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Posts posted by 1PWfan

  1. Scott Hall (c) vs 'Dr Death' Steve Williams (with Jimmy Hart) for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship 

    Hall's been doing a good job as Champ but with his issues behind the scenes it's surely safer to look at somebody more reliable.


    Sabu (c) (with Bill Alfonso) vs Rob Van Dam for the WCW United States Championship in a No-Disqualification match - If Sabu retains the title, then The Extreme Alliance (Bill Alfonso, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney) will all get WCW contracts

    Leaving aside what I think of Sabu (who's a decent wrestler but not that interesting), neither Balls nor Axl deserve WCW contracts.


    Team Canada (c) (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) (with Carl Ouellet) vs Fit's Fight Club (Fit Finlay & Tajiri) (with Dave Taylor) for the WCW World Tag Team Championship 

    No particular reason, I just like them more


    Akira Hokuto (c) vs 'Sweet' Saraya for the WCW World Women's Championship

    Sweet Saraya's a Brit so that's a definite plus but Hokuto should run with the belt for a good long while


    Booker T, DDP & Kanyon vs The Extreme Alliance (Tommy Dreamer, Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney) in an Anarchy in the Arena match

    Booker and DDP are former world champions, Axl and Balls are mediocre at best hardcore brawlers. This should only barely be a contest.


    Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Norman Smiley for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship 

    Corino's great but Smiley's hilarious and also British.


    Juventud Guerrera (c) vs 'Sexy' Brian Lawler for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship 

    Unless Scotty 2 Hotty is around Lawler's not a money-maker for me.


    Curt Hennig vs Buff Bagwell 

    Buff may be the stuff but Curt is Perfect.


    'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes vs Shawn Stasiak (with Stacy Keibler & Mark Jindrak) 

    Where's Dustin at, personal problems wise? In any case, Stacy Keibler was and is ridiculously attractive so her side wins.


    Billy Kidman, Shane Helms & The Hurricane vs fReEk-sHoW (Vampiro, mOrE-bId! & rAgE? yEs!)

    Two things- firstly, I feel like I missed something vis-a-vis Shane and Hurricane being in the same match. Secondly, who are Vampiro's lackeys out of gimmick? If we're not meant to know fair enough but I thought I'd ask.


    Terry Funk & Christopher Daniels vs The Hounds of Hades (Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) (with 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria)

    • Like 1
  2. The Dreadnought vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]
    Johnny Needham vs Flash Savage [1 Pts]
    Bandit Waylon Walls vs Miller Fforde [1 Pts]
    The Strong Hand vs The Hive [1 Pts]
    Open Challenge: Rob Reynolds (c) vs ??? in a No DQ match for the LSW Brass Knuckles title [1 Pts]
    Who will answer Rob Reynolds’ open challenge? [1 Pts] I genuinely have no idea
    The American Cobras vs The Wild Cats [1 Pts]
    “Hollywood” Jake Idol vs Kip Keenan [1 Pts]
    Will other matches be added to the card? [1 Pts] I'll say no, you've got quite a lot going on here as is.


    • Like 1
  3. Pick the winner of the Battle Royal to qualify for the Gold Rush match! [1 Pts] Texas Hangman

    Hangman feels like the obvious choice here

    The Dreadnought vs Quentin Queen [1 Pts]

    Dreadnought's really bad in the ring

    Who’s going to team up with “Hollywood” Jake Idol? [1 Pts] Jackpot Jordan seems like the obvious choice

    The American Cobras (c) vs Jake Idol, ??? for the LSW Tag Team titles [1 Pts]

    If you are bringing in Jordan winning here feels like the best move, otherwise it's a bit of a damp squib

    Pick the winner of the Gold Rush match for the LSW Texas Heavyweight title! [2 Pts]
    Who’s going to be pinned/submitted in the Gold Rush match? [1 Pts]

    Let's say Kip Keenan over Ernest Youngman- a face champ makes more sense as you have stronger heel challengers, whilst Youngman can do the job on the way out. 


