone like Zack Ryder (Loose example of someone I don't understand why anyone thinks should be a star) were to start talking back at Cole, they could at the very least bump them up temporarily, into an Upper Midcard position, possibly even higher. Have Cole get one of the guys thought of to be Main Event material or Upper Mid to go after Zack, and people are going to cheer for Zack, and want Zack to win. IF someone like Zack could actually grab onto this effect, it could do wonder's for their carreer.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ryder/Cole seems like it could be pretty fun, actually... </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Prophet" data-cite="Prophet" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think the biggest problem with heel Cole now is, there's no reason for it. Heenan, King, McMahon, Heyman, Cornette ... they all had agendas, and until Cole has an outright reason, it lacks sense. This is what I mean.<p> </p><p> Heenan and Cornette were both managers who either had current clients, or option to scout new clients. Heenan would tear into Hogan, because he had reason to, Hogan had the belt, Hogan would duck the Family, it made sense.</p><p> </p><p> When Heyman was heel color guy, he was aligned with the Invasion, he was self aggrandizing ECW, he was justified in tearing down the faces of WWF/E. And McMahon was trying to mold the company into what he felt it should look like. Which turned Austin and others (including the dreaded Union) into protagonists. Still, clear cut agenda.</p><p> </p><p> As for King, when he began commentating, he was still active. He feuded with Bret Hart, he outwitted people in Rumble matches by hiding under the ring. He made the most sense to be heelish as a commentator. This also holds true during Perfect's run. All of them have reason.</p><p> </p><p> Cole doesn't have that reason. He's heel because he's friends with the Miz? He's friends with Cena too, something they touched on during the heel run of Michael Cole, which was forgotten the next week. Which brings me to another point. Cole is wildly inconsistent. One week, he's horrified by a beating that took place in the ring, and the next week, the victim deserved worse. One week, Miz went too far when scolding Alex Riley, and it was good for A-Ri to stand up for himself, the next week, Cole's demanding an apology from Riley. It almost seems like he loses perspective of which role he's supposed to play.</p><p> </p><p> My point is, until they lay out a clear reason for Cole to act like an obnoxious jerk, some self interest that ties it all together, it will always come off as the loudest kid in the class trying to shout down the teacher for no other reason than he has a mic in his hand.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's true enough that he doesn't really have an agenda or a goal, but I wouldn't say he has no reason to be doing this. The feeling I got was that he was simply tired of taking all of the fan's ****. I mean, as many here have recently said, they always hated Cole. For pretty much the entire time he's been on WWE TV, people have hated him for various reasons, and it seemed to get worse and worse every year. I read his character arc as basically being that for that decade or so, he was just trying to pander to the fans, talking up the people that they liked, talking down the people they hated, just trying to get them to like him, and for so long they just didn't accept him. It only makes sense that eventually he'd just be all, "You know what, **** you guys too." Now he's just venting all that pent-up anger and enjoying every minute of it. Basically he's doing the exact opposite of what he used to do, talking up people like Miz and Del Rio, hating on guys like Mysterio, and doing pretty much whatever he can to troll the fans. It makes total sense to me...</p>
  10. "If that happens, my account will have been hacked!" Ahhhhahaha...
  11. I like how the crowd was chanting along with Miz' "Really?"'s. Another good reaction for A-Ry.
  12. Man, I gotta say, I'm kind of surprised at this, Luke was pretty much the favorite from the start and Andy didn't even really stand out much until near the end...
  13. DeMott and Skidmarks interaction was rather amusing... loved the pop Jeremiah got, sorta figured he'd be the most popular.
  14. I think he was referring to specific promos where he brings up how everyone doubted him and thought he was just a joke that'd never amount to anything and how he's proven everyone wrong. I do think that's added to his character, because it gave me the feeling that that's precisely WHY he acts like such a massive *******, like a kid who becomes a bully after years of being bullied themselves. It's kind of nice to have believable motivations for a heel. By the way, according to Ryder's twitter, he'll be wrestling Kofi Kingston tonight. Don't really like his chances, but I'm staying hopeful... Really liking the feel of this final Tough Enough episode, by the way. Ha, they're actually showing a Superstars match during this. I find that amusing.
