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About adam.TEW

  • Birthday 11/05/1991


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  1. Can I download the CVerse original files somewhere? @Adam Ryland I think I deleted that database when I started a Real World mod save.
  2. Is there a way to talk retired wrestlers out of retirement as some sort of "one more match"-approach to get them to wrestle at least one more show? That would be nice and would massively add to realism with some real-life mods. (Edge, Goldberg, Shawn Michaels, just some recent examples)
  3. Hola. Yesterday I made a couple of event logos for my C-Verse company HCPW and I thought maybe some of you want to use these. Some are Gimmick-PPVs, but I'll explain that down below: Events-Preview: https://i.imgur.com/LIxuk6n.jpg Tour Poster + Titles + Logo: https://i.imgur.com/sy5HJjM.jpg Events: Evolution Theory: Same as Ring Of Honor's Survival Of The Fittest, it's a tournament that qualifies 6 Main Eventers in 1on1-Fights to then fight in a six man Elimination main event. Nice way to get talent over, it's an annual event title, not a championship. Level Up: Regular PPV, retrowave-themed. Hustlemania: Biggest PPV of the year. Retribution: Regular PPV Triple Threat Equinox: All matches are 3 Ways, it's a 3 Way-Tournament. (Could be useful for a vacant title) Apex Season: Regular PPV, climax of the year / mid-season event. Summer Survival: Regular PPV, SummerSlam-esque theme. Hustle X-Tournament: Tournament like King Of The Ring Doomed Dreams: Regular / Darker themed / Horror-themed PPV Gold Or Nothing: All matches are title matches on this card like WWE Clash Of Champions November's Duality: Regular PPV, focuses on a big Tag Team Main Event Final Combat: Regular PPV to end the year, themed to fit major grudge match main events. __________________________________ The 2nd preview includes a tour-poster I use for my Southwest events like as my infinity-show that I do to grow in an area and 3 titles as well as the company logos. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/c6r5s8pqosgawk5/adamtew_event-logos.rar/file *will expire in 14 days* I may update this thread and reupload once I got more stuff done as I'm planning to do some more fantasy PPV logos soon.
  4. Is there a way to create my own Avatar? If so, where? Can't find it in the editor
  5. Thanks, I guess it's too early to ask that but what RL-mod is usually considered the most detailed and "biggest" in regards to most promotions included? Are there 1-2 most popular favorites? I haven't used a mod in like 10 years.
  6. Where can I find a solid list of places to find some additional TEW content such as picture-sets, titles, etc?
  7. <p>Yes, 100s of things that at the time seemed rather not realistic. Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) winning Wrestlemania 30's main event, signing Japanese rising talents to WWE such as Nakamura & KENTA (Hideo Itami), Goldberg returning to feud Lesnar, booked some world title-runs about 10 years before they happened, predicted some talents to go from Jr. to Heavyweights in Puroresu. I guess everyone who mostly plays RL mods and takes over smaller promotions has that happen a lot cause wrestling is a small world and there's not that many top level-talents out there, many things were a bit predictable. For example, around 2005-2010 you could sense Danielson would become the next Benoit / Angle type wrestler that would get anyone to a good match, even a horrible wrestler and would take over their footsteps in bigger promotions, TNA or WWE. </p><p> </p><p> For TNAs top talents like Joe & AJ Styles it was only a matter of time before they would go to WWE as TNA started to crumble and there was really no other place to go for them, same for Prince Devitt and Omega after spending many years in Japan (at least Omega went to a new / 2nd biggest promotion then).</p><p> </p><p> The only talents I am surprised didn't quite make it on the big stage yet despite me booking them there over and over are guys like Jimmy Jacobs or The Briscoe Brothers.</p>
  8. Yes, I remember around 2010, 2011 the American indi scene was pretty much wiped and there was only a handful of bigger names (like Chris Hero & Aries) left. Everyone else was stuck in development child companies, Japanese dojos, on hiatus or injured, it was a dark period IMO and that's where I stopped following wrestling. As for EWR I remember Puma, Alex Shane, Hi69 and Perro Aguayo Jr. were absolutely H-U-G-E. Pulled off 99 OR-shows month by month booking these guys.
