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Posts posted by QFresh

  1. I really enjoyed putting together this episode as when I was booking it I had all the ideas in my brain (obviously) really excited to get it all mapped out. Heading into Malice In Wonderland things are certainly shaping up and I hope everybody who is still with me is enjoying the ride. I also liked adding in the few bonus questions for the predictions just to see where readers heads are at if they were in control of my game. A lot of interesting perspectives.


    Prediction Results (This Show)
    CharDeeMacDennis ~ 2/4 ~ 50%
    StanMiguel ~ 2/4 ~ 50%

    Predictions Results
    CharDeeMacDennis ~ 8/12 ~ 66% ~ 3 Shows
    Woodmeister ~ 7/8 ~ 87.5% ~ 2 Shows
    RingRider ~ 6/8 ~ 75% ~ 2 Shows
    StanMiguel ~ 5/8 ~ 62% ~ 2 Shows
    splitgoose ~ 4/4 ~ 100% ~ 1 Show
    Shifty425 ~ 4/4 ~ 100% ~ 1 Show
    christmas_ape ~ 2/4 ~ 50% ~ 1 Show

    The card for Malice In Wonderland should be up within a day or so. Not sure when the write up will be posted as I'm about half way through it. As always, that you to everyone who's stuck with me, and I hope I can deliver with my first PPV event.

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    TCW Total Wrestling
    Live From Anchorage, AK
    Att: 4547

    TCW Broadcast Team
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    Peter Michaels ~ Kyle Rhodes ~ Jasmine Saunders


    The camera pans across the energetic crowd before focusing on the announce desk where Peter Michaels, Kyle Rhodes, and Jasmine Saunders are seated. The atmosphere is electric as the commentators prepare to kick off the show.

    • Peter Michaels:

      • "Good evening, TCW fans! Welcome to another action-packed episode of TCW Total Wrestling! I'm Peter Michaels, alongside Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders, and we have an incredible night ahead of us. But first, let's talk about what went down last week. T-Bone Bright made a shocking return, arriving just in time to save Sammy Bach from a beatdown by The Syndicate. It was an intense moment, and now T-Bone is demanding a match against any member of The Syndicate in tonight's main event. You can bet the tension will be through the roof!"
      • (A brief clip plays, showing T-Bone Bright charging into the ring last week to fend off The Syndicate and save Sammy Bach.)
      • "T-Bone Bright is fired up, and tonight, he’s looking to get his hands on any Syndicate member who’s willing to step up. This is going to be explosive!"
    • Kyle Rhodes:

      • "Absolutely, Peter. But that’s not all on the agenda tonight. We’ve got a major event that everyone’s been waiting for—the contract signing for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship match at Malice in Wonderland. Challenger Greg Gauge and Champion Jay Chord will be in the ring to make it official. These two have been on a collision course for weeks, and tonight, it all gets real. Expect tensions to boil over as these two competitors put pen to paper."
      • (A highlight reel shows Greg Gauge and Jay Chord’s recent confrontations, building anticipation for the upcoming title match.)
    • Jasmine Saunders:

      • "And let’s not forget about the tag team action we have coming your way! Mighty Mo and Flint Slater, after their epic clash last week, will each choose a partner for a tag team match tonight. Who will they pick, and what impact will it have on their ongoing rivalry? And speaking of rivalries, Aaron 'ACE' Andrews is set to address his ongoing issues with Joshua Taylor and Floyd Goldworthy. These two have been playing mind games with Andrews for weeks, and tonight, Andrews will have a chance to respond."
      • (Clips of Mighty Mo and Flint Slater’s intense match from last week, followed by shots of Aaron Andrews facing off against Joshua Taylor and Floyd Goldworthy.)
    • Peter Michaels:
      • "There’s so much at stake tonight, folks. Whether it’s the main event, the contract signing, or the tag team showdown, every match and segment tonight has serious implications. This is one episode you won’t want to miss!"
    • Kyle Rhodes:
      • "That’s right, Peter. The stage is set, the competitors are ready, and we are just moments away from another unforgettable night of TCW action!"
    • Jasmine Saunders:
      • "Let’s get this show started, TCW fans! The action kicks off right now!"


    Sammy Bach

    The camera returns from a commercial break, focusing on the ring where Sammy Bach stands with a microphone in hand. The crowd cheers loudly as he prepares to speak, still riding the wave of excitement from last week’s dramatic events.

    Sammy Bach:

    • Opening Remarks:
      "Last week, I was in a bad spot. The Syndicate had me surrounded, ready to tear me apart. But just when things were looking bleak, my friend, my brother, T-Bone Bright, stormed down to that ring and had my back!"

    • Acknowledgment of T-Bone Bright:
      "T-Bone, wherever you are tonight, I want you to know, I’ll always have your back too. No matter what The Syndicate throws at us, we’re gonna stand tall, and we’re gonna fight. We’re not just tag partners—we’re a family. And The Syndicate? They’re gonna learn that real quick."

    • Crowd Reaction:
      The crowd cheers in support, chanting "T-Bone! T-Bone!" as Sammy pauses, letting the energy of the moment sink in.

    "The Architect"

    • Entrance Music Hits:
      Suddenly, the arena lights dim, and an unfamiliar theme song plays. The screen displays an intricate blueprint design as a shadowy figure makes his way to the stage. The crowd buzzes with curiosity.

    • The Architect Appears:
      The figure steps into the spotlight, revealing himself as The Architect—a mysterious newcomer dressed in a sleek, modern outfit. He has a calculating demeanor as he begins to speak.

    The Architect:

    • Running Down Sammy Bach:
      "Sammy Bach, the so-called backbone of this crumbling house you call a friendship. You talk about family, about loyalty—but your design is flawed. You’re just a man, trying to hold up a structure that’s bound to collapse."

    • Cold Analysis:
      "You and T-Bone are nothing more than an outdated blueprint, built on shaky ground. And when the foundation gives way, The Syndicate won’t even have to lift a finger. It’ll all come crashing down because you’re too weak to hold it together."

    Sammy Bach:

    • Bach's Response:
      Sammy Bach smirks, clearly unimpressed by The Architect’s words. "Flawed design? Outdated blueprint? Man, I’ve faced guys who’ve tried to tear me down in ways that would make your head spin. And I gotta say, this whole ‘Architect’ thing? It’s pretty goofy."

    • Challenge Issued:
      "You think you’re some kind of mastermind, huh? Well, let me tell you something, Mr. Blueprint—if you want to test your theories on me, come on down to this ring, and let’s see how that design of yours holds up!"

    Tension Builds:

    • Architect's Reaction:
      The Architect narrows his eyes, his smirk fading into a cold stare. He takes a step forward, as if contemplating whether to engage right then and there.

    • Crowd Anticipation:
      The crowd roars, eager to see the confrontation. Sammy Bach stands his ground, ready for a fight.

    • Architect’s Decision:
      After a tense moment, The Architect shakes his head and slowly backs away, his expression unreadable. He points at Sammy as if to say, "Soon," before turning and walking back up the ramp.

    • Sammy Bach’s Parting Words:
      "Yeah, that’s what I thought! Anytime you’re ready, Architect, I’ll be right here, ready to tear down whatever you’re building!"

    • Crowd Cheers:
      The crowd erupts in support of Sammy Bach as he tosses the microphone aside, flexing his muscles and hyping up the fans.

    Rating: 72/100


    Aaron Andrews

    The camera opens in a dimly lit backstage corridor. Aaron Andrews is shown walking with purpose, heading toward the entrance ramp for his upcoming match. The intensity in his eyes suggests he's ready for a fight, but he's unaware of the danger lurking just around the corner.

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    The Behemoths (Killer Shark & Titan)

    • The Behemoths Strike:
      As Andrews rounds a corner, Killer Shark and Titan—collectively known as The Behemoths—suddenly emerge from the shadows. Without warning, they launch a vicious ambush, overpowering Andrews with their sheer size and strength.

    • Brutal Beatdown:
      Killer Shark slams Andrews into a stack of production crates, while Titan delivers a series of heavy blows, each one echoing through the backstage area. Andrews tries to fight back, but the relentless onslaught from The Behemoths overwhelms him.

    Joshua Taylor

    • Taylor’s Entrance:
      As Andrews struggles against his attackers, Joshua Taylor steps into view, casually strolling up to the scene. He watches the beatdown unfold, his expression calm and collected, with a sinister grin spreading across his face.

    • Taylor’s Approval:
      Taylor crosses his arms, clearly enjoying the sight of Andrews being dismantled by The Behemoths. He leans in slightly, offering a slow, mocking clap as Killer Shark and Titan continue their assault.

    • Andrews Struggles:
      Despite the odds, Andrews makes a valiant effort to get back on his feet, only to be met with a brutal double-team maneuver from The Behemoths that sends him crashing to the floor once again.

    • Taylor’s Final Taunt:
      Taylor steps forward, looking down at the fallen Andrews. "I told you, Aaron… you’re always one step behind," he sneers, before giving a nod to The Behemoths. They deliver one final, devastating blow, leaving Andrews motionless on the cold concrete.

    • Taylor’s Exit:
      Satisfied with the carnage, Joshua Taylor turns and walks away, The Behemoths following closely behind. The camera lingers on Aaron Andrews, who is left lying in a heap, barely conscious as the segment fades out.

    Rating: 60/100




    Quentin Queen vs Troy Tornado

    • Early Control:
      Troy Tornado immediately takes control of the match, using his superior speed and agility to outmaneuver Quentin Queen. Tornado lands a series of quick strikes, keeping Queen on the defensive.


    • Queen's Resilience:
      Despite the onslaught, Quentin Queen manages to fight back, landing a few well-timed strikes and a quick suplex. The crowd gives a mild cheer, impressed by Queen's resilience.


    • Tornado's Dominance:
      Tornado quickly regains control, showcasing his athleticism with a flurry of high-flying moves that dazzle the audience. Queen struggles to keep up, and Tornado's momentum seems unstoppable.


    • Setting Up the Finish:
      As the match progresses, Tornado signals that it’s time to end things. He positions Queen for his signature move.


    • The Star Maker:
      Troy Tornado executes his Star Maker signature move with precision, driving Quentin Queen into the mat.


    • The Pinfall:
      Tornado covers Queen, and the referee counts the 1-2-3. The bell rings, and Tornado is declared the winner.

    Winner: Troy Tornado
    Rating: 66/100



    H2-WHOA (Freddy Huggins & Matt Hocking)

    The scene opens in a backstage area where Freddy Huggins and Matt Hocking, known as H2-Woah, are standing in front of a H2-WHOA backdrop. They're clearly in a playful mood, smirking at the camera as they prepare to deliver another round of their signature tongue-in-cheek humor.

    Freddy Huggins:

    • "You know, Matt, I've been thinking a lot about our big match at Malice In Wonderland against Chance Fortune and Darryl Devine… and I gotta say, I’m not worried. Not even a little bit."

    Matt Hocking:

    • "Oh, come on, Freddy, you mean to tell me that you aren’t shaking in your boots about facing those… uh… legends?"

    • Hocking's tone drips with sarcasm, and he feigns a look of exaggerated fear.

    Freddy Huggins:

    • "Legends? Ha! More like bedtime story characters. Chance Fortune? Darryl Devine? These guys are about as dangerous as a pillow fight at a slumber party!"

    • Huggins grins, enjoying his own joke as he leans closer to the camera.

    Matt Hocking:

    • "And don't forget, Freddy, they've got all that ‘experience’ on their side. Which is just another way of saying they’ve been around so long, they probably remember when wrestling was in black and white!"

    • Hocking mimics a shaky old man, pretending to hold a cane as Huggins laughs.

    Freddy Huggins:

    • "Exactly! But hey, who are we to ruin their fairy tale? Let’s just make sure we bring a nice soft pillow to Malice In Wonderland—for their inevitable nap."

    • Huggins winks at the camera, the smirk never leaving his face.

    Matt Hocking:

    • "And if they really want to get serious, we might just have to remind them why we’re called H2-Woah. But until then… sweet dreams, boys."

    • Hocking blows a mocking kiss toward the camera, sealing their cheeky message.

    Freddy Huggins:

    • "See you at Malice In Wonderland, Chance and Darryl. Try not to get too comfy—you know how dangerous naptime can be!"

    The segment ends with the two men chuckling as they walk off-screen, clearly unconcerned about their upcoming match. Their playful yet dismissive attitude further cements their lack of seriousness toward Fortune and Devine, setting the stage for their showdown at Malice In Wonderland.

