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Everything posted by TakerNGN74

  1. I own that documentary and it's really fricken sad and depressing, I think I have only watched it once since I bought it.
  2. You forgot to mention the first WWECW Champion Rob Van Dam who was champion for two whole weeks before being an idiot and losing the title.
  3. Thats great news, watching DVDs with blurred logos gets really annoying after a while. So I am glad to hear that when new releases come out they wont have to do that anymore. I cant believe it took them this long to do this because WWE changed its name from WWF way back in 2002. So thats ten years that it took them to be able to use the acronym and name without having to censor or blur it.
  4. I think the main reason he got fired was because of a Kobe Bryant Comment he made on Raw a week or so ago when comparing Titus O'Neal to Kobe Bryant. It was a stupid comment that he probably shouldn't have said but he made it and he was warned about it afterwords. After being warned you think he would have just said Okay and left it alone however he took it to twitter and I think that is the main reason he got himself fired. I could totally be wrong on this but that's the way I see it anyways. On a side note I think its weird because I just started following him on Twitter a week or so ago and then he gets fired.
  5. They are changing the theme song I dont know if it is just for tonight or if its permanent but here ya go. I actually prefer Nickelback to this one and I cant believe that I am even saying that.
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Bryan v Punk - Loved it! Crowd were hot. AJ's expressions were priceless. The in-ring storytelling was quality. The wrestling was quality. Kendo Yes Lock! German Suplex through the table at the end was sick! <strong>Match of the year, IMO</strong>. I picked Bryan to win leading to Punk v Bryan v Cena at SummerSlam.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I know you followed your statement up by saying IMO which is why I am not going to make a big deal out of this but did you see the match between Triple H and The Undertaker at Wrestlemania this past year because that is the match that I would consider to be the match of the year.</p><p> </p><p> Don't get me wrong Punk vs. Bryan was a very good match and while its an easy match of the year candidate I dont think it will end up being the match of the year.</p><p> </p><p> Again dont take what I am saying to you as personal I am just saying that there have been matches that were better than that one. Plus I dont think that their feud is over and if it isnt than whats to say that their next match wont blow this one out of the water.</p>
  7. I agree with you completely, the first time I saw them was on ROH TV (Have followed the TV show since the beginning having never missed an episode). I mean before they had the TV deal I would check out their stuff on DVDs but now I am really happy that they have a TV deal so I can see them each and every week in the comfort of my own home. Anyways the first time I saw ANX I liked them and every time I saw them wrestle I liked them more and more(Kind of like Tomasso Ciampa because I am really high on him as well) I am really happy they are the tag team champions because they definately deserve it and hopefully they will keep it for a while because it seemed for a while that the tag titles were getting thrown around (between The Briscoes and WGTT) for a while which I never like but it happens so whatever.
  8. Ah I C but to be honest I didn't like it and if I dont like something at the time they are doing it then it doesnt really stick in my memory as something I would reference later on because like I said I didn't like it.
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jjohns44" data-cite="jjohns44" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>^ Technically they did try to give him something different with Shelton's gimmick, but it didn't last long at all, it was Shelton and "his mama" but instead of Brodus just talking about her, Shelton would bring her to ringside.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I remember that but it wasnt his gimmick it was just something that the WWE was doing at the time. I cant remember why it happened and yeah they did try to do something different with this gimmick but he pretty much had the same gimmick just with his "mom" so I wouldnt consider it a gimmick change at all.</p>
  10. Wrong Shelton Benjamin never had a gimmick like that because The WWE had him in the same gimmick thoughout his entire WWE run. I think your thinking about Ernest The Cat Miller because Ernest had the same exact music back then that Clay has now. I understand what you are saying that the gimmick has been done but not with the guy that you had mentioned.
  11. Ah I C, I kind of figured he was but I wasn't exactly sure and even though Benoit isn't mentioned by any wrestling history sites (WWE's for the most part) he still gets mentioned in this thread from time to time but I completely understand people who dont want to mention him.
  12. I truly hope that you made a mistake in saying that Mongo McMichael had a best of seven series with Booker T. Booker T had a best of 7 series with Chris Benoit not Steve McMichael.
  13. I tweeted on twitter about it but I will say something here too, first off shes a moron for not even aknowledging WCW Monday Nitro and second off how oblivious can she be? It really bothers me when the WWE and people within the company choose to ignore wrestling history (There is more to wrestling than WWE even though they wont admit it) and when people say stuff like this they act like we as fans are complete morons and wont be able to find out that they are lying. Anyways thats enough for me I just had to get that off of my chest because it bothers me when people do that.
  14. I agree with BHK in regards to the fact that the people that he mentioned (Ernesto Osiris, and RD Evans) are pretty much pointless. The focus has always been on Prince Nana and more recently Tommaso Ciampa who when I first saw him wrestle I knew he had that "It" factor (at least in my opinion) and since I have been watching his matches has become my favoriote wrestler in ROH. but yeah back to the origional point Ernesto and RD seem pointless and the chick in the group seems even more pointless and to me it just takes the focus away from the people that should be focused on (Ciampa and Nana).
  15. lol that would be insane, and damn dude you replied to my post quick because I deleted it after I posted it because it was meant more as a joke than anything else and yeah so now you quoted something from one of my posts that doesn't exist anymore so it looks weird.
  16. You mean the chick that when asked by Austin what her favoriote match was she responded with "Melina vs. Alicia Fox" That just made me sick to think that people that know absolutely nothing about the product have jobs because sadly she was signed to a contract the day after she got eliminated from Tough Enough.
