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Tempest Kane

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Posts posted by Tempest Kane

  1. The Pope @ Lockdown thing is real simple... Pope might have been getting over on his own, but i think we can all agree he isnt their YET.


    So you have him win the title shot, you put it 2 months ahead and you now have time to build this guy, do i agree with how they are doing so? maybe not, but i do agree with why they are doing it. Desmond wolfe is a strong enough heel at this point in the upper midcard that he can get Pope were he needs to be... (if enough screen time is directed at this now side project build).


    The Pope is pretty unlikely to even go over at Lockdown, but that isnt the point of the the whole situation to start with, the money isnt in the face getting the title, its in the heel holding and the face chasing the strap... but the real point here is to make Pope seem like a legitimate contender in his own right without the need for a plot device like a tourny every time they want him to co-headline a ppv.


    Pope now needs a month of solid matchs under him with Desmond and a varity of additional fly by night heel debuts over the next few impacts to just put him in the right spot for Lockdown, he then likely needs to heel turn again after lockdown and get a decent run under him of atleast 6-8 months.... and by the time he turns face again, THEN he will be ready.


    But again too much impatience. Pope isnt their yet. He isnt even close... this isnt the end of the story... this is page one for him... stop trying to skip to the end people ;)


    EDIT: BTW... About RVD again, by the sounds of his recent blog on what it would take for him to sign with a company, the guy atleast has some percentage of control of his character and use, i wont go as far as to say he has creative control... but he wouldnt let himself be used in any way that didnt make him feel comfotable, bare that in mind folks.

  2. after reading your post... jesterx7769... maybe wrestling isnt for you?


    how about volly ball?


    And as for how they booked RVD, he got a clean win over Sting in a short match that both made him look like a huge star and protected Sting who... if anyone can remmber a few months ago with AJ can barely work a match over 5mins anymore without getting confused and lost...


    He then was used to establish Sting as a legitimate heel, Hello... nobody has been able to succesfuly book Sting heel in ... well.. ever. It always fails. This looked like it worked.


    And to top it off... it setup 2 big money matchs.


    RVD vs Sting @ Lockdown... and more importantly... Hogan vs Sting for Bound for Glory.


    Get with the program people, RVD is booked weak on a debut? lol no... your far too inpatient ... he is the whole f'in show and this was a great use of him to set things in motion and despite what the people crying are saying.. in the end, it wont hurt him a single bit.


    As for Jericho... seems like someone is talking about the competition a bit more than Vinny Mac would like, i expect him to be Joey Styles'd shortly re:twitter.

  3. http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/nwf2.jpghttp://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/NWF3.jpg


    I just came back to this thread after a few months, i still use the orignal NWF logo's you made for me all that time ago almost every single day and im so impressed with all the work you have done since, your a true star Kamachatka ... and i just wanted to say how much i love the British Style NWF logo's.


    Awesome job.

  4. http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/NWF.jpg






    I dont not mind telling you, i'am marking out like a little bitch for these images!!!! thanks so much!


    By far the best total package set you have done in my opinion :)


    Now all i need is some belts to match and ill be set! ( NWF: World Heavyweight , NWF: Continental Championship , NWF: World Tag Team )


    W00t w00t thanks Orange.


    If thats too clean cut for you Tempest I can change it to a more slanted style.


    No thats freaking awesome mate ! I just didnt notice it on the other thread, thanks alot :)


    I was thinking maybe i might have one of the tv show's a Confederate flag style? Revolution most likely, and let Showcase be the traditional NWF all american show, kinda like my confederate show would be the alternative to the NWO getting its own show back in WCW :p


    Anyway just a thougth for when your done with more important stuff (-:

  6. (This a repost from another thread)


    Im looking for someone willing to give my promotion in the latest draft (1997 data) some love :)


    National Wrestling Federation

    My top stars are Christian Faith, Dan Stone Jr, Steve Flash and of course Tommy Cornell. Im going for a "NWA" feel.


    Current Logo ::



    What im looking for ::

    1x New Logo, similar style (or something you think would be awesome).

    2x TV Show Logo's. "NWF: Showcase" and "NWF: Revolution"

  7. In my 1997 Draft promotion "National Wrestling Federation" could really use a World Title belt, National Break-Out Title, World Tag Team and Continental Championship , if anyone has any time at all , even the most generic of belts with the NWF on them will be awesome.


    If it helps at all the NWF is supposed to be the NWA of the game world. A "big gold belt" would be awesome.

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