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Rone Rivendale

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Everything posted by Rone Rivendale

  1. <p>Could certainly see Doc defecting. Jarrett as a face coming back to reclaim the company he built? Why not? It's been so long since he left the spotlight, most wrestling fans would buy into it. You could have Al Snow join as a rival to D-Lo, although Snow isn't exactly "Main Event". Jeff Hardy would seem like a good choice, and I really wouldn't mind seeing them bring in John Morrison. Just think about what Hardy and Morrison could do in tag matches against As & 8s.</p><p> </p><p> It's all speculation though, and prob none of that will happen. ^_^</p>
  2. That video was pretty kewl, it's a shame it was made before the whole storyline with Kane began. And to think, Bryan right now is becoming more popular than ever with his storyline with both Kane and Orton as he tries to take down The Shield.
  3. You mean the finisher that Ohno had years before, the same finisher that Barrett mysteriously started using about the same time Ohno started in NXT? I think Ohno should debut by showing Barrett how it's really done.
  4. Magnus is okie, but I still feel that Douglas Williams is the better prospect. But we've been through this same topic before so I won't get in to it lol. Speaking of Storm though, I really feel they missed the boat on cementing him as "The Guy". He is still popular of course, but last year he was more so by leaps and bounds.
  5. Absolutely agree with this. But the future looks pretty bright to me. Claudio/Antonio is already on WWE T.V., Hero/Ohno is close. You mentioned Bryan and Punk already making it. I love 2/3rds of the Shield (sorry Reigns), and there is still plenty of great talent to come. It's not too late for someone like Zack Ryder, Santino Marella, Justin Gabirel, Drew McIntyre, to name a few to get the big break that defines them as a superstar (and not the WWE version of a 'superstar', but a real superstar like Austin, Rock, Cena, etc). I've mentioned this a couple times before a while back but most of the biggest names came from very puny beginnings. Before Austin was Stone Cold he was 'The Ring Master'. Before The Rock, there was Rocky Miavia. Before Cena became a Thug and then a Marine, he was The Prototype. Before Edge electrified the tag team division and then became a multi World champ, he was.... I can't even type it... here goes... Sexton Hardcastle. Triple H, before being The Game, even before being Hunter Hearst Helmsley, had the VERY horrible name in WCW... Terra Rysing(spelling might be off). Point is, someone will step up. Time will go on. Cena will hang up his boots eventually, and the wrestling world will hardly miss him. But right now, Cena is The Man. Like it or not.
  6. And why is everyone saying no one else has been allowed to reach the top? Did everyone already forget that CM Punk had a World Title reign of over a year? Did Mark Henry not dominate like few others have in recent memory before he got injured and lost his momentum? Has Sheamus not become the 2nd biggest face in the company right now behind Cena? Does Daniel Bryan not get the biggest crowd reaction in the WWE right now with the "yes" chants? Is Ryback not getting a monster heel push right now? Has Orton not been a top 3 face/heel for several years now? Del Rio has won a few World Titles in the last few years (keep in mind when I say World Titles I mean WWE AND Heavyweight belts). Dolph is just now reaching a sustained main event push but he looks like he will be a major player for the considerable future. WWE is FAR from the John Cena show. If Cena retired today, WWE would not see a drop in ratings or PPV buys. They might take a hit in the short term for merch but it would soon be picked up by someone else. Most likely Punk.
  7. No doubt there are alot of opinions on this board about Cena. So let's skip personal opinions and just look at one fact: A bunch of people here have stated their OPINION that Cena never jobs. That Cena always wins. That Cena holds everyone down. Here is a FACT, as shown on The Internet Wrestling Database. http://www.profightdb.com/winlossrecord/john-cena-350.html John Cena has only won 67% of his matches in the WWE. He has only won 59% of his matches on PPV. So Cena never loses? In FACT he has lost 152 T.V. or PPV matches in his career. In comparison to someone else people said was in a similar situation: Hulk Hogan won 79% of his matches in the WWF. 64% on PPV overall in WWF/E and TNA. Opinions are just that, opinions. The facts say Cena is not as SUPER as people make him out to be. He doesn't hold people down. He jobs as much as any other long time main event guy in the long and storied history of professional wrestling.
  8. It's way more simple than all that everyone. Women love Cena Kids love Cena Men hate Cena Women love his look, his charisma, his never say die attitude. They want a man like him in their lives. Kids love his look, his charisma, his never say die attitude. They want a Father like him in their lives. Men hate Cena because they aren't Cena. They don't have the look. They don't have the charisma. They are just average joes behind a keyboard, or attending an event with their wife and child (who is cheering on Cena) and that jealously leads to "Cena sucks! He can't wrestle! He is the worst of all time! Boo!" Period.
  9. I honestly did not know Reigns was that small. I guess they do a good job of making him SEEM bigger by the way they have used him in the storyline.