  15. Ryder's been making a lot of tweets about how the next RAW's in Long Island, and it's gotten me kind of curious. I've been thinking a bit of a reemergence for him has been in the works for the last couple of weeks, starting it off in the LI would make sense...
  16. Okay, so on this one wrestling site/forum I go to, I'm the admin there and I have my own little site where I post joke stories and such. One of them is this little "article" I started writing this about a year ago - albeit only got about a paragraph in... only just recently started working on it again. Thankfully, I still feel it's pretty relevant. It's all completely made up, of course, but I doubt I really have to tell you that... ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ May 30th, 2011 Z-News: WWE puts out a ban on concussions! For a very long time now, concussions, and the repercussions (Rhyme~) they have on the post-career lives of professional athletes, have been a hot topic in many a sport. As well as the short-term pain and anguish, the head injuries sustained could potentially alter the rest of your living days, the effects ranging from memory loss to paralysis, and of course death. So it's really no surprise that athlete's unions and support groups have called for action from the commissioners of the professional leagues. The NFL Players Association, in particular, have been very vocal in their campaign in taking concussions out of play, and the NFL have responded with new guidelines and rule changes designed to both make concussions less likely, and change the way the injury is handled when it is sustained. But the breaking news today regarding this issue doesn't have anything to do with the NFL. Rather, it is the WWE that is taking action, as word out of Connecticut today is confirming the rumors that have been buzzing around for months now. Effective May 1st, an official ban on concussions has been declared. Anyone that sustains a concussion while under WWE contract will receive a 30 day suspension on the spot. They are really putting their foot down with this, and are showing no mercy at all to those who break this rule. In fact, it is being treated as part of the wellness policy, and thus counts as a strike on one's record, three of which would get you fired. As is predictable, this news has spanned quite a reaction from many wrestling personalities. But not all of them are giving quite the response one might expect... "I don't get what the big deal is with these concussions," said a perplexed Kurt Angle, as he was writing an autograph for an orange, who he claimed was his biggest fan. "I got three concussions before breakfast this morning, and I'm totally fine." When told of some of the risks concussions pose, Angle just scoffed it off. "Look," He explained. "some people are just total pussies about this kind of thing. 'Oh, help me, help me, I can't feel the right side of my body' - quitcherbitchin'! Seriously man, just because you think one time that you're going to die if you keep going a single inch further, you let that slow you down? Hell, I felt like that yesterday morning. My heart hasn't beaten in three years, for God's sakes! And you're going to complain about one little arm that you can't use anymore?! Ugh..." He shook his head in utter disgust, before proceeding introduce me to his biggest fan, Naranja. She was delicious! Angle wasn't the only one who would know about concussions. Mick Foley is another man that certainly knows what a concussion is like - or atleast, should. Unfortunately, talking to him about this let us know about the horrors of concussions in a way that we truly didn't expect. "You're asking me about concussions?" Asked Foley with a quizzical expression on his face - as well as the slightest smile, strangely enough. "Now why would you think I'd know something about that? I've never had one of those. Nor have I ever been in danger of it due to my job. I mean, come on, I just sell shrimp out of a van." He continued, with an inexplicable chuckle. It was worse than we ever could have imagined. After so many concussions, the poor man has completely lost his mind. He doesn't remember going through them, what he does... he likely has no idea who he even is. He continued this disturbing behavior by suddenly blurting out, "Nah, but I think their place is in the right heart on this one." As if suddenly bringing up that which he just told us he forgot wasn't bad enough, his words were starting to be fashioned in a comedic switch. And once again, he ended his statement with an odd laugh. He went on to say, "The on-going concussion problems definitely need to be attended to, and while I'm not quite sure how effective this method will be, I'm glad to see they're atleast trying." Of course, at this point, I had stopped listening to his insane ramblings. I offered my sympathies to the poor man, putting my hand on his shoulder in comfort, which