    Rating: 65/100





    The Syndicate (Flint Slater & Jaylon Martins) vs Mighty Meaty (Mighty Mo & Tana The Mighty)

    • Opening Sequence:

      • The match starts with Mighty Mo and Jaylon Martins squaring off. Mo uses his power to overpower Martins, sending him reeling with a series of shoulder blocks.
      • Tag to Tan The Mighty, who continues the assault with his own power moves, including a big scoop slam and a powerful elbow drop.
    • Mighty Meaty in Control:

      • The duo showcases their classic tag team chemistry, hitting their familiar tag moves. Mo whips Martins into the ropes, setting him up for a devastating double clothesline from Mighty Meaty.
      • The crowd pops as Mighty Meaty performs their signature "Meaty Bomb," with Mo lifting Martins into a powerbomb position and Tan hitting a flying crossbody, nearly getting the pinfall.
    • Momentum Shift:

      • Flint Slater tags in and immediately goes after Tan The Mighty. Slater's technical prowess allows him to slow down Tan, targeting his legs with a series of strikes and submission holds.
      • The Syndicate starts isolating Tan, with quick tags and double-team moves. Martins and Slater keep him grounded, working over his legs to neutralize his power.
    • Hot Tag:

      • After a grueling period of isolation, Tan finally makes the hot tag to Mighty Mo, who comes in like a freight train, taking down both Slater and Martins with a series of clotheslines and power slams.
      • Mo hits a big spinebuster on Martins, setting up for the "Mo Slam" when Flint Slater blindsides him with a chop block, halting his momentum.
      • Just as it looks like Mighty Meaty is about to turn the tide again, Ernest Youngman appears at ringside, causing a distraction. The referee is preoccupied with getting Youngman off the apron, allowing Slater to take advantage.
      • Slater locks in his signature chokehold on Mighty Mo. With Mo weakened from the earlier chop block, Slater tightens the hold, choking out Mo until he’s unconscious.
      • The referee turns around just in time to see Mo unresponsive and calls for the bell.

    Winners: The Syndicate (Flint Slater & Jaylon Martins)
    Rating: 69/100



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    Flint Slater, Jaylon Martins, Ernest Youngman, Mighty Mo, Tana The Mighty

    The match is over, but the atmosphere in the arena remains tense as The Syndicate stands victorious. Flint Slater and Jaylon Martins exchange sinister glances, signaling that their work isn’t done yet. Ernest Youngman retrieves a pair of handcuffs from his pocket, and the crowd begins to murmur in fear and anticipation.

    • Handcuffing Mighty Mo:

      • Martins and Slater suddenly pounce on Mighty Mo as he’s still recovering from the match. Youngman quickly locks the handcuffs around Mo’s wrist, chaining him to the ropes. Mo struggles, but the cuffs hold tight, leaving him trapped and helpless.
      • Mo thrashes and yells, trying to break free, but he’s unable to do anything but watch as his partner, Tan The Mighty, becomes the target of The Syndicate's wrath.
    • Decimating Tan The Mighty:

      • Slater and Youngman turn their attention to Tan The Mighty, who is barely on his feet after the brutal match. Slater throws him to the ground with a ruthless takedown as Youngman grabs a steel chair from ringside.
      • Chair Attack:
        • With a wicked smile, Youngman raises the chair high and drives it down onto Tan’s ankle with a sickening crack. Tan screams out in agony, clutching his ankle as the crowd gasps in horror.
      • Mighty Mo’s Desperation:
        • Mo is frantically pulling at the cuffs, his face contorted in rage and helplessness. He screams out, begging them to stop, but his pleas fall on deaf ears as The Syndicate continues their assault.
    • The Chokeout:

      • Slater, showing no mercy, locks in his devastating Rear Naked Choke on the already injured Tan. The choke is tight, and Tan’s struggles quickly begin to fade as he’s choked unconscious.
      • The crowd’s boos grow louder, and the tension in the arena is palpable. Mo’s anger turns to despair as he watches his friend go limp in Slater’s hold.
    • The Syndicate’s Exit:

      • Having inflicted all the damage they intended, The Syndicate slowly rises, leaving Tan The Mighty motionless on the mat. They mockingly pat each other on the back as they exit the ring, their mission of destruction complete.
      • The camera zooms in on a distraught Mighty Mo, still chained to the ropes, his face a mix of fury and sorrow as he stares down at his fallen partner. The crowd is in stunned silence as the seriousness of the situation sinks in.
    • Mo’s Anguish:

      • As The Syndicate walks up the ramp, Mo’s screams of rage echo through the arena. He yells at them, vowing revenge, but the handcuffs keep him tethered and helpless. EMTs rush down to the ring to attend to Tan The Mighty, who is still unconscious and clutching his shattered ankle.


    • The segment closes with a shot of Mo, still handcuffed, seething with fury as he watches the EMTs load Tan The Mighty onto a stretcher. The crowd gives a sympathetic cheer for Tan as he’s carried away, but Mo remains chained, a symbol of the torment The Syndicate has inflicted. The camera fades out, leaving the audience with the haunting image of a broken and enraged Mighty Mo.

    Rating: 64/100


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    "The One Percenter" Jeremie Courtney & Vita


    • Arena:
      • The lights in the arena dim as the opening chords of Jeremie Courtney's theme music echo through the speakers. A spotlight follows him as he emerges from the entrance ramp, dressed in his pristine, designer ring gear. Beside him, his valet Vita, dressed in a glamorous outfit, struts with confidence, a knowing smile on her face.

    Jeremie Courtney:

    • Entrance:

      • Jeremie stops at the top of the ramp, soaking in the boos from the crowd with an air of smug superiority. He raises a gold-plated microphone to his lips, pausing dramatically as the jeers from the fans grow louder.
    • Promo:

      • "Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on greatness! You’re all witnessing the pinnacle of perfection, the man who has it all—‘The One Percenter’ Jeremie Courtney!”
      • The crowd responds with a chorus of boos, but Jeremie simply smirks, brushing it off as he continues to walk down the ramp.
      • "Unlike each and every one of you peasants, I don’t have to work a day in my life to be this good. While you’re all out there slaving away, hoping to scrape together enough pennies to make ends meet, I’m living the dream—on yachts, in mansions, flying private jets, and dining in places you could only dream of."
      • Jeremie pauses again, looking around the arena with disdain. Vita walks beside him, nodding in agreement with every word, her smile unwavering.
    • In the Ring:

      • As Jeremie reaches the ring, he slowly climbs the steps, taking his time as if each movement is a gift to the audience. Vita holds the ropes open for him, and he steps inside with an exaggerated bow.
      • "And tonight, in just a few moments, you’ll all bear witness to why I am the greatest athlete in TCW. My opponent, One Man Army, doesn’t stand a chance against someone of my caliber. Let’s face it, he’s just another grunt, another faceless soldier who’s destined to fall in the presence of true greatness."
      • The boos intensify, but Jeremie remains unfazed, basking in his self-proclaimed glory. Vita stands by his side, clapping lightly, her admiration clear.
    • Final Words:

      • "So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, because tonight, you’ll all get to see why I am, and forever will be, better than each and every one of you."
      • Jeremie hands the microphone to Vita, who places it on the ring apron. He then turns to face the entrance, ready for his match, a confident smirk plastered on his face.
    • As Jeremie Courtney prepares for his match, the crowd continues to boo, but he pays no mind, exuding the arrogance and entitlement that define "The One Percenter." Vita takes her place at ringside, looking on with pride as Jeremie gets ready to showcase his skills against One Man Army. The camera zooms in on his smug expression before cutting to the ring announcer.

    Rating: 53/100





    Jeremie Courtney vs One Man Army

    • Courtney’s Evasion:

      • As the bell rings, Courtney immediately starts circling the ring, keeping his distance from OMA. He dashes out of OMA's reach, refusing to engage, using the ropes and the referee to keep himself out of harm's way.
      • The crowd grows restless as Courtney continues his game of cat and mouse, showing clear signs that he’s more interested in avoiding OMA than actually wrestling.
    • OMA’s Patience Wears Thin:

      • After several minutes of evasion, OMA finally corners Courtney, grabbing him by the arm and yanking him into the center of the ring. The audience erupts as OMA hoists Courtney high in the air and slams him to the mat with authority.
      • OMA picks up Courtney again, tossing him around the ring with a series of powerful throws, the frustration of the earlier chase fueling his strength.
    • Intentional Count-Out:

      • Disoriented and realizing he’s completely outmatched, Courtney rolls out of the ring, clutching his side in pain. Instead of reentering, he staggers toward the entrance ramp, glancing back at OMA who stands in the ring, daring him to return.
      • Courtney shakes his head, deciding that discretion is the better part of valor. As the referee begins the count, Courtney and Vita continue up the ramp, showing no intention of getting back into the ring.
      • The referee counts to ten, and the match is declared a count-out victory for OMA.
    • Aftermath:
      • OMA stands in the ring, looking both frustrated and amused by Courtney’s blatant escape. He raises his hands in victory as the crowd cheers, but it’s clear that this isn’t the resolution they wanted.
      • Meanwhile, Courtney and Vita disappear behind the curtain, with Courtney clearly relieved to have avoided a more serious confrontation.
      • Jeremie Courtney’s strategy of avoiding One Man Army backfires as he ultimately loses by count-out, but he manages to avoid further punishment. The quick match serves to build tension between the two, leaving the door open for a future encounter where Courtney might not be able to escape so easily.

    Winner: One Man Army
    Rating: 65/100



    T-Bone Bright

    T-Bone Bright:

    • Opening:

      • "Last week, I came out here and stood up for my friend Sammy Bach against The Syndicate. Tonight, I’m not backing down—I want a fight! I don’t care which one of you steps up, I just want a piece of The Syndicate!"
    • Challenge:

      • "Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammond, Ernest Youngman—I don’t give a damn who it is. Send anyone down that ramp because I’m ready to take on whoever you’ve got!"

    Crowd Reaction:

    • Chants:
      • The crowd erupts in cheers, chanting "T-Bone! T-Bone!" as he lowers the mic, glaring toward the entrance ramp, awaiting a response.

    Wolf Hawkins

    • Music:
      • The sinister theme of The Syndicate hits, and the lights dim as Wolf Hawkins saunters out onto the stage, a confident smirk on his face. The crowd immediately starts booing as he raises a mic to speak.

    Wolf Hawkins:

    • Response:

      • "Well, well, well... if it isn’t the mighty T-Bone Bright, looking for a fight. You say it doesn’t matter which one of us you face? I find that very interesting, T-Bone."
    • Proposal:

      • "You see, if you’re really so eager to take on any member of The Syndicate, why not go all the way? You don’t have to pick just one of us... Why don’t you face all of us? One after another, until you’re too broken to stand."
    • Challenge:

      • "What do you say, T-Bone? Are you ready to be the hero, or are you just another fool destined to be crushed under The Syndicate’s boots?"

    Crowd Reaction:

    • Boos:
      • The crowd boos loudly, but there’s a palpable tension as everyone waits for T-Bone’s response. The fans are torn between concern for their hero and excitement at the potential challenge.

    T-Bone Bright:

    • Acceptance:
      • "You think you can intimidate me, Hawkins? You think I’m scared? Bring it on! I don’t care how many of you come at me—I'll fight every last one of you if that’s what it takes!"

    Crowd Reaction:

    • Cheers:
      • The arena erupts in cheers again, fully behind T-Bone’s bold declaration. The intensity in the building is electric as the challenge is set.

    Wolf Hawkins:

    • Closing:
      • "Good luck, T-Bone. You’re going to need it... because by the time we’re through with you, there won’t be anything left but broken bones and shattered dreams."


    • Tension:
      • Wolf Hawkins drops the mic with a smirk and slowly backs up the ramp, leaving T-Bone Bright standing defiantly in the ring, ready for the fight of his life.


    • The segment sets up a high-stakes confrontation, with T-Bone Bright challenging any member of The Syndicate, only for Wolf Hawkins to up the ante by suggesting T-Bone face them all. The tension builds as T-Bone accepts, setting the stage for a potentially brutal series of matches.