  10. Okie, to back up my comment on Reigns (didn't realize I was gonna start a whole topic about this): Ambrose is my favorite. I haven't seen alot of his indy wrestling but I have seen some of his promos from the indies and I always thought as Jon Moxley, his character was perfect. You believed that he was truly a scumbag, not that he was playing the part of one, but that he was in real life just a really seedy guy who who do anything to succeed no matter what was in his way. That's the sort of character that few have in wrestling anymore. I think it has translated to his WWE persona nicely. He is a lot more cleancut now but the arrogance and the charisma is def still there. Rollins I knew well, not just from Ring of Honor as it's champion, but also well before that when he was with Jimmy Jacobs in the Age of the Fall. They also tagged in the short lived Wrestling Society X. He is a very talented guy in the ring, who I never found to be very good on the mic. In TEW terms, he was B level charisma and acting skills but more like a C- microphone skill. I have a slightly higher opinion of him in The Shield so far but Ambrose blows him away in the promo dept. Reigns is a very distant 3rd for me. Generic big guy who does generic big guys moves and does short big guy promos. I don't see any potential there. He is Bull Bucanon, Mike Knox, Luke Gallows, Heidenreich, etc only Samoan. Color me indifferent.
  11. That video Bear-ly kept my attention. It was so un-bear-able to watch. Actually, it was pretty funny.
  12. My all time favorite wrestler no joke is Disco Inferno, so needless to say I am loving the Fandango character so far. I hope he sticks around for a while and doesn't get the mini-push/burial that alot of people receive.
  13. Wow, I came on here to talk about how awesome WM29 was tonite and all I read on here is bunch of whiny babies. I'm not even gonna bother going into detail, but WM29 was 5x better than WM28 and HHH/Brock was the clear match of the night.
  14. WWE Championship: The Rock vs. John Cena Die Rocky Die The Undertaker vs. CM Punk Taker is well past his prime and Punk is the hottest thing going. It's time. Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H I WANT HHH to win but he doesn't need to be in the ring anymore and I am sure he is perfectly fine being a behind the scenes guy now with his growing family. And remember, fired is NEVER forever in the WWE. The Shield vs. Big Show, Randy Orton and Sheamus I love the Shield but I am going against the group here. I think this is one of those 'feel good' matches where the Faces need to win. Maybe it'll lead to a perm-face Big Show as well. World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger Swagger wins so Dolph can cash in and win the belt without making Del Rio look weak. Big E could even be the reason Del Rio loses to Swagger Ryback vs. Mark Henry This seems to be the most obvious of all the WM matches. I don't see how Henry can win this. Wins and losses usually don't matter, but I really feel a loss here would kill Ryback's main event push Chris Jericho vs. Fandango Debut match at WM? I think something special begins with a win over Y2J. Tag Team Championship: Hell No vs. Zig-E & AJ I only pick Hell No because Dolph is going to cash in and win the belt. I don't see him holding both titles at once. Tons of Funk vs Rhodes Scholars I agree with the person who said this match could help reignite the diva's division. But I am leaning with the Bellas winning the match being the fuel. Maybe even some "vintage" twin magic. Intercontinental Championship: Miz vs. Barrett Miz needs the belt right now more than Barrett does. That's the only reason I have.
  15. I agree with this. Cole got alot of heat (in a bad way) for his heel tactics, but he is actually a very good announcer. Def glad JBL is commentating on some shows now between his charity climbs. I always thought he was one of the best color guys I've heard. He has the knowledge and he has the passion and conviction in his voice when he talks about things.
  16. It's just a shame that the U.S. champion has lost several matches in a row, and doesn't even defend his belt on PPVs (unless it's the dark match).
  17. It's better that Knox and Gallows are lesser known, it's better that they have been gone from WWE for a while too. The majority of ppl would have crapped on it if it had been Morrison, MVP, or Smith because they would be "WWE's rejects". But someone like Gallows who has been gone from WWE for over a year and Knox who has been gone multiple years, they can still be developed into a "TNA" talent. Think of it this way. Chavo is a WWE reject. Anderson is a TNA guy. The difference is the time served and the time away. This isn't my personal opinion btw, this is just what 90% of ppl on this very forum say all the time.
  18. Didn't Bobby Roode hold the World Title for a year before Aries beat him?
  19. I thought iMPACT was really good. But I don't nitpick and study each second of the show trying to find faults either. *shrugs* The Roode/Aries vs Chavo/Hernandez match was really good. Wes Brisco's promo was really solid and made a believer that he could be a future star of TNA. Taz is doing fine on commentary. He is there for the same reason Bischoff was there for NWO. To give a voice for the invading group. And A&8 don't have to win matches to dominate TNA. How many matches has The Shield won? You think they aren't dominating? A&8 dominate by taking people out. Hogan, Sting, Angle, etc. I've always loved the KOs. They treat their women's division 10x better than WWE has treated theirs since the days of Trish/Lita/Molly/Victoria/etc. The Tara/Brooke match was really solid. Hard to believe Brooke is the same woman who was once just a part of Extreme Expose in WWECW. Sorry to rain on everyone's pity party.
  20. Yeah, what he said. I'll accept your apology any time. ^_^
  21. The finish to the ADR vs Big Show was great. Did anyone complain when a face Eddie used to throw a chair at his opponent and then fall down to get wins by DQ? Of course not! Not to mention that Cena did the exact same thing to Batista before and while I'm sure ppl complained (cuz it's Cena), it was funny then too. As for the Rock winning the WWE Title, well, I'll just paste what I tweeted directly after the PPV ended. "Remember when David Arquette won the WCW Title? Well, #royalrumble went something like that. Actor Dwayne Johnson is the #WWE Champion."
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