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About dpoolez

  • Birthday 03/05/1990

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  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="born_naughty" data-cite="born_naughty" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't agree with this one. That would be a too easy way to get rid of difficult workers.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is true.</p><p> </p><p> Plus, in the most recent real life examples of this like workers walking out of WWE, most of them were gone with pay or formally released from their contract. I dont think PAC or Punks pay were suspended when they quit.</p><p> </p><p> Now, I do believe that us (the Company) should reserve the right to force a worker to sit out the rest of their contract if they do quit. The way the game is set up benefits the worker entirely and the company none.</p>
  2. You can still fine tune a gimmick or select gimmicks that are likely to fit a worker well or not fit them well. So really, as long as you play to those wrestlers' strengths, then most of them should still succeed and get over. In that way, the game will perfectly reflect reality. Wrestlers generally get over playing gimmicks that they have a knack for, and anytime they bomb (Rocky Maivia, The Ringmaster, Cheesy Babyface Diesel, Cena and Reigns), it's because the company made a tweak to it that doesn't fit what the workers are actually good at or what made the fans get behind those characters when the gimmick was working. Gimmicks like Undertaker, Kane, Rapper Cena, Bray Wyatt, etc. always had a high risk, high reward thing where they just as easily could've bombed if even one thing was done incorrectly. So in that way, I don't see what's wrong with the new feature.
  3. <div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">WCW 1994</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Titan Era:</strong> <strong>Roddy Piper </strong>and <strong>Randy Savage </strong>have been a huge nuisance in the backs on the WCW Roster since debuting, forming a sort of 2 Man Power Trip, claiming that they are "The Titans from New York who are here to dominate WCW". </p><p> </p><p> They came into WCW immediately running into roadblocks in the form of <strong>Sting and Arn Anderson</strong>, loyal WCW veterans, which came to a head at Starrcade 1994 in a Titanic (pun intended) Tag Team Match. Savage and Piper walked out with the victory, but it was after this match concluded that things really went in The Titans' favor.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair</strong> have been battling left and right for most of 1994. Hogan won the first match at Bash of The Beach 1994, winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, but Ric Flair quickly won the title back at Halloween Havoc 1994, after Interference from his new Protege <strong>Jean-Paul Levesque.</strong> Since then, Hogan has been receiving back up against the forces of both Flair and Levesque from <strong>Brian Pillman</strong>, regularly saving him in 2 on 1 situations since Flair and Levesque paired up.</p><p> </p><p> After Hogan defeated Flair in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match at Starrcade 1994 to re-gain the World Heavyweight Title, The Titans Piper and Savage ran in to ambush not only Hogan, but Ric Flair as well, attacking them both with Steel Pipes. Jean-Paul Levesque and Brian Pillman tried to save their mentors, but they both ended up getting beaten down as well, Levesque especially, with him being put on the shelf to recover from his injuries.</p><p> </p><p> The next week, on the last episode of Saturday Night in 1994, <strong>Stunning Steve Austin</strong>, coming off of a huge loss to <strong>Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat</strong> for the United States Championship at Starrcade in an Ironman Match, shocked the world as he joined forces with Savage and Piper, turning on his former best friend Brian Pillman in the process. This alliance of Austin, Piper and Savage once again ran roughshod over the top stars of WCW, getting into a huge pull apart brawl with Hogan, Flair, Sting and Arn Anderson to end 1994.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Steiners vs Vicious N' Delicious</strong>: The Steiners spent most of 1994 teaming with <strong>Hacksaw Jim Duggan </strong>to feud with <strong>The Nation of Domination</strong> (Ron Simmons, Harlem Heat, 2 Cold Scorpio and Jacqueline Moore). Vicious N' Delicious formed over time as a result of Marcus Alexander Bagwell's metamorphosis from the Patriotic Good Guy to the Egotistical <strong>Buff Bagwell</strong>. Bagwell eventually joined forces with <strong>Scott Norton,</strong> aligning themselves with <strong>Lord Steven Regal</strong> as he went against <strong>Johnny B. Badd</strong>, who began to align himself with <strong>Diamond Dallas Page.</strong></p><p> </p><p> Now, the two teams are set to feud for the WCW World Tag Team Titles. As for Johnny B. Badd, he is the new WCW World Television Champion after defeating Regal at Starrcade 1994 for the title. However, he is now in the sights of Nation of Domination Leader Ron Simmons after Simmons dominated Jim Duggan at Starrcade, in The Nation's crusade to add Championship Gold to their resume.