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Posts posted by NWOhioROHFan

  1. Two matches come to mind


    Just from a wrestling perspective, some of my favorite wrestling moments / matches of all time were:

    ROH: Cima, Masato Yoshino, and Naruki Doi vs. Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi, and Ryo Sait - ROH Supercard of Honor (2006) - I had the pleasure of being there live for this event and the performance, energy, and story telling in this match is by far one of the greatest things I've ever witnessed.


    ROH: CM Punk vs. Colt Cabana - Punk: The Final Chapter - This was an end of an era in ROH, and seeing two best friends go at it in the ring, the locker room coming out afterward, and the story these two put on in the ring was such an aweosme thing to watch. Underated match but definitely was a change of an era in ROH


    WWE: Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle - 2003 Royal Rumble - Angle will always be one of my favorite performers, and this was a great match no matter what your feelings are of Benoit.

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