    • Like 1
  4. That was a good show- I feel like a bit of a roster recap or something would be great coming up on August, though, I'm starting to get confused as to whose where and how it all fits together. Also, are you using a face/heel divide and how strong is it? Sometimes it feels very defined other times I can't figure out what alignment people are (that's probably more my problem than yours but I'd be interested in finding out anyway)

  5. Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Kip Keenan [1 Pts]

    The War Engine (The Architect, The Dreadnought) vs The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) [1 Pts]

    Maverick Chip Martin vs Miller Fforde [1 Pts]

    “Hollywood” Jake Idol vs Remmy Honeyman [1 Pts]

    Joffy Laine, Renegade Bradley Blaze vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman) [1 Pts]

    Big Hustle vs Left Shot Bradford in a Brass Knuckles match [1 Pts]

    • Like 1
  6. First Round: The Big Guns vs Joffy Laine, Miller Fforde [1 Pts]

    I feel like the Most Wanted need to spiral a bit more right now

    First Round: The Hive vs The War Engine [1 Pts]

    Because Dreadnought is really bad (at least, he always is for me)

    First Round: The American Cobras vs The Canadian Blondes [1 Pts]

    This is a difficult one as honestly I'd make this the final, but the Cobras only just won the titles and losing in the first round would undermine them too much.

    First Round: The Heartbreak Express vs Ernest Youngman, Jake Idol [1 Pts]

    Named teams always beats two individuals (especially when one of them already has a tag partner)

    Semifinal: Joffy Laine & Miller Fforde vs The Hive [1 Pts]

    Laine and Fforde are the bigger stars and The Hive don't feel like a big enough deal to make a win for them worthwhile.

    Semifinal: American Cobras  vs The Heartbreak Express [1 Pts]

    I could see this going the other way but this sets up a natural challenger for the Cobras

    Final: Laine & Fforde vs The Heartbreak Express [3 Pts]

    At this point I'm basically just guessing. 

    • Like 1
  7. Predictions Key

    Kid Fantastic vs Payaso Jr [1pt]

    It could go either way- Fantastic's hardly a disaster- but I prefer Payaso here


    Yellow Flash vs Hector Galindo [1pt]

    Going purely on the fact that I don't like Yellow Flash's pic here


    Ozzie Goldstein vs Blue Phantom[1pt]

    Phantom looks too much like Penta, and I don't much care for Penta (which is weird 'cos normally I love luchadores)


    Simon Waves vs Remmy Skye[1pt]

    Fun fact: in all the TEW2020 games I've run I've never once managed to get Remmy to turn up to an event. 


    Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Red River Express vs Zachary Inc and Pryme Tyme[1pt]

    That Dave Diamond pic looks like a mix of Thom Lattimer and a male stripper, which is incredibly weird to me. On the plus side, Dave and The Red River Express feels like a natural pairing to me.


    Payaso Jr vs Hector Galindo [1pt]

    If this was Rudy that'd be one thing, but I can't see Hector edging out Payaso here.


    Ozzie Goldstein vs Simon Waves [1pt]

    It's 50/50 but I say let the outside guy take it.


    Demarcus & Gray(c) vs Chaos Theory [1pt]

    If it was just for the MCW titles I'd give it to Chaos Theory but they're not COTT level yet.


    Payaso Jr vs Simon Waves [1pt]

    He's really good, what more need I say

  8. Wild Stallions vs The Terrors

    I hear Wild Stallions I think Bill & Ted. And Benoit and Maggs (who I don't recognise to begin with) probably couldn't carry that off.

    The Classic Era vs The Fantastics

    I like 'em more

    Eddie Gilbert vs Michael Hayes

    See above

    Barry Windham vs Hulk Hogan

    If Hogan's here to work he can do great things- besides, he's stupendously over and you don't waste that on a weekly show

    Nobuhiko Takada vs Lex Luger

    My preferred Puro guys are A) English Gaijin and B) probably not born yet in dynasty. Luger gets a big win to cement his face turn

    Powerhouse Simmons vs Stan Hansen

    Simmons could be a really big deal for you

  9. 21 hours ago, Marmo said:

    Thank you so much for the comments so far I am super behind because of work(Training a new employee), so the next update should be in a day or 2! Thank yall so much for sticking with it. 