just seemed to perplex him. "Um, I don't think you're reading me right, here..." He tells me, much to my dismay. As if it weren't tragic enough, now he was speaking gibberish. "I was just screwing around with you." Screwing around. This is poor Mick Foley's life now. This heartbreaking experience told me all that I needed to know about this issue. It needs to stop, here and now. But unfortunately, even after the totally just banning on this horrid affliction, people are still making the career - and life - ruining mistake of getting concussions. Such was sadly the case with young Cody Rhodes at a recent SmackDown! taping. The injury reportedly occurred during a match with Kofi Kingston, in which young Rhodes took the Trouble In Paradise in a very bad way. He stumbled his way back - no officials wanting to help him, due to their utter disgust - where everyone's worst fears were confirmed. "Let me tell you," Said a humbled Cody Rhodes. "this was the biggest mistake I've made since the time I decided that wearing knee pads on your ankles would make you look cool. Seriously, what the hell was I thinking? I think that kick knocked something loose, 'cause suddenly I realize I've been looking like a total douchebag for the longest time. But, um... wait, was I talking about?" Upon being reminded of the purpose of the interview, Cody continued, "Ah yes, the concussion... sorry, my head's a little screwy right now... sorry, my head's a little screwy right now... but, uh, this was really a humbling experience for me. I really don't think I'll ever do it again." Not only was Cody suspended for 30 days, but just to make sure the message was sent home, he was also fined $500,000 of Daddy Dusty's money. "I've totally learned my lesson." Said Cody with a weak smile. Or, atleast, one half of his mouth was smiling. The other side wasn't really working very well. On a related note, the wild allegation that Cody's concussion was in fact somehow the fault of Kofi Kingston has started to arise. In response, Kingston was quoted as saying "Noooooooooot even!" But despite this reminder that concussions are most certainly not on their way out of the business quite yet, many are still very hopeful of the future now that this law has been passed. And no one seems more excited than the man that arguably started this movement in the first place. "This is EXACTLY what I was hoping for." Stated a very pleased Christopher Nowinski. "You know, I'm just... so fulfilled by this news. It makes me feel like all of my hard work in this field has really paid off... y'know, for once. I mean, finally, people are taking concussions as seriously as they've been needing to. I've gone through these things first-hand, and let me tell you, it's just... it's just unGodly. I mean, I... I lost everything, man." He continued with a saddened sniff. "It was... it was like Heroin all over again..." He finished, with a bit of a whimper, putting his hand over his mouth, trying to calm himself down. "Speaking of Heroin," he continued, after regaining his composure, "I plan on basically being the Nikki Sixx of Pro Wrestling. 'Cause I mean, we've both been through it all - he's sucked Heroin out of a fire hose, I've had fluids drained from my brain with a fire hose - and we've both set out to help those that made the same mistake we made, as well as help keep people from making them in the future. Heh, so yeah... you can just call me Harvard Sixx~!" We most certainly will not be calling him Harvard Sixx. However, despite all of Nowinski's hard work in advancing this movement, it seems that there are still some people out there that just don't understand - or even worse, perhaps just don't care. And one of those people are Rey Mysterio, who, like Cody Rhodes, recently sustained a concussion of his own. However, unlike Cody, he seems to have no remorse whatsoever for his actions. "I don't understand," Said a dazed Mysterio. "I was in the middle of a match with Sheamus at a house show last week, and we had this spot where he basically hit a Giant Throw that sent me head-first into the ringpost. Somehow, this spot didn't go very well, and... everything got all fuzzy. The match was stopped, the medics helped me to the back, and... they really seemed concerned at first. But then one of them said it looked like I had a concussion, and then it was like... like they just stopped caring. They dropped me on the floor, and they just... they looked at me like I did something criminal." "I was just so damned disappointed in him." Said WWE's Head Medic, Simon DeVries. "I mean I really thought he put those kinds of problems behind him. He hasn't had any issues at all since he was suspended back in August of '09. To think that he's getting right back into trouble... it's just... it's just, y'know, goddammit Rey..." The poor, obviously wronged man sighs in disappointment, before burying his face into his hand. He continued