</p><p> </p><p> Ricky Steamboat has caught the eye of <strong>Davey Boy Smith,</strong> who feels overlooked with everything going on in WCW since his return in 1994. He wants to prove that he is still a top guy, and he plans on defeating the Legendary Steamboat for the United States Championship to do so. However, with Ricky Steamboat proving that "he's still got it" and that he is still the Steamboat we know and love, that will definitely prove to be a tall task in the next coming months.</p><p> </p><p> The first ever <strong>WCW World Cruiserweight Champion</strong> and <strong>WCW World Women's Champion</strong> were crowned at the end of 1994 as well. <strong>Sabu</strong> won the WCW Cruiserweight Open to become the first Cruiserweight Champion, defeating Eddie Guerrero in the finals. <strong>Candi Devine </strong>won the WCW World Women's Championship on the same night, defeating the entire Women's Division in a Gauntlet for The Gold.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>PLANS</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><ul><li>Ric Flair will turn Babyface, and Hogan will create an alliance with Flair born of pure mutual respect, to battle Savage, Piper and Austin. However, Hogan will turn on Ric Flair and align with The Titan Era as their new leader, becoming Hollywood Hulk Hogan in the process.<br /> <br /></li><li>The Steiners will win their feud with Vicious N' Delicious<br /> <br /></li><li>Idk who will win between Steamboat and Davey, I might let Davey win eventually<br /> <br /></li><li>Simmons will eventually defeat Johnny for the TV Title<br /> <br /></li><li>The Titan Era's dominance will cause Sting to go Crow and Brian Pillman to turn into The Loose Cannon. Austin has evolved from his cocky persona to an Anti-Social Punk gimmick.<br /> <br /></li><li>i will eventually transition WCW Main Event into a show only for the Cruiserweights. <br /> <br /></li><li>I bought out AAA and FMW and made them Child Companies. My Plan is for WCW to develop its own internal territorial system, similar to what WWE is doing with NXT. <br /> <br /></li><li>Jean-Paul Levesque (Triple H) is developing further in FMW, I will call him back up when he is as developed as possible. I'll keep him as a heel, although loosely still on good terms with Flair.<br /></li></ul><p></p>
  4. I agree completely I've shied away from tournaments in TEW, especially round robins because I'd have a hard time being consistent with maintaining it. With an in game tournament tracker, I can run tournaments a lot easier than before so I won't mind doing them more.
  5. I think 5 is enough if we use WWE as a base model. Raw, Smackdown, NXT, NXT UK, and 205 Live could all be used as main roster brands rather than as 2 Child Companies. Or, you could use NXT and NXT UK as Child Companies like we already do, and be able to have the AI book a show like 205 Live more like it is in reality.
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BaxterV" data-cite="BaxterV" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Here are a few quick comments on the things I've read about TEW 2020.<p> </p><p> First off all let's start with the bad: The new size system for companies sounds just as awful if not worse than in TEW 2016. No depth, no slack, based on ratings once again. I hoped it would be a more sophisticated system this around, with social media and hardcore fans, who you gain after a long while and will follow the product regardless and such. Sadly that isn't the plan.</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I have to disagree. I think the core of what the game's purpose is matches reality. You put on good shows, your popularity increases. You put on bad shows, your popularity decreases. People aren't going to stick around for bad TV no matter how Hardcore they are (WCW in the 2000s compared to 97-99, Raw and Smackdown:s gradual decline in ratings since 2001, or Impacts fall off in the middle part of this decade are great examples), but good and bad shows are entirely relative to the current popularity of a promotion in a particular area.</p><p> </p><p> To me it's about as simple and objective as it can get without becoming too complex and nuanced. </p><p> </p><p> To me the bigger flaw in the rating system was the bias towards Performance over Popularity promotions, but as of TEW 2016, the playing field is even between the two.</p><p> </p><p> I think maybe updates to keep the balance stable, or maybe make it to where Pop based promotions can pull angle and match ratings on par with Performance based ones (maybe making the popularity weight relative to the promotion size, so a small promotion can still pull stronger ratings than they do). But I feel like the rating system being based entirely on booking and show quality is the fairest way to go about it.</p>
  7. I do feel like the AI should have rules that could be set. It can be as simple As "Goldberg = Win every match", "Dolph Ziggler = Lose every match" to simulate winning streaks and losing streaks better. Maybe the AI can auto-assign rules like winning streaks to high Menace or high SQ people to simulate people coming out of the gate with strong pushes. But, I do feel like TEW 2016 does a far better job at building workers' pop up than in any game prior. It would be cool to be able to simulate those nuances where some wrestlers are buried or primarily just put others over, and some wrestlers are primed to the top with an undefeated streak.
