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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. I agree on most of your points. I think it's smart to put the belt on Ciampa IF he's going to hold it a while. Dude can make most of the young kids they'll be pushing really good. Hopefully they don't just hot shot it off him to one of the young kids. If he holds it a while, the young guy who beats him gets a major boost. Hit Row does nothing for me though. Like most cases, I can understand why the appeal is there, but to me the act falls flat. Impeium can really do no wrong. Marcel/Fabian could probably have a good match with a broom. No, I don't want to see that. On the Brooks Jensen front - I always enjoyed Bull's work. But let's be honest, he was never really taken seriously in WWE. If Jensen distinguishes himself, then bring up the lineage. Otherwise, idiot fans will be like "Oh, he's the son of a jobber. Dude sucks." Kind of disappointed Knight got squashed early on, and then ate the pin at the end, but it won't stop me from watching.
  2. Just saw highlights and stills. Arena lighting certainly looks colorful, might take a moment to get used to. But it honestly won't make me watch/not watch based on it.
  3. Honestly, I'll take that. The last several weeks I have been fast forwarding through matches in the second hour. Hit Row does less than 0 for me, but we'll see where this goes.
  4. Strange. I'd heard it was going to be Rex Steiner. *shrugs* Interesting choice giving it to Ciampa. Would have preferred LA Knight, but can't complain too much with the choice. Haven't watched yet, so for those who did - what does the set/presentation look like?
  5. Question from a booker and fan's perspective. If I am running monthly shows in January and February, with the goal of getting on Wrestle World in March, would you expect the World Title to be on the line in one of the first two events?
  6. That's what I enjoy about wrestling - people can look at the same thing and come away with the complete opposite opinion. Gargano for example. Was he awesome in the ring? Sure. But even during the Ciampa storyline, I felt Ciampa was the star. (Back when Owens and Zayn debuted, Owens was miles ahead of Zayn in "star" level). Back to Gargano, yeah, it's goofy, bit I have enjoyed it. On the other hand, I can understand why Bray has fans, but I was never one of them. I don't watch the weekly shows, but even in the PPV packages, his promos were always Warrior-esque to me. The supernatural stuff just didn't work for me in this era, and certainly not because they half assed it. Let him use those powers to win MITB or the Rumble or something. And yet, everyone seemed to love Bray for some reason.
  7. Doug Furnas in 1988 debuted by tearing the door off the cage. Kane did it in 1997.
  8. I agree that WWE 4HW is more natural (and yes, far more star power). Also, in real life, I don't think they would push WWE vs UFC with WWE as the heels. But if I was a fan in the game it'd make me go "hmm, didn't expect that." Perhaps that's a situation of trying to be too smart by half - sometimes, predictable is good as long as the story is crafted properly.
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Temes1066" data-cite="Temes1066" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Does anyone know where I can find a render for Bulldozer Brandon Smith in a Communist Russia Mask?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Someone made one for me a while back, but ai think it was the Russian flag, not the hammer and sickle. I will take a look at what I have. If not, you can always request one in the alt thread for Cverse in the mod section.</p>
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="theeaglexiii" data-cite="theeaglexiii" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48560" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Got a few choices for ya <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> ECW had so many different variations of their logo in such a short space of time. I feel everyone has their own preference on what they consider the classic/original, but I've recreated designs from around 97-99 as that seems to be the high point for most people. (I'm most nostalgic for 99-2000 personally, but I digress!) So if you had a slightly different version in mind I'll see if I can recreate it.</p><p> </p><p> <a href="https://imgur.com/qmikcuM" rel="external nofollow">ECW Originals Logo - Style 1</a></p><p> <a href="https://imgur.com/25fNgqk" rel="external nofollow">ECW Originals Logo - Style 2</a></p><p> <a href="https://imgur.com/IhFZGjN" rel="external nofollow">ECW Originals Logo - Style 2 Alt</a></p><p> <a href="https://imgur.com/VJkXLb2" rel="external nofollow">ECW Originals Logo - Style 3</a></p><p> <a href="https://imgur.com/6K3U6jb" rel="external nofollow">ECW Originals Logo - Style 3 Alt</a></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Really digging the style on these, it incorporated the logo seamlessly.</p>
  11. <p>They basically want to go back to the OVW days - something that will get guys main roster ready. Right now it's WWIndie - which was fine for what it is. I don't even know that NXT 1.0 was getting them main roster ready guys. I love Breeze's work, but that character was tailor made for NXT at that time. Bull Dempsey was another one. There were a few standouts, but it wasn't necessarily in ring work. And in the Indie phase, there were only a few guys I could see beating Lesnar. Mind you, some could have very entertaining matches with him, but winning? Doubtful.</p><p> </p><p> As for Gargano, I think his out of ring stuff is fantastic. His in ring stuff has a market, but main roster isn't it, unless it's a midcard act. And not denigrating that either, there's room for it on the card.</p>
  12. I think you would need one of them face by their match for it to be meaningful to the audience. I would be more interested in MMA 4HW as faces in this scenario, because I am sure in real life it would be WWE 4HW as faces.
  13. One thing I did (and still do sometimes) is look a t a logo similar to what I had in mind, and just replace the elements. Sometimes there are ready made logos and you just need to delete a word or two.
  14. Not even sure how I missed this - but this awesome! For a request - can I get this render with the Papa Shango '97 look? No need to change the facial expression, but if some of the props can be added I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks in advance!
  15. Too bad they're bringing the Demon back on this. If it was just Finn, I could see a repeat of the Brock vs Eddie at No Way Out, where Goldberg cost Lesnar the title - with Lesnar costing Reigns the title in this case. But if it's The Demon I don't think it fits the character. It would be a fresh wrinkle to Lesnar's character - "of course I want the title but I can get that whenever I want - first I'm going to take him out." Have there been seeds planted for what will happen when Reigns is no longer champ? Because from what I've seen so far, the gimmick is dependent on being champ.
  16. So you're expecting him to win? I'm not. But if it's in the same vein as Joe/Lesnar or Lesnar/AJ or Lesnar/Brian I would be fine. If the Demon is unbeatable, just summon it every time, and you never lose.
  17. Some people were complaining Cena came out after the show. If he isn't sticking around, best to send the fans happy and not have him on TV - especially since it wasn't advertised.
  18. I am digging the uniformity of the logos. They have a very UEW feel.
  19. Gotcha. I may have something in mind. I will see what I can work on this weekend.
  20. You mean the logo you have in mind is Team Taz but replace it with Team Sexy? Or the purpose is the same (mouthpiece leading monsters)?
  21. <p>As a Tiny company, I doubt the ratings would tank much, but I usually use the unscripted segments in my pre-show and scripted promos/segments on the main show, with a few exceptions. That way I can find if they are any good at improvising before turning them loose. </p><p> </p><p> One of the exceptions is if I am playing a clip of them on a Podcast (I have Phil Vibert on my announce team), then it's sink or swim on those segments.</p>
  22. <p>Two names I used:</p><p> </p><p> Pepper Pelton and Jerry Pepper: Hot & Spicy</p><p> Raphael, Ozzie Goldstein, prime Time Jack Pryde: Model Behavior (Basically 3 guys who are models in the mold of early Network NXT Tyler Breeze)</p>
  23. I was referring to the manager but, but I quoted the wrong one. But unless Cole said "this was pitched to me" I don't know how much stock I would put into it - partly because it makes no difference if he's not there anymore.
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