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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. What are the signs of decline to look out for? I know they will tell you when you sign them, but does it get mentioned in the Road Agent notes or somewhere else?
  2. You could periodically add a player to the fed in question, start the network, and then leave the game. Repeat as needed to scale up.
  3. No reason not to try. There have been posts about creating an AEW in the CVerse (but still leaving USPW, SWF, and TCW) where they discussed who would be the Omega/Bucks/Cody/Jericho. Basically who you would start the company with. I think the verdict was that with the 5 you had your main event for the foreseeable future.
  4. Love Big E, but never could take him seriously as a champ with the hip gyrations and that whole schtick. I have, on the other hand, enjoyed Becky's return - God bless WWE's production department for piecing together the promos I get to listen to. I like Liv, even if she's nothing too special in the ring. It is pretty cool to see the crowd getting behind her like they have in the last few months (probably going back to the build up to MITB). Would have wanted for Sheamus to cheat to win, especially once it went 2 on 1, but whatever. It's on the pre-show so not sure how many people watched.
  5. There are some in this link. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546189&highlight=Lucha+underground+belts
  6. Maybe it's because I don't watch their weekly PPVs on Mondays, but I really enjoyed Day 1.
  7. I feel Roger Ebert's review of The Usual Suspects applies to a lot of these pseudo intellectual movies, or those where the audience applies much more meaning than actually exists: To the degree that I do understand, I don't care." It was, however, somewhat reassuring at the end of the movie to discover that I had, after all, understood everything I was intended to understand. It was just that there was less to understand than the movie at first suggests.
  8. What is the product set as - match:angle ratio, is it more in ring or popularity? What is the show focus - main event, three ring circus, etc? What is the focus for angles - is it looking at just the best angle? Top 3? Are there any "Booking Issues" - one of the buttons at the bottom of the screen, on the top row - the one that shows you who is yet to be booked).
  9. Giants. Especially if I have more than one. They end up building skills/pop in dark matches. Otherwise it almost feels like if they lose early on, they are not a big deal.
  10. Saw a mention of a Bron Breakker back on page 150 or so, but the pic is gone. Anyone have it to post again?
  11. Oh I get why it was done how it was done - same as why you usually see the person with clothes (or sleeves) take the fire. Still seemed unnecessary to me since it wasn't on a PPV and it's not going to make people cheer for Cody.
  12. Everything I have seen of this flaming table spot has Cody taking the brunt if it. Seems the table was too close to the corner. Seems like an unnecessary risk.
  13. Is this a joke? https://shopimpact.com/ Slammiversary 2021 is on sale...in a double VHS format. If Don West was selling it I might be interested. But still...wow. Just wow.
  14. <p>I signed Suzanne Brazzle to my start up fed and she announces her retirement the day after I start negotiations. Most of my young heels are at or around her popularity so I am planning on using the storyline to build a young face. We'll see how it goes. I have a few ways I would like to see it work out. Hopefully I don't get hit with the bad chemistry penalty for what I want to do.</p><p> </p><p> One thing I noticed - all of my HW heels are in tags or stables, not so with the faces. After the first 3 tours I may thin out the roster.</p>
  15. So Kingston and Punk got a quick build to one match? And now they are off doing other things? If MJF doesn't go over Punk it's criminal.
  16. Can 1 and 3 be combined? And if Chord is 80 in the US, wouldn't he not be unimportant? What size are AAFW or CWB?
  17. Unless he owned the company, using him as a Personality would be a disservice to the fans and the company. I would make him the focus of the promotion, but look to build some homegrown stars, too. Either put them in the periphery of a storyline with him, or have a mini feud with him. Being in the ring (and having good matches/segments) with him should help them out.
  18. AWA or AWF if you want to keep the American in it. Event names are endless after that. Could go with actual event names, could gimmick them up, could go by "seasons" (meaning the summer months have summer themed PPVs).
  19. Ai Takami & Tina Blaze vs La Hija De Phoenix & Spider Isako Takami seems to feature prominently in your plans. Kate Lilly vs Mary Sigil Sigil wins here, but Lilly and Rose aren't losing the titles at the big event. Chris Amerson & Ashley Keith vs Concepcion Gomez & Devil’s Daughter Amerson losing needs to be a big deal.
  20. But did Vince remember he fired Yang before? Lol And the main event was clean-ish, right? He still used the ring steps at the end to set up the finishing sequence and Big E had some moments where Roman was on the ropes. That was a fun match. And yes, most of it was enjoyable to me.
  21. <p>Just had the wildest sequence happen in my game in a 6 woman tag (dark) match. Spider Isako, the Musashibo girl, and Ai Takami against Faith Force and I forget the other two girls - just fishing for chemistry, seeing if something clicks, etc.</p><p> </p><p> I get a message from my road agent that he had to calm Spider Isako down backstage after she got upset at Faith Force for almost injuring her with a botched move. Next message, in the match is that Faith Force suffered an injury (very minor) when Isako injured her with a move. WOW!</p><p> </p><p> So Isako gets mad that Force almost injured her, decides to give her a receipt (which actually ends up injuring Force), and she still gets mad at Force for it? I'd never seen that before - usually it's one or the other, but it really does seem like Isako decided to handle it herself. When they get some more experience/pop, I may put them in the ring together again just to see what happens.</p>
  22. The heel turn for Danielson makes no sense outside of needing a heel to face Hangman.
  23. It's a cool tagline, but it doesn't help the situation. I would say PUT an upper limit on the weight to the X-Division and put a minimum weight requirement on the World Title, then treat each as a major title. If anyone can go for the X-Division, why wouldn't they?
  24. Talia Neema vs Ai Takami - I still think Isako gets Takami. Does she do it in a way that Takami doesn't get the win by DQ? I think so. So I go Neema here. Good Lookin’ Bunny vs Marie Sigil & ??? Interested in the Cheyenne situation. I think the meddling backfires here to let the relationship simmer. GLB vs L&R would be tradition, which Sara is trying to go against, but I think GLB still makes sense here. Urena Frost vs Chris Amerson Amerson. Enough said.
  25. Unless they go back to the original concept, do away with it and call it something else. Thats what I would do.
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