    Rating: 64/100





    T-Bone Bright vs The Syndicate (Flint Slater, Jaylon Martins, Ernest Youngman & Doc Hammond)

    1. T-Bone Bright vs Jaylon Martins:

      • Martins’ Entrance:

        • Jaylon Martins confidently enters the ring, ready to dismantle T-Bone. The bell rings, and Martins charges at Bright.
      • Match Dynamics:

        • Despite Martins’ aggression, T-Bone quickly counters with a series of power moves, overwhelming Martins with ease. The crowd roars as T-Bone hits his finisher, pinning Martins cleanly in the center of the ring.
      • Elimination:

        • Jaylon Martins is eliminated.
      • Crowd Reaction:

        • The fans cheer wildly, sensing that T-Bone might actually have a chance.
    2. T-Bone Bright vs Doc Hammond:

      • Hammond’s Entrance:

        • Doc Hammond enters the ring next, more methodical and calculating. He circles T-Bone, looking for an opening.
      • Match Dynamics:

        • This battle is more evenly matched, with both men trading blows and submission holds. Hammond’s technical prowess tests T-Bone’s resilience, but the crowd rallies behind Bright, urging him on.
      • Turning Point:

        • T-Bone powers out of a submission hold and hits a surprise slam, followed by a devastating clothesline. With a burst of energy, he executes his finisher, putting Hammond down for the three-count.
      • Elimination:

        • Doc Hammond is eliminated.
      • Crowd Reaction:

        • The arena erupts as T-Bone stands tall, having taken down two members of The Syndicate.
    3. T-Bone Bright vs Flint Slater:

      • Slater’s Entrance:

        • Flint Slater is next, and he’s all business. Slater storms the ring, wasting no time as he goes after T-Bone with ferocity.
      • Match Dynamics:

        • Slater dominates the early exchanges, methodically wearing T-Bone down. His stiff strikes and brutal suplexes take their toll on Bright, who is clearly exhausted.
      • Comeback:

        • Just as it seems like T-Bone is finished, he digs deep and begins to mount a comeback. The crowd is fully behind him as he hits a series of big moves, culminating in a powerful slam that puts Slater on the mat.
      • Elimination:

        • With everything he has left, T-Bone manages to pin Slater, eliminating him from the match.
      • Crowd Reaction:

        • The crowd is on fire, realizing that T-Bone has almost done the impossible. Chants of "T-Bone! T-Bone!" fill the arena as the final opponent looms.
    4. T-Bone Bright vs Ernest Youngman:

      • Youngman’s Entrance:

        • Ernest Youngman steps into the ring, the final and most dangerous member of The Syndicate. He locks eyes with T-Bone, who is barely standing but filled with determination.
      • Face-off:

        • The two men face off in the center of the ring, the tension palpable. The crowd is on their feet, knowing this is the final hurdle for T-Bone.
      • Interference:

        • Just as the two are about to lock up, Wolf Hawkins suddenly slides into the ring behind T-Bone. With the referee distracted by Youngman, Hawkins delivers a brutal superkick to the back of T-Bone’s head, dropping him instantly.
      • Ending:

        • Youngman, fully aware of what’s happened, simply covers T-Bone. The referee turns around and counts the three, ending the Gauntlet match.
      • Victory:

        • Ernest Youngman wins, and The Syndicate prevails.
      • Crowd Reaction:

        • The arena is filled with boos as The Syndicate stands tall, the fans' hopes for T-Bone’s victory dashed by Hawkins’ underhanded tactics. T-Bone lies motionless in the ring, a valiant effort cut short by the numbers game.

    Winner(s): The Syndicate (Flint Slater, Jaylon Martins, Ernest Youngman & Doc Hammond)
    Rating: 71/100



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    Wolf Hawkins & T-Bone Bright

    • Aftermath:

      • Youngman’s Grip:

        • Ernest Youngman grabs the barely conscious T-Bone Bright by the arms and forcefully drags him to his feet. The crowd boos loudly, sensing more punishment is coming.
      • Hawkins’ Command:

        • Wolf Hawkins steps forward with a cold, calculating expression. He nods to Youngman, signaling what’s about to happen.
    • The Message:

      • Hawkins’ Taunt:

        • With Youngman holding T-Bone in place, Hawkins gets right in T-Bone’s face. He smirks arrogantly, knowing Bright can’t fight back. The camera captures Hawkins’ words, which are barely audible over the crowd’s jeers:
          • "This is just the beginning, Bright. At Malice In Wonderland, you won’t just lose a match—you’ll lose everything."
      • Final Blow:

        • Hawkins steps back, then suddenly delivers a vicious superkick directly to T-Bone’s jaw. The impact echoes through the arena as T-Bone crumples to the mat, completely lifeless.
    • The Syndicate’s Statement:

      • Youngman’s Display:

        • Ernest Youngman raises his arms triumphantly, standing over T-Bone’s fallen body. The rest of The Syndicate gathers around, forming a unified front.
      • Hawkins’ Message:

        • Wolf Hawkins picks up a microphone and addresses the crowd:
          • "Consider this your final warning. At Malice In Wonderland, The Syndicate will continue to reign supreme, and T-Bone Bright will learn that defiance comes with a price."
    • Crowd Reaction:

      • Boos and Chants:
        • The crowd unleashes a torrent of boos, mixed with chants of "T-Bone! T-Bone!" but the atmosphere is heavy with the realization of the brutal message sent by The Syndicate.
    • Ending:

      • The Syndicate leaves the ring, with Hawkins leading the way. The camera lingers on T-Bone Bright’s prone body, emphasizing the devastating toll of the attack.

    The commentators, especially Peter Michaels, express their outrage and concern for T-Bone Bright, hyping up the stakes for Malice In Wonderland. This segment leaves no doubt about The Syndicate’s ruthlessness as they send a chilling message to T-Bone Bright and the entire TCW roster. The brutal post-match beatdown cements their status as the top heel faction and sets the stage for the high-stakes showdown at Malice In Wonderland.

    Rating: 79/100


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    Jay Chord & Greg Gauge

    TCW World Heavyweight Championship Contract Signing

    • In-Ring Setup:

      • The ring is transformed into a formal setting, complete with a black-draped table in the center, two microphones, and a clipboard holding the official contract for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship match. A spotlight shines down, highlighting the importance of the moment. The crowd is electric, sensing the tension in the air.
    • Participants:

      • TCW CEO Kyle Rhodes is already in the ring, standing between two chairs, representing both sides of the upcoming battle. He holds the microphone, ready to moderate the proceedings
    • Kyle Rhodes' Introduction:

      • Kyle Rhodes:

        • "Ladies and gentlemen, we are just days away from one of the biggest matches in TCW history at Malice In Wonderland. Tonight, we make it official. Please welcome the challenger, the man who has fought tooth and nail for this opportunity—Greg Gauge!"
      • Greg Gauge's Entrance:

        • Gauge’s music hits, and he strides to the ring with a determined expression, the crowd giving him a strong, supportive reaction. He steps into the ring, not taking his eyes off the contract, clearly focused on the task at hand.
      • Kyle Rhodes:

        • "And now, introducing the reigning TCW World Heavyweight Champion, the man who claims this ring as his kingdom—Jay Chord!"
      • Jay Chord's Entrance:

        • Jay Chord’s theme blasts through the arena as he makes his way to the ring, championship belt draped over his shoulder. He carries himself with a swagger, knowing he’s the top dog. The crowd’s reaction is mixed, with some cheers and loud boos from those rooting for Gauge.
    • The Signing Begins:

      • Kyle Rhodes:

        • "Gentlemen, you both know what’s at stake. This contract will make official the main event of Malice In Wonderland. But before we get to the signatures, I’ll give you both the floor to say what’s on your mind."
      • Greg Gauge’s Statement:

        • Gauge picks up his microphone, taking a moment to collect his thoughts as he stares at Jay Chord.
        • "Jay, we both come from wrestling royalty. We’ve both got legacies to uphold. But this isn’t just about legacy for me—this is about proving that I am the best. My father never got the chance to face your old man, but at Malice In Wonderland, we finally settle it. And trust me, I’m walking out with that championship."
      • Jay Chord’s Response:

        • Jay Chord smirks, adjusting the belt on his shoulder before speaking.
        • "Greg, I couldn’t care less about our fathers’ unfinished business. I’m not here to live in the past—I’m here to cement my future as the greatest champion this company has ever seen. You want this title? You better bring everything you’ve got because I don’t plan on letting go of it anytime soon."
    • The Contract Signing:

      • Greg Gauge Signs:

        • Gauge confidently picks up the pen and signs the contract, eyes never leaving Chord. The crowd buzzes in anticipation.
      • Jay Chord Signs:

        • Chord takes his time, reading over the contract with a smirk before finally putting his signature down. He then shoves the clipboard back toward Gauge, a clear sign of disrespect.
    • Tension Escalates:

      • Face-Off:

        • With the contract signed, both men stand up, getting face-to-face in the center of the ring. The tension is palpable as the crowd begins to chant, "Let them fight! Let them fight!"
      • Kyle Rhodes Attempts to Keep Peace:

        • "Alright, gentlemen, let’s keep this civil until Malice In Wonderland!"
      • Chord’s Provocation:

        • Jay Chord leans in closer, his voice dripping with arrogance.
        • "See you at Malice, Greg. Try not to embarrass yourself."
      • Gauge’s Reaction:

        • Greg Gauge clenches his fists, visibly seething, but he keeps his composure, staring down Chord with intensity.
    • Ending:

      • Security’s Involvement:

        • Before anything can happen, a team of security rushes into the ring, forming a barrier between the two men. The crowd is on edge, expecting a brawl at any moment.
      • Final Words:

        • As security keeps them apart, both men continue to exchange heated words, setting the stage for their showdown. The segment ends with Jay Chord holding up the TCW World Heavyweight Championship, taunting Gauge as he exits the ring.

    The commentators, especially Peter Michaels, hype the upcoming match, emphasizing the high stakes and the personal nature of the feud. This contract signing segment effectively builds the anticipation for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship match at Malice In Wonderland. The tension between Jay Chord and Greg Gauge is palpable, and the segment leaves the audience eager to see these two finally clash in the ring.

    Rating: 69/100


    Overall Show Rating: 74/100
    TV Rating(s): 
    image.jpeg ~ 3.29 (2,474,888 Viewers) image.jpeg ~ 0.17 (128,382 Viewers)

    • Like 1
  3. FCW Puerto Rican Championship

    Alberto Del Veccio v. Santiago Gallardo (c)

    Winner gets shot at Puerto Rican Championship at FCW Fight For FREEDOM

    Frederique v. Mutant

    6 Man Tag Match

    Gallardo Brothers (c) & Diego Gallardo v. The Puerto Rican Boys & Davis Wayne Newton (c)

    Tag Team Match

    Gonzalez Family v. Harlem Knights

    Tag Team match

    PSW's Hot Taggs v. Young & Wasted

    Singles Match

    Cobra v. Xavi Ferrera

    • Like 1
  4. image.jpeg

    TCW Total Wrestling
    Sullivan Arena, Anchorage, AK

    Any Member Of The Syndicate vs T-Bone Bright

    Jeremie Courtney vs Ome Man Army

    Flint Slater & A Mystery Partner vs Mighty Mo & A Mystery Partner

    Quentin Queen vs Troy Tornado

    PLUS: A TCW World Heavyweight Championship Contract Signing

    Bonus Question(s): Which member(s) of The Syndicate will face T-Bone Bright:
    Who will Flint Slater choose as a partner:
    Who will Mighty Mo choose as a partner:
    Will there be any shenanigans at the contract signing: (Y/N)


  5. Alright... I just like to say that I'm happy the crowd cared a little bit more about my Architect vignette this episode. Other than that, everything has progressed nicely. Admittedly... The tag title feud had been over looked these last two weeks which is on me and my booking... obviously. Going forward, I'm going to keep a closer eye on things. It's the go-home show for Malice In Wonderland and it was a doozy to write I'll tell you that much. Stoked for everyone to read it, and for all whom predicted each episode so far. Any feedback is welcome and appreciated.

    Prediction Results (This Show)
    CharDeeMacDennis ~ 4/4 ~ 100%
    RingRider ~ 3/4 ~ 75%
    Woodmeister ~ 3/4 ~ 75%
    StanMiguel ~ 3/4 ~ 75%

    Predictions Results
    Woodmeister ~ 7/8 ~ 87.5% ~ 2 Shows
    RingRider ~ 6/8 ~ 75% ~ 2 Shows
    CharDeeMacDennis ~ 6/8 ~ 75% ~ 2 Shows
    splitgoose ~ 4/4 ~ 100% ~ 1 Show
    Shifty425 ~ 4/4 ~ 100% ~ 1 Show
    christmas_ape ~ 2/4 ~ 50% ~ 1 Show

    Two show's left this month and @Woodsmeister has a slim lead... I don't even know what that means... I don't even know if theres a prize... Clout... Clout seems like a prize... I don't know... I'll figure it up.

  6. NYCW Beasts of War

    NYCW Empire Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash (c)

    NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Massive Problem vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

    The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey

    Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man vs. Honest Frank & Old School Principals

    Singles Match: Bob Casey vs. Sammy Smoke

    Tag Team Match: Ben Williams & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright & Monty Trscarde

    • Like 1
  7. image.jpeg
    TCW Total Wrestling
    Live from The Missouri State Armoury, St. Louis, MO
    Att: 5,000 (Sold Out)

    TCW Broadcast Team
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    Peter Michaels ~ Kyle Rhodes ~ Jasmine Saunders

    The camera zooms in on the announce desk where Peter Michaels, Kyle Rhodes, and Jasmine Saunders are seated. The crowd is buzzing with anticipation as the commentators prepare to open the show.

