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Everything posted by LoNdOn

  1. Prediction Key Dallas Fox vs Zoe Levine Queens of the Sky vs BlackThorn Misty Lake vs Minami Koi vs Terri Rockwell Linnea April vs Annie Bolton Imogen Adams vs Dalma Haynes Gianna Giancarlo & Rachel Rush vs Marinette & Ella Frost Whiskey Black vs Kelly Kanzaki VIP Exclusive vs Irish Blaze & ???
  2. Prediction Results KyTeran: 6/8 smw88: 4/8 SuperFresh: 6/8 Congratulations to the co-winners of the Chapter 17 round of predictions KyTeran and SuperFresh who both scored an impressive 6/8 on the night. The new period of 5 has now started and is already tightly contested. With smw88 only two points behind the leaders it is all still very much to play for. The overall standing remain pretty much unchanged, however, smw88 has now unseated 3rd place Rhysrob who may well be looking to make a return to regain their podium position in the near future. Overall Predictions (Number of Correct Calls) 1st: KyTeran = 76 (Currrent Period of 5) = 6 2nd: SuperFresh = 49 (Current Period of 5) = 6 3rd: smw88 = 35 (Current Period of 5) = 4 Rhysrob = 33 Herrbear = 29 Dawn = 14 Markw = 3
  3. Predictions Key La Mariposa vs Dalma Haynes Linnea April vs Meteora vs Zoe Levine Carla O'Neill w/Velvet Cassidy vs Penny Hart w/Pash Martini Dallas Fox vs Marinette GEISHA & BlackThorn vs Lottie Deville & Team 720 Imogen Adams, Minami Koi & Misty Lake vs Dana Lynn, Deonna Deen & Ella Frost Wildfire vs Killshot Ayama Starlet Grand Championship Charlize (c) vs Rachel Rush
  4. That was the second time I wrote that prediction results post, as the first one disappeared just as I finished it. Hope you all enjoyed the show.
  5. Prediction Results KyTeran: 5/8 smw88: 4/8 SuperFresh: 6/8 Dawn: 4/8 Congratulations to the winner of the Chapter 16 round of predictions SuperFresh, who has, with that victory won the current period of 5 and gets to submit a gimmick for the Starlet promotion. KyTeran was only fractionally behind but retains their spot atop the overall leader board. With their consistent solid scores I believe smw88 may have put any self-doubts present out to pasture as they continue to climb up the rankings. A welcome back to Dawn, I believe based on the forum image, you were formally Smasher1311, so I will amend the name to carry the score forward. If that is incorrect, please let me know so I can revert accordingly. The winner of the very first period of 5, Herrbear had their character make their first appearance at Chapter 16 and the second winner should appear in the upcoming few shows. Overall Predictions (Number of Correct Calls) 1st: KyTeran = 70 (Currrent Period of 5) = 22 2nd: SuperFresh = 43 (Current Period of 5) = 24 3rd: Rhysrob = 33 smw88 = 31 (Current Period of 5) = 18 Herrbear = 29 Dawn = 14 (Current Period of 5) = 4 Markw = 3
  6. I should be posting the next show tomorrow for any late prediction makers.
  7. Prediction Key Velvet Cassidy (w/Carla O'Neill) vs Pash Martini (w/Penny Hart) Linnea April vs Ella Frost Dallas Fox vs Dana Lynn vs Wildfire Imogen Adams & Minami Koi vs Queens Of The Sky Gianna Giancarlo vs Misty Lake No 1 Contender's Match Whiskey Black vs Rachel Rush Losing Faction Leaves Starlet For 1 Year Akikio Ishizaki & Yuki Kura vs Killshot Ayama & Kelly Kanzaki Starlet Grand Championship Charlize (c) vs Harley Homicide
  8. Prediction Results KyTeran: 3/8 smw88: 4/8 SuperFresh: 5/8 Congratulations to the winner of the Chapter 15 round of predictions, SuperFresh. With only one round left in the period of five, SuperFresh has taken the lead over KyTeran by a single point following the swing of two on the latest show. In addition, SuperFresh has now jumped to second in the overall rankings having overtaken Rhysrob who has been MIA for a little while at this point. Still all to play for going into Chapter 16. Overall Predictions (Number of Correct Calls) 1st: KyTeran = 65 (Currrent Period of 5) = 17 2nd: SuperFresh = 37 (Current Period of 5) = 18 3rd: Rhysrob = 33 Herrbear = 29 smw88 = 27 (Current Period of 5) = 14 Smasher1311 = 10 Markw = 3
  9. Prediction Key Better Than You vs Irish Blaze Linnea April vs Misty Lake Dallas Fox vs Minami Koi Queens Of The Sky vs Team 720 (Avril Devine & Terri Rockwell) Whiskey Black & Wildfire vs Dana Lynn & Deonna Deen Rachel Rush vs Imogen Adams Falls Count Anywhere Lottie Deville vs Annie Bolton Bedlam Pillars Of Joshi vs DeathGrip
  10. I changed my mind a few times on who would progress to the final of the tournament but I always knew that Charlize would walk out as the eventual winner. In the end, as you said, I felt this presented a really good opportunity for Whiskey Black to make a name for herself. She is believable in the way she won, but few would have expected it.
  11. Prediction Results KyTeran: 3/8 smw88: 3/8 SuperFresh: 2/8 Congratulations to the joint winners of the Chapter 14 round of predictions, KyTeran and smw88. Admittedly this was a difficult card to call given the number of variables, so I was not surprised by the fairly low scores across the board. I particularly enjoyed seeing who people predicted to make the overall final with nobody landing on either finalist. I agree that Kanzaki and Homicide would have been two of the favourites for the title so the predictions were understandable. Overall Predictions (Number of Correct Calls) 1st: KyTeran = 62 (Currrent Period of 5) = 14 2nd: Rhysrob = 33 3rd: SuperFresh = 32 (Current Period of 5) = 13 Herrbear = 29 smw88 = 23 (Current Period of 5) = 9 Smasher1311 = 10 Markw = 3
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