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About PhenomenalPat

  • Birthday 04/18/1982

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  1. I love that NHEW, with it's roster of meaty men and psychotic looking women, has the most unimposing referee in the history of referees. He just looks like a kid who weights 85 pounds soak and wet. lol.
  2. Meh...stupid accidental double click. disregard this one, sorry.
  3. I think they look pretty good, my only request regarding them (if it's possible and not much trouble) is if you could re-do them to be zoomed in a bit more. With so many of the AI renderes doing closer zoomed in pics these look out of place when scrolling through the game world. If you would be able to zoom in a bit more, maybe have it be from the tops of the shoulders it would fit in a lot more with the rest of my renders. Again, they look good and I understand if you don't want to, but figured I'd ask if you would be willing to oblige. Thanks for posting, and reading my ramblings.
  4. WinRAR. Has a trial, but after the trial you can still use it indefiantly. You get a pop up asking you to register a premium version, but it still works. You can rar or zip files and it unzips them too. Or there is 7zip.
  5. Love your graphics. I had a question/request for when or if you feel up to it. I always bring AAA back and you made a great logo that I use now, wondering if you might be willing to tackle their events? Obviously when you feel up to it. But thought I'd mention it. Also, never had much interest in it for the longest time, but my goddaughter made me play D&D when she got into it and we had a really fun time. We would play every weekend and had one game that took over a year, a lot of fun to really delve into. Hope you're enjoying your game.
  6. @gazwefc83 That Maribel Is giving me Jessica Rabbit flashbacks. She's not bad, she's just drawn that way. 🤣
  7. Agree with Jaysin and Sisma completely, Joy Ryder is amazing. Love the New Kate Lily cut too, hoping that means a new Debbie Rose is on the way.
  8. ok, apologies for this...it's a bit offtopic, but the 2016 thread is dead, so I thought I'd ask here Since we are dealing with some of the same team. I was just randomly looking around the boards and was reminded of the excellent From the Depths mod that I really enjoyed. The links there are dead and the thread itself is too. So I was wondering if either one of the makers or a TVerse fan here happened to have the old data and pics that I could convert and mess around with in 2020. It was unfortunately on my old computer which is had a hard drive failure a while back. So lost it. Again, I hope it's ok to ask here. Didn't know where to ask, and figured with some of the same team and it likely having some cross over in players, hopefully someone reading this thread would have it. Appreciate anyone who reads my rambling, and even more so if anyone is able to hook me up.
  9. Not that I'm aware, however...it doesn't take as long as you may think. I just built a completely organic universe for fun, and let it sim out over many years. I used only the newer AI images, so it meant adding about 2,500 free pictures. But if you separate them in folders by race, gender, hair/no hair, and role...it goes much quicker. If you ise windows and you select every picture you want and hit F2 to rename them all at once. Then with all the pictures organized it's pretty quick adding them.
  10. GORO!!!! (can anyone who is atleast in their 30s read that and not immediatly get the Mortal Kombat theme song stuck in your head? I can't do it...luckily it's awesome! MORTAL KOMBAT!!!)
  11. Always great to see something new from you man. Only peeked through the data thus far, looking pretty solid though. I'll let you know if any issues arise once I start playing. The one thing delaying that, is the lack of free agent women. I usually like to test a new mod out by starting a small women's company and hiring just free agents, but there are currently only 30 free agent women in the entire game world, compared to 147 for the men. I'm referring to just active wrestlers, not managers or anything. So if you are looking to add or flesh out certain areas, that would be one I'd recommend. But looks like it should be a fun world.
  12. Excellent renders as always. I'm begun checking this site out several times a day, purely because of your work. Also, "Ron South" ain't foolin' me! I know Clark Kent when I see him.
  13. Much like the above comment, congrats on the new job. Haven't commented on your thread before, but been watching and loving your designs.
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