    • Peter Michaels:

      • "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another action-packed episode of TCW Total Wrestling! I'm Peter Michaels, alongside Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders. Last week, we witnessed a heinous attack by The Syndicate on T-Bone Bright and Sammy Bach. The assault was brutal, and unfortunately, T-Bone Bright is not in the building tonight as a result of that vicious beatdown."
    • Footage:

      • (A brief clip plays, showing The Syndicate's attack on T-Bone Bright and Sammy Bach from last week.)
    • Peter Michaels:

      • "Tonight, we have a huge main event where Wolf Hawkins, the mastermind behind The Syndicate, goes one-on-one with Sammy Bach. Bach is looking for some payback after what happened last week, and you can bet he's fired up for this match."
    • Kyle Rhodes:

      • "That's right, Peter. And that's not all! We have an incredible rematch for the TCW World Television Championship. Mighty Mo will defend his title against Flint Slater. Last week, these two warriors went to a time limit draw in an epic contest. Tonight, they get another chance to settle the score. Can Mighty Mo retain, or will Flint Slater finally capture the gold?"
      • (A highlight reel of last week's match between Mighty Mo and Flint Slater plays, showcasing the intense back-and-forth action and the near falls.)
    • Jasmine Saunders:

      • "And let's not forget about the exciting tag team action we have lined up! Aaron 'ACE' Andrews will team up with The American Cobras to take on Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths. This is going to be a thrilling encounter with high stakes, as Andrews looks to build momentum against Taylor and The Behemoths aim to prove their dominance."
      • (A clip of Aaron Andrews and The American Cobras in action, followed by footage of Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths dominating their opponents.)
    • Peter Michaels:
      • "Tonight promises to be a night of unforgettable action and intense rivalries. The stage is set, the competitors are ready, and we are about to witness another explosive night of TCW Total Wrestling!"
    • Kyle Rhodes:
      • "Stay tuned, folks, because you won't want to miss a second of the action. Let's get this show started!"
    • Jasmine Saunders:
      • "Let's go, TCW fans! The action starts now!"


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    Joshua Taylor & The Behemoths (Killer Shark & Titan) vs Aaron Andrews & The American Cobras ( Marvel Malloy & Storm Spillane)

    • Opening Sequence:
      • The match begins with Marvel Malloy squaring off against Titan. Malloy uses his speed to dodge Titan's power moves, delivering quick strikes and high-flying maneuvers.
    • Tagging In and Out:

      • Malloy tags in Storm Spillane, who continues to use agility to his advantage. However, Titan overpowers him and tags in Killer Shark. The Behemoths use their size and strength to dominate Spillane.
    • Andrews' Frustration:

      • Andrews is eager to get his hands on Joshua Taylor, but every time he tags in, Taylor immediately tags out to avoid a confrontation. This happens multiple times, frustrating Andrews and the crowd.
    • Momentum Shifts:

      • The American Cobras manage to turn the tide, using double-team moves to weaken Killer Shark. Andrews gets tagged in and cleans house, taking down Killer Shark and Titan with a series of explosive moves.
    • Showdown Teased:

      • Finally, Andrews gets his chance as Taylor is the legal man in the ring. Andrews charges at Taylor, but Taylor quickly tags out to Killer Shark, avoiding the fight yet again.
    • Andrews' Dominance:

      • Andrews takes out his frustration on Killer Shark, delivering a high-impact DDT. The match turns into chaos as all six men brawl in the ring.
    • Goldworthy's Interference:

      • As the referee tries to restore order, Floyd Goldworthy seizes the opportunity to interfere. He grabs Marvel Malloy's leg from outside the ring, causing Malloy to trip and lose focus.
    • Pinfall:

      • Killer Shark capitalizes on the distraction, hitting Malloy with The Big Bite. The referee counts the pin: One, two, three!

    Winners: Joshua Taylor & The Behemoths
    Rating: 72/100


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    Joshua Taylor, The Behemoths, Aaron Andrews, The American Cobras

    The match has just concluded, and Joshua Taylor & The Behemoths are celebrating their victory as Aaron Andrews and The American Cobras regroup in the ring. The crowd is still buzzing from the action.

    • Immediate Attack:

      • As Andrews and The American Cobras start to recover, Joshua Taylor gives a signal to The Behemoths. Killer Shark and Titan charge back into the ring, blindsiding Andrews, Marvel Malloy, and Storm Spillane.
    • Chaos Ensues:

      • Killer Shark and Titan brutally attack Malloy and Spillane, throwing them into the corners and delivering punishing strikes. Joshua Taylor focuses on Aaron Andrews, stomping him down in the middle of the ring.
    • Rising Up:

      • The crowd rallies behind Andrews, chanting his name. Drawing strength from their support, Andrews starts to fight back. He lands a series of hard punches on Taylor, causing Taylor to stumble backward.
    • Clearing the Ring:

      • Andrews charges at Killer Shark, hitting him with a clothesline that sends him over the top rope. He turns his attention to Titan, who is dominating Spillane, and delivers a powerful dropkick, knocking Titan out of the ring as well.
    • Taylor Escapes:

      • With The Behemoths dispatched, Andrews focuses on Taylor. Just as he reaches for Taylor, Taylor quickly rolls out of the ring, escaping up the ramp with a smug grin on his face.
    • Andrews in the Ring:

      • Aaron Andrews stands tall in the ring, breathing heavily but full of determination. He motions for Taylor to come back, but Taylor just shakes his head and continues to back away.
    • Crowd Reaction:

      • The crowd is on their feet, cheering loudly for Andrews. Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane slowly get to their feet, joining Andrews in the ring.
    • Kyle Rhodes:

      • "Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths tried to ambush Aaron Andrews and The American Cobras, but it backfired! Andrews sent The Behemoths packing, but once again, Taylor managed to slip away."
    • Jasmine Saunders:

      • "Aaron Andrews is not going to let this go. Taylor can keep running, but eventually, Andrews will get his hands on him. This rivalry is far from over!"
    • Andrews' Determination:

      • The camera focuses on Andrews, his eyes locked on Taylor, who is now at the top of the ramp. Andrews raises his arm defiantly, signaling that this is just the beginning of his fight against Taylor.

    Rating: 57/100


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    Greg Gauge, Peter Michaels, Jay Chord

    A professional-looking interview setup with comfortable chairs and a TCW backdrop. Peter Michaels sits in the middle, with Greg Gauge on one side and Jay Chord on the other. The atmosphere is tense but respectful as the interview begins.

    • Peter Michaels:
      • "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this special sit-down interview. I'm Peter Michaels, and with me are two of the top competitors in TCW. To my left, we have the challenger, Greg Gauge, and to my right, the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Jay Chord. Gentlemen, thank you for joining me."
    • Greg Gauge:

      • "Thanks for having us, Peter."
    • Peter Michaels:

      • "Greg, let's start with you. You come from a lineage of wrestling greatness. Your father, Sam Keith, is a legend in this business. How does that impact your journey, especially heading into this match at Malice In Wonderland?"
    • Greg Gauge:

      • "Peter, growing up, I watched my father give everything he had to this business. He never got the chance to go one-on-one with Rip Chord, Jay's father, even though they were two of the best of their era. That history means a lot to me. This match isn't just about winning a title; it's about honoring my father's legacy. It's about proving that the Gauge name belongs at the top. I am hungry, more than ever, to become the TCW World Heavyweight Champion."
    • Peter Michaels:

      • "Jay, your father, Rip Chord, is also a legendary figure in wrestling. How does your lineage influence your career and your mindset going into this title defense?"
    • Jay Chord:

      • "Honestly, Peter, lineage means nothing to me. I respect what our fathers did, but this isn't about them. This is about me. This is about being the best in the world today. I've worked my entire life to be the World Champion, and I'm not going to let sentimentality or history distract me. All I care about is keeping this title around my waist."
    • Peter Michaels:

      • "Greg, you mentioned your hunger to become champion. What do you think gives you the edge over Jay Chord?"
    • Greg Gauge:

      • "It's my drive, Peter. It's my dedication. I've been training for this moment my entire life. I've faced setbacks, I've been knocked down, but I've always gotten back up. This is my destiny. Jay may be the champion now, but at Malice In Wonderland, I'm going to take that title from him and fulfill my legacy."
    • Peter Michaels:

      • "Jay, your response?"
    • Jay Chord:

      • "Greg can talk about destiny and legacy all he wants. The reality is, I'm the champion because I'm the best. I've beaten everyone who has stepped in my way, and Malice In Wonderland will be no different. Greg's living in the past. I'm focused on the present and the future, and that future is me continuing to be the World Heavyweight Champion."
    • Peter Michaels:
      • "Thank you, gentlemen. This concludes part one of our interview. We’ll have part two later tonight, where we’ll dive deeper into the strategies and mindsets of both these incredible athletes as they prepare for their showdown at Malice In Wonderland. Stay tuned, everyone."

    Rating: 63/100






    TCW World Television Championship
    Mighty Mo
    (c) vs Flint Slater

    • Opening Sequence:
      • The match begins with a handshake, showing mutual respect. They lock up, and the battle for dominance begins. Mo's power against Slater's technical prowess creates an even contest from the start.
    • Trading Near Falls:

      • Both competitors exchange near falls, showcasing their resilience. Mighty Mo hits a powerful spinebuster for a close two-count. Slater counters with a series of suplexes, nearly pinning Mo.
      • The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the action intensifies. Mo attempts a high-flying maneuver, but Slater catches him mid-air, turning it into a devastating slam for another near fall.
    • Back and Forth:
      • The match continues with both men pushing their limits. Mo locks in a submission hold, but Slater reaches the ropes. Slater hits a surprise DDT, but Mo kicks out at the last second.
    • Syndicate Member Interferes:

      • As both men struggle to their feet, the referee is suddenly distracted by movement at ringside. Jaylon Martins, a member of The Syndicate, slides into the ring and delivers a brutal chair shot to Mighty Mo's back.
    • Disqualification:

      • The referee immediately calls for the bell, disqualifying Flint Slater due to the interference.

    Winner: Mighty Mo
    Rating: 62/100



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    Greg Gauge, Peter Michaels, Jay Chord



    The same professional interview setup as before. Peter Michaels sits in the middle, with Greg Gauge on one side and Jay Chord on the other. The tension from part one is palpable as the interview resumes.

    • Peter Michaels:
      • "Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to part two of our special sit-down interview with Greg Gauge and Jay Chord. Tonight, we delve into the strategies these two competitors will employ as they prepare for their TCW World Heavyweight Championship match at Malice In Wonderland. Greg, let's start with you. How are you preparing for this monumental match?"
    • Greg Gauge:
      • "Peter, I've been training harder than ever. I'm focusing on my endurance, my technical skills, and my mental toughness. I know Jay is a formidable champion, but I believe my technical wrestling and my ability to adapt in the ring will give me the edge. I plan to use my speed and agility to counter Jay's power moves and keep him off balance."
    • Peter Michaels:

      • "Jay, how about you? What's your strategy going into this title defense?"
    • Jay Chord:

      • "Peter, my strategy is simple: I’m going to overpower him. Greg might be quick and technical, but I’m stronger, and I’ve got the experience of being the champion. I’ll use my power to dominate the match and make sure Greg never gets the chance to lock in any of his fancy submissions. He won't be able to keep up with my intensity."
    • Peter Michaels:
      • "Greg, Jay mentioned intensity and power. How do you respond to that?"
    • Greg Gauge:
      • "Jay underestimates me. I’ve faced powerhouses before, and I’ve come out on top. It’s not just about strength; it’s about outsmarting your opponent, and that’s where I excel. My technical prowess and strategic mind will outclass Jay’s brute force."
    • Jay Chord:
      • "Outsmart me? Greg, you’re living in a dream world. Your father might have been a legend, but he never held the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. I did what he couldn't. And after I beat you at Malice In Wonderland, you’ll just be another name on my list of failed challengers."
    • Greg Gauge (visibly angry):
      • "Leave my father out of this, Jay. This is about us. You want to make it personal? Fine. But remember, when I take that title from you, it’s going to be because I’m the better wrestler, not because of cheap shots and low blows."
    • Peter Michaels:

      • "Gentlemen, let's keep this professional. Jay, any final words?"
    • Jay Chord:

      • "Final words? Yeah. Greg, you’re not ready for this. You think you can carry the weight of this title, but you’re wrong. I’m going to expose you for the fraud you are and send you back to your father with your tail between your legs."
    • Greg Gauge (standing up):

      • "That’s enough, Jay. You want to settle this now?"
    • Chaos Ensues:

      • Greg Gauge stands up, knocking his chair back, and moves towards Jay Chord. Jay stands up as well, ready to fight. Security quickly rushes in, separating the two before they can come to blows.
    • Peter Michaels (trying to calm the situation):

      • "Alright, alright! Save it for Malice In Wonderland!"
      • "Ladies and gentlemen, this is just a taste of what’s to come. Don’t miss Malice In Wonderland, where Greg Gauge and Jay Chord will settle this once and for all for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. Thank you for joining us."

    Rating: 67/100


    ??? The Architect ???

    The screen fades from black to a dimly lit, industrial environment. The sound of metal clanging and echoing footsteps sets a tense atmosphere. The camera slowly moves through a dark hallway, lit only by flickering lights, adding an eerie and mysterious tone.