  17. I loved it when TNA had weekly PPV's and yeah I miss those days as well. TNA was really entertaining back then and I would actually find myself looking foward to Wednesdays when they were on. Ever since they got a TV deal with Spike (Well first FSN) and switched to monthly pay per views I just haven't been as interested. Maybe it was the wrong way for them to go meaning that maybe they shouldn't have started out doing weekly pay per views but that was probably their only option at the time but if I were them I would have kept doing things that way. Their is probably some underlying reason why they decided to stop doing weekly ppvs but it just seemed like people were more into TNA when they were doing it that way. I know that I am not as into TNA as I used to be, I loved the weekly PPVs and I watched their show on Fridays at 3pm on FSN (Yeah I know a really bad timeslot) but now that they are on Thursdays at 8pm on Spike I rarely catch them because I have something going on during Thursday nights. I know that they replay Impact on MTV Tr3is but the commentary is in spanish and I don't speak spanish so it gets annoying when trying to listen to Hogan do a promo (promos are still in english on that channel) and then have someone say something in spanish over the top of it, it gets really annoying after a couple of minutes. Sorry for the rant you may not agree with some of the stuff I said and you may but I just thought that It had to be said.
  18. I don't know if you read any of the dirt sheets after mania but they did the short World Heavyweight Championship match in an attempt to break the record for shortest WrestleMania Title match. The record they were trying to break was the one set by the Kane vs. Chavo match at WM 23 which was eight seconds long, the match between Bryan and Sheamus was 18 seconds long. It would have probably of broken the record but I read somewhere that the Charles Robinson (the referee of the match) rang the bell too early. He rang it before AJ got on the apron to kiss Bryan and he was supposed to ring it after AJ got off of the apron and before Bryan turned around. That might not be exactly accurate but thats the story I heard. Anyways they didn't break the record and the Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan match got shafted for the second year straight. I was looking forward to that match last year before I heard that it was pulled from the card and I was looking foward to their match at 28 until it turned into what it was. Its almost as if the match didn't happen at all. I agree that their extreme rules match could be awesome but if this was the start of a feud I am just not happy with the way they went about doing it. Other than that though Wrestlemania was awesome not as good as 17 or 19 in my opinion but it was a solid show minus the Bryan vs. Sheamus fiasco.
  19. Here is what I am looking forward to about the show. Jericho/Punk is the match I am mostly looking foward to, great build IMO in the short time that they have been building it. This match could steal the show. Sheamus/Bryan the match that was supposed to happen last year at Mania, I was looking foward to it last year and now that it has a storyline to it Sheamus being the Rumble Winner and Bryan being the World Champion this could be a great match as well. Taker/Triple H can't wait to see a hell in a cell match at Mania (Bossman/Taker doesn't count in my book) it will truly be the end of an era and I think that they will go all out especially if its possibly Taker's last match. The Rock vs. John Cena, I think the build for this match for the past year has absolutely sucked. They have done nothing in a year except for craptacular Rock Concerts and the Cena Rap (although Cena going old school was awesome) but they havent really done anything for me to get me into it. I am going to enjoy the match as I am sure that it is going to be awesome but I am just not that impressed with the build. On another note I heard that Vince wants to book the main event for WM 29 at Raw the night after Mania 28 like they did with Cena vs. Rock last year. If they do this I just hope they go about it differently this time around and I hope the match that they are going to build for a year isn't another meeting between Rock and Cena although I have a feeling that it will be. A while ago when the Rock vs. Cena match was booked for this years Mania I read an article about whether or not they will be able to build it for a year without dropping the ball and in my opinion they dropped the ball big time on the build for the match. Maybe its the era I grew up watching wrestling but I like it when they build a long term match WHERE SOMETHING ACTUALLY HAPPENS DURING THE BUILD to get me interested and Cena Rock hasn't done that for me although it could be a great match I hope it is for the crap build it has had. The only thing that I really liked during the build to the match was the promo Cena cut where he said that at WreslteMania he was fighting for everyone in the locker room whos dream it was to become a pro wrestler and stay a pro wrestler. I normally don't cheer for Cena in matches but I will be cheering for him in his match with the Rock, although from a business standpoint it would probably be a wiser decision to have The Rock win if they are going to have a rematch next year at Mania 29 but who knows where it will go.
  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ThriceP86" data-cite="ThriceP86" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26106" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>BTW, is Chris Silvio supposed to be a hippy or something? I actually dig his wrestling style but didn't understand his tights and stuff.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Tonight was the second time I have seen Chris Silvio, he didn't impress me the first time and I thought he was okay this time around. He might be a hippy that I don't know (if thats the gimmick they want to get across) but when I first saw him he reminded me of Superstar Billy Gram with the way he dresses so that might be the idea but I could be wrong.</p>
  21. Austin told the story on his "What?" dvd, he called Christian and got his voice mail and for some reason he said "I am passing a rest stop, What? I said a rest stop" and from there he started doing it. On the DVD Christian said that the whole message was about 10 minutes long.
  22. Just thought I would mention this since people were talking about the "What?" chants last night, I did go to the show and I wasn't a part of the people saying what. A fan behind me during the Taker, Triple H segment made a good point they said that half of todays WWE fans are too young to even know where the What chant came from. I couldn't agree more and it seems that people say what just to say it and they don't remember what wrestler started the whole thing.
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