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Rone Rivendale

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Everything posted by Rone Rivendale

  1. And more importantly, he was Fabian Kaelin from Wrestling Society X. I loved that character. It's the whole reason I followed him on Twitter recently.
  2. I could forgive Rollins injuring Sting as a one time freak accident... ...except he JUST had a one time freak accident happen when he broke Cena's nose. One is an accident, twice is a pattern.
  3. It looks like it was on purpose, why else would he go so far down the ladder before jumping?
  4. I was impressed too. More with his mic skills with HHH backstage than his in ring prowess. Most actors seem intimidated when they have to do a skit with talent.
  5. Stardust IS amazing. When WWE had a sale recently for buy one get one half off t-shirts, I got me a Stardust shirt (and got my Mom a Reigns shirt).
  6. Ryder was damn impressive. Even if it's in a jobber spot, he needs to get on Raw more often. Move Stardust back up the card, and let Ryder take his spot jobbing every week.
  7. Don't let "R-Truth" fool you, Ron Killings was a two time NWA Heavyweight champion. He has star power to spare. He just gets stuck with really bad WWE written promos.
  8. I know it's sad but i'm equally impressed that Khali can do that entrance as I am seeing Neville doing the barrier 450.
  9. Yeah what a wash-out Lesnar was, with his Heavyweight title in UFC and all. Total wuss.
  10. The PPV was amazing, perhaps some of you should find another hobby.
  11. R.I.P. David Punk is going to get his ass kicked in UFC. He was an amazing pro wrestler, no doubt, but that isn't anywhere close to the same thing as MMA. Brock was able to do it because he was/is a beast of a man. Punk is an average sized man. Other Middleweights (as I've heard he's entering) are going to have WAY more muscle mass. They will have known MMA their entire lives for the most part, and aren't just moonlighting like Punk is. I realize Dana White can just throw a can in the octagon for Punk, but even then I'm not sure he could win. Guys fight their hearts out in the lower tiers for a spot at the UFC. The worst UFC fighter could still hand me my ass in 30 seconds.
  12. Ryback went back to the 'big guy' BEFORE he became involved in the Authority angle. And the first time he had a 1 on 1 match with his old entrance, the crowd was into it like he never left the main event scene.
  13. <p>You have to consider the fact that, despite his shortcomings, Ryback is OVER with the crowd.</p><p> </p><p> He was stuck in bad tag limbo with Axel for what seemed like forever, he comes back one day as himself again doing the old intro and instantly the crowd was there. He has 'it'.</p><p> </p><p> If putting on good matches equaled main event, Hogan wouldn't be the biggest wrestler of all time.</p>
  14. Non-Spoiler thoughts about HiaC Ziggler/Cesaro: Great back and forth. Finish was unpredictable. Both should be higher up the card. Usos/Dust Bros: Did we really need this again? Not a bad match but it's been overdone. Nikki/Brie: Finish was really predictable considering the stip. People need to drop the "Bellas can't wrestle" attitude because they put on a decent match here. Sheamus/Miz: Sanddow, I mean Mizdow, was the star of the match. Both during the match and especially post-match. Cena/Orton: Better than I was expecting. This is another that has been done to death BUT they put on a very good match. Finish was incredible. AJ/Paige: You knew these two would put on a good match, the two best Divas since Trish and Lisa. Doesn't hurt that they are also the 2 sexiest divas in WWE right now. Ambrose/Rollins: Ten minutes in, the match officially began (lol). Very intense from the beginning and never lost that edge. Finish NO ONE could have seen coming and it was AWESOME. Rollins will move on to cashing in at some point soon and Ambrose has his next fued set up. Overall this was the best PPV of the year. Not one bad match, and PLENTY of great spots.
  15. Ambrose is already in the top 5 as far as promo skills in WWE right now. And I think it's safe to say he's #2 behind Cena as the top face.
  16. I don't get the Rosa hate. She doesn't botch anything at least. In general I've found the Divas division to be on a steep uprise. AJ and Paige being in the title hunt indefinitely is nothing but good news. Both Bellas are improving. Alicia Fox, Summer Rae, and Layla have solid personalities. Fox in general is going to be lifted by association with Paige. I'm SO glad the Bellas have two distinct characters now. Bree is now in the underdog face role, a lesser version of her husband's gimmick. And Nikki is almost the 'monster heel' of the diva's division now. And I think WWE should go further with that. When she beat down both AJ and Paige a few weeks ago, it was the first time EVER I found her to be interesting. I've always found Bree to be the better Diva but some good writing could change that.
  17. I thought Layla and Summer were called Slayers? Cuz I really like that name. Also Big Show doing a sunset flip was awesome even though he BARELY made it. Big Show doesn't get enough credit for being a 7'2" guy who doesn't necessarily have to work a 'big man' style. He is more agile and flexible than Andre ever was.
  18. You want a new Monday Nite War? Give NJPW a weekly show broadcasting against Raw and see how quickly Vince and Co. fumble to catch up. All the people who love watching Punk/Bryan/Ziggler/etc will enjoy seeing wrestling where the matches actually matter and are the main focus. Give them 2 English speaking announcers and even the people who wouldn't normally watch Japanese wrestling would surely give it a fair chance. (Personally I don't mind listening to the original Japanese commentary. It's exciting to listen to even without knowing what they're saying.)
  19. I disagree strongly with that last bit. Cena has put over many different people in his promos and it's not just to bring attention to himself. The biggest example is Zack Ryder. As big as Ryder was getting online, I doubt anything would have come of it if not for Cena, the biggest name in WWE, tweeting his support for Ryder to get on Raw. And Cena's storyline involvement with Ryder and Eve didn't kill Ryder's push. What killed Ryder's push was creative doing absolutely nothing with him after that storyline ended. Cena doesn't bury people, Cena does the job that he is told to do. Vince buries people. You never hear stories about Cena the way you did Hogan or Nash or even Stone Cold. He doesn't walk out if he doesn't get the W. He doesn't politic to get his storylines changed so he looks stronger. He does what he's told.
  20. Lucky Cena http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx41/LordBarros/luckycena_zpsf96a5a41.jpg
  21. <p>Spoiler free thoughts:</p><p> </p><p> All the matches were great last nite, except the main event.</p><p> </p><p> Goldust indeed had awesome facepaint. And I was glad with the outcome of the Dust Bros. match.</p><p> </p><p> The Divas was better than anyone could have expected.</p><p> </p><p> The end of the main event ruined it. But after the brutal beatdown Brock gave Cena last month, it would have been harder to match it, let alone surpass it. Was really hopeing for 'evil' Cena to come out.</p><p> </p><p> btw, they didn't say a couple of months for Reigns. They were saying 'six months' and 'several months' for his recovery during the PPV.</p>
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