    Voiceover (Deep, Mysterious Voice):

    • "In the shadows, a master craftsman is at work. Every move, every detail, meticulously planned."


    • The camera transitions to shots of blueprints spread out on a table, with intricate designs and complex diagrams. Gloved hands are seen adjusting and refining the plans with precision instruments.


    • "A visionary, a strategist... the Architect."


    • The scene cuts to a shadowy figure standing in front of a large, illuminated board filled with wrestling moves, strategies, and match plans. The figure’s face is obscured, but the intensity of his presence is palpable.


    • "He sees what others cannot. He builds what others dare not."


    • Quick cuts of various wrestlers in the ring, struggling against unseen forces, being outmaneuvered and outclassed. The screen flashes with images of the figure’s hands sketching out victory plans and manipulating chess pieces on a board.


    • "Soon, the Architect will unveil his masterpiece."


    • The camera focuses on the figure from behind as he walks down a long corridor towards a bright light, symbolizing his impending arrival. His steps are measured and confident.


    • "Prepare for the arrival of the Architect."

    The screen goes dark, and text appears:

    • "The Architect. Coming soon to TCW."

    Sound Effect:

    • The clanging of a final, decisive hammer blow echoes as the screen fades to black.

    Rating: 26/100





    Maverick vs Bradley Blaze

    • Opening Sequence:
      • The match begins with a respectful handshake before both men lock up in the center of the ring. The crowd is split, cheering for both competitors as they test each other's strength and skill.
    • Back-and-Forth Exchanges:

      • The match is evenly matched, with both wrestlers showcasing their skills. Maverick uses his strength and power to gain the upper hand with a series of powerful slams and suplexes. Blaze counters with his speed and technical prowess, executing precise dropkicks and quick arm drags.
    • Momentum Shifts:

      • Maverick hits a big spine buster for a near fall, but Blaze kicks out just in time. Blaze responds with a flurry of offense, including a beautiful standing moonsault that nearly puts Maverick away.
    • Trading Near Falls:
      • The crowd is on the edge of their seats as both men trade near falls. Maverick connects with a devastating powerbomb, but Blaze manages to get his shoulder up at the last second. Blaze counters with a quick roll-up, but Maverick kicks out at two.
    • Blaze One Step Ahead:

      • As the match nears its conclusion, Blaze starts to outsmart Maverick, staying one step ahead of his every move. Maverick goes for a big clothesline, but Blaze ducks under and quickly transitions into a swinging neck breaker.
      • Sensing his opportunity, Blaze sets up Maverick for his finishing move. He lifts Maverick into position and delivers The Dallas Drop, a thunderous inverted DDT.
      • Blaze covers Maverick and the referee counts the three, securing the victory.

    Winner: Bradley Blaze
    Rating: 58/100



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    Wolf Hawkins, Shawn Doakes

    The interview area backstage is set up with the TCW logo prominently displayed. Shawn Doakes stands with a microphone, ready to introduce his guest. The camera focuses in on him.

    • Shawn Doakes:
      • "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Wolf Hawkins."
      • Wolf Hawkins walks into the frame, a confident smirk on his face. He adjusts his Syndicate jacket, exuding arrogance and determination.
      • "Wolf, last week we witnessed a brutal attack by The Syndicate on T-Bone Bright and Sammy Bach. Tonight, you face Sammy Bach one-on-one, but I have to ask, what are your thoughts on T-Bone Bright and your upcoming match at Malice In Wonderland?"
    • Wolf Hawkins:
      • (scoffing) "T-Bone Bright? You mean the guy who thinks he's worthy of a World title shot? It's laughable, Shawn. Bright has been riding this wave of luck and hype, but when it comes down to it, he's not in my league. He's not even in the same conversation as me."
    • Shawn Doakes:
      • "So you don't believe T-Bone Bright deserves this opportunity?"
    • Wolf Hawkins:
      • "Not at all. T-Bone Bright is a pretender. He got lucky a few times and now thinks he's championship material. But reality is going to hit him hard at Malice In Wonderland. I'm going to take that title shot from him and remind everyone why I am the best in TCW."
    • Shawn Doakes:
      • "But before Malice In Wonderland, you have a match tonight against Sammy Bach. What are your plans for that match?"
    • Wolf Hawkins:
      • "Sammy Bach? He's just a stepping stone, a warm-up if you will. The Syndicate has some business to take care of, and tonight, I'm taking out the trash. Bach is going to learn the hard way what happens when you step into the ring with me. He’s going to get a taste of what T-Bone Bright is in for."
    • Shawn Doakes:
      • "So your focus is on handling Syndicate business tonight, and then moving on to Malice In Wonderland?"
    • Wolf Hawkins:
      • "Exactly. Sammy Bach is just the beginning. T-Bone Bright needs to understand that he's in over his head. Tonight, Bach goes down, and at Malice In Wonderland, Bright's dreams of being a champion will be shattered. This is my time, and The Syndicate will continue to dominate TCW."
    • Shawn Doakes:
      • "Thank you for your time, Wolf. Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. Wolf Hawkins is ready for action tonight against Sammy Bach and has his sights set on T-Bone Bright at Malice In Wonderland. Don't go anywhere, more action is coming up next on TCW Total Wrestling."

    The camera zooms in on Wolf Hawkins' determined face before fading to black, transitioning back to the arena.

    Rating: 76/100





    Wolf Hawkins vs Sammy Bach

    • Opening Sequence:
      • The bell rings, and both men circle each other, feeling the weight of the match. They lock up, and the match begins with a series of fast-paced, back-and-forth exchanges, showcasing their technical prowess and athleticism.
    • Hawkins Takes Control:

      • Wolf Hawkins uses his cunning and experience to gain the upper hand. He targets Bach's previously injured ribs, landing calculated strikes and submissions. The effects of last week's attack are evident as Bach struggles to keep up.
    • Bach's Resilience:

      • Despite the pain, Sammy Bach fights back with heart and determination. He hits a series of high-flying maneuvers and near falls, bringing the crowd to their feet. The match is evenly contested, with both men giving it their all.
    • Momentum Shift:

      • Bach starts to build momentum, landing a series of powerful moves, including a devastating superkick that nearly puts Hawkins away. The crowd is fully behind Bach, cheering him on.

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    Doc Hammond & Ernest Youngman

    • Doc Hammond

      • Just as it looks like Bach might pull off the victory, Doc Hammond makes his way to the ring, causing a distraction. The referee is drawn away, trying to keep Hammond out of the ring.
    • Ernest Youngman's Attack:

      • With the referee distracted, Ernest Youngman slides into the ring and delivers his devastating finisher, The Hit, to Sammy Bach. Bach is left motionless on the mat as Youngman quickly exits.

    Finishing Sequence:

    • Hawkins Capitalizes:

      • Wolf Hawkins, seizing the opportunity, picks up the lifeless Bach and hits Full Moon Rising, securing the pinfall.

    Winner: Wolf Hawkins
    Rating: 81/100


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    The Syndicate, Sammy Bach

    The scene unfolds immediately after the match. Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammond, and Ernest Youngman surround the fallen Sammy Bach, who is struggling to get to his feet. The atmosphere is tense, with the crowd buzzing in anticipation of what’s about to happen.

    The Syndicate Surrounds Sammy Bach:

    • Wolf Hawkins:

      • (smirking) "Looks like the end of the road for you, Sammy. You should've stayed down when you had the chance."
    • The three members of The Syndicate slowly close in on Bach, who is clearly exhausted and vulnerable after the brutal match and the interference.

    • Commentary:

      • Peter Michaels: "This doesn't look good for Sammy Bach. The Syndicate is about to finish what they started!"
      • Jasmine Saunders: "It's a three-on-one situation, and Bach is in no condition to fight them off!"

    T-Bone Bright

    T-Bone Bright’s Music Hits:

    • Suddenly, the arena lights flicker and the familiar music of T-Bone Bright blasts through the speakers. The crowd erupts in cheers as T-Bone Bright sprints down the ramp, eyes locked on The Syndicate.

    • Commentary:

      • Peter Michaels: "Wait a minute! It's T-Bone Bright! He's here, and he's not going to let this happen!"
      • Kyle Rhodes: "T-Bone Bright is charging to the ring! The Syndicate better watch out!"

    T-Bone Bright Makes the Save:

    • T-Bone slides into the ring and immediately goes after Ernest Youngman, taking him down with a series of furious punches. The crowd is on their feet as Bright unleashes his rage on the members of The Syndicate.

    • Wolf Hawkins:

      • (shouting) "Get him!"
    • Doc Hammond tries to blindside Bright, but T-Bone ducks under his attack and levels him with a powerful clothesline. Wolf Hawkins then attempts to catch Bright off guard, but Bright blocks Hawkins' strike and delivers a thunderous right hand, staggering him.

    The Syndicate Retreats:

    • Realizing that the tide has turned, Hawkins orders The Syndicate to retreat. They roll out of the ring, regrouping on the outside, clearly frustrated by the unexpected resistance.

    • Commentary:

      • Kyle Rhodes: "T-Bone Bright has turned the tables! The Syndicate is retreating!"
      • Peter Michaels: "For the first time, Wolf Hawkins looks shaken! His arrogance is cracking right before our eyes!"

    Bright and Bach Stand Tall:

    • T-Bone Bright helps Sammy Bach to his feet, and the two stand tall in the ring, united against The Syndicate. The crowd is chanting their names, fully behind them as they stare down Hawkins, Hammond, and Youngman from the ring.

    • Wolf Hawkins (visibly rattled):

      • (backing away) "This isn't over, Bright! Not by a long shot!"
    • As The Syndicate backs up the ramp, the camera zooms in on Wolf Hawkins’ face. His usual cocky demeanor is gone, replaced by a look of concern and frustration.

    Closing Scene:

    • The show ends with T-Bone Bright and Sammy Bach standing defiantly in the ring, their fists raised in victory, while The Syndicate retreats up the ramp. The tension is palpable as the screen fades to black, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the next chapter in this intense rivalry.

    • Commentary:

      • Jasmine Saunders: "What a night! T-Bone Bright has sent a message loud and clear to The Syndicate!"
      • Peter Michaels: "This war is far from over, and I can't wait to see what happens next!"

    End with TCW Logo:

    The TCW logo appears on the screen as the show goes off the air, with the image of a shaken Wolf Hawkins lingering in the minds of the viewers.

    Rating: 63/100


    Overall Show Rating: 78/100
    TV Rating(s): 
    image.jpeg ~ 3.56 (2,670,099 Viewers) image.jpeg ~ 0.18 (135,388 Viewers)

    • Like 2
  8. NYCW Empire State 2007

    NYCW Empire Title Match: Steve Flash vs. Grandmaster Phunk (c)

    NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

    NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Whistler vs. Honest Frank (c)

    Singles Match: American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey

    Singles Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. The Masked Mauler

    Singles Match: “Surf’s Up” Frankie Perez vs. The New York Doll

    Gang Wars Match: Bob Casey & The Ring Generals vs. Lee Wright & Massive Problem

    The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. a Rookie

  9. T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater

    Bradley Blaze, Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine [vs] The Main Event?

    Benny Benson w/ Flying Jimmy Foxx [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

    Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The One Percenter’ Jeremie Courtney w/ Vita

    Tornado Tag:
    The American Cobras [vs] The Behemo
    ths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

    Non-Title Match:
    Mighty Mo [vs] Wolf Hawkins

    Bonus Question: Will The Main Event appear in six-man tag team action? No.

    • Like 1
  10. SWF Supreme TV (January 4, 2022) Preview & Predictions

    John Greed vs. Angry Gilmore 

    Faith & Old Glory vs. Makutsi & Avalanche vs. The Awesomeness (SWF Tag Title No. 1 Contender's Match)

    ZWB vs. Charger Siaki

    Des Davids vs. Joey Morgan

    Bonus: Which SWF alum will show up pregnant? As Emma & Eric's baby is already a year old... I'll say Jessie.

    • Like 1
  11. image.jpeg

    TCW Total Wrestling
    Missouri State Armory, St. Louis, MO

    Wolf Hawkins vs Sammy Bach

    Maverick vs Bradley Blaze

    TCW World Television Championship
    Mighty Mo(c) vs Flint Slater

    Joshua Taylor & The Behemoths (Killer Shark & Titan) w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Aaron Andrews & The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy & Storm Spillane)


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    Episode Title: The Future of TCW: A Conversation with Kyle Rhodes and Peter Michaels

    Host: Phil Vibert (Host of Vibert's Voice)


    • Kyle Rhodes - CEO of TCW
    • Peter Michaels - TCW Play-by-Play Analyst

    [Intro Music Plays]

    Phil Vibert: "Welcome back, wrestling fans, to another episode of Vibert's Voice, the podcast that goes behind the curtain of professional wrestling. I’m your host, Phil Vibert, and today we’ve got a fascinating discussion lined up. We’re talking about the future of TCW with two men who are at the forefront of its evolution. Joining me are TCW CEO Kyle Rhodes and the voice of TCW, Peter Michaels. Gentlemen, thanks for being here."

