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Everything posted by hellshock70

  1. Been a while since I made a drop so... a collection based (or loosely based) on Cody Rhodes "American Nightmare" jacket then spread out on an International level. (Part 1) and a possible owner...
  2. You don't have to leave remove.bg to add a background. From upload to download and you get your clear png AND your c-verse or other background png. I've supplied the enlarged blue background. You don't even have to mess with aligning the background. All you have to do is reduce the size to 150x150.
  3. Sometimes this is a little frustrating... Arabian themed...
  4. While it is very fast and I was able to get dragon masks like I specifically wanted. And I had actually asked several DAZ artists and they didn't have the items purchased for them... Don't rule out your DAZ it can still fine tune better specifics especially in something as basic as beard styles and you can more easily create a family that looks like they're related.
  5. He's diabetic and had his little toe removed and they basically shaved the side of his foot off below that toe to where the tendon connects. He's two weeks younger than I am (both 53) and we've known each other since we were 4. He's been in the hospital (overnight stays) more times this year than I've ever been in my life. In my 53 years I've had two overnight stays and only been admitted once. My appendix in 1995 and my birth. 🤣
  6. Are you guys using ChatGPT upgraded to the 20 a month tier?
  7. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say we can't design beards yet in bing... "Soul Patch" got me this weird pineapple... "Fu Manchu" (Hulk Hogan style) got me this...
  8. Here's everyone's laugh for the day... tried to see if it would generate a guy with just a soul patch beard... missed typed and left off the L... It apparently thought SOU Patch meant Sour Patch. 🙄
  9. I tried a few prompts to get sideburns and just about every one came back with the side of their head shaved and most had beards like this...
  10. One of those... Might clear up any minute, might take half the night. 🤔
  11. Wanted to throw this out before I go see a friend at the hospital. You don't see this meter right click on "image creator" and open a 2nd window. Let the first window run its course. This reduces the chance of having the "too many" window popping up. As for the marks on the meter... between the yellow lines is your best range to get a render... past the orange line is pretty much a guarantee you'll get an unsafe notice. That said an unsafe notice can still happen anywhere, even before the first yellow line.
  12. Note: Using a beach background creates a larger range of body types in conjunction with the prompt "athletic female"
  13. I've had that... I'm still going. First time it pops up click back on your browser. If it pops again, click create anyway. Even if it says "you have to wait cause you have too many" click create.
  14. Literally just created her after about a dozen unsafe prompts when I switched back to wrestler.
  15. Yep. Still working for me. What notice are you getting?
  16. Weird note: Using "sumo" as a prompt tends to produce beefier heavyweights... But "japanese, sumo" added into your prompts produce the actual sumo look. Side note: using lower case letters seem to work better overall especially for belts. And it still spits out belts with upper case lettering.
  17. Random thought: If they're gonna spit out this dude in an "unprompted" banana hammock... What the hell do they block?
  18. Been experimenting this week. Testing prompts for the most part but also made some MMA renders mainly because they use separate face and body shots. And I'm actually liking the unaltered background idea someone proposed a few pages back but doubt it will work for TEW while it just uses the 150x150 head shots.
  19. There are work arounds. Undertaker for example... it's not his real name. John Cena... real name so only do like "WWE Cena" and then for say Tom Cruise... very famous and an obvious flag but combine his last name with a character... "Maverick Cruise" and it spits him right out. For say someone like a U.S. President or U.K. Prime Minister... "President Reagan or Prime Minster Churchill" can slip you by.
  20. Start simple and then add in details. Easier to sort what's getting blocked. wrestler, female, daz render, color
  21. Best way to make sure your belt is usable is to open it in your Photo Viewer which is usually the default. Drag that top center and bottom center line to the belt. If you can cut it down to 1024x512 it should come out good. Bare minimum you have to get the vertical below 800... I advise 750 to 512.
  22. I tested a theory on belts then spent the weekend elsewhere. Now that I'm back home I'll catch people up cause it did work and better than I anticipated.
  23. Wasn't the case for me. I switched from the prompt "daz 3d" to "daz render" and it's now spitting them out again.
  24. Just gonna throw this back out there. This does not authorize public png use. I will release free to use png's in the future. Saying this cause there is at least one png in the thread that is not free to use in any mod at all.
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