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Rone Rivendale

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Everything posted by Rone Rivendale

  1. Aries has a good reason to forget Hardy for the moment and take out Roode after he was betrayed in the main event. You glossed over Daniels getting a title shot. This is a guy who has been in TNA for most of it's existence. Now, it's a World Title shot on iMPACT so Daniels has no chance but it could be the start of a good feud that could see Daniels FINALLY get the belt. Gail Kim dominated the KOs match and then was screwed out of winning the #1 contendership when her foot was obv under the ropes and got pinned anyway. So she has a reason to be involved in the Tara/Velvet match. After Kenny King got upset by Christian York, they have a reason to feud. And RVD needs a new rival if those 2 go at it. Anderson made his choice on the A&8s thing obv, and A&8s overall went 2-1 in matches. So they stayed strong while still being hunted by Sting. So yeah.... nothing happened to advance anything. It was pointless.
  2. Did anyone else find it comical that Big Show had that giant chair? (besides Infinity) I mean, it was SO Looney Tunes that I almost expected to see him pull out an ANVIL next!
  3. Shamrock was the 1st ever NWA-TNA World champion, so obviously he had SOME main event potential. He was always a solid upper-mid card guy in WWE though. He didn't have to have prize winning promos, he was a psycho who hurt people.
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="20LEgend" data-cite="20LEgend" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>EY has resigned!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Resigned or Re-signed? They mean opposite things. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  5. <p>There was a PPV last night, did no one watch? lol</p><p> </p><p> I won't give any spoilers but it was a good but not great PPV overall. Some solid matches and minor storyline advancement but nothing 'big' happened.</p>
  6. I think people are just predisposed to see a guy who is stacked like Ryback and think that he must be awful in ring. I saw HiaC live and I was impressed with Ryback. It wasn't a 2 minute squash. It wasn't just Ryback beating on Punk the whole time and then SuperPunk comeback. It was a back and forth match. Ryback did moves. Ryback sold moves. Most importantly, when Ryback got screwed and he took it to Maddox and then took it to Punk on top of the cage, Ryback had the crowd in the palm of his hands. That's all WWE cares about, the crowd was HOT for Ryback. And this was the same crowd who was dead silent for every other match on the card.
  7. I wasn't sure how they were going to be able to keep the belt on Punk but still make Ryback look good. Well, they found a way! Was really hoping the cell was gonna break and Punk was going to fall through though. Very interested to see where this goes from here. Rest of the PPV was okie. The people in the chat room I was in were all dumping on every match so much that it made it REALLY hard to enjoy the PPV.
  8. This. I hope they push her to the moon. She is gorgeous, can do decent promos, can wrestle, and did I mention how gorgeous she is?
  9. I'm also a fan of Borash. I like how they have Hemme for the eye candy aspect on most matches, but when it comes time for the main event, they always bring out the big gun (Borash) to deliver a proper intro. Makes the main event of each iMPACT seem grander.
  10. I've been wrong before, but I think the "End of an Era" match was Taker's last WM. Most likely his last match period.
  11. Compared to "Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?", Feed Me More is poetry.
  12. Well, that settles it. If it appears on a completely different site from GDS, it's known to the whole world and doesn't need spoiler tags.
  13. Yes, this exactly. Of course this are spoilers in this thread sometimes, but most people are polite enough to set them in spoiler tags so people who don't want to know ahead of time can skip it and still be a part of the actual discussion. This isn't the WWE results thread, it's the WWE discussion thread.
  14. Just going from the PWI 500 for 2012 (which ends around July of this year: *Was the only TNA wrestler in the top 10 of the PWI 500 for 2011. *Held the TNA World Title in late 2011 *Had more than one Title shot in September of 2011 *Beat Bully Ray at Bound for Glory 2011 *Beat Jeff Hardy at Sacrifice 2012 *Won a 3 way match involving RVD and Jeff Hardy to earn a Title match against then TNA World Champion Bobby Roode. So that's some of what he has done in the last couple years. You can add to that the fact that every time he comes out, the crowd loves him. He has always been a hugely charismatic wrestler with decent in ring skills. Was a couple injuries away from Superstardom in WWE. Has held the TNA World Title. Is always in the TNA World Title hunt. So yes, he belongs. For those wondering where he placed in the PWI 500 this year. He was 27th. 1 place higher than A.J. Styles. 3 places higher than Bully Ray. 8 places higher than Sting. 10 places higher than RVD. I rest my case.
  15. TBH, I've fallen out of touch with ROH for the last year. I don't know the first thing about Ciampa, Cole, Elgin, etc. I do think they are on a downswing talent wise. You can blame 'raids' by TNA and WWE for that over the last few years. I say raids in quotes because they didn't have to steal very many to really take ROH down a few pegs. Not exactly WWF vs WCW vs ECW. If ROH had gotten the Sinclair show back when Tyler Black was still champion (or further back when Danielson and McGuiness had it) they could have really made a run at TNA for 2nd in America. But as it stands, they have very little chance of getting any bigger than they are right now. Talent wise (def not coverage wise) I would put PWG and CHIKARA above ROH right now. Why PWG hasn't gotten a tv deal yet baffles me.
  16. A year with the X Title (and never losing it in the ring) plus a 3 month run with the World Title is certainly nothing to sneeze at. Aries right now is in the top eschalon of people in TNA right now with Roode, Storm, Hardy, Bully, and Anderson.
  17. Nope, just the first. And a damn good swerve. There are several more reveals to go.
  18. Also, Magnus and Joe have been feuding for a while. It isn't "thrown together at the last minute"
  19. Like I told my friend thru txt last nite "Tensai is a fat bastard"
  20. The way this storyline is heading, a loss by Aries would completely kill the huge push he has been given the last several months. So I would have to think Aries will be the David to slay the Goliath Jeff Hardy and ascend to Main Event status on a permanent basis. If they hadn't introduced the whole "You aren't chasing me, I am chasing you. I want to be everything you have been" thing, a loss to Hardy would not have mattered. It would almost be expected after Hardy won the BFG. I think this puts a lot of pressure on Aries to go out there and put on the kind of match that will stand the test of time. Is he capable of it? Hell yeah. And Hardy (when focused) is always capable of great matches as well. I know not everyone here knows about Aries' past in ROH (I'm sure a lot of you do though, since this is a very smart wrestling crowd) but he was the 1st and only 2 time ROH World Champion. He was a big deal up until he got so big that ROH could not afford to pay him what he deserved. I might be giving TNA too much credit, but I can't help but think his 1 year reign with the X Title was planned all along as a stepping stone into the World Title scene. They needed someone to step in once Roode had the belt long enough to cement him into the top level of the company. We all knew Roode and Storm were going to feud for a long time. And most people have been sick of seeing the same ex-WWE guys at the top. Aries was a logical and refreshing choice. And I think he has more than delivered, especially in the ring. TL;DR: If Hardy beats Aries, it'll be a big mistake.
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