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Everything posted by TakerNGN74

  1. Let me first say that in my opinion doing the draft right before the pay per view was a bad idea and here is why. With all three guys in the triple threat match being on Raw we know that the WWE title will stay on Smackdown obviously. Christian almost has to win the World Title now which to me sucks because I love Del Rio. but I think it makes the most sense to have Christian Win and keep the World Title on Smackdown. Otherwise if Del Rio wins they have both champions on one brand which would defeat the purpose of having two belts. If anyone has heard anything that may clear up the championship situation please let me know because at this point I don't know what to think.
  2. Not sure if anyone has commented on this yet but does anyone else hate Dolph Zigglers new look (Hair). His old hair style really set him apart from everyone else in my opinion not that hair is everything but now that his hair is very generic he just looks like a normal guy where if I were a new WWE fan just watching it for the first time I would probably pass him off as someone I thought wasn't very good when that is not the case at all. Does anyone else feel this way or am I the only one?
  3. What happened to a little thing called freedom of speech damnit
  4. I heard they were thinking Impact Pro Wrestling which is already taken by a company down in Flordia. They had a few other names too but I can't remember what else they were thinking of besides the one that they can't use because its being used already. I heard that it will have Impact and Wrestling in the name but as far as what the third word of the name would be I have no idea.
  5. Haven't seen it talked about much in this thread maybe I missed it but I thought I would bring it up regardless. What do you guys think about TNA changing their name when the company is only a little less than nine years old. I believe it will hurt them to be honest because even though its not very recognizable people still do recognize the TNA name and if the change their name then they might have to start over completely as far as building a loyal fanbase is concerned.
  6. I couldn't believe it when Edge retired I didn't think it would affect me that much but for some reason it has. I was fortunate enough to see him have one of the best hardcore matches ever live at Wrestlemania 22 when he faced Mick Foley. His match with the Undertaker at WM 24 is still one of my favoriotes and I think I am going to have to watch that match again later today.
  7. The main reason Kurt signed with TNA back when he did was because of the lighter road schedule. I don't think that at this point in his life/career that he would be willing to go back to the WWE because of the road schedule. I like many would like to see Kurt back in WWE one day even if it is for a short period of time but if he wont be able the road schedule then its not going to happen no matter how much we want it to.
  8. Forgot to mention this when I made my origional post last night but was it just me or was there at least one chair shot to the head during HHH Taker Match. It seemed like one of the chair shots that HHH gave Taker hit him in the head. It wasn't just me the rest of the people that I was watching it with thought the same thing.
  9. I thought that The Miz Retaining was awesome because quite frankly I was expecting another Cena Mania title victory. The match between Triple H and Undertaker was well done in my opinion, they went all out and showed why they are the last two left of an era. It didn't surpass the WM 25 match between Taker and Michaels in my opinion or Taker Michaels 2 at WM 26 but regardless it was still a very well done match.
  10. There not going back to PG-13 they never will because the numbers show that they are more successful haivng a PG rating even though some people might not like it. The only reason they are letting the guys like the Rock and Cena swear is because it is Mania season and in my opinion it seems that they give guys a little more lee way around this time of year. By the way Mondays Raw really pumped me up for Mania I can't wait until Sunday.
  11. Im still trying to figure out why Miss USA is on Tough Enough that to me doesn't make any sense at all. Who knows she could surprise people but having her on the show is really weird.
  12. So would I, I just don't think having both NXT and Tough Enough is a good idea as the are pretty much the same kind of show. The only difference is with NXT they take guys from FCW and put them on TV before they go to Raw or Smackdown. Whereas Tough Enough is pretty much coming in as a Rookie and winning a contract.
  13. I hope that with the restart of Tough Enough they will finally get rid of NXT. The NXT concept was awesome at first and the first two seasons were really good, the third season was okay until it got so bad that they had to put it online and since it has exclusively been online I heard it is absolute crap. If WWE was smart they would can NXT and go with Tough Enough because I am more interested in watching Tough Enough on TV than NXT.
  14. A while back when Triple H and Randy Orton were feuding going into WM 25 they did a segment where Randy was in his house with his wife and Triple H came and kicked his ass. In tonights segment with Randy Orton's "Wife" I don't think that the woman in the WM 25 segment was the same as the one tonight. Of course he could have gotten a divorce you never know but if he didn't then its just weird.
  15. I never am able to catch impact because I have something going on during THursday Night but I do occasionally catch the last segment or whatever. I did see the beginning of Impact this week online (I think it was the beginning so correct me if I am wrong) but I thought that the segment where Sting came out with the New TNA WOrld Title was kind of over booked because it seemed like everyone and their mothers were in the ring at one point or another during the segment. On a side note though I am glad that TNA decided to get a new belt replacing the Jeff Hardy belt because that belt is the worst i have ever seen. They could have easily gone back to the old TNA Title but I like the new title and its a sign that Jeff Hardy won't get the title back for a long long time and he shouldn't until he gets his personal life together.
  16. Thats true as well, I guess I never really thought of it that way.
  17. Its good thinking but I don't think it will happen unless they completely write off the fact that Punk overthrew Barrett as the leader of the Nexus. Otherwise I thought Raw was good tonight a lot better than expected considering who the guest star was. Its just to bad they put her in a match at mania but whatever its a good kill match before Triple H vs. Taker or one of the title matches.
  18. I heard that Kevin Dunn doesn't like Sheamus which is why he is like 1 and 7 on pay per view so far this year. (Thats just an example I know that he has only won one match on Pay Per View in the last six monthes or so.)
  19. I didn't notice that when watching the video but now I hope you are right.
  20. It was definately great to see Rock on Raw tonight, can't wait until next week when Undertaker comes back and hopefully Sting as well but I won't hold my breath.
  21. You raise a very good point there, I didn't even think about that.
  22. Watched Impact tonight as I was home sick and couldn't do my normal Thursday night thing but is anyone else really annoyed by the Jarrett/Angle Storyline. I mean not the storyline itself I think its fine but the whole Karen Angle thing I think is kind of disrespectul to both Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett's late Wife. You have to remember that when Jarrett was gone from TNA for a while it was because his wife had cancer and she has since passed. But does anyone think that they are no pun intended crossing the line with this storyline?
  23. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="angeldelayette" data-cite="angeldelayette" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I am slightly curious: is Shawn Michaels the only wrestler getting inducted in the Hall of Fame this year?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No their just taking their sweet ass time announcing everyone else, Goldberg, Jim Duggan Etc.</p>
  24. I was actually bummed about the fact that they updated the promo from last week and re aired it. Now we know who it is, and now I could really care less. Don't get me wrong I like the Undertaker but I was really hoping for Sting this time around. I hope this doesn't totally kill Sting as a possibility for the WWE.
  25. I was at that Mania where that match took place but It wasn't really one I was looking foward to other than seeing Taker wrestle live for the first time.
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