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Posts posted by SeanMcFly

  1. R.I.P. David


    Punk is going to get his ass kicked in UFC. He was an amazing pro wrestler, no doubt, but that isn't anywhere close to the same thing as MMA.


    Brock was able to do it because he was/is a beast of a man. Punk is an average sized man. Other Middleweights (as I've heard he's entering) are going to have WAY more muscle mass. They will have known MMA their entire lives for the most part, and aren't just moonlighting like Punk is.


    I realize Dana White can just throw a can in the octagon for Punk, but even then I'm not sure he could win. Guys fight their hearts out in the lower tiers for a spot at the UFC. The worst UFC fighter could still hand me my ass in 30 seconds.


    The difference is Punk has a background in martial arts so at least he has a base, and it's not like the guy isn't an athlete. Comparing a normal person who isn't a professional athlete (because face it, that's what professional wrestlers are) to a UFC fighter isn't the same as comparing Punk to a UFC fighter, I don't know if you've trained in any of the disciplines associated with MMA or if you are an athlete in another sport, but sorry, it just isn't. It's not that Brock was a beast of a man, it's that he had a strong base in wrestling prior to joining the WWE and eventually the UFC. It's not like the guy isn't going to get into the gym and train either, if he's signing with the UFC seriously he's not going to sit back and be a novelty act, he's going to gear down and work hard so that people don't look at him like a wrestler who's just there to make some more money. It's hardly moonlighting, if the guy wants to make a career out of it then he can most certainly make a career of it.

  2. Unpopular opinion incoming.


    Spoiler alert Johnny Hendricks lost that fight and although I scored it 48-47 in his favor originally, after watching the fight again 49-46 Lawler is not so absurd.


    I don't know what is valued more in Mixed Martial Arts, the sheer amount of strikes landed or the percentage of strikes landed. Over the course of the fight, Lawler was more accurate, although Hendricks threw a hell of a lot more.


    I'm assuming a defended takedown is worth more than a takedown, at least with the sheer amount that Hendricks attempted, 5/17 is not a great ratio by any stretch. I would absolutely give first round to Lawler, as Hendricks just didn't do enough with that takedown that he finally got. Round two was more of the same in my opinion, although that's the round that could've gone 10-9 in either man's favor and I wouldn't have been bothered. Lawler landed some shots, Hendricks landed some shots and a takedown but Lawler stuffed some takedowns. Depending on what you value more in the sport, the round could've gone either way.


    Round three was obvious, Hendricks really turned it on in that round. Punches and leg kicks to light him up and overall control of the round throws that one in his favor, 10-9.


    If this weren't a title fight, at this point it could easily have been 29-28 to either man. Originally I scored it 29-28 Hendricks at this point, but looking back I'm leaning more towards Lawler being in the 29-28 position, but it really depends on what you value more.


    I think everyone who's watched the fight knows how the fourth & fifth rounds went. Hendricks really gave the judges a reason to take the belt away, if Lawler opened with punches just ten seconds earlier this would've been a completely different fight and he would've given the referee a reason to stop the fight. Same deal in the fifth round.


    More Spoiler

    At this point, I have it either 48-47 Lawler depending on how you look at that second round, or 49-46 Lawler. If anything Lawler got robbed of a Unanimous Decision by the one judge scoring it in Hendricks favor in my opinion. The telling factors were the 5/17 takedowns for Johnny Hendricks & the amount of strikes he allowed Lawler to land while they were on the ground. I don't think Hendricks got robbed at all.

  3. After my Thunderverse, DIASPORA diary became too much to maintain, I do plan to return to TEW diary writing sometime next year, and have begun to put in place the seeds for a new project.....


    You must have had too much sake right?




    It was December 22nd of 2013, and Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods were holding their annual Christmas party for staff and workers. This years outing was the Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku. Which was an 'experience', though most of the Burning Hammer 'family' seemed to enjoy the outing, except for the rookie wrestler Ieyoshi Shimakage who ended up getting knocked out by a man dressed up as a hulked up robot and then ejected from the Robot Restaurant for attempting to cop a feel of one of the show's female performers.


    Whilst the Robot Restaurant's bizarre entertainment may have been at the very least interesting, the food was terrible- which defeated the object of the place being called a restaurant. So everyone ended up heading for a nearby izakaya to get something proper to eat. As is always the case whenever we visit these kind of places, everyone ended up having far too much to drink.....


    Tasuku Iesada the man who runs the book for Burning Hammer, blurted out that he had now tired of doing the role and that he wanted to just concentrate on his wrestling. Iesada's friend and the man who insisted Iesada-san take on the role of head booker Tadiyuki Kikkawa commented that this was the first he heard of this and that Iesada-san is only say this because he had a little too much to drink and that he will forget about this the next morning.


    http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/-san admitted he was a little drunk, but that his current intoxicated state had given him the courage, to speak up about how he really feels. He told Kikkawa-san that he is not ungrateful for the role he had been given and that he enjoyed his time spent as head booker but it was time for him put his wrestling career first and it was time he handed over the reigns to someone else. Iesada-san mentioned that he had been unselfish as a head booker, something many around the table agreed with.