  9. That's a fun idea man. If we can already pick, I'd go with Daniel Bryan. Otherwise, you could also completely randomize it, or stick to wrestlers who share similar levels of attributes. When do you think of streaming?
  10. Lol yes. I remember seeing Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) vs. Daniel Bryan (Danielson) in front of 200 people 10 years ago thinking "it's a shame these guys will never enter the biggest of stages" and now they both did. Used to book them and 20 other indi-talents that were in their 20s or early 30s as World champions numerous times. It's crazy to think that probably 60%, 70% of them all ended up having somewhat decent runs in mainstream promotions by 2020. Weird feeling.
  11. Haven't touched TEW in 5 years and never touched the C-Verse either, so I guess I will just pick my first ever save and go from there, focus on wrestling rather than promos and angles for the most part. I want it to be challenging tbh, I don't like starting with much of a safety net and huge stars that I have to rely on, so ... I'll make up my decision in 2 days. One question. How big is the market free agent-wise? Is there the possibility to completely lose oneself in scouting talent like how it is with other sports manager-games? Is there a sufficient amount of free young talent roaming the C-Verse (something that I think is badly missing in the real world outside of the 3 major promotions in the US at least).
  12. You're probably right that Hero and Sabre are bigger names nowadays, Hero would at least be a free agent though so I think it would be ok (right now as of April 2020). I've stopped watching wrestling years ago so I'm still stuck somewhere when I used to see them wrestle in front of me to a crowd of 300 people at most. Sabre is still such an underrated wrestler, he reminds me of Bryan Danielson in 2006 or so when it wasn't really clear to anyone what would happen with his career in regards to mainstream wrestling. In the past I felt when starting "too small" in TEW it would bore me really fast to only book 6-12 different talents and it wouldn't make much room for certain dynamics and roster rotation, so I always start somewhere around a 20-30 man roster which kinda fits the level of ROH and similar promotions I guess.
  13. I came up with a unique set of rules to enter the real world with a lower-sized promotion that I will create to challenge ROH, Impact and similar competitors to eventually become number #2 behind WWE some day. One of the major rules will be that I can only sign 5 "rather unrealistic" talents max. and none of the huge superstars at all. The roster will mainly consist of those in their mid 30s to 40s who did not make it big and could be signed easily, mainly underrated wrestlers I personally liked for the most part, such as Zack Sabre Jr., Low Ki, Eddie Kingston, the Briscoes, Alexander Otsuka, Sami Callihan or Chris Hero. 2 of these 5 "stars" will be KENTA and RVD, I haven't figured out the rest yet.
  14. <p>Kind move, tough question. <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I have to go with a Japanese piece of wrestling history and that is Mitsuharu Misawa hitting a Tiger Suplex off the stage onto the concrete floor (there's only a super slim mattress there) against Kenta Kobashi in what has to be one of the best wrestling matches of all time. </p><p> </p><p> Later it was said that Misawa (who executed the suplex) told officials he felt like dying and staff surrounding both were panicking for a moment. I don't know how Kenta Kobashi even survived this move, let alone how they figured they could safely pull this off. They both weren't seriously hurt and this spot happened early into the match. (They went on to go beyond the 30 minute-mark, it was Meltzer's Match Of The year I believe too.)</p><p> </p><p> You can find the spot here:</p><p> </p><p> </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SjgRBscjQj0?start=195&feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="大激闘! 2003年ベストバウト 三沢光晴 vs 小橋建太 他"></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p> Completely unrelated to this moment:</p><p> </p><p> Years later, Misawa (green attire) tragically died from an in-ring accident with terrible consequences to the wrestler who executed the move on him (a backdrop that damaged his neck). He faced lots of criticism of fans online and experienced major depressions, but overcame his problems when he received a letter that Misawa wrote in case he would die in the ring, that was meant to be given to the very one wrestler who he faced last. The letter said: "I am sorry [...] It may be painful, but I want you to continue." A tragic and moving story in my opinion, that gives us a glimpse into the perspective of such incredible artists who sacrifice everything for us.</p><p> </p><p> Sorry for mistakes here and there, </p><p> not a native English speaker and it's literally 2:37 AM. <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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