    Kyle Rhodes: "Great to be here, Phil. Thanks for having me."

    Peter Michaels: "Always a pleasure to join the conversation, Phil."

    Phil Vibert: "Kyle, I want to start with you. As the CEO of TCW, you’ve been instrumental in guiding the company through some significant changes. What’s your vision for the future of TCW?"

    Kyle Rhodes: "My vision for TCW is about growth and innovation while staying true to the core principles that have made us successful. We want to continue delivering the highest quality wrestling while also pushing boundaries in how we present our product. Whether it’s through more immersive storytelling, expanding our global reach, or developing the next generation of wrestling talent, the goal is to keep evolving without losing what makes TCW unique."

    Phil Vibert: "Peter, how do you view the direction the company is heading in under Kyle’s leadership?"

    Peter Michaels: "I’ve got to say, Phil, it’s been exciting to watch. Kyle’s approach is all about balance—respecting the traditions of wrestling while also embracing change. From where I sit, the in-ring product has never been better, and the stories we’re telling are resonating with fans. There’s a real focus on quality, and that’s something I’m proud to be a part of."

    Phil Vibert: "Speaking of storytelling, let’s talk about your philosophies on how to approach an episode of wrestling television. Kyle, what’s your strategy when you’re putting together a show?"

    Kyle Rhodes: "For me, it’s about creating a narrative that hooks the audience from start to finish. Each episode needs to have a beginning, middle, and end, with every segment contributing to the overall story we’re telling. I also believe in showcasing a mix of talent, giving the spotlight to both established stars and up-and-comers. We want fans to be invested in the entire roster, not just the main event."

    Phil Vibert: "And Peter, from a play-by-play perspective, how do you approach calling an episode of TCW?"

    Peter Michaels: "My job is to be the conduit between the action in the ring and the audience watching at home. I approach each episode with the mindset of enhancing the story that’s being told. That means understanding the background of each match, the motivations of the wrestlers, and how it all fits into the larger picture. I want to make sure the fans are not just watching wrestling, but experiencing it on a deeper level."

    Phil Vibert: "It’s interesting to hear both of your perspectives because it really highlights the different layers that go into producing a wrestling show. Kyle, how do you balance the need for storytelling with the need to deliver high-quality matches?"

    Kyle Rhodes: "That’s always the challenge, Phil. The key is to make sure that the matches themselves are telling a story. The action in the ring needs to be compelling on its own, but it also needs to serve the larger narrative. We’re always looking for that sweet spot where the athleticism and the drama come together to create something memorable."

    Phil Vibert: "And Peter, how do you prepare for a show with such a deep level of storytelling involved?"

    Peter Michaels: "It’s all about preparation, Phil. I spend a lot of time reviewing storylines, studying the wrestlers’ styles, and understanding where each match fits into the overall arc of the show. But I also try to stay in the moment, reacting to what’s happening live in the ring. My goal is to make sure that whether you’re a longtime fan or a first-time viewer, you’re fully engaged in what’s happening."

    Phil Vibert: "Clearly, a lot of thought goes into every aspect of what you both do. As we look to the future, what excites you most about where TCW is headed?"

    Kyle Rhodes: "For me, it’s the potential for growth. We’ve got so many talented individuals on our roster and so many ideas for how to take TCW to the next level. I’m excited to see how far we can go, not just in terms of business, but in terms of what we can create as a wrestling company."

    Peter Michaels: "I’m excited about the stories we’re going to tell and the matches we’re going to see. Wrestling is at its best when it’s unpredictable, and with the direction TCW is heading, I think the fans are in for some incredible moments. It’s going to be a wild ride, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it."

    Phil Vibert: "Well, it sounds like the future of TCW is in great hands. Thank you both for sharing your insights and for all the work you do to bring wrestling fans the best product possible. That’s it for today’s episode of Vibert's Voice. Be sure to tune in next week as we continue to explore the world of professional wrestling. Until next time, keep your voice loud and your passion stronger!"

    [Outro Music Plays]

    • Like 1
  13. On 8/7/2024 at 11:03 AM, RingRider said:

    Great first show! I love the presentation with the subheadings. As for prediction contests, that's up to you. I struggle to stay on top of predicting consistently so I'm a bad person to ask. 

    Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated.

    On 8/7/2024 at 11:33 AM, CharDeeMacDennis said:

    I'm in the same boat as someone who has been playing TEW for a while (2013, I think) but this version has captured me more than previous entries in the series. This is my first serious venture into the C-Verse too, controlling SWF, so my knowledge of the TCW roster is not great which should make predictions interesting! Really enjoyed your first show and just wanted to echo the comment above about liking the presentation style!

    As I've continued to play I keep feeling this. Without question the best of the series so far.


    Alright... So my faith in an "Architect is Coming" vignette may have been a little reaching, especially given the write up I put out for it... Cause that's way more than a god damn 2/100 if I say so myself. 

    But I'm really liking the direction things are going in, and whats to come I'm sure will peak some interest going into and coming out of Malice In Wonderland. I hope people continue to have faith and stick around for the ride.

    Prediction Results (This Show)
    RingRider ~ 3/4 ~ 75%
    CharDeeMacDennis ~ 2/4 ~ 50%
    christmas_ape ~ 2/4 ~ 50%

    Predictions Results
    Woodmeister ~ 4/4 ~ 100% ~ 1 Show
    splitgoose ~ 4/4 ~ 100% ~ 1 Show
    Shifty425 ~ 4/4 ~ 100% ~ 1 Show
    RingRider ~ 3/4 ~ 75% ~ 1 Show
    CharDeeMacDennis ~ 2/4 ~ 50% ~ 1 Show
    christmas_ape ~ 2/4 ~ 50% ~ 1 Show

  14. image.jpeg
    TCW Total Wrestling
    Live From Weidner Field in Colorado Springs, CO
    Att: 5988

    TCW Broadcast Team
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    Peter Michaels ~ Kyle Rhodes ~ Jasmine Saunders

    The camera pans over a packed arena, with fans holding up signs and cheering loudly as the TCW Total Wrestling theme music blares through the speakers. The camera then shifts to the announce desk, where Peter Michaels, Kyle Rhodes, and Jasmine Saunders are seated, ready to kick off the show.

    • Peter Michaels:
      • "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another electrifying episode of TCW Total Wrestling! I'm Peter Michaels, here with my colleagues Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders, and we've got an incredible show lined up for you tonight."
    • Jasmine's Excitement:

      • "That's right, Peter! Tonight is going to be off the charts, especially with all the drama surrounding Joshua Taylor and Floyd Goldworthy's shocking alliance against Aaron 'ACE' Andrews. After last week's brutal attack, the question on everyone's mind is: How will Aaron respond?"
    • Video Recap:

      • A video package plays, showing highlights of Joshua Taylor and Floyd Goldworthy's ambush on Aaron Andrews.
    • Peter's Perspective:

      • "It's a situation that's sure to reach a boiling point, Jasmine. But that's not all we've got tonight. The main event is set to be a classic at Malice In Wonderland as Greg Gauge takes on Jay Chord for the TCW World Title. The stakes couldn't be higher, and both men are at the top of their game."
    • Importance of the Match:

      • "Greg Gauge is looking to cement his legacy, while Jay Chord is hungry to prove he's the rightful champion. This match could very well redefine the landscape of TCW."
    • Kyle's Analysis:

      • "Absolutely, Peter. And speaking of redefining landscapes, we can't ignore the ongoing battle between T-Bone Bright and Wolf Hawkins. The Syndicate has been a dominant force, but the question remains: Does T-Bone Bright have what it takes to topple Hawkins and his ruthless faction?"
    • Video Recap:

      • Another video package plays, highlighting T-Bone Bright's struggles against The Syndicate, with clips of his previous encounters with Wolf Hawkins.
    • Jasmine's Enthusiasm:
      • "T-Bone has shown incredible resilience and heart, but The Syndicate's numbers and tactics make them a formidable challenge. Tonight, we'll see if T-Bone can overcome the odds and finally take down Wolf Hawkins."
    • Peter's Closing:
      • "With so much at stake and so many questions to be answered, tonight promises to be a night to remember. So buckle up, folks, because TCW Total Wrestling is about to take you on one wild ride!"
    • Kyle's Tagline:
      • "That's right, Peter. Our time is now, and we are ready to deliver the best wrestling action on the planet. Let's get this show started!"


    Aaron "ACE" Andrews

    The crowd in the arena is buzzing with excitement. The lights dim slightly, and Aaron "ACE" Andrews' entrance music hits. The crowd erupts into cheers as Andrews makes his way to the ring, looking determined and focused.

    • Aaron's Entrance:

      • Aaron Andrews steps into the ring, grabs the microphone, and waits for the crowd to quiet down. His expression is serious, reflecting the intensity of the situation.
    • Aaron Addresses the Crowd:

      • "You know, I've been in this business long enough to know that sometimes you have to deal with snakes in the grass. But Joshua Taylor, you’ve taken it to a whole new level."
      • The crowd boos at the mention of Joshua Taylor, showing their disdain for his recent actions.
      • "Aligning yourself with Floyd Goldworthy, attacking me from behind, and never facing anyone head-on... It shows exactly what kind of man you are, Joshua. A coward. A coward who can't stand on his own two feet."
    • Video Recap:

      • A brief video package plays on the big screen, showing highlights of Joshua Taylor and Floyd Goldworthy's ambush on Aaron Andrews from the previous week.
    • Aaron's Challenge:

      • "You see, Joshua, I’m not going to back down. I don’t run from a fight, and I sure as hell don’t hide behind anyone. You want to attack me from behind? Fine. But I want you face to face, man to man, right here, right now!"
      • The crowd erupts in support, chanting "ACE! ACE! ACE!"
      • "So come on, Taylor. Show everyone here and watching at home that you have the guts to face me without Goldworthy or any of your sneak attacks. I’m right here, waiting."
      • Andrews paces back and forth in the ring, staring intensely towards the entrance ramp, waiting for a response.

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    Joshua Taylor w/ Floyd Goldworthy

    • Joshua's Music Hits:

      • Joshua Taylor’s music blares through the speakers. The crowd's boos are deafening as Taylor appears at the top of the ramp, flanked by Floyd Goldworthy.
    • Taylor's Taunt:

      • Taylor smirks, microphone in hand. "Oh, Aaron, you just don’t get it, do you? This isn't about being fair or facing you head-on. This is about me being smarter than you, better than you."
    • Goldworthy Adds:

      • Floyd Goldworthy chimes in, "And with me by his side, Aaron, you're looking at the future of TCW. But if you really want a face-to-face confrontation, well... maybe you’ll get your wish. On our terms."
    • Taylor's Threat:

      • Taylor takes a step forward, "You want a fight? Careful what you wish for, Andrews. We’re always watching, always ready."
    • Aaron's Determination:
      • "Bring it on, Taylor. Anytime, anywhere. I’ll be ready."
    • Tension in the Air:
      • The segment ends with a tense stare down, Andrews standing defiantly in the ring while Taylor and Goldworthy remain at the top of the ramp, plotting their next move.

    Rating: 80/100


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    The Behemoths (Killer Shark & Titan) vs The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy & Storm Spillane)

    • Initial Lock-Up:

      • Titan starts off against Marvel Malloy. The size difference is immediately apparent as Titan easily overpowers Malloy, shoving him into the corner.
    • Cobras' Speed:

      • Malloy uses his speed to dodge Titan's attacks, slipping under a big boot and delivering quick kicks to Titan's legs. He tags in Spillane, who continues the assault with a dropkick to Titan's knee.
    • Behemoths' Power:

      • Titan tags in Killer Shark, who charges in and levels Spillane with a massive clothesline. Shark and Titan use their size advantage to isolate Spillane, delivering heavy strikes and powerful slams.
      • The Behemoths use quick tags to keep the pressure on Spillane, hitting double team moves like a double suplex and a huge splash from Shark.
    • Cobras' Resilience:

      • Spillane fights back, managing to duck a double clothesline and hitting a springboard crossbody on both Behemoths. He crawls to his corner and makes the hot tag to Malloy, who comes in with a flurry of offense.
    • Momentum Shifts:

      • Malloy uses his speed and agility to outmaneuver Killer Shark, hitting a series of high-flying moves including a hurricanrana and a spinning heel kick.
      • The Behemoths try to regain control, but the Cobras' quick tags and teamwork keep them off balance.
    • Titan's Mistake:

      • Titan enters the ring illegally to help Shark, but Malloy and Spillane dodge his charge, causing Titan to accidentally spear Shark. Titan is stunned, giving the Cobras the opening they need.
    • Cobra Strike:
      • Malloy and Spillane quickly capitalize on Titan's mistake, hitting their finisher, the Cobra Strike (a combination of a superkick from Malloy and an Inverted Russian Legsweep from Spillane) on Killer Shark.
      • Malloy covers Shark for the pinfall: 1-2-3.