on, "Yeah, we were all worried at first... ugh, to think I actually almost cried for him, that's how bad it looked. But then we got the news... a concussion? A goddamned concussion?! Now?! This soon after they were banned?! I mean, it's like he's just taunting us! He just... he just... RAAAGH!" Dr. DeVries proceeded to punch a hole clear through the wall in anger, waking up the sleeping ring rats - otherwise known as FCW Wrestlers - that were sleeping off fatigue in the hospital beds in the process. This only made the good doctor even more angry. "Now look what he's done!" Yelled Dr. DeVries. "He just woke up these poor, starving, orphaned, abandoned street urchins! How could he do such a thing?! What is wrong with this guy?!" The bastard Mysterio, after hearing this, had the gall to pretend that he didn't understand, like the severe ******* that he is. "I don't get why they're all mad at me about this..." Said the bastard. "Surely they don't think I got a concussion on purpose, do they? ...Man, how is it that the guy with a screwed-up head is the only one that isn't talking nonsense?!" And what of the other man that was in the ring that night, the other half of this injury, who some claim shares qutie a bit of the blame? Well, Sheamus has said that he is rather conflicted about this whole ordeal. "I'm rather conflicted about this whole ordeal." Said Sheamus. "I mean, on one hand, I feel kinda bad about hurtin' 'em. But on the otha hand, he did break the rules... and I mean, that's something that you just don't do, fella." 'Something that you just don't do, fella' indeed. And to show this pitiful masked fella just how bad his behavior was, the WWE not only suspended him, but also had his daughter Aalyah turned over to Child Services. Upon hearing this news, Mysterio, like a typical worthless junkie, somehow found a way to convince himself that this punishment was unjust. "What the hell?!" Said an alarmed Mysterio. "H-how could they do something like that?! ...Seriously, how could they do that? There's no way they have that kind of authority! And why would- I mean... why?! I didn't even do anything wrong!" 'Didn't do anything wrong'?! Oh yes, and I suppose Osama Bin Laden - or Usama, if you're a total douchebag - didn't do anything wrong either! "That's just disappointing." Said Harvard Sixx with a sigh, after hearing about Mysterio's comment. "I mean, it's disheartening to see that some people that have fallen ill to this vice are being so resistant to the obviously pure-hearted help that the WWE is offering them." But it seems that some things just can't be taught... "I... I just don't understand!" Said that bastard Mysterio. "What in the holy mother of God is wrong with all of these people?! Quiero decir, querido Señor, ¿qué diablos está pasando?!" Yeeeeeaaah, I'll chalk that last bit of nonsense up to the concussion... "What could possibly give them the right do this to me?!" He continued. "How could they deport my little Aalyah?!" I stopped him to remind him that she wasn't deported, but was rather handed over to Child Services, to which he replied, "What's the difference?" ...Welp, he's got me there... Zeel1™ here, signing out for Z-News.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  17. RYDER APPEAR- say, was he recording the ending of Z! Long Island Story there? He said "Follow me on twitter", had the Internet Championship, and I do believe Scott Stanford was recording it... on a cellphone...
  18. You know, last week actually makes sense now. She was begging them not to attack her for the babies' sake. Dunno how I didn't piece that together...
  19. Ziggey's hair's back to being bleach blond. Eh, atleast I can recognize him in zoom-out shots again.
  20. Having no sound during this segment makes R-Truth seem even more insane, somehow... gotta love live TV. Oh, and ZACK RYDER SHIRT SIGHTING~! EDIT: OH MY GOD, LITTLE JIMMY FINALLY DEBUTS!
  21. Well in fairness, the five moves of death is a smark thing. It's not like they'd mention it by that name. They could say that he was doing a lot of moves Bret did, but I mean, Russian legsweeps, backbreakers and elbows from the second rope are all pretty common moves... it's not like he and Truth hit the Hart Attack or anything.
  22. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tha Black Phenom" data-cite="Tha Black Phenom" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Am I the only one who's waiting for this Kharma business to develop instead of labeling it letdown? I'm thinking it's just teasing for a later date, where she'll go bonkers.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I would guess that it's just meant to make her look unstable. Remember in earlier segments, she laughed, stopped abruptly, kept laughing again... I actually sort of expected her to abruptly stop crying and start laughing, but it didn't happen.</p>
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