    I just saw that too. Should be fixed now if not somebody let me know and I will fix that.


    Right there with you on the work stuff- I'll get my predictions in soon but I've hardly had time to properly read this in a while.


    As or the images, It's just showing links rather than pics for some pics at my end- all the tag guys, the main event and the versus pic to be specific. 

    • Like 1
  10. The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night) [1 Pts]

    Needham and Liotta are the more established unit


    Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]

    Blake's just better

    The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, ??? [1 Pts]

    Why bring in a new guy just to have him lose?

    Who’s going to be The Architect’s Partner? [1 Pts] Good question- he's got a pre-existing team with Jonah Pilgrim but that doesn't feel like a good fit here. Let's say The Masked Mauler VII, he's really good and never gets much look-in in the dynasty space. 

    Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]

    I like the babyfaces more

    Cali Slick vs Rayne Man [1 Pts]

    Bit of a coinflip here, I honestly don't know which way it will go.

    The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman) [1 Pts]

    The Cobras are the more established unit, plus they're also just better

    Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title [1 Pts]

    I could see it going the other way but my instinct says it's too soon to flip the title back.

    • Like 1
  11. The Big Guns (c) vs ??? in the Halloween Wheel Challenge for the LSW Tag Team Heavyweight titles [1 Pts]

    I could see this going the other way depending on the main event but I don't see The Most Wanted losing both matches

    The Canadian Blondes (Flash Savage, Ozzie Goldstein) vs The Heartbreak Express (Needham, Liotta) [1 Pts]

    The Blondes are a comparatively big deal, or at least feel that way

    The Architect vs Remmy Honeyman [1 Pts]

    If The Architect wins here there's no more legs to this one but if Remmy goes over you can build it into a feud.

    Raphael vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]

    Bit of a toss-up as I could see this going either way

    Ernest Youngman vs Chip Martin [1 Pts]

    I'm going to say Chip tries to play it clean and loses to build his storyline

    Renegade Bradley Blaze (c) vs Joffy Laine for the LSW Texas Heavyweight title [1 Pts]

    It feels like time for a title switch

    • Like 1
  12. COTT and MCW Tag Team Title match

    The American Cobras vs DeMarcus & Gray[1pt]

    I could see it going the other way but my instinct says not yet


    Number 1 Contenders 25 Man Brick City Battle Royal[3pts]

    I'm gonna say Rob Reynolds- you've been building him as a rising star and this is a good way to pull the trigger.


    Nathan Coleman vs Payaso Jr[1pt]

    Payaso's really good (like, I hadn't realised just how good this guy actually is)


    Main Event: MCW Heavyweight Title

    Doug Peak(c) vs Ozzie Goldstein[1pt]

    I haven't got any sense that Ozzie's being built up as the next major challenger to Doug so I don't see him winning here


    Bonus Points

    Who will get the most eliminations in the Battle Royal [1pt]

    I'm gonna say Lead Belly- ordinarily I'd go for a singles guy here but I don't see any other big monster types being advertised.


    Who will be runner up[2pt]

    Conner Threepwood

  13. Diamond Dallas Page vs Terry Taylor

    DDP is one of my perennial favourites

    Four Horsemen vs True Grit

    You did actual previews and everything, and I still can't remember who True Grit are

    La Cultura Torcida vs Samoan Swat Team

    Weren't these guys in the Los Gringos Locos stable together (which reminds me, is Art Barr around in your game)? Anyway, they're awesome 

    Scotty Flamingo vs Mitsuharu Misawa

    Whilst Raven is one of my favourites even I'm not dumb enough to put Scotty Flamingo over Misawa

    Rick Rude vs Dustin Rhodes

    Dustin's good but you outright said he wasn't ready for a big win yet

    Sting vs Arn Anderson

    With Hogan establishing himself as the top babyface I figure Sting can cycle down the card whilst Arn moves up as a potential rival to the Hulkster


    Remind me, how do the titles figure into the whole grand prix/tournament setup?