    Winners: The American Cobras
    Rating: 66/100



    Mighty Mo


    The backstage area is bustling with activity. The TCW backdrop is set up, and Shawn Doakes is standing with a microphone in hand. Beside him stands the imposing figure of Mighty Mo, holding his TCW World Television Title.

    • Shawn Doakes:

      • "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, the TCW World Television Champion, Mighty Mo!"
      • The crowd can be heard cheering from the arena as Mo steps closer to the camera, the title belt draped over his shoulder.
    • Shawn Doakes:
      • "Mo, congratulations on your win last week over Marc Speed. But tonight, the focus is on your ongoing issues with Flint Slater. After his brutal attack last week, what are your thoughts heading into tonight's confrontation?"
    • Mighty Mo:

      • "Shawn, Mo appreciates the congratulations. Mo knows Flint Slater is tough. Mo knows Flint Slater is talented. But you see, Shawn, Mo is all those things and so much more."
      • "Slater thinks he can intimidate Mo with his sneak attacks and underhanded tactics. But Mo is not just about power. Mo is about heart. Mo is about determination. Mo is about rising above every challenge."
    • Shawn Doakes:

      • "It's clear you have respect for Slater's abilities, but what makes you confident that you can come out on top tonight?"
    • Mighty Mo:

      • "Shawn, Mo respects what Slater can do in that ring. Mo knows he's one of the best. But when it comes down to it, Mo has something Slater doesn't: the will to overcome any obstacle, the drive to push through any pain, and the strength to stand tall when the dust settles."
      • "Tonight, Shawn, Mo is ready to prove that no matter how tough Slater thinks he is, this one goes to Mo fo sho!"
    • Shawn Doakes:
      • "Well, there you have it, folks. Mighty Mo is ready and determined to face Flint Slater tonight. Stay tuned because this is a match you won’t want to miss."
      • The camera focuses on Mighty Mo's intense expression as he stares into the lens, then slowly fades out.

    Rating: 66/100


    Wolf Hawkins

    The arena is filled with eager fans as the lights dim and a spotlight focuses on the entrance ramp. Wolf Hawkins' theme music hits, and he strides confidently to the ring, dressed sharply with a microphone in hand. The crowd greets him with a mix of boos and cheers, indicating his polarizing presence.

    • Wolf Hawkins' Entrance:

      • Hawkins enters the ring, soaking in the reaction from the crowd. He takes a moment to adjust his collar and smirks before raising the microphone to his lips.
      • "Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you as the undeniable future of TCW. And yet, we have a situation that quite frankly, boggles my mind."
      • The crowd responds with a mixture of boos and some scattered cheers, acknowledging Hawkins' self-assured attitude.
    • Wolf Hawkins:

      • "You see, at Malice in Wonderland, I find myself facing T-Bone Bright. A man who, in my honest opinion, has no business being in the main event. T-Bone, you might have fooled some people into believing you're a top contender, but I see right through you."
    • Highlight Reel:

      • The big screen lights up with a highlight reel showing T-Bone Bright's recent matches and achievements, ending with a freeze frame of Bright holding his King of Kings crown.
    • Wolf Hawkins:

      • "That crown you hold, T-Bone, it’s a symbol of your so-called reign. But at Malice in Wonderland, I’m going to take that crown from you. And then, I'm going to go onto Total Mayhem and become the TCW World Heavyweight Champion."
      • "You see, Bright, while you’ve been busy playing dress-up, I’ve been preparing, training, and strategizing. I’ve been honing my craft to perfection. And that’s why you don’t belong in the main event. Because you’re not on my level."
    • Boos Intensify:
      • The crowd’s boos grow louder, showing their support for T-Bone Bright and their disdain for Hawkins' arrogance.
    • Wolf Hawkins:

      • "At Malice in Wonderland, I will expose you for the fraud you are. I will strip you of your crown and your dignity. And then, I will take my rightful place as the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Mark my words, this kingdom will fall, and a new era will rise. An era ruled by Wolf Hawkins."
    • Mic Drop:

      • Hawkins lowers the microphone, staring intensely into the camera before turning to leave the ring.
    • Hawkins Exits:
      • As Hawkins makes his way up the ramp, the camera focuses on his determined expression, cutting back to the ring where the crowd continues to boo.

    Rating: 66/100





    Chris Flynn vs Duke Freeman

    • Initial Lock-Up:
      • The bell rings, and Flynn and Freeman lock up in the center of the ring. Flynn quickly takes control, transitioning into a headlock and then a takedown, showcasing his technical prowess.
    • Flynn's Dominance:

      • Flynn maintains control with a series of arm drags and a snap suplex. He follows up with a dropkick, sending Freeman reeling into the corner.
      • Flynn stays on the offensive, hitting a running knee strike in the corner, then dragging Freeman to the center of the ring for a near fall.
    • Freeman's Struggle:

      • Freeman tries to fight back with some strikes to Flynn's midsection, but Flynn quickly counters with a spinning back elbow, keeping the momentum firmly in his favor.
    • Flynn's Control:
      • Flynn continues to dominate the match, hitting a series of moves including a Russian leg sweep and a standing moonsault for another near fall.
      • The crowd is firmly behind Flynn, cheering him on as he signals for his finisher.
    • Flynn-Lock:
      • Flynn grabs Freeman and locks in his signature submission move, the Flynn-Lock (a modified crossface).
      • Freeman struggles, trying to reach the ropes, but Flynn applies more pressure, forcing Freeman to tap out.

    Winner: Chris Flynn
    Rating: 53/100



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    Joshua Taylor & Floyd Goldworthy


    The backstage area is lively with crew members and wrestlers passing by. The TCW backdrop is prominently displayed. Shawn Doakes stands ready with a microphone, and beside him are Floyd Goldworthy and Joshua Taylor. Goldworthy has a confident smirk, and Taylor looks intensely focused.

    • Shawn Doakes:

      • "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time, Floyd Goldworthy and Joshua Taylor."
      • The crowd’s reaction can be heard from the arena, a mix of boos and anticipation for what Goldworthy and Taylor have to say.
      • "Floyd, Joshua, thank you for joining me. There's been a lot of talk about your recent actions against Aaron Andrews. What exactly is your endgame here?"
    • Floyd Goldworthy:

      • "Shawn, let’s get one thing straight. Aaron Andrews has been a thorn in my side for too long. He prances around here like he's untouchable, but we all saw what happened last week. Andrews is vulnerable, and he’s about to learn the hard way that his time at the top is over."
    • Goldworthy's Confidence:

      • "I have handpicked Joshua Taylor to be the next TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Why? Because Joshua Taylor has been overlooked and underappreciated for far too long. This man is the future of TCW."
    • Joshua Taylor:
      • "That’s right, Floyd. For years, I’ve been putting in the work, grinding day in and day out, only to see others get opportunities that should have been mine. But that changes now. With Floyd Goldworthy by my side, there's no stopping me."
      • The crowd’s boos grow louder, showing their support for Aaron Andrews and their disdain for Goldworthy and Taylor’s arrogance.
    • Floyd Goldworthy:
      • "First, Joshua takes out the ACE. Andrews, if you’re listening, know this: Your days are numbered. Joshua Taylor is coming for you, and when he’s done, there won't be anything left but a memory of your so-called legacy."
    • Joshua Taylor:
      • "And after I’m done with Andrews, my sights are set on the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. This is my time, my moment. The era of Joshua Taylor begins now."
    • Shawn Doakes:
      • "It sounds like you both have a clear plan moving forward. Best of luck, Joshua. It looks like Aaron Andrews has a huge target on his back."
      • The camera focuses on the determined faces of Goldworthy and Taylor before fading out.

    Rating: 61/100






    TCW World Television Championship
    Mighty Mo(c) vs Flint Slater

    • Initial Lock-Up:
      • The bell rings, and both men lock up in the center of the ring. The match starts with a series of chain wrestling moves, with neither man gaining a clear advantage.
    • Evenly Matched:

      • Slater and Mo exchange a variety of holds and counter-holds, showcasing their technical prowess. Slater hits a series of quick strikes, but Mo counters with powerful slams and suplexes.
      • Both men trade near falls after hitting high-impact moves. Slater connects with a spinebuster for a two-count, and Mo answers with a big powerslam, also for a near fall.
      • The crowd is fully invested, cheering loudly with each near fall and chanting both wrestlers' names.
    • High Drama:
      • The intensity ramps up as the match nears the 15-minute mark. Slater goes for his finishing move, the Slater Cutter, but Mo counters and hits a devastating clothesline for another close two-count.
      • Mo attempts his finisher, the Mo Bomb, but Slater wriggles free and hits a DDT, nearly securing the win.
    • Hockey Fight Style:

      • With only a minute left on the clock, both men are exhausted but refuse to back down. They meet in the center of the ring and start trading heavy punches, engaging in a hockey fight-style brawl.
      • The punches come fast and furious, neither man willing to give an inch as the seconds tick down.
    • Time Limit Expires:

      • The bell rings as the 15-minute time limit expires, but Slater and Mo continue to brawl, neither realizing the match is over.

    Winner: Time Limit Draw
    Rating: 62/100



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    Mighty Mo & Flint Slater


    • Referee Intervention:

      • The referee and other officials rush to the ring to separate the two men. Both Slater and Mo are pulled apart, still trying to get at each other, their competitive fire burning brightly.
    • Jason Azaria:

      • Jason Azaria declares the match a draw due to the time limit expiring. "Ladies and gentlemen, the time limit has expired, and this match is a draw!"
    • Crowd Reaction:

      • The crowd reacts with a mix of cheers and boos, appreciating the hard-fought contest but disappointed by the inconclusive finish.

    Rating: 62/100



    • Opening Scene:

      • The screen fades in from black, revealing a shadowy, industrial setting. Pipes, metal beams, and flickering lights create an ominous environment. The camera slowly pans through the scene, capturing glimpses of blueprints, sketches, and intricate designs spread across a large drafting table.
    • Blueprints and Schematics:

      • Close-ups of detailed blueprints and architectural schematics flash on the screen, hinting at meticulous planning and precision. The camera lingers on the title of one blueprint: "The Architect's Master Plan."
    • Mysterious Figure:

      • The camera cuts to the silhouette of a figure standing in the shadows. The figure is barely visible, but their presence is imposing. They wear a long coat, and their face is obscured by darkness.
    • Deep, Resonant Voice:
      • "In the world of design, an architect is a master of creation, a visionary who shapes the future with precision and purpose. But what happens when that vision is unleashed in the world of wrestling?"
    • Symbolism:
      • The screen flashes with symbolic imagery: a chessboard with pieces strategically placed, gears turning within a massive clock, and a pair of gloved hands meticulously arranging those gears.
    • Deep, Resonant Voice:
      • "Prepare for the arrival of a master planner, a strategist unlike any other. One who sees the ring as a canvas and the wrestlers as pieces in a grand design."
    • The Architect's Emblem:
      • The screen transitions to a stylized logo: a compass and square intertwined with the words "The Architect" beneath it. The emblem glows with a metallic sheen, emphasizing the precision and craftsmanship associated with the name.
    • Mysterious Figure:

      • The silhouette of The Architect steps closer to the camera, but their face remains hidden. They extend a hand, revealing a rolled-up blueprint.
    • Deep, Resonant Voice:

      • "The Architect is coming. And when the blueprint is unveiled, the future of TCW will be forever altered."
    • Text on Screen:

      • "The Architect – Coming Soon to TCW."
    • Soundtrack Crescendo:

      • The ambient soundtrack builds to a dramatic crescendo before abruptly cutting off, leaving the audience in stunned silence.

    The lights in the arena come back up as the crowd buzzes with speculation and excitement. The mystery surrounding The Architect’s debut has everyone eagerly anticipating their arrival.

    Rating: 2/100


    Greg Gauge


    The promo opens in a dimly lit room, adorned with classic wrestling memorabilia and framed photos of legendary matches and wrestlers. A spotlight shines on Greg Gauge, who is seated in front of a wall filled with pictures of his father, Sam Keith, in his wrestling prime. Gauge looks determined and focused.