  8. This I agree with. Usually, the way that mod makers handled former WWE/WCW top guys is that while they were in TNA, they would usually be B- Tier pop, while the TNA Originals who were the biggest usually topped out at C or C+ at very best, D+ or C- at absolute lowest for the less promoted ones. I think that would be the best way to simulate a situation like 2007-2012 TNA for example. The non Originals would naturlaly lose the popularity they had in WWE and WCW because they aren't as visible and likely in time decline (there were many casual people who didnt know the Hardys and Angle were in TNA all those years. I remember seeing people thinking they retired or took a break). The TNA Originals would top out at a level where they would be Midcard or Upper Midcard if they signed to WWE, which I think is very consistent with how guys like AJ were used when he made the jump. When it comes to the pop disparity, TNA was on Spike TV from 2005 to 2014. That's 9 years of being on a medium or big sized network, and considering the match quality those guys had, in the game Id assume they would've built Popularity fast enough being around Jarrett, Sting, Nash, Christian Cage, Steiner, Rhino, Team 3D, etc. that by the time they start fighting the Jeff Hardys and Kurt Angles, their pop would be at a point to where it wouldn't kill Kurt or Jeff to take a Keep Strong or Protect loss to Samoa Joe or AJ Styles By the time the Bobby Roodes, James Storms, Austin Aries type wrestlers came into the main event, guys like Kurt and Jeff were yeara removed from the maximum exposure of WWE, and that combined with time decline and putting over less popular TNA Originals over time would mean they are at a point where they can lose clean without an issue.
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SirMichaelJordan" data-cite="SirMichaelJordan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Let’s not act the wrestling don’t have a history of politics and certain people getting to be chosen to reside on the top of the mountain...WWE was an example but we can take a history lesson on the entire business.<p> </p><p> </p><p> I don’t remember reading anyone saying that they dislike the change.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Even with that being considered, I think that adds to the point of the new way being better or more realistic.</p><p> </p><p> Nobody is saying that you can't, for example, push Jeff Jarrett to win 4 WCW Titles when you have Nash, Goldberg, Bret, Booker, Steiner, DDP and Sting who are perceived as more legitimate stars. You can force push him, or Billy Gunn in 1999 WWF, the same as we do now. It's just that the way the rosters are ranked are more accurately tiered to where it's based on how the AI fans perceive them than just being able to manually set them anywhere and fans being expected to take it without an issue.</p><p> </p><p> I think this feature will particularly work wonders for the Women's Division like Adam said. Now, you can better accurately reflect 2000s TNA where the Women were considered the bigger ratings draw at times and current WWE where you have the Women making more noise than the Men. i'm so happy I don't have to set my Women's Division to Integrated just for the old system to tier them properly amongst the roster. For that alone I welcome the new system with open arms.</p>
  10. In my latest WCW Game, I bought out ECW, made it a 2nd Brand, and re-joined the NWA. I also bought out ECCW, OZ and WXW as Child Companies alongside NWA Wildside and I re-opened Jim Crockett Promotions as my equivalent to a "C-Show" that operates as a Child Company like NXT. WCW Brand: WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Jarrett WCW World Tag Team Champions: Alex Wright & Disco Inferno WCW United States Heavyweight Champion: Diamond Dallas Page WCW Cruiserweight Champion: AJ Styles WCW Women's Champion: Joanie Laurer (Chyna) ECW Brand: ECW World Heavyweight Champion: Rob Van Dam ECW World Tag Team Champions: Justin Credible & Lance Storm ECW World Television Champion: Rhino ECW Junior Heavyweight Champion: Kid Kash ECW World Women's Champion: Mickie James Alliance Titles: NWA World's Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk NWA National Heavyweight Champion: Vampire Warrior (Gangrel) representing Jim Crockett Promotions, WCW's feeder league
  11. <p><strong>Favorite (all time)</strong></p><p> 1. <strong>USPW Pre-2016</strong>: They were fun to book as the growing 3rd place fed competing with SWF and TCW, as well as trying to get your future over while trying to squeeze good grades out of the older guys. Keeping USPW as National, or in past editions in trying to grow the promotion fast enough to where I dont lose my top guys, while growing my top guys to be as popular as possible to get the best grades possible, was one of my favorite challenges pre-2016.</p><p> </p><p> 2. <strong>CGC 2016</strong>: Once USPW became too big to fail and the philosophy changed entirely to where the AI takes any and every half decent talent, I feel like the spark was gone compared to the more 80s inspired product that Sam Strong oversaw. I think CGC is the best choice for those who miss old USPW, and if you love rebuilding a promotion to making it great again.</p><p> </p><p> 3.