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Everything posted by Gungner

  1. Is there a creative soul here who could possibly create a Young Lions Championship belt? It's for NJPW, and there's total creative freedom. Would like it on an all white background...
  2. When dealing with Talent Trades, how many (in your experience) will become TOO many for a promotion to loan to you in a short space of time (without getting the message that you've loaned too many of their workers? I'm asking because I need 5 wrestlers from a promotion whom I have a working agreement with. The event is a 2-day event, but I'm worried that they'd feel like five loans are too many. Any experiences?
  3. Was wondering if anyone could throw Rey Wagner (Dr. Wagner Jr. unmasked) and El Hijo del Vikingo on Fleish's background? This one:
  4. When dealing with Talent Trades, how many (in your experience) will become TOO many for a promotion to loan to you in a short space of time (without getting the message that you've loaned too many of their workers? I'm asking because I need 5 wrestlers from a promotion whom I have a working agreement with. The event is a 2-day event, but I'm worried that they'd feel like five loans are too many. Any experiences?
  5. When dealing with Talent Trades, how many (in your experience) will become TOO many for a promotion to loan to you in a short space of time (without getting the message that you've loaned too many of their workers? I'm asking because I need 5 wrestlers from a promotion whom I have a working agreement with. The event is a 2-day event, but I'm worried that they'd feel like five loans are too many. Any experiences?
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="franticloser" data-cite="franticloser" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If you assign him a push he should show up, if not toggle the view all wrestlers.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you! I knew I had forgotten something... his push <img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  7. <p>I love the tag team miscommunication note! </p><p> I'll be using that (probably too much) to justify a loss <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  8. I have this wrestler (Rocky Romero), who's injured but available for angles. However, he's not available to select under angles where I pick the participants... How can that be? I'm NJPW, there's no one he prioritises higher, nor do I have brands.
  9. Sounds like a good plan... and I'll hold on on title belts, and not introduce one for a while
  10. I've just started a save as my own company, starting as Local. I've never played as a local company before, and my question is: Should I release events on DVD or is it best to give it away free on the net to gain fans and pop until I get a little bigger? Also, with so little starting money, should I not hold a show for the first few months?
  11. Does anyone have pictures of Brody King, Luchasaurus and Sumie Sakai on Fleisch's RWC background? Thanks in advance...
  12. I'm not loving a few of the new features, but I do love most of them... So I'll be buying it when it rolls around.
  13. Does anyone have a pic of the WWE Women's Tag Team titles? Preferably in Fleisch's style... However not a demand.
  14. <p>Does anyone have a pic of Humberto Carrillo, without the mask?</p><p> On Fleisch' RWC background?</p>
  15. Getting back into my TCW save, that I haven't touched in close to eight months, and I still love it. I'm eight months in, and I think I have about a year of booking planned.
  16. Ruptured spleen shouldn't really be a career ended though, as it can be removed surgically. I had Road Warrior Animal suffer a semi-severed spinal column, but he cam back some 12 months later and continued wrestling.
  17. I've seen this too with Hiroshi Tanahashi who was labelled toxid, after making homophobic comments. He lost some popularity, got fired by NJPW and that was it. I hired him for Impact, and nothing has happened. My sponsorship income is the same, he's gotten his popularity back and my attendance hasn't declined when he's on-air. Weird.
  18. <p>Ah okay... missed that one, thanks. </p><p> Nice to know they can still die from overdose and old age, if I turn off deaths.</p>
  19. <p>Kenny Deaths is Enabled or Disabled.</p><p> Deaths are none, low, medium or high</p>
  20. <p>Turning deaths off? Yes it is.</p><p> There's: None, Low, Medium and High</p>
  21. If I turn off deaths completely in my save, will workers continue in the game well over their 100's? I mean, they're still there even if they retire from the industry, so if I play well over 20 years, someone who started at 80 would still be in the game, retired from the industry, at 100?
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