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Posts posted by jstarr187

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41193" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A bit of a presumptuous question, but I figure it can't hurt to ask. <p> </p><p> So I've been messing around with Genadi's 2001 WCW Survives mod. Still a lot of work I want to do, but I'm starting to plan. The intent is obviously to run WCW, which will start at Cult, shorn of most of its top stars, and now owned by Shane McMahon. The intent is to build around some of the WCW youngsters, ECW leftovers, and the host of young talent on the indy scene by mid-2001. An idea I used with PWI in the ThunderVerse is to introduce an old school masked patriot wrestler, under an American mask. The main Patriot would be somebody relatively known but solid in the ring and obviously American. Ideally, they would become an upper midcard mainstay but not necessarily ever become a main eventer. The main role would be using the Patriot gimmick as a way to introduce new young talent, as the main Patriot would always have one or two young protégés, also working under similar mask. After a time, the youngsters would unmask and work under their own character. The youngster gets some help building popularity on the main roster and if the main Patriot is solid in the ring, some development from tagging with the boss. </p><p> </p><p> Asaemon provided me with some his great mask renders on a blank background, which I have converted to JPG (small black border, white background) and they actually look really solid in the game. Asaemon was even kind enough to create some really nice looking Patriot masks that I will use for this (they are in his thread, check them out). </p><p> </p><p> Now, I think I've settled on the main Patriot - Chris Harris. He was on the WCW roster at the end. He should have decent potential. He can play a babyface. He's fairly raw at this point, but I figured I would stash him in development until after September as the tragedy of 9/11 would make this kind of character impactful. By then, he could/should have in the ring skills to be pushable. </p><p> </p><p> What I'm still deciding on - and what I'd like some suggestions on - is who else would make good options to bring in as part of the Patriot stable and later on have unmask? They need to be American (though race doesn't matter), decently talented (or at least can be developed), moderately athletic, and available in the mid-2001 to 2003 range. A lot of available talent who are certain to be stars don't really need help being introduced (CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and the like). I considered using James Storm in this way (also on the WCW roster at the end) but I think his cowboy gimmick could have legs on its own. Bryan Danielson is also a maybe as, again, he can stand on his own. So suggestions on who I can use along with Harris?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Is there a spare Shelton Benjamin or Charlie Haas lying around?</p>
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