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Tom Bombadil

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Posts posted by Tom Bombadil

  1. EDIT: Turns out this function exists, albeit under Companies instead of Halls of Fame. Would delete if I was able!


    Would be very nice if you could tell the editor to go ahead and pull data for you from Title Lineages for Hall of Fame/Immortals purposes. There's a good chunk of that section that still has to be done by hand, but it would save a bunch of time when there are feds with long lineages! Only issue I can foresee is that Hall of Immortals wouldn't be able to tell if a certain title reign occurred when the company was Big enough.

  2. I've been doing a lot of three-year watcher games to test my mod, and I've noticed that a lot of the time new feds (both ones I've set to open later and organic ones) will just never get an owner or roster or anything, and sit there slowly running out of money until they die. I think there are usually potential owners available, and I also think it has to do with product settings. (one of my future feds never has an issue, and the other has it a lot less frequently after changing its style) Is there maybe a check that can be run before an organic fed is created, or could an ownerless fed cast a wider net, (especially if it's been a while) or could stuff just...not open without an owner?
  3. I'm working on a mod, and trying to figure out what is going on with owners and bookers. I have two feds that open after the start date- one usually opens when I sim, but the other one hardly ever gets an owner or booker or roster at all, and thus just cancels shows until it runs out of money. Also, I have a decent number of folks set as potential owners and/or bookers, but it seems like there's only one of them that ever gets picked for the future fed or any vacancies that show up. Any ideas about what is causing either of those situations?
  4. India

    Representing fandoms originating or popular on the internet, India has the smallest and weakest wrestling scene, but there is plenty of potential for growth. A remarkably friendly network of companies is headed up by the burgeoning MS Paint Adventures in the north, and Underground Tales and Dramatic Rumblings in the south.


    MS Paint Adventures (Homestuck/etc): MSPA's quirky presentation has endeared itself to the Indian fanbase, and they sit tenuously at the top of the mountain. Much of their roster is very young and very green, but they have enough veterans to help them reach their full potential!


    Underground Tales and Dramatic Rumblings (Undertale/Deltarune): A slightly more alternative product than even MSPA, UTDR ranges from comic relief to hardcore and back again, sometimes in the span of an evening. Can their hot stars carry them to success on the national stage and beyond?


    Order of the Slam (assorted webcomics): With MSPA rising to prominence, many of the territorial feds banded together to try to keep their grip on the Indian imagination. Will this re-invention help them hold off the hungry youngsters?


    Ultimate Combat Association and Board 8 Wrasslin' League: Small but ambitious, these two glorified e-feds are closely tied together. UCA has a bit more pedigree, while B8WL has done a better job of reaching out to outside talent. Both feds love their gimmick matches, and are rife with undiscovered talent.


    More details to follow on

    the rest of the world.....

  5. https://www.mediafire.com/file/6umuqf0vle5cj5o/TEW2020.mdb/file (0.1.3 but really it's 0.2.1, updated 7/31)

    https://www.mediafire.com/file/3gu971bb11wh2yj/Phoenix-verse.rar/file (Pics updated 6/30)


    Phoenix-verse is born of the concept "What if we could play 9000-verse and War of the Immortals at the same time?" A predecessor of this mod was in development for years, but with the release of 2020, I've taken the opportunity to reboot it as more of a solo project. (I'll throw the half-finished previous mod up in the 2016 section if anybody wants to mess with it!) Elements may have been taken (with permission) from various iterations of that project, the Cornellverse, and the 9000-verse.


    I'm estimating a bit over 3000 people and 60 companies for the final product. The concept is that each area of the game will correspond to different things- for instance, the first area I'm working on is India, which is designated as "The Internet." It'll have things like webcomics, and internet cult favorite items that might normally go elsewhere. More details will be posted below as we proceed, but there will also be areas based on things like anime, or, y'know, actual pro wrestling.


    My schedule has me spending about three months per area, meaning that ideally we'll have a finished product in the first half of 2022. Those three months per area are going to be 2-2.5 months of data entry, and the last few weeks on cosmetics and more rigorous playtesting. My intent is to post my progress on the mod at the end of every month, and probably an updated pic pack every three months after an area is done.


    Two disclaimers I should get out of the way: I'm avoiding using other modders' work for pictures, but I'm grabbing stuff off google image search rather indiscriminately. If you're an artist or photographer or actual person, I'll be happy to take your picture out of the pack if you'd like. If that's not kosher with the rules or culture here, I'll just...not post the pictures, I suppose! Also, the primary demographic for this mod is not this site, so there will be a few in jokes and feds that might not make sense to y'all. Especially in this first "Internet" section, actually! If you are super interested, PM me for a link to the main thread on a different site. I'm not planning to implement fandoms or people that I don't know decently well, which will probably lead to some glaring omissions in some areas.


    I'm not currently looking for major help. I would love (polite) feedback on balance and such, since I don't have the pedigree of many of the modders here. If somebody wants to contribute things like pics or bios, I am unlikely to say no. Other than that, I'm planning on flying solo for most of the grunt work.

  6. I have a mod I'm working on (I'll put a thread up I think, once I get this part resolved!) but every time run a watcher test, all three currently existing companies go out of business within two years. Any ideas what my issue is?

    Further info:


    -India is the only active part of the world so far. I'm hoping the answer to this isn't just "India can't sustain wrestling"

    -Two Medium companies and a Tiny and a handful of unemployed

    -Economy and Industry are High and Rising

    -Think I've done tests on 1.0, 1.01, and 1.02

    -There are a lot of kinda green wrestlers but the AI is getting decent ratings out of them relative to size.

    -Merchandising is set I think a little higher than comparable CV feds

    -They've got decently hefty bankrolls to start but the Mediums especially just hemorrhage money.

    -I don't have broadcaster deals set up to start and there aren't great options (I'm using CV broadcasters plus some Quick Fill) but getting broadcaster deals over the course of the game didn't seem to fix it.

    -They're all running annual events every month, and the Mediums have weekly TV shows they sometimes resurrect.

    -Contracts are Written Per Month (non-exclusive) for the Mediums and Handshake Per Show for the Tiny.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  7. <p>Having a good time! Still within the adjustment period on some stuff and some changes I like more than others, but it looks like I'm gonna be just as into it as I was the prior ones.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="FINisher" data-cite="FINisher" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49804" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>no one goes bankrupt.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Man I'm working on a mod and currently everybody goes bankrupt within two years :\</p>
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