<strong> NYCW</strong>: I'm biased for two reasons, one because I am from New York originally, and two because NYCW was one of the first promotions I've had saves in the trial version of TEW 2008 and the full version of TEW 2010. I love the challenge of phasing out the old and bringing in new blood, while still keeping the NYCW product what we know and love. I haven't played an NYCW save in a long time, but it was one of my more enjoyable times in my earlier TEW playing days.</p><p> </p><p> 4.<strong> GCG 2016</strong>: When it comes to puro/japanese promotions, I've only really ever given GCG and PGHW a chance in my games, but out of those two, I strongly prefer GCG. They still have a great roster for their level, and the talent essentially books itself. I found the product very effective at getting guys who can work over pretty quickly with the right match and the right coverage.</p><p> </p><p> 5. <strong>UEW circa-2010</strong>: I like this promotion for some of the same reasons I liked GCG, but on a less effective scale as the European guys aren't as good as the Japanese ones in GCG. I had fond memories of TEW 2010 where I built up Crusher Von Steinberg and my User Character to B-grade pop in the region that UEW is based in. I think UEW has a strong foundation, much like NYCW and GCG, to really take it over to the next level once you sign the right talent.</p><p> </p><p> Least Favorite:</p><p> </p><p> 1.<strong> TCW pre-2016</strong>: One thing I really don't like about TEW is the disparity in match grades when you are booking and when the AI is booking, so that turned me off from TCW to begin with when I was getting B- and C+ shows while the AI would have to try hard to get worse than a B lot of the times, plenty of times B+ or above once some time passes. TCW also didn't really have anything amazing that really pulled me to the product before Tommy Cornell left, and Tommy Cornell being the head of TCW and its top guy seemed like their only claim to fame compared to the other promotions. I did and do have a MUCH better experience playing TCW with Tommy Cornell in 21CW, though, and now that they've fallen to the point where they are in USPW's former position of the company that has something to prove.</p><p> </p><p> 2.<strong> CZCW</strong>: I've played a few games as CZCW, but even though I'd get great grades from the jump, there was no passion there for that particular promotion.</p><p> </p><p> 3. <strong>Most Hardcore Promotions Except PSW/4C, including DAVE</strong>: I have a hard time playing as Hardcore feds in TEW, whether real world or fantasy verses. It's tough between the low sponsorship money, sometimes the feds being pop based, the small size which hurts pop based feds even more, and the intensity/danger levels increasing the chances that the wrestlers will get hurt. I almost never play as a Hardcore promotion with its default product, and I always change the product around to where it's the best balance between remaining hardcore and giving us the most sponsorship money. My best experiences of playing as hardcore companies was in this PSW save I had, but again, I had to change the product to my liking, which I'm not sure really counts. I also had a pretty solid 4C save one time as well.</p>
  12. <p>Jan 01 - Sep 01:</p><p> </p><p> I started as WCW, bought out ECW to use as a second Major Brand:</p><p> </p><p> WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Goldberg</p><p> WCW United States Heavyweight Champion: Joanie Laurer (Chyna)</p><p> WCW World Tag Team Champions: Sean O'Haire & Mark Jindrak</p><p> </p><p> WCW Cruiserweight Champion (Dual-Brand Title): Chavo Guerrero Jr.</p><p> </p><p> ECW World Heavyweight Champion: Rhino</p><p> ECW World Television Champion: Rhino</p><p> ECW World Tag Team Champions: Rey Mysterio Jr. & Billy Kidman</p>
  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41392" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thinking about trying a game with CGC for the first time ever. Their scene looks aging and ripe for innovation. Can someone talk to me about how their finances look? I used to do this in older TEWs, where I'd run a weekly live event with USPW that would filter in younger stars and filter out older stars before they ever got to television. The live event would run in USPW's best spots like the Southeast and usually have the USPW National Championship headline. <p> </p><p> If I do that here, will the company not be able to take the strain on expenditures?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> CGC starts off with about $5 Million in finances. Now, they are at about 58 (C-) pop across Canada, so there is a chance you may lose money the first few months until you get to C to C+ pop across Canada.</p><p> </p><p> How much you lose depends on your hiring strategy. I always plan on losing money in the first few months because I sign up any potential star I can (both on the roster and not on the roster) to build for the future when I can get CGC to National.</p>
  14. I think they let Charlotte win partially because they wanted to swerve us, and partially to give Charlotte another convincing accolade to build her up for the eventual Ronda Rousey match that may happen at next years Mania.
  15. <p>Does anybody know how random the chemistry stat is?</p><p> </p><p> Is it 100% random or do some combos of styles produce a greater chance of good chemistry than others?</p>
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