    Kikkawa-san now accepting the fact that his friend Iesada-san was serious, disappeared for a while before returning from where had been, to ask Iesada-san's suggestion about who he feels could replace him. Iesada-san felt it would be a good decision to give it to someone who had been involved with Burning Hammer for a while, but wasn't one of the 'boys'.


    That's when he looked over at me, and said:


    ' In all honesty I think Muro-san could be a good candidate, he's been with us a while now and he from his position at the announce table he see's things from a fans perspective'


    http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/-san, agreed that Iesada-san's suggestion was an interesting and slightly brave one, and that their Burning Hammer wasn't about living on past glories but about looking towards the future.....


    I thought they had to be joking right, I thought they would forget about talking me up as taking over the position of head booker the next morning and that once the effects of the copious amounts of beer and sake everyone consumed had worn off that they would surely consider a more qualified candidate to fill Iesada-san's shoes.


    As it turns out though, they were being utterly serious, as I got a call the next morning to attend a meeting with Kikkawa-san, Iesada-san and the promotions owner Tetsuzan Kaneko, to discuss what they called an 'opportunity for promotion'.



    So as you can see from that I'm going to be returning to an 'old friend'- Burning Hammer. This time round though, I won't be writing up every show in full, as I found that I ended up getting burnt out doing things that way, especially with also maintaining my anime reviews thread I have going on in the Dog Pound.


    The plan is very much to book in a realistic Puro manner, with only the kind of shows NJPW (Burning Hammer's real life equivalent of sorts) would run as an iPPV event getting the full write up treatment- which would be the PPV supershows and the 'Road To' shows from Korakuen Hall.



    One more preview gem before I properly launch the project (most likely in February) next year........


    Here's one of the bio's from the roster dossier that I have created.......


    The Incredible Koyama (High Fly Wonder)


    Affiliation: P.I.N.K


    Hometown: Neyagawa, Osaka, Kansai

    Age: 32/ Height: 5ft9/Weight: 178 Ibs


    Finishers: Incredible Death Spike (Front Flip Piledriver), Koyama Grip (Kip Up Hurracanrana rolled into a Triangle Choke), Air Koyama (Shooting Star Press)


    Signature Moves: Standing Shooting Star Press, Moonsault, Corkscrew Moonsault, Feint Moonsault into a standing Moonsault, Standing Corkscew Moonsault, Frankensteiner, Reverse Frankensteiner, Slingshot Hurracanrana, Bridging Evasion followed by a Roundhouse Kick, Missile Drop Kick, Springboard Dropkick, Dragon Suplex, German Suplex, Brainbuster, Ankle Lock.


    BHOTWG Honours: None


    Personal Fact: It appears that from as early as kindergarten The Incredible Koyama was destined for either the wrestling ring or a career as a gymnast, because from the Age of 5 he started doing Shooting Star Presses off the top of a jungle gym and into the sandbox.


    In Their Words: I come here in a blaze of publicity, THEY even hyped me up as being one of the greatest high flyers of my generation- and then what do they do with me, what do they ****ing do with me, jack ****ing shit that's what.


    You know what they ****ing got me doing right now, kissing that ****ing freak Masuko's pink painted arse , going round being his ****ing lackey. I shouldn't be in that face painted freaks ****ing shadow, he should be in my ****ing shadow, because I have a million more times the ****ing talent than that loser or anyone else on this roster does!


    Part of me wants to ****ing quit this travesty, but I'm not gonna ****ing do that, because that will show that the ****tards in charge have beaten me the **** down, and I'm sure as hell ain't gonna quit and go begging on my ****ing knees to join that small time ****fest called WLW.


    Optimus;Notes: There is no question over the fact that Koyama-san has the talent to succeed, he's an inventive high flyer who also carries himself like a star, but I think he came here after a good run with WLW and expect it to be handed to him on a plate, and that he wouldn't have to put the work in to earn his way to the top of the Junior Division. I'm afraid to say that Koyama-san has had a rude awakening in that regard and he's not taken to it well, often sulking over the fact that he's not been getting his way and it has come out in some of his performances, which have at times been uninspired. There was already one incredibly talented but egotistical prick on this roster in the form of Sensational Dragon, and Koyama-san has found that we don't have the time and patience for another.



  4. So I'm trying to plan ahead for my SWF diary and although I have a solid plan for the next two big events, I don't know what path I'm going to follow when it comes to the 1980 King of the Squared Circle.


    Essentially, I have a few wrestlers that I want to choose as the next King of the Squared Circle, which will catapult them into a World Title feud with whoever is the champion by 1980 Wrestling Classic.


    I'm debating between Ray Williams (who is currently locked into a feud with the Pangrazzios), Vladimir Grinkov (who is fairly new to the promotion, but has good in-ring skills and menace which would make him a credible threat), or do I flop back to the easy way out with either Marcus McKing (who hasn't really had a major feud and is over enough to warrant a run at the title) or Micky Starr / Sam Strong winning it and jumping into the title picture.