  14. The Dirty White Boys vs The Red River Express w/ DeAnna Desire [1pts]

    Because that team name is cool as heck

    Harry Allen vs Zachary Inc [1pts]

    Allen's still pretty much your top babyface

    Peak Chaos(Doug Peak, Deuce Deadline and Devil Dog) vs Remmy Honeyman and Tomahawk Nation w/Lisa Bowens [1pts]

    Peak Chaos cement themselves as the top faction

    MCW Tag Team Title Match

    DeMarcus and Gray(c) vs Pryme Tyme [1pts]

    I don't see any reason to switch the titles right now

    Ozzie Goldstein vs ???  [1pts]

    Never bet against ???

    Bonus Point: Who is Ozzie Goldstein’s mystery opponent? [1pts]

    Let's say The New York Doll

    • Like 1
  15. Predictions Key:

    Rob Reynolds vs Zachary Inc [1pts]

    Rob's the more talented prospect, and the hometown hero besides

    The Dirty White Boyz vs Kid Fantastic and Remmy Honeyman [1pts]

    If in doubt always go with the team that has a proper name

    Hammer Hadley vs Ace YoungBlood w/Lisa Bowens and Wild Red Stallion [1pts]

    "Cheetah Boy” James Neil, Bradley Blaze, and Josh Jacobs vs Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme [1pts]

    It's kind of funny to see Bradley Blaze here when he's such a big part of Wrestling Machine's LSW dynasty. I'm gonna go with Ozzie and Pryme Tyme, they feel more established in this spot

    Doug Peak(c) w/ Carl Batch vs Harry Allen [1pts]

    It feels too early to switch the belt, unless Doug's going elsewhere

  16. Kid Fantastic and Tomahawk Nation vs Ozzie Goldstein and Pryme Tyme [1pts]

    I've always found Jack Pryde to be terrible, if I'm being honest

    Zachary Inc vs Ben Williams vs Hammer Hadley [1pts]

    Hadley's the only one who doesn't have a major downside (provided you get your locker room right, anyway)

    Nathan Coleman vs Rob Reynolds [1pts]

    Nate's in the putting-over-youngster phase of his career and Rob's definitely worth the investment

     DeMarcus and Gray vs The Dirty White Boyz [1pts]

    Younger, better, and they have that ex-MAW pedigree

    Pablo Rodriguez(c) vs Remmy Honeyman [1pts]

    I love Remmy, he's a great worker, but in what universe does the blandest man in wrestling have a chance at carrying a world title?

  17. EBK (Bullseye, Waylon Walls) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night) [1 Pts]

    A slightly more established unit, plus it's hard to take any tag team with Jules Night in seriously as a major competitor

    Chip Martin vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]

    Tavon's just better

    Cobra, Texas Hangman vs The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) [1 Pts]

    One of these teams has a name, one doesn't. Easy pick

    The Big Guns (c) vs The Heartbreak Express for the LSW Tag Team Heavyweight titles [1 Pts]

    I could see it going the other way, the Express are good, but it doesn't feel like the time to be cutting away from the Most Wanted.

    Pick the Winner of the 6-Man Gold Rush match! [2 Pts] Big Hustle

    Hustle needs a big win here to regain some momentum- I could see it being Joffy but I figure the Most Wanted will interfere to keep him away from the shot (sets him up as a big threat and enables somebody else to have a go at the champ)


    I'm really enjoying this dynasty, you do a great job of capturing that old school wrasslin' feel. 

    • Like 1
  18. Looking forward to this one, what product are you using? From the description of an SWF/DAVE combo I would assume something like Attitude Entertainment or Ruthless Aggression but it'll be interesting to see what you've  gone for. 


    Predictions Key:

    Rob Reynolds vs Bob Casey [1pts]


    Pryme Tyme vs Demarcus & Gray vs Ben Williams and Kid Fantastic [1pts]


    The Dirty White Boyz vs Tomahawk Nation w/ Lisa Bowens vs Hammer Hadley and Zachary Inc [1pts]


    Winner of the MCW Heavyweight Inaugural Tournament- Let's say Harry Allen [2pts]

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