    • Opening Scene:
      • The camera slowly zooms in on Gauge, who is holding an old photograph of his father, Sam Keith, in action. The screen occasionally cuts to black-and-white footage of Sam Keith's classic matches.
    • Greg Gauge:
      • "In this business, lineage means everything. My father, Sam Keith, was a pioneer, a trailblazer in the wrestling world. He gave everything he had to this sport, and his legacy lives on through me."
    • Narrator Voiceover:
      • "Sam Keith, a legend in his own right, never got the chance to face one of his greatest contemporaries—Rip Chord."
    • Contrast with Jay Chord:
      • The screen transitions to highlight Jay Chord, the current TCW World Champion, with clips of his dominant performances and his father, Rip Chord, in his prime.
    • Greg Gauge:
      • "Rip Chord was another legend, a man who defined an era. But despite their illustrious careers, our fathers never got the chance to go one-on-one. That was a match the world never got to see."
    • Legacy Clips:
      • Clips of both Sam Keith and Rip Chord are shown, showcasing their in-ring prowess and the respect they garnered from fans and peers alike.
    • Greg Gauge:
      • "That changes at Malice in Wonderland. Jay Chord, you carry the weight of your father's legacy just as I carry mine. But make no mistake, this is not about the past—it's about the here and now."
    • Gauge's Determination:
      • "Two historical family lineages are set to collide. This isn't just a match for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. It's a fight for pride, honor, and legacy. And Jay, you better be ready, because I am."
    • Training Montage:
      • The screen shows Gauge in intense training sessions, lifting weights, sparring, and perfecting his moves. Clips of Jay Chord training are also interspersed, emphasizing the upcoming clash.
    • Greg Gauge:
      • "Jay, at Malice in Wonderland, you're in for the fight of your life. Our fathers never got their chance, but we do. And I promise you, I will not let this opportunity slip through my fingers. This is for my father, for our legacy, and for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship."
    • Greg Gauge:
      • "Get ready, Chord. History is about to be made, and it’s going to be written in my favor."
    • Text on Screen:

      • "Greg Gauge vs. Jay Chord – Malice in Wonderland – TCW World Heavyweight Championship"
    • Soundtrack:

      • The promo ends with an intense musical crescendo, fading out as the screen returns to the dimly lit room, focusing once more on Gauge's determined face.

    The crowd is hyped, eagerly anticipating the historical clash between Greg Gauge and Jay Chord at Malice in Wonderland. The video effectively builds the anticipation for a match that promises to be a defining moment in TCW history.



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    The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond) vs T-Bone Bright & Sammy Bach

    • Opening:
      • The bell rings, and Wolf Hawkins starts the match against T-Bone Bright. T-Bone surprises Wolf with his speed and agility, matching him move for move. The crowd is impressed by T-Bone's ability to keep up with Hawkins.
    • Back and Forth:

      • Both teams make frequent tags, showcasing their teamwork. Doc Hammond and Sammy Bach have a spirited exchange, with Bach using his high-flying moves and Hammond relying on his technical skills.
    • Near Falls:

      • T-Bone Bright and Wolf Hawkins continue to impress, with T-Bone hitting a series of impactful moves, including a spinebuster for a near fall. Wolf remains composed, countering T-Bone's offense with his own arsenal of strikes and submissions.
      • The crowd is fully engaged, cheering for the babyfaces and booing The Syndicate. T-Bone and Sammy show great chemistry, working together to keep the pressure on their opponents.
    • Intense Action:

      • The match reaches a fever pitch as all four men are in the ring, brawling. The referee struggles to maintain control. Sammy Bach hits a diving crossbody on Doc Hammond, sending both men to the outside.
    • T-Bone vs. Wolf:

      • Inside the ring, T-Bone and Wolf are going at it. T-Bone hits a series of suplexes, followed by a running powerslam for a very close near fall. The crowd is on their feet, sensing a possible upset.

    Ernest Youngman

    • Debut of Ernest Youngman:

      • As the referee is distracted trying to break up the brawl between Sammy and Doc on the outside, a man jumps the guardrail and slides into the ring. It’s Ernest Youngman, making his debut in TCW.
    • Attack:

      • Ernest Youngman viciously attacks T-Bone Bright from behind, delivering a series of punches and a devastating finishing move. Wolf Hawkins, seeing the opportunity, quickly covers T-Bone as Ernest slips back into the crowd.
    • Referee’s Count:

      • The referee turns around just in time to see Wolf covering T-Bone. He makes the count: One, two, three!

    Winners: Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond
    Rating: 73/100



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    The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammond & Ernest Youngman), T-Bone Bright & Sammy Bach


    The match has just concluded with Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond securing the victory, thanks to the interference of Ernest Youngman. The crowd is already buzzing with frustration and anticipation as the victorious Syndicate members stand in the ring.

    • Immediate Attack:

      • As Sammy Bach and T-Bone Bright attempt to recover, Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammond, and Ernest Youngman waste no time. The three Syndicate members launch a brutal attack on the fallen opponents.
    • Targeting Sammy Bach:

      • Hawkins and Hammond focus their assault on Sammy Bach. They hit him with a series of coordinated moves, including a double suplex and a tandem powerbomb, leaving Bach writhing in pain.
    • Ernest’s Vicious Assault:

      • Ernest Youngman, showcasing his particularly dangerous nature, isolates T-Bone Bright. He lifts T-Bone and delivers a devastating series of moves, including a powerful spinebuster and following it up with The Hit, leaving T-Bone motionless.
      • The audience erupts in boos, expressing their disapproval of the merciless beatdown. Chants of "You suck!" and "Syndicate sucks!" fill the arena, but The Syndicate members are unfazed, continuing their ruthless assault.
    • Hawkins’ Declaration:

      • Wolf Hawkins grabs a microphone, standing over the fallen bodies of Bach and Bright. "Ladies and gentlemen, witness the power of The Syndicate. Tonight, we introduce the newest member of our unstoppable force, our own personal Hitman—Ernest Youngman!"
    • Ernest's Menacing Presence:

      • Ernest stands tall, his expression cold and calculated. He delivers another vicious kick to T-Bone for good measure, emphasizing his dangerous nature.
      • Hawkins, Hammond, and Youngman stand over Bach and Bright, raising their arms in victory. The camera captures the intensity and menace in their faces, highlighting the dominance of The Syndicate.
    • Hawkins' Warning:

      • "This is just the beginning. With Ernest Youngman by our side, there is no force in TCW that can stop us. We are The Syndicate, and we are the future!"
    • Closing Shot:

      • The camera pans out to show the entire ring, with The Syndicate standing tall and Bach and Bright laid out on the mat. The image of dominance and destruction is clear.
    • Fade to Black:

      • The screen fades to black as the crowd's boos and jeers continue, and the TCW logo appears, signaling the end of the show.

    Rating: 55/100


    Overall Show Rating: 73/100
    TV Rating(s): 
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    • Like 2
  15. SWF Supreme TV: 50th Birthday Week Special (11th Jan 2022) - Boston Quincey Arena, Boston, MA

    Mikey Lau v Robbie Wright

    Chill v Garry The Entertainer v Steven Parkern

    Fro Sure v Hellion

    Lenny Brown (w/ Hollywood Bret Starr) v Spencer Spade (w/ Monty Trescarde, Paul Huntingdon, Justin Sensitive) (Non-Title Match)

    Q: Would people want RIPW shows too if it would slow the thread down further? I'd say only if you're booking the RIPW shows, otherwise just tell your stories bubba!


  16. 10 minutes ago, Peria said:

    So I realized that the save I was basing EXODUS on was actually in March, and some workers aren't even default signings! Kid San Juan and Gram for example. It doesn't matter too much, but I feel a little silly for not noticing that sooner. Regardless here is the entire EXODUS2010 default roster. At least this is what it is in the demo. I know I just posted some of these yesterday but since the whole set is done, just for ease of downloading it if people want, it's all here! If anyone wants to weigh in on their favorites or constructive criticism, or wants me to tackle another company (preferably one of the smaller and lesser covered ones!) I am more than happy to oblige and give it a whirl. 




    BladeKimiyama.jpg.5812aae04b930429e259052735b75fca.jpg CommanderKawagishi.jpg.e85ea341cb6e5a2ed7c1461153ca0070.jpg DialKForKotani.jpg.e8c517b33cb4621cb03030f4eb0e80ca.jpg Hyotaru.jpg.273c7c2fe8e3536ee644ae5d2647d31f.jpg 

    Blade Kimiyama | Commander Kawagishi | Dial K For Kotani | Hyotaru 

    IronHyodo.jpg.b0c55d4864dc166df9943f7c478dd6e7.jpg IsamuKijimuta.jpg.5c0ab07a1fba0fd62d5eab283bc5a136.jpg JapanesePhoenix.jpg.4c5d71662e9d2dfcfbf2a3728668d714.jpg JotaroTanaka.jpg.1546061da702bc0e54507df7e5858d64.jpg 

    Iron Hyodo | Isamu Kijimuta | Japanese Phoenix | Jotaro Tanaka 

    KaiiHanari.jpg.aa39b8c3744cec9791813ecae178d001.jpg KaoruShibasawa.jpg.ce4abd73471d93eff223969df07c4940.jpg KokeiShoda.jpg.0f5057afa9e9bd10977dda4e60fc6cfd.jpg KuemonHotta.jpg.a0b730a5a2673e6b37adaab9390fc84e.jpg

    Kaii Hanari | Kaoru Shibasawa | Kokei Shoda | Kuemon Hotta

    KyuzoIsogai.jpg.c2f91fa959c6345c140884a3bbb8e808.jpg MasaoTsubochi.jpg.9bad4b44c6e8f30887046268a2c7d2b6.jpg image.jpeg.ef8446402f72f5458982b155a7d827ad.jpeg  MidnightTiger.jpg.a841b0ce24358a731f499a62d640cd2d.jpg

    Kyuzo Isogai | Masao Tsubochi | Mercury | Midnight Tiger

    image.jpeg.6b5e493c31fe0b8fd17881f16e1ef52a.jpeg  image.jpeg.b3ab0fde3c6a2f6482a671c57c2ae622.jpeg image.jpeg.a3a455577b3168f3554e8f2929972371.jpeg image.jpeg.95dcd2595a03b8ab1f3cc080d365fb2e.jpeg

    Musashi | Naoya Shinozaki | Orange Tsuchie | Pretty Okakura

    image.jpeg.f7e876c5ea577dd7e883714a5a7f6a7c.jpeg image.jpeg.c36227078912287bf38cb3bbd4dfb6eb.jpeg image.jpeg.3bd8440c6b822918b22f992a8b09b8b1.jpeg image.jpeg.e174f8fb95abcdbac1b8fdb3bbb7c024.jpeg 

    Roger Monteiro | Rusher Kogo | Shimpei Hirose | Shirai Yanagawa 

    image.jpeg.3c07b6aa3508dfbc0104685e71ac7d7c.jpegimage.jpeg.b7efb75863aa5f6a2ceb87f402bb7316.jpeg image.jpeg.423265604996299c2e1bd8197fc7b098.jpeg image.jpeg.20d00e3e0ad2889b1082284726b9946f.jpeg  

    Solar II | Sumiyuki Samura | Takuro Awatari | Tobei Sugimura 

    image.jpeg.1dc39e08b71217f522ce3f7707ebe7d6.jpeg image.jpeg.3933069139b0d3ae73eee180d2f7a1a0.jpeg image.jpeg.f6dc3a837793c0dfd07af29240e9283b.jpeg image.jpeg.79373bf6d106d9226ecae239645c0675.jpeg                                           

    Tsunyeo Yanagimoto | X-Calibre | Yunsouke Fujisaki | Yuta Isono 


    image.jpeg.801b88d0dcdf1367abebdd5047e75382.jpeg image.jpeg.5054fdb9add43e990d5a3bb765bada41.jpeg image.jpeg.dd527c2ca1e90b21f988326fe0bba6a4.jpeg image.jpeg.9bb557e20ea9da8809aaf334612281f7.jpeg image.jpeg.8ab831f039be6716d6e399c7aa736658.jpeg

    Burning Exile | Takeji Komagata | Tanosuke Joshuya | Toshimichi Tsurimi | Yoshi Oshiro


    Here are some that didn't quite make the cut, but you can still use if you wish, either as an alt or a free worker or whatever!

    image.jpeg.a281ebbb5254f21d5a81d559f98b411e.jpeg image.jpeg.50e85c3c59208729a41ff82feb256551.jpeg Mercury.jpg.2b4ac65388809d8573e33b4e8dd635c9.jpg

    Pretty Okakura | Japanese Phoenix | Mercury

    ...you beautiful bastard!

    • Thanks 1
  17. 12 minutes ago, JP317 said:

    In 2020 you could have someone on screen while not being rated meaning they wouldn't tank the angle's rating but you could also get pop and, if someone was rated on one of the entertainment skills, attribute gains. It could be quite cheesy but I abused it :classic_laugh:

    You can do that now as well. I believe its either Background Player, or Non-Speaking Appearance. Unless I'm totally off base.

    • Like 1
  18. image.jpeg

    TCW Total Wrestling
    Weidner Field, Colorado Springs, CO

    The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond) vs T-Bone Bright & Sammy Bach

    TCW World Television Championship
    Mighty Mo(c) vs Flint Slater

    Chris Flynn vs Duke Freeman

    The Behemoths (Killer Shark & Titan) w/Floyd Goldworthy vs The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy & Storm Spillane)


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