    Although at the end of the day, things change when you're playing this game and you need to kind of roll with the punches, but any opinions would be welcomed :)

  5. That's not something to be proud of. I've never even been in a pro wrestling ring before, I'm legally blind without my glasses and I have no cardio, but I can probably work better than most of the TE crew, Matt Cross included.


    All he does is random flippy moves, with no substance or meaning to any of them. And he's not even really THAT spectacular at doing crazy flippy moves.


    93% of the combined rosters of Dragon Gate and CHIKARA can do what he does, only better. And the other 7% might not be as flippy but are still better overall.


    Here you go, genius. If you can do that, I'll believe you can work better than Matt Cross


  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tha Black Phenom" data-cite="Tha Black Phenom" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Don't think it was a work, R-Truth is just that much of a dolt, haha. Also, anyone caught the F-bomb Truth dropped a bit after the first Milwaukee chants?<p> </p><p> Seriously. Five bucks they'll either turn Truth into a joke character or depush him outright. Or both.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I caught that. Wasn't sure if he actually said it or not. Bye Bye Truth... you won't do very well in the chamber...</p>
  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="iWin" data-cite="iWin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think WWE is actually getting better. Don't want to spoil the Rumble so I'll just say the surprised me at least.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No need, justs type the spoiler in White Text. Albeit it's been about a week, I don't think it'll be spoiling it for anybody who's watched RAW.</p>
  8. Brock had that it factor a great monster look and skill. *Snip* to me is boring and bland like much of WWE's newer "Stars"


    Considering you were the one crying and ranting about the WWE not pushing newer stars, you should be happy about who won the match. If you don't think he has an 'It' factor, then you obviously have been brainwashed by TNA. Honestly, who do you think in TNA could out-wrestle and out-talk *Spoiler*. Mr Kennedy is probably the only one. Angle sucks (Last I recall, granted I didn't see much of his work), Hardy sucks (Both of em'), Jarrett Sucks, Joe Sucks, hell, even *Spoiler* and *Spoiler* ditched TNA for this match. I don't think RVD could out-talk him, as much as I like RVD.

  9. I don't see Barrett wrestling Taker at this years WM, think about it he (Barrett) has yet to appear at Mania so putting him in such a high profile match with Undertaker would probably not be good for him not that I don't think he would be able to do it but I do think that being in a match at his first mania is already pressure enough so I don't think putting him in a match with Taker is probably a good idea because that would probably be way to much pressure for him. I would like to see Taker vs. Cena at this years WM, this is probably Takers last mania so I think his last match at Mania should be epic, I could also see Taker vs. Kane 3 at Mania this year I know I have said this before in this thread and people said that they didn't need to do it but I feel like they do because they never finished their feud.


    Ramble Ramble Ramble, and They did finish the feud, they buried Undertaker... literally.

  10. Favorites / Hopes at the moment?


    Cena - Cena's always a favorite in the Rumble, no matter what. It's true that they try to stay in their comfort zone, leading me to think that Cena might be in there to win it again this year.


    Mysterio - I like him, and I hope he gets another Title run soon, but I just can't believe that Mysterio would win again this year.


    CM Punk - Punk's got a HUGE wave of momentum going into the Rumble, it's obvious that he's a thought to win it, no?


    Alberto Del Rio - Probably won't win, because of being relatively new and all, but hey, it happened with Sheamus winning the title in his first year right?


    Kofi Kingston / John Morrison - I like them both, but right now Kofi Kingston needs to stay in the Intercontinental Picture, because he's not going anywhere yet, as well as Morrison not being pushed yet I don't think. He's probably RAW's MITB guy for this year.


    Ezekiel Jackson / Wade Barrett / Daniel Bryan - Okay, this probably won't happen, but I REALLY like these three, Zeke because of the brute factor, they're really pushing Barrett, and I just love Bryan Danielson.


    For the returning guys -


    I really hope they don't do an Undertaker win, or a Triple H win. I'd LOVE to see an Evan Bourne win ;-) but that won't happen. Not a chance. Maybe Christian, but the WWE has shown that they won't be planning on doing that any time soon. Hell, they'd probably push Yoshi Tatsu (Who I love, by the way) before they push Christian.

  11. Also, I apologize for being acting like a jerk about all of this, but pirates/people who don't pay for things piss me off to no end. What if somebody bought a candy and they didn't like the taste of it, does that give them a right to go and get there money back, even if there was nothing wrong with the candy?


    Shiver me timbers. :D


    The entire pay per view was solid even the womens match in my opinion.


    Thank you! I actually thought the PPV was pretty good. I didn't like the finish to Kofi / Ziggler / Swagger was very good, they should've done it differently, but I mean it preserves Ziggler's 'Persona'. Morrison sold the match with Sheamus real well, and That last spot before the PPV ended with Cena dropping the set on Barrett surprised me, did not see it coming. And usually, I see what's coming in the WWE.


    It's gotten miles better in the past few weeks than it has in the past year.

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